Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

I still think I should get some bonus points for calling my shot. Bonus points aside, I'm pumped that I guessed right originally.

YOU have to be either impressed or scared with my knowledge of your behavior. :-)

and I really did accidentally cut off part of my right index finger yesterday. 10 hours in the ER only to find out they can't reattach the piece is not the best way to spend a Holiday. So i'm not above seeking pity points.

One piece (no pun intended) of advice -- dont be careless when sharpening your knife.

the silver lining for me is that I should be able to get 10% discount on any future manicures.
Such a shame! So sorry you're dealing with this! I just recovered (I'm a recovery nurse) a guy who lost his pinky in a logging accident last week. It's not fun to relearn gripping and use. Hang in there!
Ruby found that our suite
had a washer dryer unit.
It was one unit.

OMG this might be my ONCE ever opportunity for some points in one of your games!! YES I have seen these in Europe!! Though I found they really didn't do a good job of either washing or drying. Or perhaps it was that I couldn't understand how to work the darn things because the controls were in Hungarian...

I almost dropped the phone.
Faith in humanity restored!

That is seriously amazing stuff.

The Keg thoughtfully provides
bread to sop up every last drop
of delicious garlic butter.

They should just serve this in a bowl with bread and forget the escargot.
Such a shame! So sorry you're dealing with this! I just recovered (I'm a recovery nurse) a guy who lost his pinky in a logging accident last week. It's not fun to relearn gripping and use. Hang in there!

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate them.

My loss is actually not as bad as it could have been. I essentially filleted the top part from the last knuckle to tip of my index finger. I can still bend it and I have full range. Didn't hit the bone or mess with nerves.

It will just be a few months before the skin heals, and I'll never grow a fingernail there again.

So while it's bad, it definitely could have been worse. There were definitely people in worse shape in the ER yesterday. So it's all a matter of perspective.

But this TR is not about me, so I don't want to hijack the thread. Back to your scheduled programming!
Ruby found that our suite
had a washer dryer unit.
It was one unit.
I never knew those existed.
I've always assumed you'd
have to have two different machines.
But this one machine was a washer
and a dryer.

Did anyone else know about this?
Lemme know.
I'll toss you some bonus points.

I did! I think I actually first saw one in a Disney resort, if I remember correctly.

I have no idea, to this day,
why I did next what I did.

After leaving my excruciatingly
detailed message,
I hung up the phone...

And immediately re-dialed.

You just had a feeling...a sixth sense, if you will. ESPN or something.

Never be afraid to try.
You may fail.
But as long as you look cool doing it,
it's all good.


:rotfl2::rotfl2: Words to live by.

Now that's a mighty strange question.
If they find it,
surely they'll think to call me?
I mean, how many black on black iPods
do they find in a day?

Did this woman hope to find it,
mine all the data from it
and run laughing all the way
to whatever location she booked
herself using my WestJet app?

"Honey, pack your bags! We're going to Fort McMurray!"

"Yes." She said. "We have it here."

I almost dropped the phone.
Faith in humanity restored!



But you know what this means...
Another drive to the icefields and back!




So your next trip to the Canadian Rockies won't be for another 40 years or so. You have them memorized.

I grabbed the car keys and...
"Would you mind grabbing me
a coffee and a muffin or something
before you go?"

Well... it was a reasonable request.
But... I wanna go!

Happy wife, Happy life overrules just about every other priority.

Come on... Come on!
Just place your order!
It's McDonalds. It's not rocket surgery.

Seriously. Serving the same crap for 60 years now.

Actually... Go somewhere else.
You'll be glad you did.
And more importantly...
So will I.

Truth in all counts.

"Where did you go?" Ruby asked.
"I went to McDonalds to get
the breakfast you asked for."
"I meant." She said.
"From the breakfast nook down the hall."



In your defense, would you trust a breakfast from a "nook"?

Then again, would you trust breakfast from McDonald's?

There were three benefits
to driving this road again.
The first, of course,
being that I got my iPod back.
The second being that the day
was cloudless and we were able
to see the mountains
a whole lot better this time.
And the third being...
I was really (Really!) used to this road.
I made it there and back
in less time than the last
manic, insane drive.

