Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Who wants bonus points?!?!?
You do?

:wave2: I do! I do! Yes, please! May I have some bonus points?

Originally I wanted
because this bike represents
my mid-life crisis.

:rotfl2: I like it!

But keep it cool, people.
Corny or silly ain't gonna
get you the points.

Oh man, you're just trying to disqualify me right from the start, aren't you?

I'm a bit surprised.
But considering how well
I do in contests.... not very.

And yet... almost all of you knew
that there was going to be a DISmeet
on this trip.

And many of you knew it would be in Epcot,
and it hasn't happened yet.

Let me go back and check my detailed notes about your itinerary and see how I could have missed that!

Leaving Disney????


I know, man. I know.

Ergo, ipso facto carpe diem flagrante delicto...

WHAT did you call me?!

("Hey! Look everyone! It's pkon...... ew.")

Hmmm... actually, I get that a lot.
Shower or no shower.

I recognize this as the "how are people going to give me crap when they respond to the update?" edit. Always good to defuse the obvious insults.:thumbsup2

Civilisation's gift to civilization.
(This is awesome.
No matter where you live,
you're going to assume I
spelled one of those wrong.)

Hey, my computer has a red line under one of them. Obviously wrong.

Consequently, I'm always
early. Usually too early.
Frequently ridiculously early.

Better early than late! That's my creed.

For the amount of money we pay,
I really don't think climate control
is asking for too much.

I'm stunned that Disney hasn't figured out how to control the weather yet.

Loooong line at bag check.
What were all these people doing here?
Shouldn't they be in the park already?

Haven't you people heard of rope drop?!?!?

Sleep in on vacation? Never!

Wait.... these are those people you read about.
The ones that don't know about rope drop.
The ones that enable us to go on rides
with minimal to no waits.

It's okay people! No rush!
Take your time! It's allllll good!
No. Please. I insist. Go ahead of me.

Exactly! Thanks for making it easier for the rest of us!

Yes! Of course!
Time for some Gronnsaksgrateng.


What's not to love about a
vegetable terrine with braised lentils??
Am I right???

I said... Am I right???


It's like I don't even know who you are anymore.

Again, apologies for the lousy photos.
Since it's new, and not everyone has seen it,
I decided to post them anyway.

I appreciate it--I haven't really seen much of the ride since it opened.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect
from this ride.
I hadn't heard much about it.

And... I liked it!

Great! Better than the alternative.

The animatronics are the first
all-electric Audio-Animatronics.
All others used either pneumatics
or hydraulics. (thanks wiki!)

Interesting! Reminds me of when I took the MK behind-the-scenes tour and they talked about how the rides went through the history of animatronics devices. evil demon from the Abyss.

:scared1: Gah! What in the heck is that???

Elsa farts out a whole bunch
of little snow dudes,
someone gives her some Gas-X,
she feels better and they celebrate
with snow fireworks.


I'm starting to see why you liked the ride.

Or.... is she????
And did she corrupt her sister as well?

This sequel is going to be very dark.

She's already posted about it
so if you're reading her TR
(and if you're not... why aren't you?
it's far better than this!!)
you already know about it.

I agree! I mean, about the "you should be reading her TR" part. That's all. Promise. Scout's honor.

"For how many?"
"I don't know." I said.
"It could be just me...
Or it could be as many as 10."

I really didn't know.

Like I said. Stuff happens.

"About an hour." The hostess said.

Hi! I'd like a table for me and my 9 imaginary friends, please.

And I did.
Awwww.... crap.
It looked like a chunk of my DISmeet
was able to meet earlier...
and couldn't meet now.
They were leaving.

Kris, if you're still reading this,
sorry I missed you.

Well, dang. Sorry that didn't work out. Maybe Kris and I can meet up and commiserate.

So that's how I met Laura and Bill.

A really nice couple....
and I was an awful host.
The worst.
And I really feel badly for that.

Don't worry, they weren't expecting anything else.

I mean, uh, I'm sure you didn't bother them.

And... another major fail.
I didn't get a photo of all of us together.

