Wow St. Augustine is simply beautiful! I love all those quaint shops. But Medieval Torture museum?? That sounds very frightening! But hey, after HHN houses with real people jumping out, I think I could go to that museum!

The sliders at Strong Water were our favorite dish!

I think the sliders were my least favourite, but Tom enjoyed them......they just seemed too normal for such a detailed and themed menu...….::yes::

It is a gorgeous place......we already can`t wait to go back at some point...….yes, the shopes were unique and certainly different from most places.

The medieval museum gets some good reports, but no, not for me......
Alice, it was stunning......I don't think pictures really do it justice...….and it was the feel of the place we loved too...…it felt very special.

Davy would love the history...….I haven't put a lot on here as not everyone is interested in history, but we were fascinated......I had no idea I knew so little about that period of time and the conflicts that ensued. Well, I certainly learned a lot in a short space of time...….I`m sure Davy would enjoy it, and you would love it.

And amazing food places too...….always important ::yes::
My kids, through their mom's side, can actually trace their family history back to St. Augustine in the late 1500s (basically to when Sir Francis Drake burned it to the ground).

ETA: Their great grandmother was an amateur historian and researched several branches of the family tree.
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chicken n rice and later the pinchos de carne asada

I like rice so I think I'd enjoy the chicken and rice. How were the pinchos de carne asada? I think we had sliders and a pork appetizer along with a bread pudding dessert. All of those were good! I think next time we'll call it dinner and get a few (or a lot) of the dishes!
My kids, through their mom's side, can actually trace their family history back to St. Augustine in the late 1500s (basically to when Sir Francis Drake burned it to the ground).


Now that is fascinating...…`s quite amazing how exact the genealogy searches can be today...….

It`s a lot of work too!!
I like rice so I think I'd enjoy the chicken and rice. How were the pinchos de carne asada? I think we had sliders and a pork appetizer along with a bread pudding dessert. All of those were good! I think next time we'll call it dinner and get a few (or a lot) of the dishes!

The beef was very tender, we liked that a lot, but not the sauce......but we don't like cilantro.

We had the Tres Leches Cake another night and it was gorgeous......very decadent.
Thx- I like to get opinions on the menu choices! Not a big fan of cilantro either! It gets a little overpowering at times!
Thx- I like to get opinions on the menu choices! Not a big fan of cilantro either! It gets a little overpowering at times!

Tom and I are apparently in a certain percentage of people to which cilantro or coriander as we call it, tastes like soap......and it really does!
What a fun day. St. Augustine is so beautiful and rich with history...glad you guys had a good time. I love your pretty dresses!
What a fun day. St. Augustine is so beautiful and rich with history...glad you guys had a good time. I love your pretty dresses!

Thank you so much Tammy..........

It really was a good day.......and we were so impressed by everything about St Augustine........and yes the history is fascinating.......

Glad you’re still reading along..........:)
Although I don't eat fudge, I have to say it looked incredibly tasty!!!


I don't like fudge either, but that does look so good! And are there chocolate covered oreos in there? :hyper: Yum!

This really was a beautiful city, and we wished we had more time to enjoy it. But, for today we were almost done here.

It does look beautiful! I definitely want to visit some day.
Another delightful installment! I have to say your pictures of each other are touching-you're both alway smiling!Nice to see such happy people!
I don't like fudge either, but that does look so good! And are there chocolate covered oreos in there? :hyper: Yum!

It does look beautiful! I definitely want to visit some day.

I could have been tempted if they had offered a bit of that I have to say!!!! Not sure if that was Oreos or not...….I really should have paid more attention!!!! I was off for the ice cream...…..:rolleyes1

You would love it there, it was truly stunning!
I said this before and will say it again, your pictures are stunning.
So vibrant with color.

Thanks mac...…

I have to give Tom credit for those, as he takes most of the pictures......but he`ll appreciate the compliment...….:thumbsup2
Another delightful installment! I have to say your pictures of each other are touching-you're both alway smiling!Nice to see such happy people!

Thanks so much!!! What a lovely thing to say...…..

It`s easy to be happy I have to say when in such a beautiful place, but we`re like that all the time I`m….:blush:

Glad you`re still reading along though...….:wave2:

Again, we had a lovely sleep...….we both slept incredibly well last night. The room was so quiet and we heard absolutely nothing from outside, of course the bedroom is set back from the corridor with the bathroom and living areas so I suppose you wouldn't really hear anything. But, we don't always sleep great, so we were so glad we had done so last night. And we woke up feeling quite refreshed this morning...… we slowly came to life, we briefly discussed what we should do today and quickly decided to go to the parks. We would venture to IOA today.

I`m always first in the shower and we always had plenty of towels as Turndown service always left extra too at night along with the water......they also replenish any shower gels and hair products you may use, if for example you have another shower after housekeeping has been in the morning...….nice service. So, I`d had my shower and had begun drying and straightening my hair before Tom appeared......he had just been enjoying an extra 5 minutes......and why not.

