This Is Us- Season two

I thought Kate had been calling friends to see if anyone knew where Kevin and Sophie were, and finally found out between Rebecca's phone call and when she got to Miguel's.

Yes. I thought he was telling him to get her out while he went back for Kate.

I thought he told Kate it was too high from that side? The other side had the porch roof to climb out on.
I’m just having a hard time buying what they’re selling I guess. I’m also going on my own thought processes. I would have had Miguel out looking for him but that doesn’t make for emotional TV drama. :rotfl:
No wonder Kate feels so guilty. She should. But I'm surprised Rebecca isn't angrier at Jack for being so stupid. But yet, all they can talk about is how he was SUCH an amazing father and husband. literally put a dog and a pillowcase full of stuff before his wife and kids.
To be fair, Kate never said "go get my dog" or "You've gotta save him." or anything like that. She was calling to the dog trying to get him to come out. To be honest, if I could hear my dog barking in a burning home, I would probably be calling out for him too... but I would not want someone to go back into the burning house for him. I don't blame her for feeling guilty, but I'm not sure I agree with "she should."

Couldn't Jack and Kate have gone out her window? Why go back across the hall?
Jack said "we have to get back to my room. It's too high to go out here." Jack/Rebecca's room seemed to open onto a section of roof. I guess Kate's room didn't. However, I agree with everything else you said. He should have told Randall and Rebecca to get out NOW, not "if I'm not back in 3 minutes." Also, when he grabbed the mattress, I thought he was going to make a ladder out of the sheets, not try to use the mattress as a shield. But, quite frankly, if the choices were to go back into a fully engulfed hallway, or jump from the 2nd story window, I'd jump... sheet ladder or not. I wouldn't have even tried to cross the hall. "You and Randall get out now. Kate and I will meet you outside. Somehow."
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Jack said "we have to get back to my room. It's too high to go out here." Jack/Rebecca's room seemed to open onto a section of roof. I guess Kate's room didn't. However, I agree with everything else you said. He should have told Randall and Rebecca to get out NOW, not "if I'm not back in 3 minutes." Also, when he grabbed the mattress, I thought he was going to make a ladder out of the sheets, not try to use the mattress as a shield. But, quite frankly, if the choices were to go back into a fully engulfed hallway, or jump from the 2nd story window, I'd jump... sheet ladder or not. I wouldn't have even tried to cross the hall. "You and Randall get out now. Kate and I will meet you outside. Somehow."

YES! I mean, 3 minutes while you house is burning down around you is an eternity. The floor of the bedroom could have collapsed, for goodness sakes!

And I am totally with you on taking my chances going out the window even if that meant jumping. I'd rather break my legs than die from smoke inhalation of be covered with burns all over my body. He could have totally made a sheet rope and climbed down, or at the very least, lowered Kate down that way and then take his chances jumping.
It's kind of bumming me out that everyone is picking apart how Jack acted in the house fire situation. To be able to think fast in that situation after waking from sleep - well, I think it's impressive. Lots of armchair quarterbacks here. :rotfl:
It's kind of bumming me out that everyone is picking apart how Jack acted in the house fire situation. To be able to think fast in that situation after waking from sleep - well, I think it's impressive. Lots of armchair quarterbacks here. :rotfl:

I was just going to say the same thing. It’s easy to know what to do from the comfort of your not on fire couch in your not on fire house lol
Good episode, not as tearjerking as I would have thought. And yeah, there's all kinds of things that can be picked apart about how the house fire was handled, but I'm more interested in whether or not the writers are going to expand upon the flash-forward plot twist.
Okay, I'll join in with my nitpicks of this episode:

First off, they've been harping on how Jack "doesn't die in the fire". To me, that's being disingenuous. Yeah, technically, he doesn't did "in" the fire, but the fire is what killed him. Not a car accident, not cancer, not anything else.

Secondly, I think the whole concept of going back in after the dog...and coming out with videotapes and a photo album, is just ridiculous. And if I happened to do that (I wouldn't, but let's pretend), you know darn well I wouldn't have grabbed the special, personal video tape--I would have wound up grabbing an old copy of "Elmo Saves Christmas" or something equally stupid.

Thirdly--the dog was in a bed, not a crate. Would he not have barked at the first smell of smoke? And then run upstairs, barking frantically, before the fire got that bad? I have a dog, and when I open a can of cat food, she smells it and comes running from 3 rooms away--every single time. Dogs lead with their noses, just like people lead with their eyes.