Note to self. Don't host another DISmeet.
You suck at it.

Tell me about it! I showed up right on time to ours! :rotfl:

Note to self. Never ever use the iPod
for low light photography.

I sense a theme here...

Lu said she wanted to sit across from me,
then Katie said she should get that spot.
Lu said she knew me best.
Katie said she knew me longest.

And... well...


:rotfl2::rotfl2: I guess it's not just Disney princesses who fight over you!

"I got you something." She said.
And passed over a small bag.

Inside was.... a Disney Springs
Harley Davidson poker chip!

Wow! Very thoughtful!

You know...
I must admit.... I was a bit nervous
about meeting these three.
There's a bit of an.... age gap.
But... speaking only for myself,
I had a really wonderful time.

(Which sounds painfully like:
"Well, me 'n the young-uns
got on famously, Martha!"
Meanwhile: "Mom! Do we have
to see Grandpa again? Boooooring!
He keeps talking about bowel movements!")


Don't sell yourself short, Judge. You're a tremendous slouch.

Of course they were buying for all of us.
It was very generous of them
and I appreciated the gesture.

These DIS people are pretty awesome.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.
"I'm pulley." She replied.

And you're pushy! A perfect pair!

You know.
Apartment = Flat
Trunk = Boot
Truck = Lorry

But I don't claim to know 'em all.

Pacifier = Dummy
Checkers = Draughts
or even
Zucchini = Courgette

Also, Chips = Fries
Torch = Flashlight
Football = Some Much More Boring, Unwatchable Game

"You're feeling poorly!" I exclaimed.
"Yes." She replied, looking puzzled.
"Don't you say that?"

"Well." I said. "We might say
'I'm not feeling well' but we could say
'I'm feeling poorly'."

They just cut out the middle man,
so to speak, and cut to the chase.

I'm pulley.

Gonna use that one from now on.

Yeah, I might need to try and work that one into conversation as well.

My table for "ce soir".
Does it still look as appetizing?

Works for me! I've always said presentation is overrated.

Wait time, zero minutes.

All the people in front of me
obviously weren't aware
of my VIP package.

If there's one thing that grinds my gears, it's people with a sense of entitlement. I mean all those people in front of you, of course.

Free fast passes to IASW.

Whoa, let's not get too rash here.

I asked a CM what time
Wishes was tonight.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. They were at eight."


"Excuse me sir!" A voice said in my ear.
I looked up. It was a CM.
"We have to keep this area clear." She continued.
"You have to be behind the line."

I looked down. There was tape on the ground
delimiting where parade viewers
and pedestrians could be.
Half of my left foot was over the line.

Scoundrel! Fast pass to IASW for you!

I turned my foot a bit and she was satisfied
and moved on to tell a woman
pushing a stroller that her child's pacifier
was an eighth of an inch too large.


"How do I get to the Jungle Cruise?" I asked.

"Go around the castle." She replied.

Uh, huh.
If you know the parade route,
you know that isn't going to work.

Well, maybe she thought you had a helicopter in your back pocket.

(Isn't it nice that even Disney knows
"Harbour" is spelled with a 'u'?)

These unnecessary letters seem to be in conflict with that whole "no unnecessary word" policy.

Oh, hello, Dole Whip.
Well, hello Dole Whip!
It's so nice to have you in my
stomach where you belong.

Is this heaven?

As I sat with my elixir,
I saw an amusing scene.

Well... maybe you have to be
a husband to find it amusing.

A woman, with child in tow,
walked very purposefully past me.
She had a very stoic expression on her face.
Trailing behind her
was her panic stricken husband.

"But I said okay! Honey! I said okay!"

And they marched out of sight.


Clearly he did not say "okay" in the right way. Which he is supposed to figure out without anyone teaching him.

"Look! To your left! An elephant!
Did you know they can leap
great distances?"
The light shone on an elephant on shore.
He turned the lights out and
"There he goes! Look!"
And he turned the lights on
a little further downstream and...
there on the right was the elephant!

