Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

October 13 - Question of the Day


Fun Fact: Supposedly, Aristocats was inspired by a possibly true story in which a wealthy Parisian woman circa 1910 left her entire estate to her cats!

Inspiration is a huge part of this journey. The "why" is almost as important as the "how."
It's even what the I in WISH stands for!

Who or what inspired you to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle?

What KEEPS you inspired on days you feel like you are slacking or to stop the inertia of a bad choice or bad day?

I have two inspirations I guess. One is clothes weren't fitting and I felt uncomfortable. I weighed more then I did 9 months pregnant. That was enough to kick me into gear.

The second is the not so great reason. I have always been skinnier then my sister and she was losing weight. Like a lot of weight. There was no way I was ever going to let her be skinnier then me. Well I saw her the other day at the soccer game and I think she gained it all back. I feel bad now. She is one that doesn't move much and she is very lazy. She even has her kids get stuff for her. I wish she would have kept with it. She was looking good too. She lost the weight to win a competition at her work. Who lost the most won money. Said told me after she won she was just going to take a couple of days off and then continue with what she was doing. I guess she never went back.

I am not sure what keeps me going. I would say just the fact that I can't afford to buy more clothes.
What inspired me to lose weight was not being able to walk into a store and buy clothes because they didn't carry my size. Or atleast the cute clothes in my size. I have missed out on so much because I didn't have anything to wear.

I was motivated to run because of the runDisney races. I love all things Disney and really wanted to run through the parks. And that's what keeps me training. When I don't want to go for a run I think about those races. I am also terrified to make a fool of myself at those races so that definetly gets me out the door :)
This picture was after our state final loss last year. There were a lot of pics taken after the game, and this was the best one. I hated all of them. I still hate this one, but it was these pics that got the ball rolling. We were going to Disney in December so I knew being on a diet there wasn't going to work, but shortly after this pic is when I knew I had to do something. I was so sick and tired of being overweight. I was sick of over sized clothes. I think it was the following day I told my wife that once we got back from Disney (it ended up waiting until after the holidays) that I was going to lose the weight. I was about 320 lbs in this pic.

Of course, the reasons why I wanted to lose weight were to feel better and live a longer life, but looking at all of the pics of this day and watching the game on TV and seeing me was a huge eye opener.

Here I am with my wife about 10 months later and 125 lbs lighter:

The difference is amazing - what a great looking couple you make - your wife is stunning!

So I cut out everything cold turkey

Wow just wow - that takes an awful lot of will power.

Food is an addiction for me. I am in recovery and will always be an addict. So there is no "stopping" - it'll be a lifetime battle -- which is why I'm here :)

I never really thought of it that way - But I guess that is what I developed as my coping strategy.

QOTD: I guess ultimately I am inspired by my kids - to be around for as long as possible - its just me and them so they need me - its a necessity. I was thinking the morning in the car for some reason about being strong and healthy as opposed to just wanting to be thin again ... I think this came from seeing my Aunty's body give out before her mind. Chances are I will be living alone by my elderly years and I need to remain as healthy as possible in anticipation of that. But yes clothes and my self-image are also big motivators for me.
I love yesterday's QOTD and all of the stories of inspiration.... and of course, the "before and after" photos..... WOW!! You ALL continue to inspire me constantly! You ALL remind me there there are really NO excuses..... over the years I've seen people on these boards be successful when they have so many obstacles to overcome..... thyroid issues, diabetes, super busy schedules, unsupportive family, low income, special needs kiddos who take tons of time and energy, high stress lives and jobs, etc. If you TRULY want to change, NO excuse will get in your way.

I've posted "before and after" photos in the past, so I won't do it again now, but my inspiration started out being my CHILDREN..... I didn't want to embarrass them by being the "fat" mom on the sidelines.... and I did NOT want to see them follow in my footsteps! I was sick and tired of HATING myself every time I got dressed, every time I needed to buy new clothing, every time I saw a photo of myself, etc. I knew that I WAS WORTH IT..... but I had to want it more than I wanted that __________________ (bag of chips/ice cream/extra serving, etc).

I can tell you RIGHT NOW..... that I remember feeling GREAT about pictures taken over the past 8 years, feeling GREAT about leading a healthy example for my family and co-workers, feeling GREAT when I am buying new clothes and the size is a low single digit, feeling great when I have the energy to "go-go-go" like many my age cannot..... and I DO NO REMEMBER a single "treat/splurge/indulgence" that I passed up along the way to get here! I have never, ever sat back and said "wow.... I wish I had eaten that cake/cookie/pie" when weigh-in day comes along.

