Crowds and seats

Just a vent on large empty strollers taking up the entire flooring on the monorail. Please don't take this the wrong way, but maybe some aren't aware of the space these take up. I understand you need them, been there done that with 3 children. All I am asking is that you at least keep your children sitting in them. When space is tight, seats are needed in the monorail, space is needed to stand. An empty stoller is taking up space and so is your child in a seat or standing. Please think of other guests as well. I witnessed a large double stoller, empty. A polite woman and her son gave up their seats so the mom and one of the children could sit. Seriously, the child could have remained in that stroller, she was about 6. Another ride I witnessed an empty double and an empty single, again no seats but yet the children are jumping up and down from seat to pole without much room to move!!!? Not toddlers either. We are all guests and should be a little bit more aware of our surroundings. Please don't leave your manners at the parking lot :(

honestly I wouldn't have even thought of this! Glad you posted!
I know there are people who are clueless and exhausted or not attentive to their kids, but would assume most parents are doing what’s best for their children. Kids jumping around the monorail is annoying whether or not the family has a stroller, but parents are allowed to decide where their kids sit, particularly when strangers are crammed next to their child.
If a sleeping toddler is being worn in a carrier do you think parents need to collapse the stroller and carry everything under it and their child? And what about people who use strollers to carry coolers and other items?
I don’t think anyone else should dictate where someone’s child sits.
Please don't take this the wrong way, OP, but think of other guests, not just yourself. If you've "been there, done that", then you'd understand. We're in that "been there, done that" phase now too, as our kids are past stroller age. However, for years, we had a double stroller. I can't tell you how many times when they tried to sit in it, they'd get crowded and smooshed in by other guests thinking only of themselves, or who were just mad because we had the nerve to get on the monorail with our stroller. People would nearly trip on the stroller and fall into it...where the kids were trying to sit...or practically lean on the stroller, putting their rears into our kids faces...or stand 2" from our kids feet and then complain if the kids accidentally kicked them simply because they were squirming.

I get what you were trying to say, but sorry...I don't blame parents one bit for taking the kids out of the stroller on a crowded monorail. We did, and I don't feel the least bit bad about it.
been there and done also only thing I would say is if your kids are coming out and sitting or standing please take time and fold the stroller when crowded so others can fit with you as we have done
A lot of people take their entire "nursery" into the parks with them. It's very hard to fold a stroller that is bursting at the seams. Leave your children in the stroller and free up a seat for someone. Stroller etiquette has always been a problem at WDW, from running over feet to allowing a sibling to drive through a crowd...One of my dh's favorite saying at Disney, "maybe their common sense is at the bottom of all those bags!!!"
Apparently it’s now ok to leave kids in strollers on Disney buses? Leaving MK tonight.
If that stroller isn't secured with the belts and hooks, it's there illegally. And they don't let people sit on their scooters but they let kids sit in strollers? Is that stroller a four seater?
A lot of people take their entire "nursery" into the parks with them. It's very hard to fold a stroller that is bursting at the seams. Leave your children in the stroller and free up a seat for someone. Stroller etiquette has always been a problem at WDW, from running over feet to allowing a sibling to drive through a crowd...One of my dh's favorite saying at Disney, "maybe their common sense is at the bottom of all those bags!!!"

Haha, or maybe lots of them are new to Disney and genuinely ignorant of the proper protocol? Especially for those whose kids have been out of strollers for years and they never took a public train or bus with a stroller before. I honestly wouldn't clue in at all. We are taking packed lunches with us so our stroller will be quite full. That coupled with the fact that we haven't had kids in strollers for years, we've never been on public transportation with a stroller AND it's our first time to Disney... I can totally see how people just aren't aware :) Just a different perspective!
If that stroller isn't secured with the belts and hooks, it's there illegally. And they don't let people sit on their scooters but they let kids sit in strollers? Is that stroller a four seater?
Um, during out last trip, most of the bus drivers were pretty surprised that I wouldn't sit on my scooter during the ride.