He turned out the lights.
We all strained to hear...
What would a baby hippo sound like?
Do you know?
No one on board knew, I'm sure.

And from the front of the ship,
in what sounded strangely like
a higher pitched version of the
skippers voice, we heard:

"Mom! Mom! Mommmmm!"


Oh man, I had no idea! Now I have to ride it at night! Thanks for the tip!

I decided that... I was pretty tired.
And pretty happy.
And yet... a little sad.

My trip to Disney was over.
I knew it.
My body sure knew it.


Never a good feeling.

1. What time does the infernal alarm go off?

8:00 a.m. You get to sleep in!

2. How long do I wait for DUD (Disney's Un-magical Depress)?

13 minutes.

3. I watch a Disney animated movie on the flight. Which?
Hint: Hadn't seen it before. Hint 2:Released this decade.

I'll go with Zootopia.

4. Connecting flight. Do I make it?


5. How do you take your coffee?

Cream and sugar. Lots of sugar. I admit it, not very manly.

Bonus: Did you see it?
You saw it? Yes?

I did! Inviso-text on:

1. Surprised you're offering those services after all of your struggles getting yourself out of the driveway.
2. He's not just on your t-shirt at La Cava. Also over everyone's shoulder.

Coming up: An extremely short and boring
chapter about flying in airplanes.

Way to sell it!:woohoo:

Let's see.
Day shift on Thursday.
Midnight shift Thursday night into Friday morning.
16 hour shift on both Saturday and Sunday.
Day shift today.
1/2 of which I was training the new girl
so hyper vigilant.

:faint: So...normal week, then?

Shout outs later.
Ponzi's closed. Moose out front should'a told you.

Let me get my BB gun...

I'll have to come back with thoughts on the license plate.
My idea for a license plate:


Referencing a throwback to Happy Days--- Fonzi--- who was cool AND rode a motorcycle,
Plus, Nebo called you ponzi if I remember correctly, and in my mind I always say "Ponzi" when I see pkondz.

I'll be back...
Still have four more TRs to catch up on...

And then I promise I'll get to all the shout outs.

Keep those bike plate ideas coming! :)
Wanted to toss out my ideas for the plate before going to sleep...

Foreign for Crisis...
Italian is Crisi
French is Crise
(disclosure... Looked up the foreign spellings on the interwebs)
(edit 2 add another 1) CRI6
My favorite so far though.... BADAZ
Last edited:
Arriving at Epcot, my main goal was threefold.
1. Stay cool.
2. No, seriously... stay cool.
3. Did you not hear me??? Stay. Cool!

But, of course, you are always cool! But, possibly, sweaty.

The animatronics were first rate.
Notice how Kristoff and Anna turn
and look at each other?

Aww... evil demon from the Abyss.



While the new projected animatronics
are great... they do cause...
problems when you photograph them.)

They most certainly do! At first I though you had photoshopped them!

I had deliberately worn
my Marvin Harley shirt
as a way to be recognized.
Don't know if it made a difference.
But... it's a thing now.
I only wear it to DISmeets.

Good plan. Just figure on those security searches...

And the entire time we were
together, I could hardly
concentrate on what
was being said.
I was constantly scanning
the crowd. Looking for
Lu and her mom
and Katie and Jamie.

Been there, done that. How can I listen to your conversation if I need to make sure the rest of our group can find us?

Of course they were buying for all of us.
It was very generous of them
and I appreciated the gesture.

More generous if they hadn't had lots of extra snack credits! But, yes, very thoughtful.

I'm pulley.

Gonna use that one from now on.

I never would've guessed that one. And I suspect that if I'm actually feeling poorly, I'm probably not going to think of it, or want to have to explain it to anyone!

Now neeps...
From what I can best figure out,
Neeps are NEw TurniPS.

Wouldn't it just be for TurNIPS / TurNEEPs?

I had to wait... Me! Wait!
until the next one.
It arrived at 8:35.

The horror!

As I sashayed towards
the park entrance,
I asked a CM what time
Wishes was tonight.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. They were at eight."