You've got this!! You are worth it!! You CAN do it!............P
I have always been skinnier then my sister and she was losing weight. Like a lot of weight. There was no way I was ever going to let her be skinnier then me. Well I saw her the other day at the soccer game and I think she gained it all back. I feel bad now. She is one that doesn't move much and she is very lazy. She even has her kids get stuff for her. I wish she would have kept with it. She was looking good too. She lost the weight to win a competition at her work. Who lost the most won money. Said told me after she won she was just going to take a couple of days off and then continue with what she was doing. I guess she never went back.

I am not sure what keeps me going. I would say just the fact that I can't afford to buy more clothes.

i am so sorry for your sister gaining back the weight but this has nothing to do with you, you don't need to feel bad as you did nothing wrong. You may have had a thought, but you did nothing for her to regain the weight and it's human nature to feel competitive.

I hope she finds more sustainable way and something that works for her better.
November 27th, 2015

This picture was after our state final loss last year. There were a lot of pics taken after the game, and this was the best one. I hated all of them. I still hate this one, but it was these pics that got the ball rolling. We were going to Disney in December so I knew being on a diet there wasn't going to work, but shortly after this pic is when I knew I had to do something. I was so sick and tired of being overweight. I was sick of over sized clothes. I think it was the following day I told my wife that once we got back from Disney (it ended up waiting until after the holidays) that I was going to lose the weight. I was about 320 lbs in this pic.

Of course, the reasons why I wanted to lose weight were to feel better and live a longer life, but looking at all of the pics of this day and watching the game on TV and seeing me was a huge eye opener.

Here I am with my wife about 10 months later and 125 lbs lighter:


Lol, I am little over 130 lbs today! You lost weight = size of a grown woman! You both look very good in this picture
You can make excuses about clothes not fitting because they "shrunk in the wash" or rip because they "are horribly made" - but a photograph doesn't lie. And when you see yourself in photos and don't recognize yourself... it's the ultimate wake up call. I've shared my story about a dozen times now, but it really was shocking to see myself at 215 pounds and what I had become. So I cut out everything cold turkey and over 18 months lost about 70 pounds. During the last year I've lost an additional 10 pounds with running half marathons. :)

Some days I just want to give up and eat the carton of ice cream because food = feelings with me, but knowing that I have My Fitness Pal to keep me accountable really makes a difference in my opinion. It's amazing how tracking everything puts it into perspective.

Food is an addiction for me. I am in recovery and will always be an addict. So there is no "stopping" - it'll be a lifetime battle -- which is why I'm here :)

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215 vs 138. Pictures don't lie.

Seeing your successful transformation I feel level of calm for what is ahead of me. And I am glad you remain active on this discussion

I read once that weight issues are like a chronic condition. You don't get better and stop. You need to manage it actively to avoid regain.
Is it awful that I bought myself some "swan" clothes for my current weight and am sad to loose them? Haha! I have plans to have them tailored when I go down the size or two that I want to be at if they are fixable. I'm not happy at my weight but I'm not as desperately unhappy as I was at my heaviest.... it's a weird spot to be.

1) photos of me from 3 years ago (I do miss not sucking in for photos ALL THE TIME!) and 2) a dress I have that I am IN LOVE WITH that doesn't quite fit yet.

No, I bought some awesome clothes in the summer, and most don't fit right anymore. I need to go shopping again, and get a tailor. They were so nice on and now they just look wrong and i haven't lost that much since but consistently working out changes shape too
I DO NO REMEMBER a single "treat/splurge/indulgence" that I passed up along the way to get here! I have never, ever sat back and said "wow.... I wish I had eaten that cake/cookie/pie" when weigh-in day comes along.

You've got this!! You are worth it!! You CAN do it!............P

Love this!

Today update, I am home sick and I took the day off sick, I am not working form home. Chilling out and not feeling guilty for not working out at all. I calmed down


No other news from me! 8 Days to go

How are things @flossybolna?
November 27th, 2015


This picture was after our state final loss last year. There were a lot of pics taken after the game, and this was the best one. I hated all of them. I still hate this one, but it was these pics that got the ball rolling. We were going to Disney in December so I knew being on a diet there wasn't going to work, but shortly after this pic is when I knew I had to do something. I was so sick and tired of being overweight. I was sick of over sized clothes. I think it was the following day I told my wife that once we got back from Disney (it ended up waiting until after the holidays) that I was going to lose the weight. I was about 320 lbs in this pic.

Of course, the reasons why I wanted to lose weight were to feel better and live a longer life, but looking at all of the pics of this day and watching the game on TV and seeing me was a huge eye opener.

Here I am with my wife about 10 months later and 125 lbs lighter:


Absolutely amazing!!! You are definitely an inspiration on here!

I've shared my story about a dozen times now, but it really was shocking to see myself at 215 pounds and what I had become. So I cut out everything cold turkey and over 18 months lost about 70 pounds. During the last year I've lost an additional 10 pounds with running half marathons. :)

And I've read it about a dozen times and it's still inspirational for me every time!