Well, you certainly can't say that you didn't tour the area. Glad you got to see the mountains clearly. That's always iffy.

We got back to the Icefield
Discovery Centre and....
I had the strangest sensation
that I'd been here before.


I hope you didn't drive angry.


Were greeted with a sign that said:
"Back in 5 minutes"


Oh, Come on!!!

Side note.
I hate those signs.
They're a pain in the tucus.
"Back in five"? I just got here.
Did you just leave?
Or have you been gone
for five minutes already?

Yep. Every time I see one, I end up waiting at least 15 minutes. Happened to me in Texas, actually.

Which, you're probably thinking.
"Great. If he'd really lost it,
this TR would've been a whole
heck of a lot shorter!"

No, no. Not at all. I was the nice font you used. Yes.

And you'd be wrong.
I'd just make even more of it up.

er... I mean... some of it...



Everything looked eerily familiar.
Strongest deja vu I've ever had.

Didn't you just tell me that? Anyway, it was probably a glitch in the Matrix.

Like the guy who stripped off
all his clothes and wrapped
himself in cling-wrap.
He then barges into
a psychiatrist’s office.
The doc looks him up and down
and says:
"Clearly, I can see you're nuts."


I did take pictures, this time.
It's amazing what you can
accomplish when you're not
pressed back into a car seat
by acceleration G forces.

Sure makes the photos a lot less blurry. Looks like a really pretty town.

Careful! Don't crash your
invisible car!

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Was he making engine noises and beeping an imaginary horn?

But I can attest that their sign
of "World's best ice cream"
is no idle boast.

It really is good ice cream.
I've had it a couple/three times now.

Wow, that's quite the claim. And Ben & Jerry's is only 10th on the list? They won't be happy.

Best I've ever had is the UDairy Creamery, run by the University of Delaware's Agricultural school (they have a working farm). Incredibly good ice cream.

And everything has a cow motif.

I saw this one and knew
I had to take a photo for you guys.

Oh, man. I'd never be able to get Julie out of this place.

We both started with the escargot.

How shall I put this.
There are certain things in life
that let you know you're alive.
And there are certain things
that not only let you know it,
but make you feel great about it.

The Keg's escargot is better.

The stuff of dreams people!

Wow. You know, you recommended the Wurst Bier Hall and their root beer, and didn't steer me wrong at all.

That being know that's snails, right? Slugs with a better publicist?

I didn't write down what Ruby had,
but I know it was chicken.
She has chicken every time.

It's her thang.

If it ain't broke...

I had the bacon wrapped filet mignon
with a lobster tail.

Oh, Lord. That was sooooo good.

Not a seafood guy, so I'd skip the lobster. But steak wrapped in bacon? Heaven.:thumbsup2

And by the time we finished all that...
We were too full for dessert.
Or Cows ice cream.
So we moooooved on.

Traded in the best ice cream in the world for snails. Yeah, I'm not on board with that one.

The Banff Springs hotel was built
back in 1888.
But that structure was mostly replaced
in the early 1900s.
The last part of the original building
burned down in 1926.

That's quite an impressive building! Seriously, this whole area just looks beautiful.

Captain_Oblivious - laundry, McDonalds, found, Oz, chandelier, Marvin - 115 points. (Max points!)

:eek: Holy crap! I don't think I've ever done that!

Well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)

7:00 a.m. I feel like you've spent so much time going to the Icefields that there's still some meat on the bone as far as exploring Banff goes.

Also: BANFF!!! Yep, still fun to say.

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.


One in Banff and one in Calgary.

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

They announce it's closed/closing for a private event.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King

I'll go with Five Guys.

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

Banana loaf, just because it seems more unique than the others.

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

A Philly cheese steak from the Claymont Steak Shop
My wife's key lime pie
My mom's apple pie

Hard to choose between those.

Did you see it?
PM the answer.
Revealing it will cost ya!

PM on the way...
Ruby found that our suite
had a washer dryer unit.
It was one unit.
I never knew those existed.
I've always assumed you'd
have to have two different machines.
But this one machine was a washer
and a dryer.