Once we were both ready we headed down to the lobby and walked down to the boat...…..

I like this little area very pretty and one of the many little features adorned around the resort that you can`t miss...…...


We had just missed one but there was another just behind. We had never waited long for a boat in any of the resorts, even at busy times, maybe we had just been lucky, but for today we wouldn't wait. And boy was it hot. Nice.


We don't usually take a lot of pictures on the boat, but Tom was still enjoying using his new and rather extravagant purchase, so pictures really were being snapped all over the place...….


A few minutes later we were sweeping into Citywalk……..we like Citywalk, but with the weather at night we hadn't ben able to enjoy our usual cocktail visits to Margaritaville or Fat Tuesday`s...….so we would try and change that in our July stay. I think with the July heat night times would be preferable to day time in the parks...….

Once we got off the boat we knew exactly where we were heading...…..breakfast today would be Voodoo Doughnut.

This is something we never do...…..we never just have doughnuts or cake for breakfast, we also don't eat reheated pizza either the way some folks can......but that's another story!!!! We had always felt we never really had room for cakes or dessert type things during a normal day, so breakfast was ideal.

Of course if you read our March trip report you`ll know we were very kindly gifted two doughnuts the day before the store actually opened through an opportune meeting with the CEO of Universal Orlando and the CEO of Citywalk…… really couldn't make that up!!! And meeting those guys was a definite highlight of our trip........So we knew we loved the doughnuts, and I knew one wouldn't be enough for we would get four and enjoy two each. Greedy??? Probably......but I`d be starving by 10am with one doughnut!!

We got off the boat and walked up the steps to see there was still a line to get in, there can be a very long to even get in the store......and today the line we were pleased to see involved just 3 people in front of us......not bad at all as we had heard horror stories of how long the line can be...…..the lady on the door was handing out little menu`s that she did ask you to recycle and not remove them...….we hardly had a chance to glance at them when she told us we could go in......she was incredibly buoyant and enthused about the doughnuts...….so into the store and it is a sight to see. Very pink.







There is plenty to keep you amused while you wait in line, and it does move rather quickly anyway. There is a central display that has fake copies of each doughnut...… you can see what you will get.

We were immediately surprised when they released the menu with prices at how cheap they were, or should I say inexpensive...….they are a real bargain and well worth the money for what we had tasted so far...……


Tom wanted the original voodoo doll and a raspberry flavoured one...…..I went for my favourite maple bacon bar and chose the mangotastic one looked gorgeous...…..


They do have a few tables inside, but not many, so we grabbed a coffee too and headed outside to sit on Fat Tuesdays seats and enjoy our little breakfast feast.....and it did feel like a feast.

They were delicious!!!! I was genuinely torn on which one was my favourite…….I adore the maple bacon flavor...…..can`t really go wrong with either.....but the mango one was tangy and sweet at the same time and so delicious!!! So, if I had to choose one of the two...….I`d be torn!!!! The actual doughnuts aren't too heavy or claggy the way some can be, but they were light and fresh...….and still very moreish!!!!


Me trying to look like I wasn't devouring a giant bite of doughnut!!! And failing...…..

Yep, we were done!!! Two really was too much...….but we endeavoured through and almost finished them all......and the coffee was decent, we shared a large one between us as we didn't think we would finish one each. But, for a slightly different breakfast for us, it was delicious.

So, we were feeling quite full and once we had deposited the pretty pink box and the empty coffee cup in the trash, we headed rather slowly towards IOA.

It was quite busy walking in and we did again see some school groups heading in, but again they didn't impact our time in the parks at all.

Tom`s AP was behaving itself this trip...….last trip it kept rejecting him for some reason, but this time it was fine. So we got through in a few seconds as we seemed to pick the right line. Some lines were again being delayed by one thing or another......usually people that haven't already signed their tickets.

Once in the park we begin to take some pictures of Port of Entry......this area has so much detail in and around the buildings, we can stand for ages listening to the sounds being projected out of some of the buildings...….and it is pretty of course.

It was so hot today, but it was more humid than hot which surprised me, of course never good for the hair...….I could see a Monica from Friends in the Caribbean moment ahead today for hair!!!! Never a good look...…….



The green building below is one of the best ones to look up and listen...….the sounds are slightly reminiscent of PotC in a strange way...…..well, it is to me anyway......just how I imagine the sounds portraying.


We don't go down to our usual spot as it is a little blocked off today. They do on occasion still film in the park, and although it`s usually in the Studios, IOA does have a charm of it`s own and can be used for spot locations often.

We stand for a few minutes and just watch the Hulk. We had decided since we had been very overindulgent with breakfast, we should maybe avoid the turbulent Hulk. I`m sure the folks riding with us would appreciate that if our tummies couldn't handle the tumultuous ride today. We had been on it so many times before, it wasn't a great hardship to postpone riding it to another day and another visit.