The second is the not so great reason. I have always been skinnier then my sister and she was losing weight. Like a lot of weight. There was no way I was ever going to let her be skinnier then me.

A little healthy competition can be a good thing. But try not to feel bad-- you're both on your own journey :-)

I am also terrified to make a fool of myself at those races so that definetly gets me out the door :)

LOL I can understand that for sure! I was worries about looking a fool at a runDisney race and it was only a 5K! It looks like that motivation is working though--- you're doing great!

I was thinking the morning in the car for some reason about being strong and healthy as opposed to just wanting to be thin again ... I think this came from seeing my Aunty's body give out before her mind. Chances are I will be living alone by my elderly years and I need to remain as healthy as possible in anticipation of that.

Not really fun to think about but certainly a reality. Good on you for planning ahead to make the most of your life with your children and also after they've left the nest.

I can tell you RIGHT NOW..... that I remember feeling GREAT about pictures taken over the past 8 years, feeling GREAT about leading a healthy example for my family and co-workers, feeling GREAT when I am buying new clothes and the size is a low single digit, feeling great when I have the energy to "go-go-go" like many my age cannot..... and I DO NO REMEMBER a single "treat/splurge/indulgence" that I passed up along the way to get here! I have never, ever sat back and said "wow.... I wish I had eaten that cake/cookie/pie" when weigh-in day comes along.

I love this-- and it's a particularly powerful thought as the holidays are approaching!!!
October 14 - Question of the Day

Friday Fun!



I think Tokyo Disney is the only Disney Resort in the world to not only include a character from Aristocats in every parade, but have an entire float dedicated to them in their regular daytime parade!

Yes, even their special holiday parades and electric parade include Marie, of course!


marie 2.jpg

Sooooo.... What is your favorite Disney Parade?! Holiday, Nighttime, Any Park, doesn't matter- go!
What is your favorite Disney Parade?! Holiday, Nighttime, Any Park, doesn't matter- go!

This is a hard one! While I loved Paint the Night and Boo to You is always fun, I think my favorite is Festival of Fantasy. I love all the details on the floats, the costumes and the dragon! But my favorite part of any parade is watching my kids. It makes their day when the characters wave to them or a performer gives them a high five.
Playing catch up - I stayed home in bed yesterday due to a headache on top of the tired/crappy from the bug I've been fighting for over a week. I got up at my usual 5am, and soon realized "nope, not going to happen today", went back to bed and slept until 9:30am, got up had a breakfast bar then went back to bed again and slept until 1pm. I feel much better today, but do need to get in and get my neck adjusted, as that was the source of the headache.

Thursday QOTD: What inspired me to get going? I think I've mentioned a couple times having been sick with one thing or another all last fall/winter: around New Years I was home curled up on the couch watching TV and feeling sorry for myself and after seeing 5 or 6 of Orprah's Weight Watchers commercials realized, hey, she's talking to me, she's telling my story. It was comments about losing yourself in the weight that particularly stuck home. I signed up there and then, and did really well the first three months of the year, losing 30 pounds. It's been rough going since then, due mostly to taking the same old approach to weight management of being on a diet instead of making life changes.

My spring trips to Texas and WDW were the catalysts that drove me off path, so I'm approaching the upcoming fall trip as "mulligans" that are going to close that chapter: I'm calling a do-over, with a new approach to the whole thing.

Friday QOTD: I'm not a parade person and will usually avoid them as much as possible and take advantage of shorter wait times when others are watching. The one parade that I love is Boo To You during MNSSHP, because it is edgier and the cast seems to be having so much fun, and heck, it's during MNSSHP.

The first of our two storms is blowing over the city this morning, lots and lots of rain. During the day and early tomorrow we are supposed to get a break and then the really bad storm hits Saturday afternoon/evening. The local news always sensationalizes these things so much that you have to cut what they are saying in about half, but yesterday the Mayor did a news conference about preparation so that's more indicative of the power the storm is going to have. I have plans to go out to a fiber festival about an hour drive north east of home and think I'll go ahead and jet out there Saturday morning, planning on being there at opening, then getting back home mid-day and hunkering down. There's really nothing I can do to prepare, except to park the car as far up the driveway as possible... there's a large tree kitty corner across the street that is tall enough it would fall across the street into my front yard, if it came down... but if that happened it would also take out the light pole at the end of the drive which would do more damage. Other than that, I do my civic duty and make sure the water drain in front of the house stays clear, as the street will flood else wise.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthful weekend.. after we get thru the weekend storms it's off the our happy place for me!