Did anyone else know about this?
Lemme know.
I'll toss you some bonus points.
I actually have heard of them! My dad travels a lot for work, and I guess they're pretty prevalent in Europe. He said they suck because since its only once machine you can only do one load at a time from start to finish before starting the next one. Takes twice as long.

"Yes." She said. "We have it here."

It's McDonalds. It's not rocket surgery.
Rocket surgery.. that's a new one.

I entered the room and...
"Where did you go?" Ruby asked.
"I went to McDonalds to get
the breakfast you asked for."
"I meant." She said.
"From the breakfast nook down the hall."
:rotfl: I guess she should be more specific!

Side note.
I hate those signs.
They're a pain in the tucus.
"Back in five"? I just got here.
Did you just leave?
Or have you been gone
for five minutes already?

Everything looked eerily familiar.
Strongest deja vu I've ever had.
I wonder why!

Like the guy who stripped off
all his clothes and wrapped
himself in cling-wrap.
He then barges into
a psychiatrist’s office.
The doc looks him up and down
and says:
"Clearly, I can see you're nuts."

After we finished our appetizers,
we were served our mains.
I didn't write down what Ruby had,
but I know it was chicken.
She has chicken every time.

It's her thang.
Except that time I guessed she would eat chicken, and she got a burger.

Questions, next round:

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?

b. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

The power goes out.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?

c. Five Guys

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?

c. cup cakes

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

Potatoes. Any form. French Fries, tater tots, mashed, baked, fried :thumbsup2

Did you see it?
PM the answer.
Revealing it will cost ya!

I didn't!! I searched and searched and couldn't find it :(

Did anyone else know about this?
Lemme know.
I'll toss you some bonus points.

Yes, they have them in Central Asia as well, imported from Germany. Nice for small places.

Did this woman hope to find it,
mine all the data from it
and run laughing all the way
to whatever location she booked
herself using my WestJet app?

I hope she went somewhere super nice- tropical or Mediterranean.

Come on... Come on!
Just place your order!
It's McDonalds. It's not rocket surgery.

Our TRs are staring to be eerily alike. ;)

A few minutes later...
we set out on our fourth trip
on the Icefields Parkway.

Practice makes perfect. You oughtta be just about there.

I had all my TR notes
in my hands once again.

So glad you have your priorities straight!

We ate at this fondue place

Never gotten to "do fondue" yet. Would sure love to someday!

Or Cows ice cream.
So we moooooved on.


1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.


3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

It starts to fill up.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King


5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

Banana loaf. Because you don't know any better.

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

A meal at Victoria and Albert's. ( My motto: Aim High!)

Did you see it?
PM the answer.
Revealing it will cost ya!

PM coming....
I just know we got up eventually.
Well, that's good. If not, your TR would have a really sucky ending.

Did anyone else know about this?

Actually stumbled across it last fall when we had to get a new washer and dryer. I found one of those and it was like no way.

In any case, seems like a great way to save space, but our family has way too much laundry for one of those.

But you know what this means...
Another drive to the icefields and back!
YES! Another chance to beat your best time!!!!

I made it there and back
in less time than the last
manic, insane drive.
Mission accomplished!

Side note.
I hate those signs.
They're a pain in the tucus.
"Back in five"? I just got here.
Did you just leave?
Or have you been gone
for five minutes already?
And it is always at least 15 minutes, anyway.

I must be psychotic.


No... probably had that right
the first time.
Definitely had it right the first time.

Careful! Don't crash your
invisible car!

It was a bit early for me
for ice cream.

1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)
8:00 am

2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty
It gets crowded

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King
B - Seems like there's always a Wendy's visit in your trips

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?
Buffalo wings. I don't like chicken, but you slather it in buffalo sauce and I'm all over it. Otherwise, beef wins every time.
Why no.
As a matter of fact, I haven't forgotten all about you.

But I have been busy.
Volunteering at Elle's
dance school
last two nights
and tonight as well

Hoping to get back here soon, though. :)
I just realized, I'm pretty sure the entire US calls them Buffalo wings, EXCEPT for us here IN Buffalo, NY. :laughing:
So they're just wings, right?

But if you don't specify how do you know the difference between traditional buffalo and the thousands of other sauces that people who are wrong want to use on wings?
Last edited:
Like the guy who stripped off
all his clothes and wrapped
himself in cling-wrap.
He then barges into
a psychiatrist’s office.
The doc looks him up and down
and says:
"Clearly, I can see you're nuts."

