We’re all going on a Summer Holiday to the Disney Parks -WISH July Lifestyle/Challenge

OT but did you think the dessert party was worth it? I'm considering it as a surprise for my DH when we're there in November but $80pp is a tad high unless it's an amazing experience.
I loved it! For me the fact that we didn't have to stand and deal with the crowd was worth the price alone but the desserts and cheese were also very good and the service was excellent.
QOTD: Yes, yes and yes. I've mentioned a couple times that I'm hyper-sensitive about judgments about my age, and carrying extra weight around is very aging. This perception is probably about 60% me but about 40% other people actually making snap judgments based on appearance. Right now with my hair bleached blonde it feels a little bit too close to my natural white, so I'm struggling a bit with it. Next phase we were talking about putting cool/grey/silvery low lights in but I'm thinking about having her do the silvery/grey all-over, which is actually really trendy. And intentional, which is a big deal for me... I don't want to look like I've given up. I'm really looking forward to getting my weight down to the point where I have more fashion options - even in the patterns I've been collecting to sew my own clothing, many don't run big enough for me. I love fashion and having to settle on whatever I can find that fits isn't exactly fun. I'm kind of rambling because this is such a hot spot for me.

The past two days I've had some moodiness during the day and some disturbed dreams and wakefulness at night, not the direction I want to be going. This morning I was reading up on the connection between food and dreams and actually I've reduced the types of things that could be triggers - dairy in particular is often mentioned. I think it might be the probiotics I started taking last week... gut health is actually improving but things are stirred up. It's probably a healing crisis type of thing, so hopefully I'll work thru it quickly. At least I'm aware and can self correct if needed.

I've only been to DL twice and the last time was about 8 years ago so I haven't ridden or swung. I'm generally OK with the swinging as long as there's something under my feet and they aren't dangling out in the open.

Happy Tuesday everyone.
QOTD: I usually have decent confidence when it comes to self-image and I recognize that I'm blessed with that. However, something about this show that I'm in is kicking me in the face emotionally. I'm one of Reno's Angels in Anything Goes and if you've seen the show you know the Angels are supposed to be very cute and flirty. The other three women are all very slender and absolutely gorgeous and for the first time in a while I feel like a complete whale. I have a hard time feeling cute next to them and I feel like when people see the show I'm going to be the 'chubby angel'. Not to mention we have to wear a lot of white and I have vampire-pale skin so white is NOT my color at all.

It's a roller coaster of some days feeling amazing because I've lost weight and am already 8 pounds lighter than I was during auditions to feeling like crap because I let myself get that big in the first place and 8 lbs lighter is still big next to these women. UGH! Feelings like that can seriously derail the joy of progress in your goals so I'm doing my best to focus on the positive and just think of how much better I'll feel and look when we go to Hawaii in November.

Bonus QOTD: Yes and I loved it! I rode non swinging because the line was shorter. It was a solo trip and I was in a gondola with a three year old little boy and his mom. He was so precious. Here's an atrocious selfie that I took to send my DH before riding :)
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Cute selfie!
QOTD-- I was when I was a kid about the clothes I wore. As i got older I have not or I should say not that I know of. I am pretty oblivious to things. I know who is around me but I don't really pay attention to them. So unless it is said right to my face (which I have not encountered) I have no clue.

I have not ridden this ride but I would for sure pick the ones that don't move. Going that high is enough for me.
Got another 11 minutes done yesterday for 22 measured minutes so far. Considering that this is pushing it and getting to the pool where I can do longer workouts due to the ease of the water is not proving to be easy at least the start of this week. Needless to say it should be interesting if I meet my goal of 400 minutes of exercise so I am adding a smaller goal of exercising at least 10 minutes a day for the rest of the month. I do want to try for the full goal of 400 minutes aiming for getting into the pool at least once a week provided I am not up half the night using the restroom from all the water I am drinking, or that my husband does not get a fire call this weekend. I am going to figure that chances are good that he will get called into work on Friday though I might see if in that case my mom could watch the girls or at least 9 year old.

