To Infinity and Beyond - A Pixar WISH Challenge! February 2018

My 14-year-old and I started C25K this week. We want to try a 5k at the end of March. He can already run circles around me, so he's humoring me with the C25k training, LOL. WE've done 2 days so far and the last few jogging sections are soooo hard for me, but I'm surviving!


I'm completely out of shape (but much better than when I started in September). I've been toying with starting the C25K -- I want to do the Santa Hustle in Chicago in December this year, but I'm also thinking about cutting my teeth on a 5k my town does on Memorial Day.
I want to join in here! I don't have a Disney trip planned right now, so I need a different excuse to stalk the boards, LOL! We went twice last year and most likely won't go again until next year. Boo hoo! LOL!

Anyway, I'm Jenny, and I'm 47 years old, married 20 years this May and we have 7 kiddos ranging from 18 down to 6. I'm fairly active, but really want to be fit and in shape, which I am not right now! My overall weight goal is to lose about 15 lbs., which would put me near the middle of the healthy range for my height. I'm aiming for 5 lbs. gone in February. I started tracking in My Fitness Pal a couple weeks ago, so my plan is to keep that up this month, and exercise for at least 40 minutes 6 days a week.

My 14-year-old and I started C25K this week. We want to try a 5k at the end of March. He can already run circles around me, so he's humoring me with the C25k training, LOL. WE've done 2 days so far and the last few jogging sections are soooo hard for me, but I'm surviving! Hubby and I are going to join a gym this month, so I want to get in a couple days a week of strength training in addition to walking/running as well.

Let's see, the goal I'll use for tracking each week here will be the 5 lb. weight loss.

And finally, my why is to be in the best shape I can be...I want to be able to keep up with my kids and encourage them to always be active as well. And, I generally feel more confident and content when I know I'm taking care of myself and have more energy, etc.
My why... well, I want to be healthier so I'll be around longer and can fully enjoy the rest of my life. Really, truly, the things that make me feel old aren't so much related to age, but to carrying around all this extra weight. I also want to be able to wear really cute clothing, well, age appropriately cute. I want to knit a sweater this year, and there's a knit-a-long coming up for a pattern I have and love, but I keep thinking, do I really want to put that much effort in to something that soon won't fit if I can get even 20 pounds off.

One of the corner stones of the course I'm taking is treating yourself with respect. This is slowly starting to become part of my thought patterns, but I'm not even close to applying it to food choices, as the sugar addiction is currently in full control. I'm hoping that cleaning out the jumble of old food in the pantry will help me get food clarity and open up space for new behaviors... it's been that way with the other clearing I've done in the house, so I have to believe the odds are ever in my favor.

Yesterday one of the gals I follow on IG did a post about "Hello Sweet February", and it instantly flipped my pink switch so now I must have all the pink things. I stopped at the grocery store last night and ended up with this strange collection of things and when I set them out on the table at home, I realized they were almost all in pick containers or wrappings... dinner last night included kettle popcorn, which was in a pink bag. Normally, when the pink switch flips I'd be running to the yarn store for some pink woolly goodness, but due to my sorting and clearing I do know that I have several different pink yarns in my stash, and my stash is out of the bags and containers it was in and is now on a shelf just like a yarn store... so I can shop it at will!

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My 14-year-old and I started C25K this week. We want to try a 5k at the end of March. He can already run circles around me, so he's humoring me with the C25k training, LOL. WE've done 2 days so far and the last few jogging sections are soooo hard for me, but I'm surviving! Hubby and I are going to join a gym this month, so I want to get in a couple days a week of strength training in addition to walking/running as well.

Let's see, the goal I'll use for tracking each week here will be the 5 lb. weight loss.

And finally, my why is to be in the best shape I can be...I want to be able to keep up with my kids and encourage them to always be active as well. And, I generally feel more confident and content when I know I'm taking care of myself and have more energy, etc.

:welcome: & that's a great start!

I've been toying with starting the C25K -- I want to do the Santa Hustle in Chicago in December this year, but I'm also thinking about cutting my teeth on a 5k my town does on Memorial Day.

I had to look up the Santa Hustle cause it sounded so cute... and yep, it lived up to the vision in my head Haha! That looks fun!
QOTD: I have a few facets to my why. My number one is my health. I had a heart issue scare Sept 2016 that showed me I need to get it together or be on medication for the rest of my life. That was the most heavy why. But honestly the one that I keep going back to is my vanity.... as shallow as it sounds. I didn't recognize myself in photos for the longest time. And I didn't like that I was almost sized out of my favorite clothes brand. Now that I am talking through this I am realizing I don't have a super concrete why right now and maybe that's why I am struggling. Getting to "healthy" BMI is what I am telling myself but it's not inspiring me on a deep level.... hmmm.... I think as silly as this sounds, my new immediate focus will have to be clothes related. My fave clothes line is coming out with swimwear which they haven't done in years! This year I am going to ROCK one of their two pieces and look and feel good in it!!!
Of course! Your contributions to discussions are always wonderful! Plus, I love hearing about how maintenance will be.... It's easy to see goal as then end -- but nope, that journey keeps going!