Reminds me of another joke.

A skeleton walks into a bar, and asks for a beer and a mop.

I didn't say the joke was funny
1. One more time!!!
What time do we get up?
(hint: flight is in the evening,
but we do have to check out.)


2. Been a while.
Need more poker chips.
How many Harley dealers
do we visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. none.

B. 2

3. Dinner.
Ya gotta eat...
What happens after we
go into the practically empty

You get up and leave? Or a tour bus full of people comes in.

4. Dinner. Part II
...but ya don't always
have to eat healthy.
Where did we eat?
a. A&W
b. Wendy's
c. Five Guys
d. Burger King

C. five guys

5. What treat did we eat
in the airport?
a. cookies
b. brownies
c. cup cakes
d. banana loaf

A. cookies

6. What's your favourite thing to eat?

lately it's parmesan garlic wings from wingstop.

Did you see it?

Not yet. going to have to go back and look.
So they're just wings, right?

But if you don't specify how do you know the difference between traditional buffalo and the thousands of other sauces that people who are wrong want to use on wings?
They're all just chicken wings lol then you just specify how you want them sauced. Hot, medium, mild, BBQ, chiavettas, etc..
I’m back!
Of course coming back to reality after time at Disney can be a mite on the depressing side, but still…

At least I’ve got some good TRs to help divert my attentions away from the more insidious mood altering and sole crushing aspects of the return (like going back to work). But unfortunately I’ve also missed another update.

K sera, sera…

Believe the contest is somewhat “pointless” from here on but commentary is always in order.

Ya Gotta Have Faith
As said by both George Michael and George Donner…
Needless to say, your results may vary.

After a not so great night
spent worrying about
someone hacking my iPod
and stealing my identity,
Not to worry…
You identity will be hacked by someone at some point in the near.
It’s unavoidable.

Vigilance is the only option.

you'll forgive me if I didn't note
the time we got up that morning.

Kinda hard...
when you write notes on your iPod!
The hotel didn’t have a note pad and pen parked beside the Gideon?

But I’m old enough to be considered antiquated.

I just know we got up eventually.
And while on vacation, eventually is a mighty fine time to be getting up.

But this one machine was a washer
and a dryer.

Did anyone else know about this?
Lemme know.
I'll toss you some bonus points.
They’re more common outside of North America though.
(where space is at more of a premium)

I have no idea, to this day,
why I did next what I did.
Does anyone really know what time it is… Errrr… I mean…
why we do what we do?

But I did.
And someone picked up!
Persistence is a virtue.

Or is that patience?
Maybe petulance?

Never be afraid to try.
You may fail.
But as long as you look cool doing it,
it's all good.

Proving once again why cats are the second most important reason for the existence of the internet.

"What's the password on it?" She asked.
Beg pardon?

I mean, how many black on black iPods
do they find in a day?
That’s the answer to everything so I’m going with 42.

Did this woman hope to find it,
mine all the data from it
and run laughing all the way
to whatever location she booked
herself using my WestJet app?

So I gave it to her.
You gott’a have faith.

"Yes." She said. "We have it here."

I almost dropped the phone.
Faith in humanity restored!

It helps if you don’t have the most recent or hottest model of a particular device.
(those don’t get returned)

Interestingly, we had a lost phone similarly returned to us once during a trip to Williamsburg.

And then again on a trip to Disney (of all places to lose a phone).

On that Disney trip, the same phone was lost twice by the same young’en during the trip.
And got found and returned both times.
I’m still stunned by that.

But you know what this means...
Another drive to the icefields and back!
As an open wheel racing enthusiast…
I’m sure you were pumped.
(even if you didn’t let on)

She told me to go on without her.
An act of self-preservation

I retrieved our car from the parking garage.
Betty pointed me to the nearest McDonalds
Not Tim’s?

It's McDonalds. It's not rocket surgery.
My general experience at a Mc’s is that for most of the regular clientele the “art” or ordering actually is more complex than Brain Science.

Either that or there are a lot of ID-10-T candidates at the average McDonalds.