The horror, again!

1. What time does the infernal alarm go off?
2. How long do I wait for DUD (Disney's Un-magical Depress)?
3. I watch a Disney animated movie on the flight. Which?
Hint: Hadn't seen it before. Hint 2:Released this decade.
4. Connecting flight. Do I make it?
5. How do you take your coffee?

Bonus: Did you see it?
You saw it? Yes?

1. 3:15 am
2. 36 minutes - which would make my overall guess awesome!
3. Zootopia
4. Yes
5. Black

Bonus - Yes, I saw that you are branching out and now providing snow removal service to more people than just your own crazy car!
Who wants bonus points?!?!?
You do?

Oooh! Oooh! Me! Me!

(Do NOT take that away from me!
It's my crisis! Mine!)
But you're only allowed
five characters.


toss out some ideas!
And it doesn't have to be
"crisis" based.
Anything cool that you think fits.

Okay, I'll give it a shot.

Marvin the Martian based.
Harley based.

Hmmm... I'll definitely have to think about that.

toss out some ideas!
And it doesn't have to be
"crisis" based.
Anything cool that you think

Well the first thing that came to mind was ARIEL, but actually that's either a little creepy or say things about your persona that's sort of opposite of riding a Harley, more like a hairstylist.

There's always CRAZY or PHASE. You could get a license plate frame that says "It's a". There! I like that! I'm going with PHASE.

means I'm going to Epcot.

Well I just remembered a discussion we had about bad days to go to Epcot and you mentioned that you planned to be there Saturday. I've been keeping track of what day it is and where you've been in a document named "Pkondz vacation planning".

Can't go to a DISmeet all hot
and sweaty and gross, now, can I?

Please no. :sad2:

For the amount of money we pay,
I really don't think climate control
is asking for too much.


Really! Just think the money they could make by selling it too!

Loooong line at bag check.
What were all these people doing here?
Shouldn't they be in the park already?

They're the ones who slept in because they have FP+ for later in the afternoon.

At least the extra security is relatively quick.
And if you get the accompanying cavity search,
it can be fun, too!

I heard the same thing from a friend of mine when we went to DL a couple weeks ago.

What's not to love about a
vegetable terrine with braised lentils??
Am I right???

I said... Am I right???


Is that crickets I hear?

I would never have ordered this
without a strong recommendation.
pkondz is most definitely not
a fan of rice pudding.


I don't think it's something very high on my list, though I doubt I've tried it before.

Little sucker gets around.

Yes. Yes he does.

The animatronics are the first
all-electric Audio-Animatronics.
All others used either pneumatics
or hydraulics. (thanks wiki!)

Interesting. I believe at the 2013 D23 Expo I saw something about this in the Imagineering pavilion.

For the most part I just enjoyed the ride.
I took a few snaps here and there,
but didn't worry too much about it.

I didn't do any snaps when I rode it.

Maybe the fifth or sixth time I ride it
I'll worry about it more.
But for now... good enough.

I'm not sure I'll get to a 5th or 6th ride on it....

The story did take an interesting
turn when (I presume)
they portray Elsa's descent
from beloved Queen... evil demon from the Abyss

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Elsa farts out a whole bunch
of little snow dudes,
someone gives her some Gas-X,
she feels better and they celebrate
with snow fireworks.

I like your ending better.

Or.... is she????
And did she corrupt her sister as well?

You really need to teach me some of your photoshop skills!

After riding Frozen
(I swear I passed the same people
who were still in line on the way out.)

I'm not surprised.

There were people lined up
all the way up the stairs.
And there was a queue
also waiting outside La Cava.

Oh... no....

Again, not surprised. Thank goodness they are opening another Tequila bar.

"About an hour." The hostess said.


Yeah, I wasn't happy when they told us 45 minutes.

I had deliberately worn
my Marvin Harley shirt
as a way to be recognized.
Don't know if it made a difference.
But... it's a thing now.
I only wear it to DISmeets.

Okay....I will look for that instead of your smiling face....