And I saw plenty of people doing it. Every single one of them, sitting on a rented scooter. I wonder if the rental company knows about it.
Um, during out last trip, most of the bus drivers were pretty surprised that I wouldn't sit on my scooter during the ride.

And I saw plenty of people doing it. Every single one of them, sitting on a rented scooter. I wonder if the rental company knows about it.
Then that is very new. When I had a scooter, the drivers all told me to take a seat on the bus and not to sit on the scooter. If anyone had to remain in a wheelchair or on a scooter, they had to be belted in.
Then that is very new. When I had a scooter, the drivers all told me to take a seat on the bus and not to sit on the scooter. If anyone had to remain in a wheelchair or on a scooter, they had to be belted in.
It was the first time it happened to me with so much regularity.

And it was January, not a month that is crowded.
We didn’t use the monorail last trip, but I can see my son being a little apprehensive about it. He was absolutely petrified of elevators the first few times we used them. If we got on and he was clearly scared and upset, I’m going to pick up my child and not leave him sitting there to cry alone. I would put him on my lap so he’s not taking an additional seat. I’m thinking most people would prefer the empty stroller to a screaming kid.

Parents know their kids’s possible the parent is trying to save themselves and the rest of the people in the car from a crying kid.

Just offering another perspective.

And then fold up the stroller, and everyone is fine.

We are in the "other guests' rear ends in my kids' faces stage. LOL Since we stayed at BLT, we were on the monorail almost daily. More often than not, our kids were in the double, only to panic about the close encounters with strangers (surprising how many strangers thought it acceptable to lean on the stroller handle bar or back their behinds right into their faces, you can imagine what this mama bear does haha...), so we would have them hop out, usually at that point, it is too crowded to fold the double stroller up if we wanted to.
I will always be considerate whenever it is possible such as DH and I standing to make room for those who need to sit, putting kids on my lap, etc. However, the comfort and safety of my children comes first.

Well, since this happened daily why not just fold up that stroller to start with, and have the kids sit on your lap to start?
I'm not up on my stroller etiquette. However, I do have plenty of experience being mowed down by them at Disney. So you bring a stroller onto a crowded monorail and get upset when strangers stand too close? Completely reasonable.
Eak! This thread just gave me major anxiety for my upcoming trip! We are lifetime Disney-goers, and this is our first trip with our own littles, and I have never been negatively impacted by other families with their strollers (not saying I haven't been run over, I just assume it wasn't intentional... now if someone was yelling "Charge!" as they plowed me over, I maybe would be a bit more put-out)... My biggest anxiety around our trip is inconveniencing other guests, but my mantra has been that people will understand we are doing our best... I definitely thought it was acceptable to walk onto a monorail without folding up the stroller, and the plan was to keep the kiddos in the stroller for the ride. This definitely gave some insight that maybe that game plan wasn't as solid as I thought.
Eak! This thread just gave me major anxiety for my upcoming trip! We are lifetime Disney-goers, and this is our first trip with our own littles, and I have never been negatively impacted by other families with their strollers (not saying I haven't been run over, I just assume it wasn't intentional... now if someone was yelling "Charge!" as they plowed me over, I maybe would be a bit more put-out)... My biggest anxiety around our trip is inconveniencing other guests, but my mantra has been that people will understand we are doing our best... I definitely thought it was acceptable to walk onto a monorail without folding up the stroller, and the plan was to keep the kiddos in the stroller for the ride. This definitely gave some insight that maybe that game plan wasn't as solid as I thought.
As I mentioned before it's not a big deal when not many people need on the monorail but if there's a large crowd space is at a premium (general comment-personal opinions will vary). As far as your plan goes if you feel inclined to consider the crowd level on your trip and consider how many need on the monorail.

If it's like this:


then you may, again if you are inclined to, consider other guests who like you are just trying to get to their destination as quick as possible.