I think the people tend to talk about it when things are little harder, and while it's 100% true - you put an end to it, you gain it all back it also gets easier. I read somewhere that maintenance is losing same 5 to 10 lbs, and it kind of is. I am trying to keep it at 5 as 10 seem too much but there are some small ups and downs and adjustment.

There is positive shift in goals - how to have more fun in terms of activities, how to make most of my calories. It was there while I was losing weight but feels more important now.

But in many ways it's the same, I stop, I will be back at where I stared.

The "Why" is what helps you keep going when the momentum and motivation gives out.
The "Why" is what gets you back on track when you get off course.

So what is your why?
Why are you on this journey to a better you?

What is the reason(s) that make a healthier you a top priority in your life?

I used to have short term whys and I still do. Looking good on my vacation is one that happens often. I will be 40 this year. My why now is being able to enjoy life longer. I want to be able to travel. Walks at the beach. I want to be able to take grandkids to Disney. I want to travel to far destinations with my husband when our son finishes his education. I want to be able to do yoga. I want to be someone who doesn't want to eat too much. Who is happy with their food choices, but accepts that what you eat matters and finds it easy to balance it all

I think having long term vision and being clear what the alternative is really important for me.
Weekend Fun!


What's your favorite Pixar movie and why?

Walking 3,000 steps by doing laps in your house is incredibly monotonous!

Ok. I'm in again. I sort of flaked out at the end of January. Only flaked out on disboards, not what I was doing. I was fighting a bug and it was easier to just sit on the couch, read a book, and be a vegetable than think and move my fingers!

I'm going to continue to log every bite (today is ugly, ugly, ugly) and keep up with my steps goal. Hence the boring laps in the house.

My why... nothing terribly concrete. I just want to be active. I want to be able to move around and do things when I'm older. I look at our parents and it's depressing! Dh's dad will be 90 next month and he has very limited mobility. They rarely leave the house. My dad will be 80 at the end of the year and he's still bopping around like a teenager--ok, one who takes a lot of breaks! But they travel and are very engaged with the world. I want to be like that. WDW here we come!!
I like all the pixar movies. I rarely have favorites of anything!! I'm sure that says something about my personality, but not sure I wanna go there! :rotfl2:

Here's to a great short but sweet month! We can do this. :cheer2:
Check in! Maybe I set my sights too low. If I hit it too far from the end of the month, I'll recalibrate.

2/1 - 249.4 pounds
2/5 - 244.2 pounds (down 5.2)
52% toward goal

Amazing what getting back to the basics has done to get me back on track! Water, tracking, exercise.
What's your favorite Pixar movie and why?

I think it better to say the ones I don't like. I love Pixar Movies. I was not a fan of Wall-E and haven't seen Up or the Incredables. And Toy Story 2 is not a favorite. But I loved the rest. Cars 2 I missed half the movie but seemed good for what i saw. It was not a good idea to take a 3 or 4 year old little girl to see a movie about cars. We ended up sitting in the car while DS and DH watched the rest of the movie.


I am not doing very good with my goal. I have any hit my steps and tracked my food for 1 day. I had a horrible headache Friday and yesterday so I just really didn't do much. However i am down about a pound.
Monday, February 5


Not all of us have Mrs. Potato Head to keep track of everything for us.

We have to keep track of things ourselves!

When it comes to your food, do you track everything?

Do you keep a journal or food diary?
Are you counting calories, points, or going by feeling satisfied?
If so, what do you use and why does it work for you?

If tracking food isn't part of your journey, is there anything else you track or journal (exercise, mindfulness, etc)?
I had a pretty good weekend -- I REALLY let my desire to clean up my body manifest itself in my house. I completely overhauled my "junk" areas (aka my craft shelves, my junk drawer, my pantry, my old tupperwares, kitchen appliances I don't use, etc) and it was WONDERFUL! I feel like my kitchen is ready for meal prep and cooking healthy meals. Next weekend I plan on overhauling my bedroom, the closet, and my guest room. I've irrationally been hanging onto a lot of clothes and I need to pull an Elsa and Let. It. Go!