Have you ever been judged by your appearance? How has that affected your lifestyle? Do you let it get to you or do you use it as motivation?
Many times I have been judged openly for my appearance including being mooed at or oinked at which is not as bad as having things thrown at me or even worse at my now 12 year old as an infant in her stroller. This has affected me getting out and walking in public areas in the cooler times of the year ( no snow) as I wish to avoid people. I use pools that don't have a lot of use at times when there are not a whole lot of people there and try for times when it tends to be the majorly overweight or even those of us who are obese group. Behind my back I wonder if people are not judging me and if this is why even though I get a number of thank yous these are adorable, I can't wait to try them, Oh I loved them I need to order some on the bags from my business that I hand out which do have my business cards included that goes to my personal site though it is also searchable by my name which is also on my cards. I wonder if people are not going she should be working a job on her feet in a back room somewhere where people can't see her instead of being a barn trying to sell hand care and nail products. 12 year old telling people to purchase from my mom because she needs the confidence boost and I am tired of hearing her whine that no one buys from her does not help matters. What I am supposed to be happy that I sent a friend some samples the day after Thanksgiving 2015 because she had never heard of the company I am a consultant for and all of a sudden in February her daughter in law is a consultant under someone else, or I send another friend some samples along with some tips because the ones she tried last time did not work to find out she ordered from someone else ( oh and the person she got her original ones from was no longer selling when I sent them) or some prizes to yet another friend from my online launch party back in 2015 ( again I have not heard of the company) she misplaced them but will let me know when she tries them what she thinks, followed up later still haven't found them. Later I ask if she would like me to send her another sample to try until she finds her oh she found them and she ordered some but misplaced those and her husband won't let her order more until she does ( Why didn't you order from me I think am I that terrible of a person). I applied for a job in a laundry mat back in May 16 where the manager on duty was so excited that I wanted the hours they needed someone as I had read the ad in my local craigslist. Oh the owner is not in today but will be in tomorrow I will give you application and you should be hearing shortly. Wait a couple of weeks and then I call the number of the owner listed in the placement "We just hired someone today" in the meantime I had been checking with my references to see if they bothered to contact them no they hadn't so my suspicion is it was well what did she look like. She is heavy set ok we will toss this in the trash basket because everyone knows that fat people are lazy and won't work. I am willing to work something that fits into my families schedule which this one would have allowed me to have the girls at 4H meetings and at church activities and only would have required my mom to watch them 1-2 evenings a week for 4.5-5 hours depending if DH got called in to work a Friday shift which she was willing to do ( I asked before I applied) though once I got a position I was going to see if Mother in Law would watch the girls at least one time a month. This job would have gotten me home in time to get them to bed at a decent time and would have even worked with having one vehicle a lot of the winter though it would have been interesting ( drop girls to mom earlier like around 2:30 unless mil would take them that day in which case drop DH and girls there around 3 and have them take him to work a mile away) get DH to work around 3 go to work at 3:30 get off at 8:30 home between 9 and 9:15 depending if I had them at my moms or the inlaws get some rest if I can and head back into town to pick up DH at 1 am. Unless of course my dad decided to be nice and either drive me to and from work or at least run DH into work. No way was I going to figure that the roads would be cleared enough for our older car to not be sliding around on the ice. I do not need to be working the lunch shift at a fast food place because one I don't need the temptation of low cost food available to me with the discount and two I know from experience that you don't get off on time so even if I said I can only work until 2:30 at the latest figuring time to get home and have a meal with my family ( this is when DH left for work at 4 not at 3 like he does most days) before DH had to leave for work. With him now leaving at 3 it would be even more critical and we would not see each other. Statistically between the stresses of his working a night job so we don't get the evening time after the girls are in bed as a couple and having a special needs child the risk of our marriage ending goes up dramatically compared to the general population. My working a job that takes me away from my family and has me not seeing my husband just for some extra spending money or so we can get debts paid off sooner and eventually get to Disney are not worth that cost. After basically being denied the chance for a job based on my size I have refused to even consider applying for anything else and have not looked. Maybe someday in a few years when I am fit and trim and thin and beautiful I will consider it though if I only loose half a pound a week from where I am today I am looking at 11 years to loose the weight which will put me in my mid 50s and then am I going to be discriminated against for my age and not working for over 20 years. Not to mention by then we should have just about everything paid off with the exception of the mortgage plus DH works a job where he has guaranteed rate of pay increases that so far have been more than inflation not to mention that our food cost should go down because we will have at least one girl out on her own if not both of them by that time.

