The Running Thread - 2018

I don’t eat popcorn too often but when I do, it’s on the stove. I melt butter and add a little salt and mix it all up. The kids like to add the cheesy powder stuff to theirs. On a side note, my family owns a farm that grows popcorn and some day I will inherit it, so I am a future popcorn farm owner.
ATTQOTD: Microwave popcorn for us, usually the Orville Redenbacher's Movie theater kind. I occasionally get the ones with the melted butter stuff. We used to do stove top or hot air popper but that was just too bland unless we poured melted butter over it. I really wish we could find the same popcorn salt that movie theaters have (the very fine bright orange stuff).

Not a fan. Similar to coffee, it needs too much extra on it to make it taste good enough to eat. For me, I prefer my empty calories in other forms.
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.
Fun Friday QOTD: Calling all popcorn lovers! Do you make homemade popcorn or the microwave variety? Whats your favorite flavor? Those who make on the stove, wanna share a recipe?

I love popcorn.
My favorite pre-popped brand is "Boom Chica Pop" from the grocery store- it's is light, salty and delish!
My favorite specialty shop in my old college town makes a puppy chow (muddy buddy? the chocolate powdered sugar stuff) popcorn that is incredible.
At home, I generally do the single serving light butter microwave stuff (with peanut M&Ms, duh!).
Current popcorn source is directly related to the abundance of basketball games I attend... #coachwife

(As a weird note... I don't really like movie theater popcorn. It has too much butter/oil for me. And it stained my clothes once... not cool.)
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Miss a few days and plan on having lots of reading! It was fun catching up! Here are my ATTQOTDs in brief - don't care about shoe color, my favorite holiday races have been Christmas themed, I don't sleep enough, and I ride my trainer in the basement/bike on the streets at least once during the week on a non-running day. Shoveling snow seems to be daily whether I am running or not lately; put me in the shoveling snow is cross-training camp.

But to the important ATTQOTD: Popcorn!!! I love it in all it's forms air popped, stove popped, microwaved, jiffy-pop and of course movie popcorn. I always get my free refill on the way out of the theater! popcorn:: As a family we often do a friday evening movie night and I will make "old fashion" popcorn in our cast iron pot. It is in no way healthy, popped in oil, (vegan) butter and salt. But the secret is to pull the pop corn off the burner as soon as the kernels stop popping for longer than three seconds. Then remove all the popped kernels. Then reheat the unpopped/half popped kernels. Be careful not to burn them but when done you mix with the rest, add salt and butter. It gives the popcorn some extra crunch. My families favorite, it never survives the movie.

All you fellow Northers be safe during those snowy runs! I've got a 16 miler on Sunday, should be an adventure!
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.

I am sorry @camaker, that sucks! Hoping the best for you.
Yum, popcorn! I prettu much love it in all forms but at home, I go with microwave single serve packs. I buy the box that's half movie butter flavor and half kettle corn so I can choose if I feel like something a bit sweeter.
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Fingers crossed for no crutches and a speedy recovery
ATTQOTD: Popcorn is life. I microwave Pop Secret Movie Theatre Butter at home and put it in one of my reusable Disney buckets and pretend I’m at WDW, because why not. I only like butter, no other flavors (although the sea salt and cracked black pepper is tolerable, idk who makes it). And I absolutely hate kettle corn.
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.
Sorry. That sucks. I hope it's not so bad when the MRI comes in.
I don’t eat popcorn too often but when I do, it’s on the stove. I melt butter and add a little salt and mix it all up. The kids like to add the cheesy powder stuff to theirs. On a side note, my family owns a farm that grows popcorn and some day I will inherit it, so I am a future popcorn farm owner.

Well thanks to my new toy at home, I suggest buying stock in popcorn and sugarcane because that stuff is amazing! Thats a cool thing to inherit.

put it in one of my reusable Disney buckets and pretend I’m at WDW, because why not.

I did this last night lol. I started a series on Netflix called the 100.
I’ve been sick with a stomach bug since the Super Bowl so am way behind! I’ve been reading but no energy to answer anything. And no running all week, wah! I’m just going to jump in with today’s question now that my stomach can handle thinking about food again!

I have a Stir Crazy popper that I LOVE! It makes the best popcorn. Top with melted butter and salt, yum! Huge popcorn fan! And we always get popcorn at Disney. popcorn::
Fun Friday QOTD: Calling all popcorn lovers! Do you make homemade popcorn or the microwave variety? Whats your favorite flavor? Those who make on the stove, wanna share a recipe?

I never really like popcorn. I don't know what it is but I just don't like it.
I’m not a popcorn person - but we got a few ears of popping corn at the farmers market last fall and the kids loved cooking it on the stove!

We also like Quinn popcorn - they have really good flavors and it’s healthier - just a little pricier.
Oh gosh, I’m going to out myself as a popcorn snob. We order ours from a place called Crown Jewel popcorn and make it on the stove using Alton Brown’s recipe (3 tbsp oil + 1/2 cup kernels + salt in a metal mixing bowl topped with foil you’ve slit holes in. Cook on a burner until popping stops for 3 seconds. Transfer to bowl and top with popcorn salt). I can’t find popcorn salt out here, so my mother in law sweetly put a couple of shakers in my stocking at Christmas... I was so happy!
Unsatisfying visit to the orthopedist today. Two weeks of rest and anti-inflammatories have yielded only a slight improvement in the shin pain. At least I’m walking without a limp now, I guess. The doctor suspects a stress issue in the bone even though mid-tibia is a really unusual place to have one and wants an MRI to confirm. If it does, I’m probably looking at a minimum 4 weeks non load bearing on crutches. Just to complete the poop sandwich, I’m up 10-15 lbs from the combination of holidays and not cutting back on calories when I had to stop running. MRI in the next week or so and I’m not even sure what to hope for. I guess I need to start rooting for a deep soft tissue inflammation masquerading as bone pain!

Thanks for listening to another frustration vent! I seem to have had a lot of those lately.

Sorry to hear. Hope the MRI....well, on the one hand hope it shows nothing, but then OTOH, if it showed something, at least you would have an answer. So you pick! Hope whatever it is heals more quickly than they say.

Hang in there.


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