It is such an impressive coaster. I loved laying in bed at RPR listening to them going through the safety runs in the morning......that swooshing sound was very relaxing......and I had to say I hadn't noticed it at Sapphire Falls. But this is a ride that still feels like a coaster. Since the refurb it wasn't as rough as it had become last few years. It was almost unbearable at times before they dismantled it and rebuilt it from scratch. The general consensus was it was much smoother. And fast!!!! We all loved this coaster a lot. The initial take off is indeed impressive...….


The park at this point wasn't busy at all...….we were heading to Dr Doom of course, that is one of our favourites in the park......yes, it`s very short, but so much fun...…..we had planned to go through the full line once today if the line wasn't too busy, and then use EP.




We did indeed go in the regular line, and managed to get a couple of pictures in there...….there are a few things worth seeing for sure if there is no line...….and today it was showing 15 minutes, we knew it could move fairly quickly so went in.


We had just gone on a little further into the regular line and I commented the line looked to be longer than 15 minutes, when they announced due to popularity the line would now be either 35 or 45 minutes, we couldn`t make out which one it was, so we turned and left the line and walked back through folks going in.

We did go on with EP and it was fun!!! Short but fun. It does take slightly longer now with the new harnesses, but the TM are quick and efficient at doing their job...…..

We go into Spiderman and this is one we enjoy a lot. It`s screen based of course, but so good and I never get any motion sickness issues with this one unlike Transformers which is similar, but I react very differently to that one so I don't go on it.


We have a wander around the back towards the central lagoon and it`s always quiet down here.....but there are some lovely little views down here and peaceful. You could spend a little time down here if it was mobbed to get away from the crowds.

The cranes although essential, are indeed an eyesore. I know it`ll be worth it though when the new ride is completed...….



We head back out and walk around to Toon Lagoon......and again there are so any pretty flowers around the park. I`ve heard IOA described as a concrete jungle, but it is so pretty and colourful it`s hard not to smile walking through it...…..we are too early to see any of the characters like Dr Doom or Capt America, but again, we had seen them so many times it didn't matter anymore. On our September trip we concentrate more on the parks, so we may seek them out again then.

The character interactions in both parks are always fabulous, we have enjoyed many meets over the years with them all......they are well worth doing if you do see them out and about.


Toon Lagoon is next. And you indeed met with a plethora of colour and cartoon...…..this area feels lively......there are little water areas for little kids, or big kids to cool off in...….





And I jump at the chance to take a picture of my husband under what has become his mantra...…..I think this is his favourite sign ever...….he is sometimes reluctant to be on the other side of the camera.....but I remind him we love having pictures of him too...……



Blondies is a place we haven't gone in to for years!! We do remember enjoying the sandwiches we had in there including the famous Dagwood. The potato salad was a treat!!!

We head round to Ripsaw Falls and decide to give this one a miss too today...….apart from being the most awkward ride in the park to get in and out of, you just get if you have jumped in the pool wet...…..but the drop is worth it!! It`s fast and steep and over far too quickly...…..I often wish they would create a ride that had a knock your socks off that was really high...….that would sort out the women from the girls!!!!

We stand a little further down today and get a good close up of the ride...… many coming off drenched and complaining about it...….lol.....what do folks expect from a water ride...……




A lady nudges me on the arm here and gently points down to below me behind the fence...…..I hadn't even noticed......they were so cute...….we watched them for a few seconds, and then mama duck appeared...….she eyed both of us with a look that said I`m here...…..and of course there`s always one...….a man behind us said he preferred them roasted!! Hilarious...…….not.

At that mama led them off somewhere and they waddled obediently behind her.



More to come...…...

There were some empty boats coming down, we had heard the TM say they were adding another couple of boats, so we knew it must be getting busier.
I am catching up and wanted to comment on your pictures from DA, love all the little unique things you capture!

I also love the Jaws area and ride. I do miss it, Jaws is one of my favorite movies.

I agree with your review of F&F, I won’t need to repeat that ride.

The strawberries and wine gift you received, how nice.

Okay back to reading!
I am catching up and wanted to comment on your pictures from DA, love all the little unique things you capture!

I also love the Jaws area and ride. I do miss it, Jaws is one of my favorite movies.

I agree with your review of F&F, I won’t need to repeat that ride.

The strawberries and wine gift you received, how nice.

Okay back to reading!

Jaws despite what has gone in its place is missed by so many........we always did it as many times as wanted to each trip........yes, the movie is a real classic!!!

Shame F&F isn’t going to be a classic ride! Yep, I won’t do it again. Tom will go on again in December with Kyle.....I’ll go wandering.....

Yes, the gifts were a real treat.

Love the duck family! We saw a mama and kids swimming in the lagoon a few weeks ago. There were about for or five groups of us just watching them! Gee- a pretty nice home to raise kids!! Lucky ducks, indeed!
Loving this trip report as always

Had a quick question for you both Carole for our Sept trip

Which HHN tickets do you buy? We are thinking or getting the rush of fear or frequent fear multi night tickets?


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