As for progress, I am down 2.6 of 4! Guess why? I tracked most of last week LOL! Why can't I just commit to that?! It works for me, I just don't like it. I have to meet myself half way on this and figure out what is going to work for me long term I think.

Today starts my juice cleanse. I am excited and nervous actually. I'm shocked I am not hungry yet, but I have been preparing for this by not having too much processed foods, oils, animal protein, or sugars and starches recently. I did have a glass of wine last night though because, let's be real- it's a type of juice right?! Haha! At any rate, I am as ready as I'll ever be and think this will be a good place to just sit in me being uncomfortable and learn that food is not an emergency or urgent thing for me. (Shout out to Phit N Phat for some of that wisdom -- thanks, @lovesmurfs -- I have now binged my way through sooo many episodes! Funny story: I am from the south originally but lost my accent when I was studying theater... and yesterday my husband goes, you've been listening to that podcast too much-- you're accent came back Hahaha! It's so contagious! But I am loving her no nonsense way of thinking-- it's helping me cut out a lot of that noise between my ears :-) )

Alright, I am off to catch up on the thread and answer the questions as well.

Happy Monday All!
I read somewhere that maintenance is losing same 5 to 10 lbs, and it kind of is.

As tedious as that sounds, I think it's probably a realistic way of thinking about it. I would love to be someone who doesn't have to monitor, but that's not realistic -- the days of putting myself on autopilot are over, even when I do get to goal. And that's just the way it is.

My dad will be 80 at the end of the year and he's still bopping around like a teenager--ok, one who takes a lot of breaks! But they travel and are very engaged with the world. I want to be like that. WDW here we come!!

They sound awesome! That is a great why!

I think it better to say the ones I don't like. I love Pixar Movies.

LOL! Seriously though-- sooo many are so good!
I'm down half a pound. Not quite enough to be on pace, but I'll take it. I've been eating and exercising right, and it seems to me I won't see much if any change for several days, then suddenly I'll be down a lb. or 2. So no worries yet, LOL!

As for the question, I track food on My Fitness Pal. I've done so in the past but never for more than a couple weeks at a time. It does get a bit tedious after a while. This time I've been tracking since mid-January. My plan is to keep it up for at least a couple months, say until the end of March, and then evaluate if I still need to or not. For me it's super eye-opening to see exactly what serving sizes are (I've been measuring those out as well) and both how quickly calories add up and how the different nutrient counts come in. I think once I have a better feel for how those things look, I won't have to track all the time. We'll see.
Okay, so how do you quote someone else but have your response to their quote NOT be part of the quote? (See my above response to lovesmurfs' check in) The "great progress" part should be my response not part of the original quote. I've been on these boards for awhile but I've never quite figured out the quote function!!!
PIXAR movies... I didn't think I'd seen many of the PIXAR movies, but going off of those shown in the graphic, the only ones I haven't seen are the Cars ones and Wall-E, so I guess I've seen more than I thought. None stick out as strong favorites (they are all good), but UP and InsideOut both brought tears to my eyes, so I'll put them at the top of the list.

I do not track my food or calculate calories - and there in lies a clear explanation on why I'm not losing weight. I can totally do the tracking with my FitBit, I just need to get the habit going. Keeping track while I was doing WW was very effective, so I know it will help.

Tracking for February goals: 67% success rate
Sort thru pantry... 100% on track.
I did the first pass this weekend and at least cleared enough space to put all food stuffs away, but I do need to do another pass and dig deeper.
Get outside every day... 100% on track. I realized I can satisfy the course requirement M-F while I'm waiting for the bus in the morning. I just need to shift to standing on the grass instead of the cement and give myself an intentional pep talk of positivity while I'm looking up at the sky... thru the trees branches that form this awesome lacy pattern. Over the weekend I spent time out in the yard both days, so I'm 5 for 5.
Lose 5 pounds... 0% on track. Didn't even think about eating to lose weight, so no surprise I haven't lost any.

At this point I've sorted thru almost everything upstairs, and I can probably knock out most of the bits that are left tonight. I've hauled about 20 bags of stuff off to Goodwill, which feels fantastic, no I just need to get the equivalent 20 pounds of stuff off my body.

Still in a totally pink mood.

Okay, so how do you quote someone else but have your response to their quote NOT be part of the quote? (See my above response to lovesmurfs' check in) The "great progress" part should be my response not part of the original quote. I've been on these boards for awhile but I've never quite figured out the quote function!!!

Hi! You just need to hit "Reply" at the lower right. The cursor will go to the grey "quick reply" box. Just make sure you start typing after you see the [/QUOTE]. Hit a couple of returns, and start typing. You can probably edit the previous post if you want to see how it looks.


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