I totally didn't get that it was adult Tess and older Randall at the end. Maybe I was blowing my nose too hard. I did like the episode overall. "I love the girl that loves the dog."--that would totally be my husband!
It's kind of bumming me out that everyone is picking apart how Jack acted in the house fire situation. To be able to think fast in that situation after waking from sleep - well, I think it's impressive. Lots of armchair quarterbacks here. :rotfl:
I agree. Not nearly as serious but our central air unit caught fire a few months ago while I was home alone. No flames but the house filled with smoke. I acted irrationally even though I know what you should and should not do. I somehow went upstairs to get my cat carrier - I don’t remember doing this. I put the cat in it and got her out of the house then I went back in. Looking back that was crazy. I did not even think to go outside myself.
Yes! Loved that quote "I love the girl that loves the dog" ooooh I wish I had a man like Jack in my life, specifically as a father <3
It's kind of bumming me out that everyone is picking apart how Jack acted in the house fire situation. To be able to think fast in that situation after waking from sleep - well, I think it's impressive. Lots of armchair quarterbacks here. :rotfl:

True but this wasn't a real fire either, this was set up by writers, producers etc. Not one of them thought this is kind of far fetched?
I was a little disappointed ... I guess I just expected more. Also, really thought the little boy would be for Randall and Beth.
He told Kate the first time he came in to get her in her room it was too high to go out that side of the house. The backs of most houses don't have porch roofs on them, they are a straight drop to the ground from the second floor windows.
Well, look who's back. Welcome back to the thread. :rolleyes1
First off, they've been harping on how Jack "doesn't die in the fire". To me, that's being disingenuous. Yeah, technically, he doesn't did "in" the fire, but the fire is what killed him. Not a car accident, not cancer, not anything else.

Totally agree. That piece of it almost gets an eye roll from me. It all feels way to obvious for a show so carefully written.

Still a good episode with some great moments. Loved the stuff with Kate and Toby. Loved the stuff with Kevin and Rebecca. Loved the laugh Jack sent them. And the Randall scenes continue to be outstanding. But the overarching story line with the fire? Not remarkable because it was so thoroughly telegraphed ahead of time, only for them to play coy and deny that's what was going to happen.
True but this wasn't a real fire either, this was set up by writers, producers etc. Not one of them thought this is kind of far fetched?
I think that’s what is really bugging me. Jack going back in, grabbing all those momentos, making his way down stairs that they couldn’t escape by AND finding the dog in a house entirely engulfed in flames isn’t plausible IMO. The writers are better than that.
If we really want to nitpick, they all should have died. Let's be real.

True...most nighttime house fires end that way because people suffocate in their sleep well before they wake up. The way that fire was raging outside the door and only a tiny bit of smoke was coming in through the cracks in the door? Not realistic at all.
I think that’s what is really bugging me. Jack going back in, grabbing all those momentos, making his way down stairs that they couldn’t escape by AND finding the dog in a house entirely engulfed in flames isn’t plausible IMO. The writers are better than that.

Yeah that fire was way to big for him to go down stairs. I just re watched it and all the photo books and tape were in the same place , only thing he grabbed that was probably in the bedroom was her necklace. Unless something else comes out of that bag later. They were in under the TV.

I think Rebecca's reaction was so real. When my first husband died I was at work. They came to tell me and I told them they were wrong and crazy too until they showed me his wallet. They went to take me home and I was good until we got to the door and my legs just gave out. Shock. I think that was her. I'm sure she went over to him but that is what they wanted us to see of Jack's death.
I agree. Not nearly as serious but our central air unit caught fire a few months ago while I was home alone. No flames but the house filled with smoke. I acted irrationally even though I know what you should and should not do. I somehow went upstairs to get my cat carrier - I don’t remember doing this. I put the cat in it and got her out of the house then I went back in. Looking back that was crazy. I did not even think to go outside myself.

I know what you mean. A couple winters ago we had a fire in our fireplace before bed and for some reason after we had gone to bed, it backdrafted and we woke up to our smoke alarms/house alarm going off and our house filled with smoke. We jumped out of bed and our first instinct wasn't even to get out, it was to find out why our house was filled with smoke and to turn off the house alarm.


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