A really nice couple....
and I was an awful host.
The worst.
And I really feel badly for that.

I doubt that.

Note to self. Never use the iPod
for low light photography.

I think you've said that. From the phone, you can't tell, but then I looked from the computer and it is rather noticeable.

They started fighting.
I of course immediately intervened...

I'm sure you did. ;)

"I got you something." She said.
And passed over a small bag.

Inside was.... a Disney Springs
Harley Davidson poker chip!

How thoughtful!

You know...
I must admit.... I was a bit nervous
about meeting these three.
There's a bit of an.... age gap.
But... speaking only for myself,
I had a really wonderful time.

I worry about the same thing, since I'm older than pretty much all the folks following along on my TRs.

(Oh, if only Lu was still around.
How she'd have fun that.)

So what happened to her?

They just cut out the middle man,
so to speak, and cut to the chase.

I'm pulley.

Interesting. I've always been a gal of many words, so I prefer the longer winded version.

I will say that I didn't have
nearly enough time
with everyone I met that day.

I'm Pretty sure that is almost always the case. I don't think I've ever left a DISmeet saying, "Whew! I couldn't get away from them fast enough!"

My table for "ce soir".
Does it still look as appetizing?

I can't say I've never done that....

I decided to sashay to the
other side of the park
and nosh on some food
from Scotland.

I am really looking forward to seeing you sashay around Disneyland.

Was really looking forward to this!

And.... boring.
Definitely won't order that again

I thought the peanut butter overpowered the white chocolate mousse.

As I sashayed towards
the park entrance,
I asked a CM what time
Wishes was tonight.


I may have just stood there
for a moment or two
with my mouth hanging open.

(It's a good look. Really.)


"How do I get to the Jungle Cruise?" I asked.

"Go around the castle." She replied.

Yeah, and by the time you get all the way around the castle the parade is over. Nice.

Oh, hello, Dole Whip.
Well, hello Dole Whip!
It's so nice to have you in my
stomach where you belong.

I see what you did there, except there are too many syllables.

Oh, hello, Dole Whip.
Well, hello Dole Whip!
It's so nice you're in my gut
where you belong.

Trailing behind her
was her panic stricken husband.

"But I said okay! Honey! I said okay!"

That's me totally!!!!! But I said "Yes"!!!!!!

You hesitated before you said it, I could tell you really didn't mean it. And such and so forth.

And I couldn't think of a better way
to end my day than with a smile.

Perfect. :goodvibes

1. What time does the infernal alarm go off?


2. How long do I wait for DUD (Disney's Un-magical Depress)?

8 minutes, making your transportation total 111 minutes.

3. I watch a Disney animated movie on the flight. Which?
Hint: Hadn't seen it before. Hint 2:Released this decade.


4. Connecting flight. Do I make it?


5. How do you take your coffee?

At home Hot: with about 2 tablespoons of warmed milk
At home Iced: with about 2 tablespoons milk and a squirt of Agave syrup
Starbucks Hot: with half an inch of half and half.
Starbucks Iced: Venti Iced Coffee with whole milk and four pumps of Classic.

Bonus: Did you see it?
You saw it? Yes?

Yes, PM coming soon

Coming up: An extremely short and boring
chapter about flying in airplanes.

Ooooooh, I can't wait to hear all about it!
toss out some ideas!
And it doesn't have to be
"crisis" based.
Anything cool that you think fits.
It can be Disney based.
Marvin the Martian based.
Harley based.
OK, I'll bite. So I have to say that I like PONZI which has been suggested already. Another simple but effective one would be MARVN.
Going with a Disney theme, I though of things like DREAM and MAGIC but they are a bit too obvious and not exactly "cool". How about something clever hinting at a ride? I like Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, so what about THNDR -hints at the ride, plus it's a Harley so you've got that thunderous rumble going on, so I guess you could say it is kind of cool?

But keep it cool, people.
Corny or silly ain't gonna
get you the points.
Oh the temptation....
(*remembers the DIS has filters*)
Oh, never mind...

Ergo, ipso facto carpe diem flagrante delicto...
I am not! You take that back!

