Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

Hi everyone! I will respond and do the usual I introduction later - but I wanted to share some amazing news with you re: my exercise goals.

My life style change has focused on being more active and trying to get that sub-3 hour half marathon time through practice. I did it today at Rock n Roll San Jose! 2:59:15. I also got a 37:50 5k time.

With this in mind I need to rethink my goals and I'll post again when I am on my laptop. Looking forward to my next race with @Dr Gunnie in STL. I ran into @kirstie101 today on the course and she motivated me to keep moving.

That's fantastic - WELL DONE YOU!
I woke up this morning thinking about transition. I don't like walking outdoors as much when it's dark. My summer schedule isn't working for me. I get more out of good workouts in the gym. I did 3 workouts last 2 week (lifting sessions) and it feels right compared to 2 in the summer. I upped the intensity of my workouts too. I feel the need to go to the gym more - the big one where I did swimming and yoga. What I eat also needs some adjusting

I read my April goals few times and I feel it is wrong at this point focusing on the number on the scale as I have achieved the more important goals - I feel good, confident, energetic, I eat well and exercise regularly. I don't even feel tempted to eat a lot of foods that I ate in the past

I don't know where I am going with this but maybe this is where my weight needs to be right now and I need to remind myself that pushing too hard beyond a happy lifestyle never got me anywhere.

I seem to be posting this quote every month, and I do it more for myself than anyone else but really find it amazing!

Dr Yoni

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still like their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.
Hi friends and HAPPY MONDAY!! I hate that the DIS does early a.m. updates (well, at least it is early a.m. here for me!), so I have time in the morning, but no DIS to chat on!

I hope you all have a terrific Monday and that the new week and new month get off to a GREAT start! TTYL...................P
October 3 - Question of the Day






In Aristocats, Everybody wants to be a Cat! But unfortunately, in our everyday lives, not everybody is as committed to the healthy lifestyle we are all shooting for. Or maybe you are a lucky duck (Or goose!)....


and everybody around you is as dedicated to healthy lifestyle! Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?
Or maybe you are a lucky duck (Or goose!)....


and everybody around you is as dedicated to healthy lifestyle! Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

I work in large multinational company with over 2000 people from over 55 countries based in the office I work. Average age is between 35 and 40. It's packed with people that are fit - runners group, gym goers, cycling groups. We have small hub areas with fridges and mini kitchens and people use them to bring their own food. I go to the gym before work or on take break at 10 when it's quiet in the gym with serious lifters only. Most days I am the only female

I am member of the nicest gym chain in my city. There is everything in it - huge selection of classes, very long operating hours, fab spa area, 50m swimming pool (Olympic size) seawater swimming pool in one of the other locations I can use, tennis courts - inside and out. Its very bright clean and upbeat atmosphere, with a lot of fit people and families. I find it motivational

You don't need gym to keep fit, but it helps to see others doing well

I find this group amazing support

I find my husband great support

I am member of walking group of few mums localy

I am member of small facebook group of 6 females and we talk daily

Few friends in work are all into their fitness

Long term vision helps when the external environment is not supportive
I feel like I am already behind!!

First an introduction and my goals: My name is Magdalene and I have been hanging out on these threads for years. You would think I should have reached my goal already, but it appears that I am gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again as I am far too good at falling off the wagon. BUT one think that I have noticed that my weight is trending down year after year and I am not putting on weight. So, that's better than nothing! And I still continue to go after my goal!

October should be a good month for me with few distractions. November will be a vacation month, so I want to make October to really count. However, I am considering to not go with a weight loss goal this month. I feel like I am always failing those. But then it is already October 3rd and I have not started with any other goal just yet. Thinking about it now, I guess an exercise goal is what I need for this month. I will make it my goal to do at least 30 minutes of purposeful exercise 6 days a week. By that I mean exercise that is different from walking. I think I walk too much and rely on it too much for my exercise. While I know that it is good for me, I also need more cross training. I got my fitbit two years ago and it truly motivated me to move more. But it mainly motivates me to walk or run. I know I need other exercise, too, and I need to learn to let go of that number of steps that I am so fixated on.

