Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Yay for signing up for the Hot Chocolate 15K. And even better that now you can think 15K and say, "yeah, no problem." :D
Monday Update!....Wait...It's Tuesday?.....Tuesday Update!

So I RAN finally!
On Saturday evening I took my shoes out and saw that my fairy wings were still tied in there and shrugged and went "eh, let's leave em on for a lil while"
I didn't have much a plan in terms of where I was going, how far I was going or how fast I was going to be. As I was about to leave I realized I didn't grab my garmin watch and then I couldn't find it. I know it's in the house because I had moved it from my one end table to SOMEWHERE? on Friday night. So since we were approaching sundown I just shrugged again and went "eh, I don't even need it"
So I ran maybe between 28 to 35 minutes??? Yeah, I forgot to look at the actual clock time on my phone until I was well into it but that feels about right. I was wearing new VS capris (yes, I have a problem with their $30 sport pant sales) and was surprised when I got them that they had pockets on the legs the size of my iphone. Now I know why you InB fans like legging pockets. I get it now! So it was just me, no armband, no fuel, no watch. And I just kind of ran on the streets I like and took some ziggy zaggy detours down some I'd never really spent much time at. And eventually I got back home and said "that's probably somewhere around a half hour"
I was probably a bit faster than your average easy run because I did put on some real dance music and I was just messing around with pace for no real reason other than I could. Fartlek would be the right word I believe.
I also ran past one of the mom's from my kid's I kind of had to run fast while waving :)

So the rest of our weekend I probably walked at least 10 miles in total. We went to Michigan for the day and walked all over the place. Love me some Greenbush Brewery in Sawyer, MI if anyone ever is in the area. And then kiddo got a new bike that is big enough for her so I spent a lot of time walking behind her until she got to stops signs to wait for me. Hubby biked 16 miles on Sunday and I bet kiddo and I did about 2 but just with many breaks and scooter time in between :)
I forget how fast he can go until he flies past us on one of his laps and then I'm like "woah" I may be too much of a scaredy to go flying like that on a bike.
PS my kiddo wants to buy me a maybe someday soon I'll get one. Any recs for something good for neighborhood tootling around and going on the bike trails with hubby now and again. hubby said if I ever get good at it and want to try a tri he'd buy me a "real" bike after this one :)

Ok, so what's next for this week? I want to run three days. Not sure the what yet but I want to run THREE TIMES! I miss it and my body feels better when I'm doing it (I swear I've felt weirdly more tired during my downtime but that could just be fatigue catching up with me)

And I'm starting to get more on the side of the fence where I run the Chicago Half Marathon. So gotta decide that soon to add into my training plan decisions.
So one thing is they revealed the medal for the Fall Half (the one I'd do) recently. And also revealed the challenge medal and that the Spring + Fall + challenge all fit together like a puzzle. Now it's not like I'd go back in time and do the Spring one because TINK! but thought it was cool so I'm sharing some bling pics. And maybe I'd consider doing something like that in a future year.

Spring bling - edited to add that this is someone's thigh...the medals are insanely huge.

Fall bling

Challenge bling

And all together - edited to add...holy moly that fall one is gonna be bigger than the spring one?! Jeebus!

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Yay! You're running again!!

The Chicago Half medal is awesome! You should do it!! (And the way the three medals come together is awesome ... definitely a reason to do both races next year!)
Sounds like you had such a great run- awesome!!
And woah, that bling is no joke from Chicago! Will they do that next year as well? THat'd be pretty fun to get those!
Love the updates!

I'm in a very similar place on the training programs, and am currently in "run when I want" mode. That's at least every other day. For full marathons, I follow a set plan. I don't have a set plan for half marathons, and my half marathon PR actually resulted from a 3-month "run when I want" situation. The couple times I've been close to beating my PR also followed a "run when I want" situation. So I'm going with that for now, but will probably need to reconsider as I get closer to MKE Lakefront Marathon and Goofy. Although Lakefront is 4 months away, so I should figure that out pretty quickly. :)

P.S. I also abandoned my Garmin and music. The more I need to do before a run, the harder it is to get out the door!
Yay! You're running again!!

The Chicago Half medal is awesome! You should do it!! (And the way the three medals come together is awesome ... definitely a reason to do both races next year!)