Bonus Question: Have you ridden Mickey's Fun Wheel? Did you chose a swinging or non swinging gondola?

Haven't ridden though when I get the chance it will be on a non swinging because I don't do heights for just getting me on is going to be interesting enough.
That is if I even decide to ride at all. Yes I was the girl growing up who did not climb trees because that was too far off the ground.

Hey guys!! I'm sorry I haven't got questions up yet, for some reason I stopped getting notices? I am working on today's question now and it will be up shortly :)

I knew something must have happened - I was going to post a QOTD when I got up this morning if we hadn't heard from you :-)

don't be fooled by this innocent looking fun wheel, it can also be one of the scariest rides at DLR. It is often referred to as the wheel of death by those that have ridden in the swinging gondolas.

I had been warned about the swinging gondolas from a friend before our trip. So there are a couple of us who are afraid of heights - so we very easily ruled out riding this one!!! It looks super cool though.

Have you ever been judged by your appearance? How has that affected your lifestyle? Do you let it get to you or do you use it as motivation?

Yes - in my younger days it was probably more of a positive experience - I was thin, much more confident and rocked the clothes of a young/thin person. In my teen years I also dabbled in modelling. Now that I am older and bigger - I haven't had an obvious experience from an adult - but I FEEL extremely self conscious and embarrassed especially in a swimming costume. I work with kids with special needs and sometimes they have no filter - I have had some of them tell me I am fat. I judge MYSELF constantly and harshly.

And if you have a picture in front of the wheel please post it :)

I'll post it tonight - I am running out of time and DS16 just text and forgot his computer for school!! :furious:

Here's an atrocious selfie that I took to send my DH before riding :)

I think its a great pic - you look excited waiting for your turn - but I know we are always hardest on ourselves in pics - selfies always show me how old I am getting lately.
It's a roller coaster of some days feeling amazing because I've lost weight and am already 8 pounds lighter than I was during auditions to feeling like crap because I let myself get that big in the first place and 8 lbs lighter is still big next to these women. UGH! Feelings like that can seriously derail the joy of progress in your goals so I'm doing my best to focus on the positive and just think of how much better I'll feel and look when we go to Hawaii in November.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time with this but you should should feel amazing because 8lbs is an amazing accomplishment!! I know it might not be where you want to be but you will get there :) And that is a great selfie. I feel like I can never get the angle right when I take them hahaha

having to settle on whatever I can find that fits isn't exactly fun.
I know this feeling all too well. I love shopping but when it comes to clothes it is the most depressing thing in the world.

The past two days I've had some moodiness during the day and some disturbed dreams and wakefulness at night, not the direction I want to be going. This morning I was reading up on the connection between food and dreams and actually I've reduced the types of things that could be triggers - dairy in particular is often mentioned. I think it might be the probiotics I started taking last week... gut health is actually improving but things are stirred up. It's probably a healing crisis type of thing, so hopefully I'll work thru it quickly. At least I'm aware and can self correct if needed.
I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. You bring up an interesting point, I have never thought about how food could affect your dreams. I think I should start paying attention to what I ate when I have bad dreams so I can avoid them.

I was when I was a kid about the clothes I wore. As i got older I have not or I should say not that I know of. I am pretty oblivious to things. I know who is around me but I don't really pay attention to them. So unless it is said right to my face (which I have not encountered) I have no clue.
I wish I could be more like this!!