Today's exercise will be my 6k! Today is a public holiday here in Germany and in my city there is always this big race event on October 3rd. I signed up for the 6k this year because I have been struggling with an injured foot since May. I knew I would not have a lot time for training. And I really have not properly restarted running much at all. I just started two weeks ago and then last week my foot started to hurt again. I have now figured out that I think the inserts that I got in May are already worn down. They were not made for people who walk as much as me. But some rest and more of my PT exercises made my foot feel good again and I was able to start today. I am even pleased with my time of 42:36!! As you see, I did enjoy my alcohol free beer that is part of nearly every race here in Germany afterwards:


I am really lucky that most people around me are very supportive. Or, if they are not, I can at least avoid their "bad" influence most of the time. The biggest problem I have in this regard is when my boyfriend is around (we have a long distance relationship) as he loves having chips in the house. However, he just has a handful as a side with a sandwich. A bag of chips keeps for a long time with him. When I see a bag of chips, I have the hardest time to not eat the whole bag and just eat and eat them. They are the only food that I have huge problems with still. Most other foods I have learned to not do that anymore (and if it happens it is maybe like once every three months). Chips are my downfall. And while he tries to help me not do that (and it does help having some accountability), it is so much easier to not eat them when there are none in the house. But on the other hand I don't want him to not have something that he can eat in quantities that are really not a problem, just because I am so crazy...
In some ways this month is my real challenge! We are going to WDW on 22nd of October for 2 weeks. I hope I can manage to practice moderation and don't undo all the hard work I did last 6 months, as I have done in the past
We'll just miss each other as I leave WDW on the 22nd to go to San Antonio. I always go with the best intentions, knowing I'll be walking double my normal number of steps and that there are so may good choices for food, but at some point the relax-you're-on-vacation kicks in. This trip I only have three sit-downs scheduled: Tiffins, Garden Grille and The Plaza and plan on eating lightly other than that, but we shall see. Hope you have a great trip.
Find some things/characters to hide behind and poke your head out :rotfl: this is what I do at the moment! But I usually have a kid I can stick in front of me! Or just angle your selfie just right hold the phone up then when you look up into it, it thins out your face/neck and you can get a shot of what is behind you. Or I was watching the US version of the Today show this week and Samuel L Jackson was on and he was talking about taking photos where he has just a bit of his face in there so that people know his social media accounts/selfies are done by him not 'his people' lol here is an example of one of his. Then we will know you were really there :rotfl2:

Ha ha... yes, this is as much selfie as I'll do!
I feel like I am already behind!!

First an introduction and my goals: My name is Magdalene and I have been hanging out on these threads for years. You would think I should have reached my goal already, but it appears that I am gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again as I am far too good at falling off the wagon.

I think I walk too much and rely on it too much for my exercise. While I know that it is good for me, I also need more cross training. I got my fitbit two years ago and it truly motivated me to move more. But it mainly motivates me to walk or run. I know I need other exercise, too, and I need to learn to let go of that number of steps that I am so fixated on.

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this is a lovely photo of you! You look great

I felt exactly the same way last march! I would come up with goals but quickly will overwhelm myself trying to do it all and end up going up and down same few kg. I decided to focus on one thing at time, eating healthy food at maintenance level few weeks, cutting little the next two, adding 2 gym sessions a week the next two wees. I cut down my walking to max of 13000 steps until I felt ready to move up. Good plan to choose one goal and focus on it!

I love me some autumn, that's for sure!

All weekend I was thinking about October goals, but really didn't settle on anything that fully resonated until I read @4Mickeys goal of no take-away food. I've slipped back in to this habit, so I'm going to be a copy-cat (see what I did there? Everybody wants to be a cat, right?:)) and use the same goal. No crappy fast/junk food... McDonald's, Jack-in-the-Box, I'll even include Taco Time. And that means no out-and-out junk while I'm at WDW either.

I've decided I'm not going to be going to Pilates class this month, partly because I'll be gone half the month and partly because I've put back on so much weight that my movements/breathing are restricted enough that I don't feel like I'm getting enough out of it. Instead I'm going to do Pilates at home and concentrate on the most very basic/corner stone movements and really master them. My measurable goal will be home Pilates 4 times a week, for at least 30 minutes each.