*BTW this was 9/18 during a busier than it had been day during the days before and days after Hurricane Irma but was still during the slower season. A mechanical issue caused the monorails to have to pull in and out of the station at a very very low speed causing large backups. We were lucky because we decided to take the Resort monorail line (as we were going resort hopping). The massive line was for MK.
Apparently it’s now ok to leave kids in strollers on Disney buses? Leaving MK tonight.
Bill Hogan addressed this on FB about a week ago. After reading it I can understand why some drivers either ignore it or don't look to hard. But the photo you posted makes me think the driver didn't want to bother, with the seats folded up it almost looks like the driver would had to have known. :(

Bill Hogan February 5 at 1:28pm"Everyone, We have had a rash of guests trying to use the "but my child is sleeping" when drivers tell them they have to remove the child and fold up the stroller before boarding the bus. One guest today cussed a out the driver and stormed off crying that they were going to report the driver.

It's not my rule
It's not Disney's rule
It's the LAW

Thanks for cooperating with your bus drivers!"
Back when our kids were young we took umbrella strollers for this reason, and many others. On our last trip, a few weeks ago, I came head to head with the dreaded triple seat stroller that is nearly as wide as a bus (ok, slight exaggeration) and loaded down like a dump truck. I can see why nobody would want to fold up that beast as I am sure it took a small army to do it. I feel sorry for those parents, but space is a valuable commodity when it's busy. If your kids want to sit on the seats with mom and dad, then fold up the stroller. That's my 2 cents.
Eak! This thread just gave me major anxiety for my upcoming trip! We are lifetime Disney-goers, and this is our first trip with our own littles, and I have never been negatively impacted by other families with their strollers (not saying I haven't been run over, I just assume it wasn't intentional... now if someone was yelling "Charge!" as they plowed me over, I maybe would be a bit more put-out)... My biggest anxiety around our trip is inconveniencing other guests, but my mantra has been that people will understand we are doing our best... I definitely thought it was acceptable to walk onto a monorail without folding up the stroller, and the plan was to keep the kiddos in the stroller for the ride. This definitely gave some insight that maybe that game plan wasn't as solid as I thought.

I think the fact alone that you're concerned about inconveniencing others indicates that you are probably not going to be a problem. The problem generally lies with those who are unable to see that anyone around them even exists and move through crowds as I'd they are the only people there. (Not saying that anyone here is like that, but at the parks, there are certainly many people like that.) Those people can be anyone- stroller pushers, those on ECVs and people who walk (again, not saying everyone is like that or pointing out anyone here on the boards). Some people do use strollers or ECVs as battering rams, but there are also plenty of people who walk in front of/ cut off strollers or ECVs (whether purposely or not) and it is often difficult to stop quickly. There just needs to be more understanding and consideration from all sides.

General toward everyone:
In regards to the monorail, everyone has a choice of whether to board or to wait for the next one. If you're about to board a crowded section with a stroller, be prepared for the CMs to POSSIBLY ask that you fold the stroller, and if they don't, be prepared to not have a seat or possibly have people packed in close to the stroller and your child. Or you can wait for the next one and possibly have much more room. Likewise, if someone (without a stroller) goes on to a crowded section with a stroller, expect that you may not have a seat. Again, you can wait for the next tram. It is exceedingly difficult to empty out and collapse a stroller once the monorail is packed full of people and there are clearly (as shown on this thread) several reasons people may choose not to collapse their stroller at all if they are not directed to by CMs. A folded stroller does still take up room, as does everything in it, and you must hold on to it, which sometimes isn't feasible if you are trying to hold onto little ones for their safety.

Everyone wants to get where they are going as quickly as possible. While I definitely appreciate the sentiment from some on this thread that things would run more smoothly if everyone showed a bit of courtesy for others, at the end of the day, every person is responsible for their own self. If it's crowded and all the seats are taken, don't expect someone else to move. If you have a stroller, expect that people will cram around it like sardines. One thing that worked for us is to try to put the front of the stroller near one of the sides or directly facing someone in our party that was sitting, that way there was less of a chance of having someone's butt in kiddo's face. If someone is leaning on your stroller, you can always ask them to stop, it's not their property. But also understand that sometimes someone might reflexively grab onto whatever is closest to them to keep their own balance from time to time and they might not be trying to be rude.