I entered the room and...
"Where did you go?" Ruby asked.
"I went to McDonalds to get
the breakfast you asked for."
"I meant." She said.
"From the breakfast nook down the hall."

"I'm almost ready." She then said.
"I can go with you if you want."

And she did.
So much for self-preservation.
That was a true act of faith.

I made it there and back
in less time than the last
manic, insane drive.
Just imagine the adjectives that could therefore be applied to this sortie.

We got back to the Icefield
Discovery Centre and....
I had the strangest sensation
that I'd been here before.

Déjà take two

"Back in 5 minutes"

Side note.
I hate those signs.
They're a pain in the tucus.
True, but they are better than having someone set out a “Next Window Please” sign just as you finally reach the front of the line.

Yay!!!! There it was!

I had all my TR notes
in my hands once again.

Which, you're probably thinking.
"Great. If he'd really lost it,
this TR would've been a whole
heck of a lot shorter!"
The thought never crossed my mind.

And you'd be wrong.
I'd just make even more of it up.

er... I mean... some of it...
Like we’d know the difference.
(or even question it)

iPod in hand, we set out for Banff.
Trip number five on
the same stretch of highway
coming up!

Everything looked eerily familiar.
Déjà View

I must be psychotic.

So, what stock should we be buying today, then?

No... probably had that right
the first time.
Déjà vu…

Like the guy who stripped off
all his clothes and wrapped
himself in cling-wrap.
He then barges into
a psychiatrist’s office.
The doc looks him up and down
and says:
"Clearly, I can see you're nuts."

It's amazing what you can
accomplish when you're not
pressed back into a car seat
by acceleration G forces.
Mission: Space…
The Orange side.

If you’ve not done it, you need to.

Now that is simply gorgeous.


Careful! Don't crash your
invisible car!
At least he is on the correct side of the road. :rolleyes:

It was a bit early for me
for ice cream.
Is that possible?

But I can attest that their sign
of "World's best ice cream"
is no idle boast.
I know of some rather good spots, but I’ll keep them in mind.

The other thing they carry,
other than ice cream,
is souvenirs.

And everything has a cow motif.
Déjà Moo

Sorry. No food porn.
Keg food is too good to stop for photos.
And that is an even better endorsement then the pictures would have been

We both started with the escargot.

The stuff of dreams people!
I believe you.
Ten years ago, I’d have given you Harrumph!
But now I know better.

Of course it’s all about the sauce.
(and I’d never order it unless I had faith in the kitchen staff)

The Keg thoughtfully provides
bread to sop up every last drop
of delicious garlic butter.
As well they should.
An illustration of why nearly all South’rn meals come with biscuits.
Never waste the drippings, people.


I had the bacon wrapped filet mignon
with a lobster tail.

And by the time we finished all that...
We were too full for dessert.
Or Cows ice cream.
That’s why you should’a gotten it earlier.
Life’s uncertain; eat dessert first.

So we moooooved on.
Was it moooooved…
Or more like waaaaaddled

Ruby's Mom, when she was a young lady,
hitchhiked from her home to Banff
and worked there for a while.
Those were the days.

Tomorrow, we head back home.

Eh, what the heck…
Futility and I are on a first name bases.

8:00; 2; Tour bus disgorgement; 5-Guys; cookies; “pie”

Did you see it?
I’ll have to look over the pictures later on when I have access to a decent monitor.

Coming up: Home again, home again...
Okay! Thanks for your patience everyone!

Let's get these shout outs rolling!

(Besides... I've already got
all the photos for the next
update ready to go!

All four of them! :lmao:)
Your iPod!! Yay!! I had to wonder if you'd gotten it back since you seemed to still have access to your trip notes, but it seemed so unlikely.


Banff looks so lovely. Maybe someday we'll visit.

It's definitely worth it.
Ruby totally fell in love.

I'm only sorry our time there was cut short
as a result of my stupidity.

My mom says this.

Great minds think alike!

I'm sure your mom is...
Not sure why I said it.

Ahahahaha :rotfl2:

Stop laughing at me!!!

Oh, go ahead.
Why should you be any different?