My step counts have been off in September, so I'll also go for an average of 10,000 steps per day.

Had a pretty laid back relaxing weekend, so I'm not sure why I'm in a testy mood this morning, I'm going to have to use some Jedi mind tricks on myself to get my head in the right space. My tummy is starting to settle down, the past few days have been almost normal so I'm pleased with that. Can't believe vacation is now a mere two weeks away, so need to get serious about locking in to countdown mode.

Happy first October Monday everyone!

Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

My immediate family has been great and have definitely helped my progress. Sometimes it can be hard when my extended family is around. Usually it's one of two things with them 1) I end up being around "bad" food like this weekend where it was 24 taco bell tacos and beers during the college football games. I broke down and had some, but that's partly my fault too because nobody put a gun to my head and told me I had to eat them. I was just weak. 2) We have family dinners at my parents on Sunday's and while it's not bad fatty foods or anything, it's hard to track what my mom is cooking and she makes a ton where it's easy to over eat.

It's easier now that I'm not desperate to lose like I was - I can indulge and it's not going to kill me, but it was much harder when I was in the middle of my losing phases. My plan these days is to be good during the week, and splurge a bit on the weekends. My extended family has a hard time because they think I should be done losing weight (I was told by my brother this week jokingly that I look like a cancer patient), but just because I'm maintaining doesn't mean I can start eating fast food and bar/fried food either.
I feel like I am already behind!!

First an introduction and my goals: My name is Magdalene and I have been hanging out on these threads for years. You would think I should have reached my goal already, but it appears that I am gaining and losing the same pounds over and over again as I am far too good at falling off the wagon. BUT one think that I have noticed that my weight is trending down year after year and I am not putting on weight. So, that's better than nothing! And I still continue to go after my goal!

October should be a good month for me with few distractions. November will be a vacation month, so I want to make October to really count. However, I am considering to not go with a weight loss goal this month. I feel like I am always failing those. But then it is already October 3rd and I have not started with any other goal just yet. Thinking about it now, I guess an exercise goal is what I need for this month. I will make it my goal to do at least 30 minutes of purposeful exercise 6 days a week. By that I mean exercise that is different from walking. I think I walk too much and rely on it too much for my exercise. While I know that it is good for me, I also need more cross training. I got my fitbit two years ago and it truly motivated me to move more. But it mainly motivates me to walk or run. I know I need other exercise, too, and I need to learn to let go of that number of steps that I am so fixated on.

Today's exercise will be my 6k! Today is a public holiday here in Germany and in my city there is always this big race event on October 3rd. I signed up for the 6k this year because I have been struggling with an injured foot since May. I knew I would not have a lot time for training. And I really have not properly restarted running much at all. I just started two weeks ago and then last week my foot started to hurt again. I have now figured out that I think the inserts that I got in May are already worn down. They were not made for people who walk as much as me. But some rest and more of my PT exercises made my foot feel good again and I was able to start today. I am even pleased with my time of 42:36!! As you see, I did enjoy my alcohol free beer that is part of nearly every race here in Germany afterwards:

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I am really lucky that most people around me are very supportive. Or, if they are not, I can at least avoid their "bad" influence most of the time. The biggest problem I have in this regard is when my boyfriend is around (we have a long distance relationship) as he loves having chips in the house. However, he just has a handful as a side with a sandwich. A bag of chips keeps for a long time with him. When I see a bag of chips, I have the hardest time to not eat the whole bag and just eat and eat them. They are the only food that I have huge problems with still. Most other foods I have learned to not do that anymore (and if it happens it is maybe like once every three months). Chips are my downfall. And while he tries to help me not do that (and it does help having some accountability), it is so much easier to not eat them when there are none in the house. But on the other hand I don't want him to not have something that he can eat in quantities that are really not a problem, just because I am so crazy...
What a great photo...nice to see you!
Great pictures @Flossbolna and @pjlla! You guys look amazing!