EDIT: I just checked the website for the fiber festival and they aren't going to have animals there, which is what I really wanted to see, so I'm going to take a pass and not take the chance on such a long road trip.
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Sooooo.... What is your favorite Disney Parade?! Holiday, Nighttime, Any Park, doesn't matter- go!

I'm not a huge fan of the parades where I know which one I'm watching by name, but I do like watching them with my kids. The one during last year's MVMCP was very good. I like the night time parades with the lights - gives it a little extra pop.


I was just surprised by a local TV station - they are doing a story about my weight loss and I had no idea they were coming today. They also interviewed a couple of my players which should be very interesting. I'm just hoping I don't come across looking like an idiot. I wish I would have known they were coming today, I would have worn something different and probably shaved. :confused3

Should be an interesting weekend. Big game tonight, heading to St Louis tomorrow, then running in the 1/2 marathon Sunday with @courtneybeth!
But my favorite part of any parade is watching my kids. It makes their day when the characters wave to them or a performer gives them a high five.

Aw that's cute!!! I hope one day I can experience that as well :-)

The first of our two storms is blowing over the city this morning, lots and lots of rain. During the day and early tomorrow we are supposed to get a break and then the really bad storm hits Saturday afternoon/evening. The local news always sensationalizes these things so much that you have to cut what they are saying in about half, but yesterday the Mayor did a news conference about preparation so that's more indicative of the power the storm is going to have. I have plans to go out to a fiber festival about an hour drive north east of home and think I'll go ahead and jet out there Saturday morning, planning on being there at opening, then getting back home mid-day and hunkering down. There's really nothing I can do to prepare, except to park the car as far up the driveway as possible... there's a large tree kitty corner across the street that is tall enough it would fall across the street into my front yard, if it came down... but if that happened it would also take out the light pole at the end of the drive which would do more damage. Other than that, I do my civic duty and make sure the water drain in front of the house stays clear, as the street will flood else wise.

I just saw this on the news as well-- stay safe up there!!!

This is too easy! Boo Too You! It's so awesome, looking forward for seeing it again on Halloween this year!

I agree--- it's sooooo awesome!!!! I even thought of making that parade the theme for the month being October and all, but wasn't sure it would give me enough material. LOL!

I was just surprised by a local TV station - they are doing a story about my weight loss and I had no idea they were coming today. They also interviewed a couple of my players which should be very interesting. I'm just hoping I don't come across looking like an idiot. I wish I would have known they were coming today, I would have worn something different and probably shaved. :confused3

You're famous!!!! Haha JK

That's neat though -- and I'm sure you won't look like an idiot!

Should be an interesting weekend. Big game tonight, heading to St Louis tomorrow, then running in the 1/2 marathon Sunday with @courtneybeth!

Excited to run with you! I'm boarding the plane to STL right now - see you on Sunday morning :D

Good luck you two!!!! :cheer2:
QOTD: This is a hard choice for me. I love all the parades I've seen (except for MSEP -- hold the tomatoes! :duck:)

Paint the Night is high up there -- as is Hippity Hoppity Easter Parade at TDR. PTN is just beautiful. I wish we could have it visit WDW! And then Hippity Hoppity was just unlike anything I've ever seen. The parade stops and dancers interact with the guest and teach a clap or song piece and EVERYONE gets involved. They even sell merchandise that matches the dancers hats and flags and stuff so you are like really part of the fun. The atmosphere was out of this world!!! :goodvibes

As for me.... I've lost a little this week. Hoping to see a full pound by Sunday haha

I also saw the cardiologist yesterday--- still not allowed to work out yet till we get my heart thing solidly under control with medication. So I can't earn extra calories--boo!!! BUT he did say I can have wine now! Haha! I was worried with Italy 3 weeks away! So good news/bad news for now. But that's ok. I'm just going to have to watch the take out (which we shouldn't be buying anyway!) and treats.
I was just surprised by a local TV station - they are doing a story about my weight loss and I had no idea they were coming today. They also interviewed a couple of my players which should be very interesting. I'm just hoping I don't come across looking like an idiot. I wish I would have known they were coming today, I would have worn something different and probably shaved. :confused3

Should be an interesting weekend. Big game tonight, heading to St Louis tomorrow, then running in the 1/2 marathon Sunday with @courtneybeth!

Wow.... a celebrity!! I hope you can share it when they televise it!! And good luck to BOTH you and @courtneybeth !!! I'll be thinking of you both!


Hey friends! Wasn't exactly the day I expected at work (they changed me at the last minute from a job I love to a job I don't care for.... boo :( ), so I'm having a delayed pity party for myself. Just feeling a little put-out and grouchy and headachy..... so I'll say hi and bye for now and try to pop on tomorrow morning to chat more! Dinner is simmering away and it is one of my favorite soups, so hopefully that (and a bit of relaxing in front of the tv) will help a bit. TTY soon...........P


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