They have Cows in Alberta!!? No way!! We always go when we go to PEI, though now there's not much I can eat with my allergies, but I remember their ice cream fondly <3 They also have a location here in Halifax on the waterfront, but strangely we've never gotten ice cream there, even though it's 15 minutes from my place, and the ones on the island are like 4 hours away.


I totally didn't realize
there was a Cows in Halifax!

I have to make sure
I have some when I'm there
in a couple weeks.
As a matter of fact, yes. This is where watching entirely too much tv (ok, having it on as background noise) comes in handy. It is quite common to have these in the tiny houses on wheels.

I've seen ads for that show
but haven't watched.

:sad2: why would anyone go above and beyond? That only happens 1 out of every 1,000,000 opportunities.

Well.... I have.
Found a phone,
dialed some of the numbers.
Found whose it was.

Swenson, Swanson.........Samsonite....I was way off.


You're going to have to explain
that one to me.

Gimme a break
I'm going on
multiple days
with little sleep.

I would have been a bit leary about sharing and asked if there was another way to confirm information.

I kind of knew they had it
and that's how they'd confirm.

Besides. Canadian.



I think it's cute how you
use that word instead of
"you stupid idiot".


smart lady.

Well...... :rolleyes:

well....what do you guys expect when you treat us so well that we become entirely dependent on you and we cannot do even the simplest task without your assistance? In fact, I'm enjoying my bagel and tea that was just brought over to me. (I really do appreciate all that DH does for me)

Aww... He sounds like a good man.

Too bad, you'll have to wait.

Dang it.

There ya you're getting on board.


Since when does McDonalds have muffins? This sounds like something they would have at a little coffee counter at the hotel. :rotfl2:

She said "muffins"
but I know Ruby.

Egg McMuffin? ::yes::

I've heard of rocket science and brain surgery.....but his combo is new to me.

Just think how much
smarter you'd have to be!!

What????? Knowing what she experienced previously, she elected to go with you again?


This one is on her......she knew what to expect.

:laughing: Good point!

Beautiful location.

It really is.
The photos really don't do it justice.

Love fondue!!!!

I must admit.
I've only had cheese fondue once.
And that was about 30 years ago.

But oil or broth based?
Or chocolate?


:crazy2: I could never.....I might actually starve if that were my only choice. Do you feel that strongly about Brussels Sprouts? If so, I can fully grasp your level of yuck.

I feel that strongly about Brussels sprouts.

But.... I must ask.

Have you ever tried escargot?

If your answer is no,
I have a story to tell you.

Thanks Terra Nova Guy for helping me get an extra 4 points! Thanks pkondz for awarding them.

You're welcome. :)

7 a.m. - you want to explore a bit


Fills up naturally


Banana loaf

Tough choice. Potato taco.

What's a potato taco??

Yes - I'm assuming since you said 'it', there is only 1 thing to be on the lookout for.

::yes:: I always say how many there are.
(well... except when I specified there was a bunch
and deliberately didn't tell you how many.)

pm should be sent shortly.

Got it!
I KNEW it!

Oh, fine. Sheesh!

I doubt you could do it today. Unless you camped and at granola bars for a few days.

Which part do you doubt?
The part about it being cheaper?

It depends on the number of people,
1? Cheaper to fly.
2? It would be close. If you cut corners.
(camping like you mentioned.)
4? Cheaper to drive.

I know. I breathe in food and pay for it.

You breathe it in?

I think I see your problem...

I know that. ;) Just messing with you.

<wags finger at her sternly.>

Now I'm very worried. Because aerodynamic law does apply to we mortals. An angel I am not.

Are you sure?

Actually, I had gotten all the way back to my sis' place in McLean. And she was kind enough to drive me back....

Wasn`t that... 40 minutes or something?
I thought you were still driving
on the highway?

Is this another time
you forgot your camera????

Nah, I was more referring to your inherent disdain/lack of guns in general for hunting. (yes, that was a gross generalization)

Ah! Gotcha.

Umm.... er...well, umm....

ah HA!!

Of course!!! You're a pretty amazing photographer; I think I"d be a bit intimidated. :o:blush:

Not buying it.
I've seen your photography.

You have a better eye than I do.

He's just misunderstood.

Blowing up the Earth
is a misunderstanding???

Dang it! I missed a golden opportunity here!



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