Needless to say it should be interesting if I meet my goal of 400 minutes of exercise so I am adding a smaller goal of exercising at least 10 minutes a day for the rest of the month.
I think it is awesome that you recognize that you need to modify your goal for the month. It is better to do that now than to get to the end of the month and be disappointed. I hope you are able to get more sleep too!

but I FEEL extremely self conscious and embarrassed especially in a swimming costume. I work with kids with special needs and sometimes they have no filter - I have had some of them tell me I am fat. I judge MYSELF constantly and harshly.
I am sorry you feel this way :( Unfortunately I can relate, my kids are still little and don't have a filter either, they aren't trying to be mean however it is never easy to hear. BUT can I just say I love that you call it a swimming costume :D
BUT can I just say I love that you call it a swimming costume :D

its just that I learned years ago that if I called them what us Queenslanders usually say people from other states even in Australia didn't know what we were talking about lol - we call them TOGS or swimmers - so when I post on here sometimes I find myself changing words so that all my friends around the world have an idea of what I am talking about haha
Today we are going to take a ride on

Have you ever been judged by your appearance? How has that affected your lifestyle? Do you let it get to you or do you use it as motivation?

Bonus Question: Have you ridden Mickey's Fun Wheel? Did you chose a swinging or non swinging gondola? And if you have a picture in front of the wheel please post it :)

yes, I have. I find being on lower end of my happy range I get a lot of compliments and I miss them when I don't! It's silly and shallow but true

Yes I have, but non swinging. It was fun. My family joked that's how will they get me to chill out at Disney - restrained on the top of the wheel! lol
Got 23 minutes of exercise in tonight ( Tuesday though it is early Wed morning when I am writing this) completing the 1 mile walk on my walk diet video plus the warm up, cool down, and stretching followed by some hand weights. The push my 9 year old deciding to work out with me which was sort of cute except when she decided I was not pushing my arms up enough she grabbed my hand and pulled it up and if I was not doing side steps fast enough it was push or pull as necessary or when she would get in my space. Not cute was the fact that there is something sticky on the floor in the front room though it is not too bad. Getting the room picked up so I can sweep and mop is so on the agenda it's just getting others in this house to either help or quite making messes faster than I can clean them up.
Had a 4H meeting tonight out last one before fair. 9 year old decided to give us all a scare. I didn't see her in the library room of the building we use ( The youth building of a church) she was not in the main room doing the activity of making stars with their pictures on for our fair booth and she was not in the entry room playing with the fooseball table plus due to it being hot the door was open. I looked out called for her and no answer so I alerted a friend of mine who was running the meeting in place of the organizational leader. She got another adult leader and some of the older girls in a couple of sets or pairs that she knew would be level headed and then headed back to double check that my 9 year old was not in the library. She had gone in and joined the junior 4H program for younger kids in their activity which was spreading peanut butter on graham crackers and putting on banana slices and while I had glanced in on my way past to see what she was doing I had not looked for her there. She does not tend to be a runner unless it is wandering over to use the swing set at Grandma's across the family property which she does not do when the horses are here as they are right now otherwise she stays fairly close but I thought she might have gone and be playing in the bed of the truck and had hidden down behind the tank. Since we were supposed to have a small animal meeting before hand ( no one showed up) so I was there early and was able to park right in front of the building. Making a mental note to take a picture of a certain little girl and what she is wearing every time we leave the house and just plan on deleting it when we get home in case she does take off. I think the plan was to look for her for a short while as a club and if she was not found alert the authorities though technically since the one adult looking is a reserve officer the authorities were alerted. Everyone in the club knows at times she has a hard time with the crowd and will go off to the library room and the adult helping look had stood in the back and had one eye on the door and had not seen her go out and knew I wasn't ignoring her I am not in too much trouble and I don't think that anyone will call the authorities on me for being a neglectful parent since technically she was not lost just in a spot in the meeting building we did not expect her to be.
Great woohoo pic :-)

What are you celebrating today???

I will woohoo -
  • My reading glasses that I picked up today - I knew I was struggling to read some things - but wow I had no idea how much until I started using my glasses lol
  • Our football team won a 3 game series tonight called the State of Origin - now this is an important sub-game that happens in Rugby League football here and is pretty much a grudge match/es between Queensland and New South Wales (2 states here in Australia) where the players return from their club teams to play for the state they played their first senior grade game in (typically your home state) and is used to help select players for the Australian international team - Queensland has won the series 11 times in the last 12 years we had a run of 8 in a row.
  • I have taken my lunch to work everyday this week and had all breakfasts and dinners at home as well.
My woohoo is that I lost another 2 pounds! I also realized that I think I'm finally ready to go down a pant size at work (we have uniforms). One of the things that led me to start making lifestyle changes was that in November I had to request a larger pant size at work and it was devastating. But oh man it will feel so good to go in and request a smaller size!