I kinda think I should do it! It's the training for it that is the big thing to consider...but I'll honestly be getting restless soon enough.

WOW!!! That is one impressive Challenge medal(s)!!!
Congrats on just going out and enjoying the feeling of running!

We'll see if I can get myself out there a couple more times this week. I'm eyeing Thursday and then Saturday. I'd love to make my Sat a big longer and slower.

I love the combo medal!

Glad you're enjoying the feeling of running!

It's a cool combo, I wish there were real pics of it but I'm guessing I'll be able to see it in person at my next big expo in July for Rock n Roll.

So glad you had a great 1st run back! Running at dusk this time of year is awesome- perfect weather! :)

I love dusk running!

Sounds like you had such a great run- awesome!!
And woah, that bling is no joke from Chicago! Will they do that next year as well? THat'd be pretty fun to get those!

I hope they do it next year...because I'd be tempted. I don't think there will be any rundisney in 2018 so gotta find my bling where I can.

Love the updates!

I'm in a very similar place on the training programs, and am currently in "run when I want" mode. That's at least every other day. For full marathons, I follow a set plan. I don't have a set plan for half marathons, and my half marathon PR actually resulted from a 3-month "run when I want" situation. The couple times I've been close to beating my PR also followed a "run when I want" situation. So I'm going with that for now, but will probably need to reconsider as I get closer to MKE Lakefront Marathon and Goofy. Although Lakefront is 4 months away, so I should figure that out pretty quickly. :)

P.S. I also abandoned my Garmin and music. The more I need to do before a run, the harder it is to get out the door!

I found my Garmin!! It was under my bed. Remind me to charge it tonight. I'll probably take it with because I miss being able to post on Strava to keep me accountable.
And now for something not running related....there's finally a Beauty & the Beast makeup release that isn't from Italy! But I'm not sure that I like it as much as the Italian one I posted about back when the live action movie came out. I'm having one of those "but do I need this" moments. It's all from Lorac which gets good reviews but I've never used.

So there's this eyeshadow pallette.


It's pretty....but I have a THOUSAND eyeshadow pallettes....but I have ZERO Belle ones.....

And then there's the lipstick of which I'd probably only wear 2 of these shades and I wish they all had different packaging.

There's some other things in the collection too like lipgloss and blush, etc. It's not making me feel things the way the Minnie Mouse and Cinderella ones were in the last couple years. But I'm still wondering if I'll kick myself if I don't get the Belle one.

And this concludes "I Have a Disney Shopping Problem Theatre"
I've been standing at the edge of my driveway
Long as I can remember...since last week
Never really knowing why...I don't just go running
I wish I could be the perfect runner
But I come back to my pajama pants
No matter how hard I try

GUYS.....What is wrong with me?

(see actual photo of me last night)

So turns out maybe I do need a motivation and a goal and a checklist or a plan otherwise I kinda turn into a couch potato. I mean...I guess that's not entirely true. I find plenty of ways to make myself insanely busy between having tons of outdoorsy and indoorsy fun with my kiddo and cleaning and cooking etc. Even walked while pulling a nearly 50 lbs kiddo in her wagon for about a 3 mile round trip in the heat this weekend which left me sweaty (does that count?) I'm just having a hard time willing myself to put on the old spandex and get my backside out the door when opportunities have presented themselves for me to actually go for a run. I didn't want to make an excuse fest on my journal but I also wanted to be honest about it.
A) Do I feel like I deserve a break after going pretty hard at it for a real long time now. Probably.
B) Do I feel like I'm making eating and water consumption choices that aren't very good because I know I don't actually have to run. Probably.
C) Was my hubby in peak week for triathlon training and also travelling and not at home a bunch. Yep. But I totally still had times I could have run.
D) Did my plan of just running "whenever" and "however" for "fun" kind of dive-bomb...Oh Yeah.

Ok so what do I do about it?
Seems lists of goals and then plans are what I thrive on when it comes to motivation, so I guess that's what we gotta do here.