Point is, everyone has a choice of getting on a crowded monorail or waiting for the next one. It's that simple. Just like you shouldn't get on a packed bus and expect others to give you their seat, you shouldn't expect anyone already on the monorail ahead of you to change what works best for them to accommodate you.
One thing that worked for us is to try to put the front of the stroller near one of the sides or directly facing someone in our party that was sitting, that way there was less of a chance of having someone's butt in kiddo's face.

This is great advice! And we definitely are happy to fold the stroller and allow the toddlers (15 month twins and 2 year old nephew) to walk as there are more adults in our party than littles :) And to be honest, the monorail is such a cool experience (we live in Maine so the train is like an adventure, not our norm) so I can imagine that the kiddos would rather be able to see out the window and experience the ride. I just can also imagine a situation where perhaps a stroller nap is in progress, and a baby wakes up less than thrilled with being restrained, which could for a moment result in an empty seat... But I agree, being aware of crowds, situation and those around us is our norm, and hopefully the same will be true for those we encounter!
I think the fact alone that you're concerned about inconveniencing others indicates that you are probably not going to be a problem. The problem generally lies with those who are unable to see that anyone around them even exists and move through crowds as I'd they are the only people there. (Not saying that anyone here is like that, but at the parks, there are certainly many people like that.) Those people can be anyone- stroller pushers, those on ECVs and people who walk (again, not saying everyone is like that or pointing out anyone here on the boards). Some people do use strollers or ECVs as battering rams, but there are also plenty of people who walk in front of/ cut off strollers or ECVs (whether purposely or not) and it is often difficult to stop quickly. There just needs to be more understanding and consideration from all sides.

Agree 100%.

Eak! This thread just gave me major anxiety for my upcoming trip! We are lifetime Disney-goers, and this is our first trip with our own littles, and I have never been negatively impacted by other families with their strollers (not saying I haven't been run over, I just assume it wasn't intentional... now if someone was yelling "Charge!" as they plowed me over, I maybe would be a bit more put-out)... My biggest anxiety around our trip is inconveniencing other guests, but my mantra has been that people will understand we are doing our best... I definitely thought it was acceptable to walk onto a monorail without folding up the stroller, and the plan was to keep the kiddos in the stroller for the ride. This definitely gave some insight that maybe that game plan wasn't as solid as I thought.

We will also be a first-time family with a double stroller, and while we will do our best not to be an inconvenience to anyone, it will probably happen unintentionally. We're not used to being at Disney every day, navigating the crowds, or taking public transportation with our kids in a double stroller... that is why it's such an undertaking. But a fun one! :) Just smile sincerely and apologize if you think someone is giving you the stink eye. Then make eye contact with another family with littles because we will all get it, and breathe.
Eak! This thread just gave me major anxiety for my upcoming trip! We are lifetime Disney-goers, and this is our first trip with our own littles, and I have never been negatively impacted by other families with their strollers (not saying I haven't been run over, I just assume it wasn't intentional... now if someone was yelling "Charge!" as they plowed me over, I maybe would be a bit more put-out)... My biggest anxiety around our trip is inconveniencing other guests, but my mantra has been that people will understand we are doing our best... I definitely thought it was acceptable to walk onto a monorail without folding up the stroller, and the plan was to keep the kiddos in the stroller for the ride. This definitely gave some insight that maybe that game plan wasn't as solid as I thought.

Don't sweat it. A lot of what's here is simply others' opinions, and IMO a lot of it is nonsense. It's absolutely acceptable to walk onto the monorail without folding the stroller. You won't be the only one. In fact, it's much more rare that people DO fold them...I'd say 95% don't. Keep your kids in it. You'll be fine. When the crowds for the monorail get like the picture above (which is usually only during holidays), they have so many monorails running that it's not as big of a deal as it seems. Yes, take care not to rudely ram people, but beyond that you're fine. Sure, we bumped into people, but it wasn't very common, and a simple "sorry" is fine. We made a lot of trips with kids in a stroller and never once had an issue simply because we had a stroller. Heck, we still have a stroller, it's our "gear" stroller (we pack our own food). It's still never an issue. And yes, we let our kids push it. And no, they aren't running around ramming into people.


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