Also, this makes 3 lbs lost so far this month so I'm at 60%!
I got my test results back from my doctor yesterday and everything is in the normal range so Woohoo!!!

That's fantastic!! Paris here you come :cheer2::cheer2:

My woohoo is that I lost another 2 pounds! I also realized that I think I'm finally ready to go down a pant size at work (we have uniforms). One of the things that led me to start making lifestyle changes was that in November I had to request a larger pant size at work and it was devastating. But oh man it will feel so good to go in and request a smaller size!

That is also a great woohoo - congratulations enjoy those new pants :cheer2::cheer2:

Okay I am going to bed - it is way too late for the early morning I need tomorrow!
My woohoo is that baseball has been canceled for tonight. I feel bad for my son because several games have been canceled because of the rain (the never ending rain we are having) and then tonights game was cancelled because we are in the play offs and there are only 3 teams in our league. The number 1 team (which is debatable since they played more games then us and our team and theirs have only lost 2 games each, both to each other) had a bye for tonight and would play in the championship game on Saturday. Well they have to forfeit for not having enough players for Saturdays game. So we are automatically in the championship game.

But really i am glad to not have a game because I have had a major headache since Sunday night. Yesterday was so bad that I couldn't even think and went straight to bed when I got home. I still have a headache today but just not as bad as yesterday. I am really hoping that meds help it today.
  • I've brought my breakfast and lunch to work with me each day this week... haven't hit Starbucks or the vending machine. And I haven't eaten dinner out yet this week, but... I have only two servings of salmon left so I could eat out once and still consume all of the food I bought for the week.
  • Yesterday I was able to calm myself down and work thru issues and roadblocks effectively. Looks like I'll need to be doing the same today, as there is already an irritation triggering issue in my mailbox.
  • I slept better last night, without the disjointed wacky dreams. I'm kind of getting used to the bed, and do think its better as the chronic soreness in my lower back is a bit less.
  • My favorite yarn store is having a Makers Market this coming weekend, which I'm planning on going to. One of the gals who taught at the crafty retreat will be there, so that'll be fun to see her.
Make it a good one everyone!


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Have you ever been judged by your appearance? How has that affected your lifestyle? Do you let it get to you or do you use it as motivation?

Bonus Question: Have you ridden Mickey's Fun Wheel? Did you chose a swinging or non swinging gondola? And if you have a picture in front of the wheel please post it :)

Interesting question. I don't know if my answer is exactly what you mean, but I've never had anything derogatory said to me or felt like I was getting looks... However, I did notice a change in social interaction recently which leads me to believe that I was being judged and I didn't even realize it. My cousin and I like to go out Latin dancing for fun. The last time we went was late last year. A few weeks ago we went again, and I literally wore the same outfit I wore last time (it just fit waayyy nicer this time LOL!), and oh my! I had so many more invitations to dance. I even leaned over to my cousin and said "geez, what a difference 10 lbs makes!" I guess I was totally being judged before but just had no idea. It's not a huge motivator, but it did let me know I may not even know how much size may have been affecting my social interactions. It is a little motivating as I am really social and like feeling good about myself.

I did not ride Mickey's Fun Wheel-- I think we spent 70% of our California Adventure day in Cars Land! Haha! But I did enjoy seeing it lit up and playing the game before WOC.

WooHoo Wednesday!

- This time next week I'll be in Vegas! Which isn't super woohoo but I'm treating it like a mini-vacation even if I will be working.

- One of my distant teenage cousins that I haven't seen in exactly a year told his mom who told me Monday "Man, she's lost heck of a lot of weight but I didn't want to say anything in case she was sensitive about it!" :rotfl: I told them both heck no! I'm proud LOL

- And the pictures we took at the party at which I saw said cousin were nice pictures. I felt like they are looking more like the me I expect to see. There is still progress to be made for sure, but I can see that progress is being made.
My woohoo is quickly going down the drain today. I feel better. The sudafed and motrin is really working. However, we have some layoffs going on at work. I should be ok but it is still nerve wrecking. It is really stressing me out.


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