For the most part everyone around me helps my progress I suppose. I'm not sure that they are overly motivating, but they definitely don't try to sabotage me or anything like that. DH has never had a weight problem, but now that he's getting older, he's beginning to get his "dad's belly" as he puts it. He talks about watching what he eats, but really never follows through. Not that he really needs to yet, but the signs are starting to be there.

My mom has mostly been overweight her entire adult life. She and my dad went on the adkins diet more than 10 years ago and they both lost a lot of weight. My dad passed away and mom gained it all back plus more. She alwyas talks about dieting, but never really does. Truthfully, she's motivating to me because I know if I don't do anything, I'll be much worse than she is now just because at my age, she wasn't as heavy as I am now if that makes sense.

My sister has also lost weight in the past and then put it back on. I feel bad talking about it right now because she's in a bad place right now with her marriage and is really struggling with her weight as well.

I definitely agree with the information posted earlier that lifestyle changes tend to work best when you don't tell others. In my situation, I feel that it puts too much pressure on the situation. People ask how it's going and often the changes are slow and not always outwardly noticeable for awhile. I personally just like keeping it to myself. If people notice, fine, but if not it's fine too. I just need to be happy with it myself.
My mom and husband have been great. For a long time my mom never understood why we would eat so much junk our let our weight get out of control. Well a few years ago (maybe 5 years ago) she was diagnosised with Celiacs. It was determined that this was the cause of her to be sick all the time for like 20 years. After she started to follow her diet of not eating gluten she started to gain weight. She told me for the first time that she could remember she felt hungry. This is when she started to understand what we went though. When we are at her house she always cooks healthy for us. She does have some snaking foods and deserts but if she notices that I may be eating more then I should she will say something. That helps.

My husband supports me but doesn't really help when it comes to control. I am good on my own most of the time but sometimes it would be since on the days that i am really bad if he would pipe up and tell me to knock it off.

This group has been a big help. It is nice to know other people are going through the same thing. Also, the support to get back up and get back to my goal is a big help.
October 3 - Question of the Day

In Aristocats, Everybody wants to be a Cat! But unfortunately, in our everyday lives, not everybody is as committed to the healthy lifestyle we are all shooting for. Or maybe you are a lucky duck (Or goose!)....and everybody around you is as dedicated to healthy lifestyle! Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

A little of both! DH generally follows a low carb lifestyle.... but when he goes off the rails, he really FLIES off! He is good about going to the gym in spurts, but when he doesn't go, he is a total couch potato. He is obviously a man of extremes! ;)

When he is doing well with his eating, it is definitely easier for me.... but over the years I have learned how to make good (even outstanding) choices even when he is not. Pizza binge night?.... I make myself a nice healthy low carb pizza so I don't feel deprived. Movie popcorn by the bucket (with that fake butter no less! :( ) ... I bring my own popcorn that I popped at home without added fat.

It is hard sometimes at work. I love most of my co-workers, but I have to avoid the "mid-afternoon" chocolate break time and the Friday afternoon "order-out-from-the-greasy-spoon" habit. I've just learned to always say NO. And now they expect that and kind of chuckle about it ("We'll ask Pam, but she always says NO!"). And I'm okay being known as the person who says no to the junk food... as long as they still include me in the fun!...............P​
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October 3 - Question of the Day

In Aristocats, Everybody wants to be a Cat! But unfortunately, in our everyday lives, not everybody is as committed to the healthy lifestyle we are all shooting for. Or maybe you are a lucky duck (Or goose!).... and everybody around you is as dedicated to healthy lifestyle! Are you surrounded by people who help or who hurt your progress? What do you do to remain on track when everybody does not want to be a cool WISH cat?

I guess I don't do anything to remain on track, haha, or I wouldn't be where I am right now. I would probably have to say I am surrounded by people who hurt my progress, though it's definitely never intentional. DH and I talk all the time about watching what we eat, doing better with cooking and not eating out and getting active, etc. but it's just talk. There's zero followthrough. I am too weak to not ask him to stop for chocolate or fast food on his way home, and he is usually too tired and too willing to give me what I want to object.


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