For the amount of money we pay,
I really don't think climate control
is asking for too much.
Agreed. They really need to get working on that dome over WDW. I’m sure they will start on it right after Star Wars land is built.

Wait.... these are those people you read about.
The ones that don't know about rope drop.
The ones that enable us to go on rides
with minimal to no waits.
Thank goodness for those people who obviously have not heard of the DIS. It does make life easier for the rest of us.

I need to start wearing Disney shirts.
Perhaps a nice Ariel shirt?

Time for some Gronnsaksgrateng.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re feeling better.

I would never have ordered this
without a strong recommendation.
pkondz is most definitely not
a fan of rice pudding.
Same here. I’ll put this one on my list as an afterthought, but it’s pretty far down. I haven’t even tried school bread yet. evil demon from the Abyss.

Frozen 2:Tales from the Crypt

I checked my iPod to see if I had any mail.
(Remember. No cell in foreign countries.)
Yes, that really is a pain. I’ve missed meeting up with people because of that. (Not DIS people, just friends)


Note to self. Never ever use the iPod
for low light photography.
You may have mentioned that one or twice. Fantastic picture anyway. It’s great seeing you and Katie especially. Like most of us, I still miss her trip report. Hopefully she will find her way back sometime.

My table for "ce soir".
Does it still look as appetizing?
Bein sur, mon ami. C’est tres chic! (Yes, I know there are supposed to be accents in sur and tres, I'm not that smart with the keyboard)

I wanted to try the Liquid Nitro
(Chocolate-Almond Truffle with Warm Whiskey Caramel),
but the line was insanely long.
I don't need chocolate that badly!
That one sounded really interesting. I guess everybody else though so, too. I probably wouldn’t have waited either, although I am a chocoholic.

You'd think they'd make way
for me, wouldn't you?
Peasants. They really ought to know better.

As I sashayed towards
the park entrance,
I asked a CM what time
Wishes was tonight.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. They were at eight."

tigger sad.gif

That's a hard pill to swallow on your last night. But, you were still in the Magic Kingdom, so you can't be sad for too long.

When I exited, the line had grown
and now stretched past
Columbia Harbour House.
(Isn't it nice that even Disney knows
"Harbour" is spelled with a 'u'?)
Yes, they finally got something right. You’ll have to see if they fixed that “To Honor America” float in MSEP if you get to Disneyland.

"But I said okay! Honey! I said okay!"

And they marched out of sight.
I want to say I haven’t been there, but…. :rolleyes1

I very much exited the ship
with a smile on my face.
You definitely lucked out on the skipper there. I did it at night once, but it was just the regular Jungle Cruise with less light. It was still enjoyable, but nothing I would plan my day around.

Questions, next round:

1. What time does the infernal alarm go off?
2. How long do I wait for DUD (Disney's Un-magical Depress)?
3. I watch a Disney animated movie on the flight. Which?
Hint: Hadn't seen it before. Hint 2:Released this decade.
4. Connecting flight. Do I make it?
5. How do you take your coffee?

Bonus: Did you see it?
You saw it? Yes?
1. I have a sense it will be early. 2:30am.
2. Hopefully 13 minutes. If that is right, then I will have guessed exactly your total transportation time.
3. Zootopia. Going with the masses (so far)
4. Yes. People always complain about YYZ but to be fair I have never missed a connection.
5. As tea with milk and one sugar.

Bonus: yes, I noticed the extra visitor on the stairs.
Hi Pkondz
You seem to work long hours in the land of snow.Split shift Thursday friday then a double shift Saturday and Sunday. No wonder you are burned out, You should be hibernating up there for the next few weeks just to catch up on your lost sleep. I could do with some bonus points so your number plate should read OLD UN. So passing car drivers can reelise that an midlifer is riding this bike so take care and not frighten the rider when overtaking the said Harley.
Hello again Pkondz
Sad times are coming again your report is nearly at an end only a couple of aroplane rides to go still I am sure they will be well reported.The face masks on frozen carictors were diffraent good to see a different point of view.Good that your DIS Meet went well. I am sure wishes will still be going when you next visit. Answers coming up.

