The Running Thread - 2018

Totally missed even checking for the moon because I thought it was going to be tonight. I didn't realize when they said the 31st that meant this morning :(
SAME. :(

ATTQOTD: It was technically a rest day, so I bailed on the gym and stayed in bed. By the time I got up I think the moon was already done doing it's thing. Oh well... The only thing I have ever saw space related are shooting stars. But I love living in the desert and running early mornings because I can see literally every star in the sky. It's awesome.
Time to catch up again! It's been a crazy month but the training has been going well considering! I have 2 more races to add to finish up my spring race schedule.

10 - HomeiswhereMickeyis - Brevard Zoo Bat Boogie 3K (NG / N/A)

11 - HomeiswhereMickeyis - Gateway to Space 10k (1:45:00 / N/A)

Friday's attqotd: I would normally have said popcorn until about 2 weeks ago when I tried the poutine at Epcot which is covered in the cheddar cheese soup from Le Cellier. I could eat that all day every day!

Monday's attqotd: Usually runningintheusa or Instagram

Tuesday's attqotd: I use a belt that holds a water bottle for runs up to an hour, more than that (or in summer) I grab my hydrapack and a small Gatorade

Wednesday's attqotd: I didn't see the moon but living on the space coast I've had a few runs where I heard a loud noise and looked up to be reminded there was a launch scheduled for that day. We've lived here over 2 years and launches still make me drop everything I'm doing to watch.
ATTQOTD: I looked out the window this morning, but unfortunately couldn't see the moon and needed to get ready for work. I can't recall any exciting celestial runs, but did run around like a crazy person during the total solar eclipse this summer, if that counts! Maybe I will wear my super-cool solar-eclipse tshirt for bed tonight.

(I could definitely tell it was a full moon though... I woke up late, rushed around and didn't pack my lunch (which I usually always do) and resigned to picking up lunch, got to work and my DH texted me a picture of my wallet sitting on our office desk. I'm a mess today- which I am normally very planned! Thank goodness for being able to pay with apps!)

This looks like a cute 5k if I lived in Florida and had little kids still. $99 for 2 adult 5k's and 2 kids race registrations. :)

And now I'm trying to convince my husband who loves Legos that this would be totally doable the week before the star wars 5k! He's not as into running as I am and I think he's a little overwhelmed with me dragging him along to all these races. :o
ATTQOTD: Couldn't see the moon from my house because of the trees, and I didn't get up and out enough to get to a better area for viewing. I understand that on the east coast, not muct of the eclipse was in view before the sun came up.
BUT I did schedule a virtual 10k (the only virtual run ever for me) during the solar eclipse last year since I live in the 100% total area of totality. Kept my glasses in my pocket and put them on and off to look up until total darkness happened. The crickets chirped, the frogs croaked, squirrels scurried, the birds began nesting... It was quite surreal.
Sweet babe! He's getting big :)

Maybe he will be tall enough for Splash Mt in April.... or at least that what his sister wants to happen, momma not so much. He also has this new thing of sticking his tongue out and making fart sounds that he is very entertained by. He hates the intro intro of the Circle of Life, that bottom lip pops out and he almost starts to cry.
To start of the month of February we have the following folks with races over the weekend:

03 - @michigandergirl - Groundhog Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
03 - @KSellers88 - Super Bowl 5k (NG / N/A)
03 - @Sanchez - Save the Light Half Marathon (1:38:00 / N/A)
03 - @gjramsey - Katy Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
03 - @baxter24 - Krispy Kreme Challenge (NG / N/A)
03 - @PrincessMickey - Back the Blue 5k (35:00 / N/A)
04 - @JulieODC - Super Sunday 5 Miler (NG / N/A)

If you would like to adjust your goal or some other type of change please let me know. If someone has a race they would like to add to the weekend list, also let me know. Best of luck to each of you this weekend and we look forward to hearing how your race goes!

It's going to be 15 degrees and snowing for my half on Saturday. :crazy2: This is why I never have a goal for this race...

ATTQOTD: It was too cloudy to see the moon this morning, but I know it's out there because of the crazy phone calls I'm getting at work today! o_O

@LSUlakes your son is so adorable!!!
Maybe he will be tall enough for Splash Mt in April.... or at least that what his sister wants to happen, momma not so much. He also has this new thing of sticking his tongue out and making fart sounds that he is very entertained by. He hates the intro intro of the Circle of Life, that bottom lip pops out and he almost starts to cry.

