Fun celeb siting the other day! Who have you seen lately?


DIS Veteran
Aug 28, 2009
We took an afternoon break at Carthay Circle. Got seated in the bar next to Samira Wiley (Poussey on Orange Is The New Black). Huge fan so that was fun. She was with a small group, including a plaid.

We said hi as she was leaving and she was super sweet with a huge, gorgeous smile. They came back in and once again, she stopped by our table and hands on her heart, thanked us so kindly and sincerely for the nice words. I love her. End of story.

I always seem to spot a celebrity on our trips. Last time it was Eric Stonestreet (Cam on Modern Family) and the time before that, in line behind Diane Keaton (no explanation needed) and her daughter in Soarin'.

Any good celeb sightings lately?
Spring break 2016 I saw Travis Barker(Blink 182 drummer) and his Kids in DTD and got a Picture and said hi, super nice guy.
In December I saw Sarah Hyland (Haley in Modern Family) with a group of friends and a plaid.
OK, don't laugh, but I love trash TV, one of my faves being Vanderpump Rules. During my last visit, I saw Stassi, her mom, and little brother at the Little Mermaid. While dramatic, and sometimes nasty, onscreen, she was very sweet w/ me. She took a selfie, with me (and I am really not photogenic). That's why she's my BFF :rotfl:
I don't see famous people very often. The most recent one I can remember was during Gay Days in October. I saw Alan Cumming while waiting in line for Frozen Live. He was in the VIP section. I was not. :laughing:
Back when they were making a movie together, I saw Melissa McCartney and Sandra Bullock with their kids (and a plaid and a bunch of security) back by Small World. I don't remember the name of the movie, but when I saw the ads for it, I realized why they'd been there together! I didn't bother them, of course, but I did take a picture as stealthily as I could!
We ran into Kim Kardashian and her family including the kids but she's was snobby and not nice to us. We were exiting Pirates and she was entering through the exit.
I live in the Nashville area, so I see celebs frequently. The last one was Jessa, Ben, Spurgeon, and Henry of the Duggar tribe. Nice folks.
Several years ago I met Ron Popeil (remember the Pocket Fisherman?) in the lobby of the Grand Californian. He was with his family and could not have been nicer. Had a nice conversation. Good person.
I saw Britney Spears while waiting to get on The Matterhorn. She had about 4 body guards and 2 plaids, so I didn't "meet" her but was within a few feet, LOL.
I met @ImTooExcitedToSleep (Tom Bell from the DL edition of the Dis Unplugged, but you all knew that already) waiting in line for Mickeys Fun Wheel

My daughter saw YouTube's Family Fun Pack family, who are apparently famous if you are a kid who watches YouTube.

No real celebrities though (sorry Tom)
In October we saw Guillermo Diaz (currently Huck on Scandal, previously Guillermo on Weeds) hanging around the park entrance of GCH right before closing. He was surrounded by a large group of people. We also saw Jorge Garcia (Hurley from Lost) with a plaid walking alone through Adventureland. He had a hood on and was obviously trying not to be noticed...I guess no one told him if hes with a plaid, it draws attention no matter what lol

We really enjoyed trying to spot celebs. We would never go up to them, but it was fun craning our necks every time we saw a plaid.

Fun Thread!
My husband walked right by John Lasseter. A couple older women were bugging him and my husband couldn't bring himself to say hi. He is quite literally my husband's hero. I gave him crap for not at least saying Hi or Thank you..or SOMETHING. But I guess I wouldn't want to be bothered either. I don't think I'd have the guts to approach a celeb, but Travis Barker and Samira Wiley would be tough for me to ignore LOL


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