1 Alarm at 06:45 hrs
2 15 min wait for the busame
3 Finding Dory for the movie
4 Catch the connection ok
5 .Heaped and a half of instant coffee two Heaped sugars and full fat milk.

Bonus I saw a marv on the stairs on your group photo with the four of you.
Also going back into the snow clearing business once you've got your blower with the help of a raindeer.
Look who's on my!
I love to look at license plates and in a way have a strange thing about "memorizing" plates of people I know. I can be in a parking lot and recognize a co-workers car etc.
So I have a few ideas for you. Sorry, I haven't read the latest chatter, so if these have been mentioned, I say good minds think alike.

BFOON - of course for our loveable Canadian Buffoon (hey you called yourself that numerous times!)

DWHIP - for Dole Whip- cool treat for cool biker dude

MDLI4 - Mid-li-four (Mid-lifer)

PDUST - This could have dual meaning. Any Disney fan could see: Pixie Dust but it could be Pkondz Dust as you leave everyone in your dust on your cool bike

I have my Friday off so hoping to get some things done around the house (yucky-bills, tax prep) so that Sunday will be relaxing and DIS time
Have a good day!

Why yes...
I did promise to start shout outs yesterday, didn't I?

I sat down at the computer yesterday...
Opened up the browser....

And then ordered a movie ticket
and did that instead.

So there!!!! I went out!!!! I saw a movie*!!!!

(May have almost fallen asleep near the beginning, but still... I went.)

Who knows? Maybe tonight? Maybe?

Life's too short.

*Passengers FYI. I liked it.
Still no shout outs??? What kind of operation are you running here anyway?

Went back and saw your ad for snow removal. Are you free tomorrow or Sunday?
1 Alarm at 02:30 since your flight is the early flight
2 21 min wait for the bus so that I can have the correct wait time total - ha ha
3 I am going to go out on a limb and say Muppets Most Wanted because who doesn't love the Muppets?
4 Catch the connection ok
5 I don't drink coffee - I am a tea girl and I think that you don't drink coffee either.

Bonus I guess I hadn't read enough of your trip reports to know about Marvin but I do now and I saw him hanging around on the stairs and I guess if you have to shovel so much snow you might as well go into the business.
I will try and think about a license plate but I am off to Disneyland in 2 days so don't have lot of time left.
Sounds about right to me :laughing:

DISers know.

I dearly miss air conditioning. We do not have it in our apartment.

Hang an ice cube in front of a fan.
It's practically the same thing.

I learned most of my English from speaking to both British people and American people, so I'm usually pretty flexible on spellings :P

I'm actually flexible too.
But I like to use the British spelling
(well... Canadian actually)
to mess with my American readers.

I'll admit I do tend to go with the American way a bit more often though. I guess Amber has corrupted me.

So you're corruptible then?

Heeeey same! If we ever meet up, we'll probably get there at the same time :P

I'll look for you at rope drop!
Should be easy, right?
There's hardly anyone there.

For future reference though, they do have a nice little seating area in Innoventions, right by Colortopia.

Okay. That's good to know.

That is super sweet of her! And so nice that you got to have such a great Dismeet. Those are the best :)


We've had too few of them, but those we've had have been pretty golden.

I've only had a few as well.
All good! :)

I think on that kind of basis, it really comes down to being like minded. Age really doesn't matter.

But I'll leave the invitations to the younger party.
Won't saddle anyone with my presence beyond
what they've already endured.

It's the table of choice during any food event at Epcot from what I understand :laughing:

::yes:: Very thoughtful of Disney to put those out.

That's the worst. I'm glad you were able to bounce back from it though.

Hard to stay sad in MK!

I think in retrospect, that's the worst point of the trip to me. Not the actual ride back to the airport, but that moment where you're in your last park, on the last evening, and you come to the decision that your vacation is over and it's time to head out.

That's true.
The next day you're already in travel mode.

is the worst.


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