This Is Us- Season two

To me the grabbing of the videos and photo albums is plausible. I have all our important family videos (wedding, son's birth, birthdays, etc.) in my nightstand next to my bed along with our most important photo albums. I have always told my husband if there is ever a fire we each grab a drawer and run. There is nothing in my home more important than my family, my dog and those two drawers. I would have grabbed the exact same things Jack did.
After watching a second time, I was thinking about how much harder the episode would have hit me if I didn't already know that Jack was going to die before the episode ended. I know that they were trying to up viewership, but it would have been so much better if it hadn't been hyped up for weeks. Imagine if you had no idea that his death was coming this very episode and that you didn't know for sure that the fire was the cause of his death--if we had breathed that sigh of relief when they were all safely out and then didn't know that the other shoe was about to drop quickly. It's too bad that so many were clamoring to know how Jack died that they couldn't have let this come as a bit more of a shock.
After watching a second time, I was thinking about how much harder the episode would have hit me if I didn't already know that Jack was going to die before the episode ended. I know that they were trying to up viewership, but it would have been so much better if it hadn't been hyped up for weeks. Imagine if you had no idea that his death was coming this very episode and that you didn't know for sure that the fire was the cause of his death--if we had breathed that sigh of relief when they were all safely out and then didn't know that the other shoe was about to drop quickly. It's too bad that so many were clamoring to know how Jack died that they couldn't have let this come as a bit more of a shock.

I’ve been saying the same thing for a few pages. There was way too much build up. Having his death be a surprise would have been brutal, but it would have changed the vibe of the show from episode 2 or 3. The ‘now’ timeline would be 100% different.
I’ve been saying the same thing for a few pages. There was way too much build up. Having his death be a surprise would have been brutal, but it would have changed the vibe of the show from episode 2 or 3. The ‘now’ timeline would be 100% different.

I didn't need his death to be a total surprise. I was ok knowing that he had died but not knowing exactly how and exploring how it affected the others. I think it was a little rushed to get it all out there because so many people were fixated on the cause. Even if this exact same episode had happened without the knowledge that this was THE episode that would finally answer all of our questions, it would have had a bigger impact on me. Even knowing that the cause of death would be revealed this season but not necessarily this episode, would have been better.
Fireproof safe. We have flash drives full of pictures from our wedding and the kids' birthday and all of our important documents.

Fireproof safe, people. And never, never go back in for a beloved pet. It is heartbreaking and hard, but never.

I never watched the show, but might have to start. Last night's episode was beautifully done. I cried even though I don't know the characters.

And, I blame Kate too. Not for the dog, he shouldn't have gone back in. No, she didn't listen to him and refused to go with him at first. Nope. I thought for sure the mattress was going to burst into flames and he was going to burn to death right then and there.
Fireproof safe. We have flash drives full of pictures from our wedding and the kids' birthday and all of our important documents.

Fireproof safe, people. And never, never go back in for a beloved pet. It is heartbreaking and hard, but never.

I never watched the show, but might have to start. Last night's episode was beautifully done. I cried even though I don't know the characters.

And, I blame Kate too. Not for the dog, he shouldn't have gone back in. No, she didn't listen to him and refused to go with him at first. Nope. I thought for sure the mattress was going to burst into flames and he was going to burn to death right then and there.

Yes on the fireproof (make sure it's also waterproof) safe. In this day and age, where you can backup photos online or on portable hard drives, there is no reason to be grabbing anything on your way out of a burning building.
Yes on the fireproof (make sure it's also waterproof) safe. In this day and age, where you can backup photos online or on portable hard drives, there is no reason to be grabbing anything on your way out of a burning building.
I have all of mine on flash drives and in "the cloud" as well. I still want the originals.
One thing that I didn't pick up on while watching but just thought of. Kevin has been staying with Rebecca and Miguel in NJ but he went to speak to Jack at the tree which is in Pittsburgh??? Did anyone else pick up on that discrepancy?
One thing that I didn't pick up on while watching but just thought of. Kevin has been staying with Rebecca and Miguel in NJ but he went to speak to Jack at the tree which is in Pittsburgh??? Did anyone else pick up on that discrepancy?
It said he was at the wrong tree so I figured he was out driving and went somewhere to talk not to Pittsburgh because it showed him watching the game with Rebecca when he got back
One thing that I didn't pick up on while watching but just thought of. Kevin has been staying with Rebecca and Miguel in NJ but he went to speak to Jack at the tree which is in Pittsburgh??? Did anyone else pick up on that discrepancy?

I've been wondering about that, too.
Randall told Tess, that she has to live with him until she is 25 and after that she has to have dinner with him once a week to tell him everything. It is cool to actually have that respect and have a relationship with your adult child. I hope it is a daughter/father dinner, but where was Beth, when they showed Tessa as a Social Worker and going to go for supper.
It said he was at the wrong tree so I figured he was out driving and went somewhere to talk not to Pittsburgh because it showed him watching the game with Rebecca when he got back
It does look like the same park (along the river) where Randall took William to share info about Jack. It’s also the same place where they had his funeral/memorial. Kevin says he hasn’t been back here since the funeral.
So I guess the actual date of Jack's death isn't a factor when acknowledging the "anniversary", just that it was on Super Bowl Sunday? In 1998, the Super Bowl was on January 25th.

Just a random thought, LOL. I mean I get why that would be the case, with the Super Bowl being a big deal for Jack and the family in general, but I just thought it was kind of interesting.

I have to agree that the show "jumped the shark" (ehhh, a minor thing so let's call it "jumped the goldfish", LOL) for me a little with Jack being able to gather all of the photo albums, the tape, and the dog while the house was so engulfed in flames that they supposedly couldn't even walk down the stairs. And that dog probably would have been history before any of them even woke up.
We had a fire many years ago. Middle of the night. Smoke detector did not go off. Fire was more in ceiling and not much smoke. Kids were little and I heard a noise. Made my husband check it out. We immediately got the kids out to safety. Called 911 and parents to get kids. Went back in to get a few things. You really never know how you will react until you experience something. Our house did not burn totally down. Just major damage.
I guess it's just me I don't care about the small details. It doesn't take away from the main plot of the story line. Of course just my opinion. I never knew that people care about the small details until this show. lol

I agree. I watch so little tv and few series, that it's just entertainment. I usually watch programs relaxing with my phone or internet so inconsistent smallest details don't bother me.
I guess it's just me I don't care about the small details. It doesn't take away from the main plot of the story line. Of course just my opinion. I never knew that people care about the small details until this show. lol
I usually don't and can let a lot slide. But this show seems to be all about the details. Especially since it jumps around in time so much.
I usually don't and can let a lot slide. But this show seems to be all about the details. Especially since it jumps around in time so much.
That's how I feel. They seem to put so much effort into the details so some of the ones that slip by really make you wonder. I still love the show and story line though.
I've known 2 people in this situation and neither of them died from a heart attack - is that even a thing with smoke inhalation? A very common cause of death is heat and smoke damage to the respiratory tract cause uncontrollable swelling - even to the point they can't intubate. This comes on after the fact, but quick, so a victim can die shortly after seeming OK.

According to this..

I don't know the official cause of death in the case of my family member. They didn't pass until several days later. It was along time ago..was told they died from smoke inhalation. The details I know are awful.
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