Trial Run for Dogs in Resort Rooms

Do you think dogs should be allowed in guests' rooms?

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This was my concern as well. How well will they clean the room? Housekeeping is already overwhelmed as it is. It would take a long time for a true deep cleaning. Also, I would want to make sure the pillows are replaced. As I mentioned up thread, I saw photos of people at Disney with dogs during the hurricane. There were a few photos of dogs sleeping on the pillows, dogs curled up on the pillows etc. Many people sleep with dogs and allow dogs on the beds. I would not want to put my head on that pillow. Yes I know they change the pillow cases, but it still freaks me out. We have both dog phobias and allergies in our family.

I agree completely. We don't have dog allergies and we love dogs, but that does not mean that I want to sleep in a room that has visible pet hair and a lingering odor. I can't imagine what it's going to be like for those with a true dog dander allergy. A nightmare, I presume, unless WDW does the responsible thing and sets aside blocks of rooms for those traveling with their dog. And by that I mean, if room 1234 is pet-friendly but no one holds a reservation for that room, it remains unoccupied and not filled with a person or family not traveling with their dog.
Can someone that is bringing their dog on a dog vacation at one of the resorts copy the waiver you have to sign? I'm sure it will state that WDW will not be held responsible if your dog injures another guest or CM. Also, that any damages to the room will be the monetary responsibility of the dog owner. There should be a section that states should you be evicted because of your pets bad behavior you will forfeit your right to a refund on any remaining days on your reservation.
I'm curious to know if there was a severe allergy outbreak when animals were in all resorts during the hurricane.

We stayed at BWI during Irma. I don’t know about allergies, but I did see people bring their dogs into the Screen Door store, which does sell food & in Epcot, strolling along in a stroller. To me that’s what’s going to be an issue, people taking their dogs where ever they want & cms not stopping them. Also, I’ve mentioned it before, leaving their dogs in a room all day alone is cruel. And I love dogs, especially mine. Actually I would rather hear a dog bark half a day than a child crying or acting up. Still, I don’t agree with the new policy. Mostly, because people do stay the majority of their time outside their rooms, not with their dogs. Now if Disney required (increasing the price of course) an in room dog sitter, who would stay in the room with the dog while the owners were at the parks, then it’d more fair to the dog, & I’d be more on board with the policy.
I don't have any dogs but my parents and sister do. Every summer we take a trip to Northern Wisconsin and rent a cottage. There the dogs have a chance to run around swim in the lake. They love it. A dog wouldn't like just sitting in a hotel room for 10-12 hours while its owners are out a park. It's not really fair to the dog
I voted no, and glad to see 85% is voting the same way. My daughter and I are staying at POR a year from next month, the "trial" will be over by then and I hope and pray it fails big time and they get a LOT of complaints and unhappy customers about it so they don't implement that idea full time.

I like dogs, well, big dogs mostly. Don't care at all for little purse-size dogs with a shrill bark, ugh! But I don't stay in hotels on vacation that allow dogs (except service animals of course and it's too bad more and more idiots are claiming their dogs are just that when they aren't). We used to stay at the Drury Inn in Frankenmuth, Michigan once or twice a year and just got tired of hearing barking dogs so in my last review on Trip Advisor I stated that we would no longer be staying at that hotel because of their pet policy. The manager did respond to my review. And maybe if they get more and more people complaining about dogs in the hotel they will re-think their policy, but anyway. Since I don't stay at hotels on vacation that allow dogs, I sure don't want them at WDW. So many potential problems and annoyances, all that have been brought up many times in this thread. And at first I thought the $50 - $75 per night pet fee would maybe stop a lot of people from bringing their dogs until I realized they probably have to pay that much to have them boarded at home so more will bring them along.

My problem is the barking. To me a barking dog is like nails on a chalkboard, my biggest pet peeve in the world. I don't want to be awakened in the middle of the night by one barking. Or to want to take a nap in the afternoon and hear one barking non-stop in the next room. Some people say "oh my dog is not a barker", how do they know that? They generally don't know how the dog acts when its owners are not at home. And the dog being in a strange place may bark more than normal. And some people are just oblivious to their dog barking nonstop, or don't care.

And I think it's kind of mean of Disney to not announce this "trial" thing months ago, as some have said their vacation is coming up quick and they no longer have the option of changing resorts.
Well, I posted a very nice concern on the Disney park blog and they deleted it. Appeara they are letting only positive comments through at this time. Nice.

