The Running Thread - 2018

Blue Bell is in fact the best ice cream ever. When they got recalled I cried actual tears and had to sub down to Tillamook, who is a very close second. I am happy to have both of these ice cream brands back in my life now.

I had gave up ice cream for lent that year, and just as lent was over it was all gone! I had to go to a DQ about 20 minutes away for my fix!

I almost bought this shirt:
I thought everyone liked vanilla wafers? :scratchin

I do not.....

@Keels and @PCFriar80 the Cookie Two Step and Wedding Cake are also solid choices. Now i really want ice cream and Im trying to stay on diet these days as I just finished the last half gallon.... At this rate I may just be able to roll myself for 26.2 miles for marathon weekend lol.
Unfortunately for me, my very favorite ice cream comes from the BYU Creamery from Brigham Young University where I went to college. Seeing as how BYU is in Provo, Utah and I live in California, I only get to have it on those rare occasions when I go back to visit campus.
I mean, Blue Bell is always gonna be the GOAT because duh.

But I also like Graeter's in Cincinnati. And my close friend has an ice cream shop here in Fort Worth called MELT - she's been on a bunch of food shows!
When I was in college we were all about the FroYo. The flavors changed daily and peanut butter day was a nuthouse. You had to go early or they'd be out.
I am just not very good at keeping up witht his thread lately, but life has not been very helpful. We recently lost my MIL and supporting my wife and girls and then all the details I just have not had much energy to read let alone reply to the always interesting conversations. So my apologies, I do hope everyone is well and out there tearing up the streets and trails!

On a much happier note I will have another reason to not keep up with the thread over the next few weeks. We are going on a much needed vacation to California and making a four day stop in Disneyland! I have not been there since 2010. On the injury front I am up to 6 mile walks now and will after the vacation begin running again. I will be SLOW and I will be tallying almost no milage for awhile, but at least I will be running!

So for today’s QOTD: I typically do not use sunscreen, I do wear a hat on all runs given my folically challenged head. But I also do not burn very easily, usually tanning up quick. So I got that going for me. I also do most of my running in the evening or morning.
I never burn. I just tan like crazy even with SPF 100+ in just 10 min. But I still slather sunblock on and I use the ones with zinc oxide, so my face/neck is completely white and there's sweat drips down my face after a run. I should probably put some on my body too, I have the worst runners tan. I also wear a hat.

Ice cream: rocky road all the way. There's a local ice cream shop that's always mobbed even in 50 deg weather but I found out that a local chain sells gallons of their ice cream so I buy their rocky road. mmmmm. Also discovered McConnell's chocolate covered strawberries ice cream - real pieces of chocolate, real pieces of strawberries. I can go through a pint a day of that stuff!

@Baloo in MI I'm so sorry to hear.
QOTD: Summer running topic: Do you use sunscreen to protect your skin during your runs in the summer?

ATTQOTD: I will apply if my run will last past 8:30 AM or start before 5:30 PM. I have already had 2 spots of skin cancer removed and probably have additional spots I need to get checked out soon that are of some concern. I burn easily so I don't mess around with it.

I either run at 6am or 8 pm. Not much need for it. If I do get to run mid day on a weekend or something, I will wear it. I sunburn on cloudy days.

Thought I'd join in on this thread since I completed my first @DopeyBadger training run yesterday. It was a nice & easy 4 miles w/ strides and I actually hit my goal pace (+/- 4 seconds) each mile! It's starting to get really warm here in NC so I'm going to try to take advantage of the easy days!

@Baloo in MI so sorry for your family's loss. :(

I am super jealous you are going to Disneyland (and to California!). My son is getting married in Cali next June and I am trying to combine that trip with a Giants game and a Disneyland trip. DH of course has no idea of my scheming!


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