It's 6/6 and my 5k/10k challenge starts 7/15. That's over a month and I gotta get back into running. Since even though I don't have a goal to be particularly fast during these races...I'd also like to not feel like I'm gonna die because I stopped training. So @DopeyBadger Could I trouble you for a 4 day a week plan that's just to get me from here to there with sat/sun back to backs to get me "ready" for it? So I have something to stick to? I'm open to pace suggestions...but since it is summer you can probably bet on at least 2 runs per week being outside and so I don't know that I need to get any faster than what I had been training in my previous plan. Are there any questions you have for me?

And then I think I want to try running that 9/24 Chicago half marathon after all so trying to figure out a start date for training on that. I think my plan for that (again because summer training will be involved) is to not so much try to speed up my paces too much from Tink, but during my race without the character stops/bathroom breaks/so many walking breaks and all the first-timer stuff that I try to aim for that 2:16-ish "moving" time I managed at Tink and then see what happens from there. With Chicago who knows what Sept weather will provide us come race day or during training or if I make any gains or not. Basically just looking for a "non-disney" race half experience. With our WI 10k being 3 weeks after that I should be in real decent endurance shape to try for that sub 1 far sub 1 tbd, right? We can totally talk about all that after my July RnR races to reset and see what we are doing from there.

Thanks in advance...your friendly neighborhood couch potato
I've been standing at the edge of my driveway
Long as I can remember...since last week
Never really knowing why...I don't just go running
I wish I could be the perfect runner
But I come back to my pajama pants
No matter how hard I try

GUYS.....What is wrong with me?

(see actual photo of me last night)

So turns out maybe I do need a motivation and a goal and a checklist or a plan otherwise I kinda turn into a couch potato. I mean...I guess that's not entirely true. I find plenty of ways to make myself insanely busy between having tons of outdoorsy and indoorsy fun with my kiddo and cleaning and cooking etc. Even walked while pulling a nearly 50 lbs kiddo in her wagon for about a 3 mile round trip in the heat this weekend which left me sweaty (does that count?) I'm just having a hard time willing myself to put on the old spandex and get my backside out the door when opportunities have presented themselves for me to actually go for a run. I didn't want to make an excuse fest on my journal but I also wanted to be honest about it.
A) Do I feel like I deserve a break after going pretty hard at it for a real long time now. Probably.
B) Do I feel like I'm making eating and water consumption choices that aren't very good because I know I don't actually have to run. Probably.
C) Was my hubby in peak week for triathlon training and also travelling and not at home a bunch. Yep. But I totally still had times I could have run.
D) Did my plan of just running "whenever" and "however" for "fun" kind of dive-bomb...Oh Yeah.

Ok so what do I do about it?
Seems lists of goals and then plans are what I thrive on when it comes to motivation, so I guess that's what we gotta do here.

It's 6/6 and my 5k/10k challenge starts 7/15. That's over a month and I gotta get back into running. Since even though I don't have a goal to be particularly fast during these races...I'd also like to not feel like I'm gonna die because I stopped training. So @DopeyBadger Could I trouble you for a 4 day a week plan that's just to get me from here to there with sat/sun back to backs to get me "ready" for it? So I have something to stick to? I'm open to pace suggestions...but since it is summer you can probably bet on at least 2 runs per week being outside and so I don't know that I need to get any faster than what I had been training in my previous plan. Are there any questions you have for me?

And then I think I want to try running that 9/24 Chicago half marathon after all so trying to figure out a start date for training on that. I think my plan for that (again because summer training will be involved) is to not so much try to speed up my paces too much from Tink, but during my race without the character stops/bathroom breaks/so many walking breaks and all the first-timer stuff that I try to aim for that 2:16-ish "moving" time I managed at Tink and then see what happens from there. With Chicago who knows what Sept weather will provide us come race day or during training or if I make any gains or not. Basically just looking for a "non-disney" race half experience. With our WI 10k being 3 weeks after that I should be in real decent endurance shape to try for that sub 1 far sub 1 tbd, right? We can totally talk about all that after my July RnR races to reset and see what we are doing from there.