Mine was in review. There are a couple that voice concerns but they are largely only allowing the positive it seems. Given the vast majority on every other site I'm on (and with every conversation I've had with Disney lovers in my own family & friends circle) are in opposition to this decision it would seem they are likely editing them to only allow a positive spin.
Mine was in review. There are a couple that voice concerns but they are largely only allowing the positive it seems. Given the vast majority on every other site I'm on (and with every conversation I've had with Disney lovers in my own family & friends circle) are in opposition to this decision it would seem they are likely editing them to only allow a positive spin.
Yup, thats my thought as well
Our child is highly allergic. My husband just contacted the front desk at POR about our up-coming, existing reservation and was told that we could not be guaranteed our room would be previously pet-free. The CM suggested we book another resort - currently on hold with reservations to see if any availability (we’re going over a holiday so our hopes are not high).
Our child is highly allergic. My husband just contacted the front desk at POR about our up-coming, existing reservation and was told that we could not be guaranteed our room would be previously pet-free. The CM suggested we book another resort - currently on hold with reservations to see if any availability (we’re going over a holiday so our hopes are not high).

The Walt Disney Company, and people who support the new dog policy (I include them as the policy would go away if no one supported it), have done this to your family. Shame on them for doing this to your family and for putting dogs over humans. I hope you find new dog-free Disney accommodations without having to pay a lot more at a Deluxe resort.
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Mine was in review. There are a couple that voice concerns but they are largely only allowing the positive it seems. Given the vast majority on every other site I'm on (and with every conversation I've had with Disney lovers in my own family & friends circle) are in opposition to this decision it would seem they are likely editing them to only allow a positive spin.
Yeah, mine was just deleted as well. I brought up the issue of pets left alone in a room for 7 hours . They have white washed the blog post and there was no mention of it.
People hoping that complains will put a stop to this test, remember it took a child being eaten by an alligator to cause Disney to put a fence around an open water way.

No one at Disney saw that being an issue until somebody died, in an extremely tragic way. Mission space still operates after people have died.

The only reason Disney will change this is if it hurts them financially. The only way to do this at this time is ask to be downgraded to a cheaper hotel, and ask for a refund, which they have said is an option.

If you pay to upgrade to a more expensive dog free hotel, then Disney are winning.
This would be a game changer for me. I have COPD and other respiratory issues so never stay in pet-friendly hotels. I don't think any hotel, INCLUDING Disney, could do a thorough deep cleaning given the time it takes to turn a room. There is also the issue of emotional support dogs. If a person says their pet is an emotional support animal, Disney has no way to determine if that is truly the case so will have to let the animal stay. And what about other types of emotional support pets? Once they start allowing dogs, it opens to the door to other types of animals. I haven't had any issues at Disney but would not risk it.

I also want to know who makes the decision on which "disability" trumps the other. No offense intended (but I know many people will be)The dogs should not be allowed due to the risk of life-threatening issues to others (humans). I could die from respiratory distress.

So no, no, no this is/or would be a HORRID, irresponsible move.
I would also like to add, 4 years ago we stayed at OKW, our room stank of mold, we complained at ground desk and were offered to be moved to any hotel we chose, we ask if we could go to the poly and that was fine.

My advice and experience with Disney is to complain while there, in the lobby, loudly, in front of people. If people do this. Then they will change the policy
I love dogs but there is no way they will be able to clean up the hair left behind; they can't even do normal cleanings right. I accept the fact that I am staying in a room used by many other people but I draw the line at animals.

They would have better results having strictly one resort as being pet friendly. Maybe one of the All Star resorts. I bet it would be full at all times.

Also probably easier to clean if the resorts being used have tile floors throughout. Also they have enough issues with bedbugs now what about fleas? ew I keep thinking of stuff.

It would also make me feel bad if I heard a dog barking for any length of time. I would feel sorry for the poor mutt.
Can't wait to hear the uproar the first time this happens. "How dare you, my dog wasn't being loud, the kids next door are louder than my special dog, you're lucky you didn't get bitten, etc."

Yup, I guarantee Management doesn't want to have to do this, ever...
I actually had one of these kids next to us at poly last month. Would have been nice if they could have removed her.:rotfl:
I thought my comment was polite and respectful, but it didn't make the cut. Probably my use of too many !!!!! and ????? didn't help. :rotfl:

Well you know what Terry Pratchett said about using too many exclamation marks:

  • 'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.' -- Eric
  • Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. -- Reaper Man
  • 'And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.' -- Maskerade

:) :) :)

(thinking about it, there's probably a rule about using multiple smilies too)

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