The Running Thread - 2018

QOTD: Today is Lundi Gras and followed up with Mardi Gras tomorrow. Did anyone partake in any parades or celebrate carnival season over the weekend?

I watched Parade Cam on Friday night and saw d’Etat and Morpheus and then was watching Endymion on Saturday for a bit!

We’ve been looking at real estate in NOLA, so hopefully this time next year I’ll be celebrating in person!! #AllTheKingCake
QOTD: Today is Lundi Gras and followed up with Mardi Gras tomorrow. Did anyone partake in any parades or celebrate carnival season over the weekend?

There are no festivals or parades in my corner of the world, but we are gearing up for "Fish Fry Fridays" here (of which I don't really participate, I prefer make my fish at home on Fridays). It is so cool how big it is in the south! I am so intrigued by King Cake and need to try it!
ATTQOTD: No celebrations or parades here either. There might be a Mardi Gras themed 5k on March 3rd in my town, but I will be in Disney so I won't be participating! pixiedust:
I've been super behind on the thread, we were sick at our house for like a week and busy with work (we work at home, so sick time isn't necessarily not-work time), and then my weekends the last like 3 weeks have been jam packed with ALL THE THINGS \o/ both days. It's been crazy! Like this past weekend I had an agility trial all day Saturday, agility class Sunday morning (which is about 45 min away), had to hit the SIX03 (NH running organization) big expo to pick up my swag bag and check out all the vendors in the afternoon, and then an agility trial planning meeting at night (which is like 30 min away) for the trial my club hosts in May. I need some weekends to recover from my weekends! It's been like that the last 3 weeks. And then it seemed so daunting to catch up, so I've been doing a few pages at a time and I finally made it. :)

The expo was ok, but I'm a pretty big introvert IRL, and while I know a handful of peeps from playing Wednesday night pub trivia with their team (I got pulled in last winter when they were having troubles filling up the team by one of my buddies in my regular running group who also runs for both groups), I don't know most of them well enough to stand around and chit chat without feeling super awkward, so I mostly just wandered around a few loops by myself, said hi to my buddy from my regular running group, and then just hung around on the outskirts waiting for the raffle, because I got there about 20 min before the big raffle stuff was going to happen and the big giveaway was one of the new Garmin 645M watches. I held one of the watches at the Garmin booth... IT IS SO LIGHT. And the straps are so flexible. I didn't win, boo hoo. I want one so bad now. My 220 feels like a huge clunky piece of junk now! :) Maybe the charger will finally become unusable and I'll just HAVE to get one. :D 2 of the 4 pins are stuck pushed down on my charger. It's just barely making contact right now, but if they go any lower, I'm guessing they won't.

Catching up on the QOTD... I think I got them all.

Shoes -
I like bright colors, but I also like colors that go with my running clothes! When I was wearing my Altra Olympus, I loved the color schemes I had going there. I had 3 pairs in a nice neutral dark gray color but they also had neon lime green and neon blue accent colors/laces for some fun colors. And I had a dark purple pair when gray and neon lime/blue just didn't work. My current pair of Paradigms go with everything because they are boring and they are all black with a couple white accents. :) I am hoping the next model of the Paradigm gets a bit of a redesign back to their roots. The toe box is EXTREMELY narrow for an Altra, IMO. My foot does not splay in the foot shape like it should. It looks like a squeezed sausage with the wide part of the ball of my foot bulging at the sides.

Holiday races -
Let's see... I have done a Turkey Trot a few times, I have done a St. Patrick's Day pub crawl one once (and the next one coming up in a month!), and I guess my HM last fall was kind of Halloween themed. The medals had jack o'lanterns and witches on them, and there was a costume thing, although most of the costumed people were running the 5K, not the HM. I do like the Turkey Trot, makes me feel less guilty about eating at dinner, although it shouldn't really make me feel that much less guilty since it's only 5K. :) (P.S. I don't mean that like "only a 5K" isn't a legitimate race or anything, I just mean that it's not really worth THAT much pie :)) The pub crawl is fun, too. We run 5K, and then we go get some coffee and bagels in our tummies so we're not crawling on an empty stomach, and then about 11:00 all the pubs and bars in town open up for the people who got the pub crawl bracelets, and you can go from bar to bar and each one is serving some kind of unique St. Patrick's appetizer, which you can get with your bracelet for free, but you have to buy the booze if you want. You get stamps at each place you hit, and you turn them into the Chamber of Commerce people and there are drawings for prizes and you get so many entries based on the number of stamps. I think my running group made it to 5 out of 13 places last year and thankfully every one of them had our favorite local hard cider on tap (North Country) so we drank a lot of cider (myself and 2 of my group buddies are more cider fans than beer fans :)). Then when I left, I offered to take everyone's maps to the place where the Chamber had the turn in because they were staying at the pub and the 3pm cutoff was approaching and I was parked near where you turned them in... and I turned everyone's in but my own. :rolleyes:

Sleep -
I probably do best on 7-8 hours but sometimes only get 5-6 if I have to get up early. I am not really great about going to bed early, 10:30-11 is about as early as I go to bed if I'm really really tired, but it's usually between 11-12 that I get tired, even if the alarm is going off at 5.

Other workouts -
I'm about to start my May HM training plan soon, so my schedule will be more rigid than it currently is. My intentions on non-run days are to do easy yoga (I do 90 min Yin on Sundays when my weekend schedule isn't so insane crazy, and would love to get back to doing Gentle Flow on at least one weekday) and/or Orangetheory (soon). I got the founder's deal for my local studio that is opening soon... I wish they would just hurry up and open! I have been signed up since December, but they aren't opening until in March I think (they had been saying February but now it's March).

Mardi Gras -
There isn't much going on for this in New England as @JulieODC said. It's never been that big of a deal around here, even when I wasn't a lapsed celebrater... maybe just an excuse to eat a bunch of candy or something if you were going to give that up. There is a Mardi Gras 5K over in Manchester, I think, speaking of holiday races. :)

Grew up in Michigan and had never heard of Mardi Gras (or at least didn't register it's prominence at this time of year). Fat Tuesday means paczki to me.

ETA: The Mardi Gras lack of acknowledgement was from when I was younger. I am aware of it and it's prominence now, I just still don't do anything in the way of celebration.
I went away for 4 days and fell behind...
QOTD: Do you do any type of workout or other activity on your recovery days? If so what do you do?
I have 3 rest days currently and I usually sleep in for one, do spin & strength for the next, and swim on the last one.

Fun Friday QOTD: Calling all popcorn lovers! Do you make homemade popcorn or the microwave variety? Whats your favorite flavor? Those who make on the stove, wanna share a recipe?
My current popcorn obsession is Boom Chica Pop. Only 35 calories in a cup and it's so delicious! But I love popcorn and will eat any and all kinds.

QOTD: Today is Lundi Gras and followed up with Mardi Gras tomorrow. Did anyone partake in any parades or celebrate carnival season over the weekend?
I have made a king cake once years ago, but Mardi Gras isn't something we necessarily celebrate. But in 2036 Mardi Gras will fall on my 51st birthday so maybe I'll head down to NOLA for it then! Haha.

@Keels - Sending you so much love. <3

I am glad I did not get that word on a spelling (or pronunciation) test.

No Mardi Gras celebrations around here. Back when I used to go to the office, people would occasionally bring a King Cake, but that's about it.

On a different topic: weird weather today. it was 60 degrees and muggy at 6AM. That's about 25 degrees higher than the average low for this time of year.
I am glad I did not get that word on a spelling (or pronunciation) test.

No Mardi Gras celebrations around here. Back when I used to go to the office, people would occasionally bring a King Cake, but that's about it.

On a different topic: weird weather today. it was 60 degrees and muggy at 6AM. That's about 25 degrees higher than the average low for this time of year.
It's not pronounced how it looks either ;)
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.

Oh, Keels, I am so sorry for your loss. Like many, I feel like I know you from the advice, encouragement, and humor that you bring to the group. Your father was so young, and the suddenness and distance really create another whole level of emotions with your loss. God bless you and your whole family.
Dash for the Beads 10K Race Report.

Short version: It was cold and I am out of shape.

@LSUlakes my official time was 57:02

ATQOTD: I checked out Oak Cliff (Dallas) Mardi Gras Parade yesterday afternoon. As you can see, there was a big Day of the Dead influence here. Additionally; Texans can't throw beads worth a darn.


Most importantly, my gumbo came out perfect.

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It's not pronounced how it looks either ;)

I remember that from last year's discussion.

Sadly, paczkis appear not to be available in North Georgia, so @rteetz and @michigandergirl please eat one (or more!) for me.

