What do you dislike the most about your age group?

....and if you live in Purchase, N.Y., I guess you are part of the Pepsi Generation. :teeth:

"Pepsi Generation" had a whole different meaning where I was growing up! :rotfl2:(For the life of me, I'll never understand how a soft drink became a slur against French Canadians.)
What I hate about my age group is, we are at that stage where everyone is either married having kids (/with kids) or they are still out there trying to enjoy their youth while they can. And neither scenario is ideal for older generations! Because we are either too young and inexperienced to handle home ownership, a marriage and kids, or we are too old to still be going out partying and/or travelling without a care in the world.

For me, I am in the married category, so even though I want kids (soon) I feel the pressure that we are supposed to be having kids already and its just totally unnecessary. However, by the same token I am certain that MIL thinks we wouldn't be able to handle it/don't make enough money to justify having a kid now because we are still "so young".

I am 31 btw.
....I'm not sure, but I could be part of the 'Caveman' generation. popcorn::
I'm a millennial and all people think I do is eat avocado toast
Well avocado toast is delicious.

I'm 34 but still feel 25. My group of friends and family that I hang out with on a regular basis is 25-45 and we have a ball. We also like to drink to cope with our issues but no ones an alcoholic. Lol

I guess mine would be the helicopter parents. My kid farts rainbows and sunshine type moms.

I have an almost 18 year old son so I don't know what generation to put myself in.

Despite having an 18yo son, you're a millennial-welcome to the generation everybody loves to hate lol.
What I hate about my age group is, we are at that stage where everyone is either married having kids (/with kids) or they are still out there trying to enjoy their youth while they can. And neither scenario is ideal for older generations! Because we are either too young and inexperienced to handle home ownership, a marriage and kids, or we are too old to still be going out partying and/or travelling without a care in the world.

For me, I am in the married category, so even though I want kids (soon) I feel the pressure that we are supposed to be having kids already and its just totally unnecessary. However, by the same token I am certain that MIL thinks we wouldn't be able to handle it/don't make enough money to justify having a kid now because we are still "so young".

I am 31 btw.

Or being called selfish because you never want to have kids or get married and just live a carefree, partying kind of life. I have friends who deal with that. I'm 34.
I get annoyed when people my age start wheezing about how much better it was when THEY were kids. "Dude, you grew up in the Seventies, not some glorious Golden Age of civility and decency!.

I also get really annoyed when they start ragging on teens/early twenty-somethings. "These are my kids you're talking about, and they're awesome. They're so much smarter and better informed and more socially aware than I was when I was a teenager in the 80's. So get off your high horse! Social media is not the downfall of civilization, any more than Heavy Metal or MTV was when we were growing up!"

Grr... :laughing:

Maybe, they inhaled some of their parents life experiences. I don't mean literally, I mean along the lines of just smelling food adds pounds! :teeth:
"Pepsi Generation" had a whole different meaning where I was growing up! :rotfl2:(For the life of me, I'll never understand how a soft drink became a slur against French Canadians.)

Maybe, because it isn't Coca-Cola?!
Not exactly to the answer of your question but for the youngest generation and perhaps 20 years old, I dislike when I see so many young adults and kids just staring into their iphone constantly, even watching televsion, their heads are just facing down into their phones.....the other day I was at a restaurant and the entire group of teenagers were staring at their phones. just sad!!
Older end of gen x. I hate that I don't have the energy or stamina I used to have. I just can't do as much anymore! I used to work all day and then go out to dinner and run errands and sometimes catch a live theater or movie and stay out late or go to grad school at night, and go to work the next day just fine.

Now I work and if I go to dinner with friends I need to "recover" and stay home the next night .
Baby boomer. We're responsible for the beginning of the entitled everybody-gets-a-trophy generation.

Do you really think so? I haven't found that to be the case among my fellow Boomers. I'm from the first wave of Boomers (1947) and I get most annoyed at my age-peers who have the attitude of "I'm xx years old and I can say anything I please." If they have a filter, they ignore it, and as a result, many times hurtful things are said and/or done with no thought about who might be affected. I'm sixty-ten years old, but I try to watch my tongue; however, if I do get out of line, my DDs don't hesitate to (gently) let me know!

Queen Colleen
"Dislike" isn't really the right way to put it, but if I have to pick something it's that I'm not really in the same season of life that they are. My DH is older and my DS is younger than the husbands and kids of most women my age. :upsidedow DH could say the same thing; most men his age are retired already and their kids are 20 years older than our DS. He's also out of step with the husbands of a lot of my lady friends because they are quite a bit younger than he is and at a different place in their careers.

Older end of gen x. I hate that I don't have the energy or stamina I used to have. I just can't do as much anymore! I used to work all day and then go out to dinner and run errands and sometimes catch a live theater or movie and stay out late or go to grad school at night, and go to work the next day just fine.

Now I work and if I go to dinner with friends I need to "recover" and stay home the next night .

Gen-X here. And I agree with both of these, and they really go hand-in-hand for me! I have two boys, one is 23, and one is 10. Yes, it was a complete surprise! I don't really fit in with either group of moms anymore. I'm the right age for the ones who have kids in their 20s, but they don't relate to also having a young child. And same with ones that have younger kids...although I'm also older than they are as well!

And, I certainly don't have the stamina to keep up with the younger boy like I did his brother!
I get annoyed when people my age start wheezing about how much better it was when THEY were kids. "Dude, you grew up in the Seventies, not some glorious Golden Age of civility and decency!.

I also get really annoyed when they start ragging on teens/early twenty-somethings. "These are my kids you're talking about, and they're awesome. They're so much smarter and better informed and more socially aware than I was when I was a teenager in the 80's. So get off your high horse! Social media is not the downfall of civilization, any more than Heavy Metal or MTV was when we were growing up!"

Grr... :laughing:

Social media is not all bad I don't know why it has such a bad rep I get my news both local and global and I get updates on what my friends and family are up to all in one place
Social media is not all bad I don't know why it has such a bad rep I get my news both local and global and I get updates on what my friends and family are up to all in one place

Social media can be great, if it's used the right way. Luckily, I don't have any FB friends who are political or post woe is me stories every day. I love twitter and I am on it multiple, multiple times a day. I don't have snap or insta but I'm sure they're good for those who use it.
I just turned 40 and DH is 39 so we are at the end of Gen X and not quite Millenial. We had our kids young though so a lot of times we don't find we fit in with people our age, or parents of kids the same age as ours. We get annoyed with how into social media and keeping up with everyone else and oversharing goes on within other Gen Xers- especially the ones that are older than us. So many parents that are older than us don't discipline their kids or hold them accountable for anything and are as others noted "helicopter parents." One couple we know had boys who were in Scouts and went to school with ours and we knew they were getting into trouble because our boys would tell us. But every time we talked to the parents they just bragged about their boys. The worst finally happened when one got arrested and ended up having to go out of state for drug rehab. Come on parents- you can have a great relationship with your kids without being their friend or giving them everything they want!


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