Aw he's so cute!
I love when that bottom lip pops out, it's the cutest cry.
QOTD: This morning we got to experience a rare event in the skies. A super blue blood moon! As NASA states, a trifecta of events. Todays question is did you see it this morning? Did you see it while out on a run? Any other cool type of space related events have you seen while out on a run? Seeing the space station, a comet, ect?

I did not even know this was going to happen. I dont pay attention to such things.

Never seen any space stuff, but I've seen lots of low-flying airplanes on my runs. Which is what happens when you live right near two major airports.

I'm actually no longer running because my doctor told me not to (sad I won't get to see you @SarahDisney!) while my back is still healing. :(

Rest up and hopefully you'll come back up here for another race when your back is better!
ATTQOTD: I saw it when I went to take my dogs to do their business this morning, but just thought "oh wow, the moon is really funny looking tonight". Then this morning I saw on the news why it looked "funny". :confused3 It was pretty cool looking! I do not think I've experienced anything else like that on a run, and if I have then I don't remember it.
QOTD: This morning we got to experience a rare event in the skies. A super blue blood moon! As NASA states, a trifecta of events. Todays question is did you see it this morning? Did you see it while out on a run? Any other cool type of space related events have you seen while out on a run? Seeing the space station, a comet, ect?

I saw it when I was outside before I went to bed. It was - definitely different, but pretty cool to see.
Holy 'I read so many pages yesterday to catch up' Batman! It took me ALLLLL day yesterday to catch up, but not in enough time to actually respond to anything. Here is some of what I remember!

  • Journal: I don't have a journal here, but have thought about it. My running journal is Strava/Garmin/Nike (#allthetrackers)
  • Scenic Routes: I mostly only run at the beach or at WDW/DL, but I did do this one race in 2016 that had some pretty great views of LA.
  • Disney Snack: do I REALLY have to just pick one? OOOOH. The Strawberry cupcake from BOG. I would eat that a million times a day if I could. Or the Cheddar Soup in Epcot ....
  • Finding races: I have trouble finding local runs that are within driving distance. I have looked at all the sources everyone mentions, but LA/South Bay must be too expensive to close roads down because there aren't too many.
  • Water: At home (and races for that matter), I carry a handheld Nathan bottle, mostly because I am always dehydrated and I overheat very easily. Also, it's a nice place to put my key/parking gate remote. When I run at the track by work, I usually just put my regular water bottle down next to the track in an open space so I can get to it pretty easily
QOTD: This morning we got to experience a rare event in the skies. A super blue blood moon! As NASA states, a trifecta of events. Todays question is did you see it this morning? Did you see it while out on a run? Any other cool type of space related events have you seen while out on a run? Seeing the space station, a comet, ect?

That event was 4 a.m. my time, so nope. I was happily snoozing away. No major space events for me since I live in LA.

To start of the month of February we have the following folks with races over the weekend:

03 - @michigandergirl - Groundhog Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
03 - @KSellers88 - Super Bowl 5k (NG / N/A)
03 - @Sanchez - Save the Light Half Marathon (1:38:00 / N/A)
03 - @gjramsey - Katy Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
03 - @baxter24 - Krispy Kreme Challenge (NG / N/A)
03 - @PrincessMickey - Back the Blue 5k (35:00 / N/A)
04 - @JulieODC - Super Sunday 5 Miler (NG / N/A)

If you would like to adjust your goal or some other type of change please let me know. If someone has a race they would like to add to the weekend list, also let me know. Best of luck to each of you this weekend and we look forward to hearing how your race goes!

MEEEE! @LSUlakes I've been trying to catch up to this so you can add my first race of 2018! And talk about THE most adorable Woody ever!

04 - kathymford - Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday 5k (NG/N/A)

AND WHEW! I made it through!
QOTD: This morning we got to experience a rare event in the skies. A super blue blood moon! As NASA states, a trifecta of events. Todays question is did you see it this morning? Did you see it while out on a run? Any other cool type of space related events have you seen while out on a run? Seeing the space station, a comet, ect?

I saw nothing. NOTHING.


Mostly because I was crazy tired and it was 24º.


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