My birthday is Wednesday (men, if in a future life, you ever get to pick your birthday, I highly suggest Valentine's Day) and we're taking a 4-day weekend trip (to see Buddhist monks and a mandala!) so it looks like I'll be getting off to a flying start for Lent.
ATTQOTD: I must confess I really don't understand the whole mardi gras thing. But more power to those who celebrate. I think fat tuesday should be celebrated with pancakes. Lots and lots of pancakes. (It's a family thing)
Nothing for Mardi Gras here. My MIL went to NOLA last year and has been obsessed since so they had a small party, with beads and King's cake but we did not attend. There is a cool local race in NH that I want to run next year. They have awesome bling and is part of a series. I just couldn't fit it into this year's schedule.
Really didn't know where to post this because I need to write it down (I think) for it to be real ... and I didn't want to post it independently to draw attention, but I'm also not participating in an upcoming race weekend so I didn't feel like that was a place to post either, so I'm sorry @LSUlakes for bogging down your thread and posting it here.


My Dad passed away very suddenly and completely unexpectedly today - he was actually in Peru on a trip with my little brother to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was yesterday). He was 65.

As if losing a parent under any circumstance wasn't tough enough - losing a parent in a foreign country is, just, well ... surreal.

I leave early in the morning for Orlando and will be there for the foreseeable future to help my Mom. I plan to come out and spectate the 10K and Half of Princess, so if you're running Princess let me know. Maybe I'll host a meet-up.

So ... for me, if you don't mind - tell everybody in your life today that you love them, or that you appreciate them, or just that they mean something to you ...even if you're mad at them! Cherish every step you take from the next step forward. Think of those that can't, won't or will never again do whatever you set out to do today. And say "eff it" every chance you get, because you only live one life and there's no overtime. And don't make this a one-time thing - make it an all-the-time thing.

I love each and every one of y'all, and each day I'm so proud and incredibly inspired by what you do.
So sorry for your loss @Keels. Thinking of you and your family during this very difficult time. :hug:
ATTQOTD: I grew up in MA. All I know about Mardi Gras is parades where they throw beads at you and that it's the day before Ash Wednesday. I live in central FL now and I don't think it's really a thing here either, but I saw pre-packaged king cakes at Publix on Saturday.
Race Report:
Bat Boogie 3k - PR 33:10 (how many more different distances can I find so I can keep PRing lol)
I put a TLDR at the bottom if you don't want to read my long winded recap.

I was really excited about the Bat Boogie 3k. Everything I read made it sound like a really fun race! It was marketed as a very family-friendly race through the zoo that had breakfast afterwards. This was not the race's first year and so I was surprised by how disappointing it was.
We got there about 40 minutes before race start only to find them turning people away from parking at the zoo and all the surrounding business parking lots were filled! There was a small mention in an email about a business that was allowing parking in their lot for overflow and a shuttle to and from there. We went and found the business only to find it was filled and there was no sign of any shuttle. So after driving around we finally found a parking spot a half mile from the race (which was closer than a lot of other people parked). We still had to pick up our bibs, bring the swag bag back to the car, and I had to use the bathroom. (A lot of pre race walking for a 3k race in my opinion!) The set up was completely confusing but I finally managed to find someone to ask where the bathroom was during the national anthem. The bathrooms were actually on course just a bit after the start line and those were the only ones! I managed to finish and run to the start line just as the last people were starting. Not a great start. The course itself while fun was unexpectedly tough. Tough is the word I heard a lot of runners say after they finished. There was very little paved course and most was in the woods complete with mud, large dips, sand, and boardwalks (which don't mix with mud and sand). Now on the plus side they had animals with their handlers on the course to stop and take pictures with which was awesome! Starting at the back didn't work out well for running since the trails were all really narrow and we were stuck behind runners as far as you could see. The biggest shock was that there was no water along the course and finding any afterwards was really difficult. Between the tough course and lack of water I'm not sure who thought this was a good course to market for kids! Once we crossed the finish line we got really confused because it just dumped you out in the parking lot with no directions on where to go. We did wander and found the post race area (you had to backtrack by the finish line through all the spectators) where I was excited about the promised smoothies and catered breakfast! I saw a table for smoothies only to get there and see they were breaking down the table and packing up! While we did finish in the 2nd half there were still a lot of people on course so it was surprising that they ran out so soon! Back to wandering we found an incredibly long line for breakfast only to get to the table and find all that was left was some bagel pieces.
I felt really let down and have decided this is not a race I will repeat. I've spent all weekend trying to figure out what upset me so much and I think it's that what they advertised was not at all what we got. Oh well, live and learn.

TLDR: Big disappointment. Bad parking, tough course, stuck in the back with little chance to run. Little to no water and food. Sadly would not recommend. Felt like false advertising.


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