Thanks in advance...your friendly neighborhood couch potato
I can soooo relate to this! Like I said earlier, I can't go very long without a race on the horizon that is forcing me to get out and run. Not that I think taking a little break is bad no and then. You have worked hard for a long time! But once I start feeling guilty for my running break, I know it's time to get into gear again and it sounds like that's where you got to. (also I love the new lyrics to How Fall I'll Go! ;) )
I can soooo relate to this! Like I said earlier, I can't go very long without a race on the horizon that is forcing me to get out and run. Not that I think taking a little break is bad no and then. You have worked hard for a long time! But once I start feeling guilty for my running break, I know it's time to get into gear again and it sounds like that's where you got to. (also I love the new lyrics to How Fall I'll Go! ;) )

Yeah...Feeling guilty is a good way to put it! I didn't watch the bachelor last night (I'm actually two weeks behind) I think my brain subconsciously knows bachelor-watching is a running reward for my sunday long runs!
Those Chicago medals are awesome. I told my husband recently that if I ever get to travel for a (non-Disney) half, it would be for Chicago. It'll be a while... we need sitters when we run, so we're sticking to locals for now. Anywhooo, can't wait to hear about it when you do it.
I can soooo relate to this! Like I said earlier, I can't go very long without a race on the horizon that is forcing me to get out and run. Not that I think taking a little break is bad no and then. You have worked hard for a long time! But once I start feeling guilty for my running break, I know it's time to get into gear again and it sounds like that's where you got to. (also I love the new lyrics to How Fall I'll Go! ;) )
sorry for all of the auto-corrects. It sounds like you got the jist of my message though haha
Those Chicago medals are awesome. I told my husband recently that if I ever get to travel for a (non-Disney) half, it would be for Chicago. It'll be a while... we need sitters when we run, so we're sticking to locals for now. Anywhooo, can't wait to hear about it when you do it.

Chicago is flat and has great scenery and weather during race season (ummm most of the time...)
If you ever make a trek let me know!

sorry for all of the auto-corrects. It sounds like you got the jist of my message though haha

If you only knew how many times I edit my own posts!!!
And now I'll have Moana stuck in my head ALL day,but really there are worse things, because I love Moana! (And actually it will only be there until I go buy the new Beauty and the Beast DVD and watch it tonight. Yay!)

I had a very similar slump after Princess and I really wish I would have worked long runs back in soon (or honestly at all), because now I'm back to thinking 5 miles seems plenty long. You can do it!! You'll be back in the swing of things in no time!

Your comment on September weather in the midwest made me think of the weather this coming weekend (when I'd like to do said 5 miles run) and the LOW on Saturday here is 72F and the high is almost 100F.. so does that mean I have to get up at 4am to run in 72F temps? Come on! No!
I'm right there with you on the post-race slump, but I DO have Dopey on the horizon that is at least forcing me to get out there. I find I have to have a race I'm training for or it's just too easy for me to skip runs.

I bet there are still TAs or Charity bibs out there available for Dopey. :D
And now I'll have Moana stuck in my head ALL day,but really there are worse things, because I love Moana! (And actually it will only be there until I go buy the new Beauty and the Beast DVD and watch it tonight. Yay!)

I had a very similar slump after Princess and I really wish I would have worked long runs back in soon (or honestly at all), because now I'm back to thinking 5 miles seems plenty long. You can do it!! You'll be back in the swing of things in no time!

Your comment on September weather in the midwest made me think of the weather this coming weekend (when I'd like to do said 5 miles run) and the LOW on Saturday here is 72F and the high is almost 100F.. so does that mean I have to get up at 4am to run in 72F temps? Come on! No!

Moana songs being stuck in my head is a way of life at this point. Wait, Live action B&B goes on sale today???? Ooooohhhhhhhhhh
With the weather you could take the masochist approach and run when it's like in the 80's (so not quite 4am) and then just run slower?? Maybe set up a kiddie sized pool in your front lawn to jump into at the end and call it a duathlon?
But, yeah, Ugh!

I'm right there with you on the post-race slump, but I DO have Dopey on the horizon that is at least forcing me to get out there. I find I have to have a race I'm training for or it's just too easy for me to skip runs.

I bet there are still TAs or Charity bibs out there available for Dopey. :D

I'm finding I'm the same way with the run skipping. I just won't let it happen on my watch during a training plan...but obviously that doesn't hold true too much right now.

Not sure about running Dopey...but if you need someone to babysit the Poly pool or Trader Sam's deck while you are running, then I can provide that service. It will probably miss you terribly.


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