You’re Driving Straight Through? No Thanks…I’ll Stay Home

I just found your trip report today and am now all caught up. Looks like such a fun trip! Love the Snow White window, and I would absolutely have given up tickets to Seth's show for that meal. I would love to see the parade in person one day. Your photos are wonderful!
We next went through the Ghost Busters room.

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Doesn’t she look so real?

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Now we spent a lot of time in the next area. Aunt Mary spoils the girls…and us…and had prepurchased a package where the girls could get wax hands made and also so all of us could do a ghost busters virtual reality experience. The line for the hands wasn’t super long, but they only had 1 and at times 2 people working it and they worked with each person till they were completely done, so it took quite a while to get those made.

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I took video of Claire getting hers done.

Do you hear the screaming in the background….that was people going through the Ghost Busters Experience.

Gail insisted that Abby and Alexis get theirs done at the same time.

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Also while we waited, the kids (and me and Rob) did some more photos.

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They had us do some stupid poses.

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Claire refused to do any.

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Time to suit up for our experience. The girls went in earlier with Rob…I think… Amanda, Aunt Mary and Geoff had gone in while we were working on the hands…. Mom didn’t want to do it, so she gave her ticket to Amanda who went in with Gail and I.

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I don’t know why people were screaming as it wasn’t scary. But we laughed so much.

We started out but one of our guns wasn’t working so they made us come back to start over. With the googles on it looks like you are in a room or outside….with them off, each room is just painted black.

Guns were fixed and we started back over. We had to shoot the ghost and complete tasks to move on. We did terrible but we had a lot of fun. At times it made you think that one wrong move and you would plummet to your death. We all compared experiences and Rob is competitive and of course he did the best.

I believe Mom and Aunt Mary were tired and decided to leave so they had moved on at some point and I think they took the waxed hands with them.

We moved on.

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There was a small King Kong room

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We then came into a gift shop area and it had some wax figures and bathrooms. Of course we used the restroom…and then played once again.

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My daughter Paige had been a big Spice Girls fan back in the day…so I had to take a bunch of pics and send them to her.

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wax15 by Jenseib, on Flickr

I just found your trip report today and am now all caught up. Looks like such a fun trip! Love the Snow White window, and I would absolutely have given up tickets to Seth's show for that meal. I would love to see the parade in person one day. Your photos are wonderful!

Thanks for reading!
The parade really is fantastic to see in person.
Moving on to the Avengers room. Now I will be honest. Claire and I have not watched many of these movies. We go to see a lot of movies, but we never really got started in the beginning when Iron Man came out and so many told us we really need to see them all….so we just didn’t go to see them. Well we have heard this new movie is just amazing…And actually on Mother’s Day I asked Gail about it and she wouldn’t tell me anything…however, Abby told me EVERYTHING! Gail said if you want spoilers…go to Abby. Hahahah. So Claire and I have decided we want to see this new movie….and to prepare we have been binge watching all the other movies in order. We have now seen them all and went a week or so ago and saw Infinity War….OMG….Why have we not been watching these movies before now?????

So back to our tour….we are now entering the Avengers room.

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And we had to play around with Hulk.

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Claire loves Thor…even before seeing the movie.

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That was another fun room!

Moving on….with our Cover Girls

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They played on some fashion making computers.

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This room was a quick walk through as I don’t like sports.

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And a few more stars.

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In the final area we had to wait for an elevator to exit and it took forever.

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Once the elevator arrived we took it down and exited and headed back to the Marriott.

We were tired but I think we still may have gone back to Mary and Geoff’s room to chat for a while.

Then off to bed as we had another busy day tomorrow!
What a blast! I've never been to that museum...I'll have to check it, maybe next visit.
Friday, Nov. 24, 2017

We all know that the day after Thanksgiving is for shopping…and where better to do it than NYC!

Aunt Mary decided to order a van to drive us over to Macy’s as a group. We told her not to but she insisted it was cheaper than taking taxis….I am pretty sure she is wrong (more like lying), but you just can’t argue with her.

We gathered in the hall to get ready to leave.

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And we headed down and our party van was waiting.

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Amanda was feeling sick again and Aunt Mary was staying with her till she decided if she was well enough to come.

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Amanda felt a little better and Aunt Mary messaged us that they were on their way down.

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And off we went. Really, Macy’s is not that far away and we could even walk to it if we wanted to. But this made Aunt Mary happy.

First thing we did was head to an area where you can pick up a discount visitor pass, only to find out that they had a better pass for this weekend for everyone. In reality, I wasn’t here to shop, so it didn’t matter to me.

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Then Abby wrote a letter to Santa.

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I took various pictures while she worked on her letter.

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They were filming, but I couldn’t get close enough to see if it was the news or something else.

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All finished

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We then headed to see Santa. Last time we were able to schedule an appointment and basically got in the “fastpass” line for Santa. We had read it was going to be a little different this year, but we weren’t clear on it. So Gail checks us in and the tell us to get in line….the line wraps around and around and through all sorts of departments. Gail goes back and tells them no, we have an appointment. They tell her the appointment is to get in line….that’s it! The line we found out was going to be over 2 hours. We asked the kids….mainly Abby…if they wanted to wait or not. The 2 older said no, and Abby said she didn’t want to wait and would see him some other time…so they went and shopped around and I went outside to look at the window displays.

The theme was basically Christmas in New York.

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Selfie time.

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I then turned the corner to see the windows on the other side of the building. This one seems to have the same theme for several years, which is “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus”.

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I moved on around the building and looked at other windows as well.

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I then took some shots of the Empire State Building.

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More windows.

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I decided to walk the complete circle around Macy’s and came across these parked along one street.

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Teeny Tiny Police cars. They cracked me up.

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And then across the street…this was in an upper window. You just KNOW someone did this on purpose.

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I went back inside then and eventually met up with the family. Some had left and others were shopping. While I waited for them all to come down I took a few pictures.

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We then headed outside as the rest of the family wanted to look at the windows.

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We moved on and did some shopping in nearby stores. Claire and Alexis had a few places they wanted to go to, but neither bought much.

I have been away on vacation, but I am all caught up again.

Madame Tussauds!

Oh, I had not realized that there was one in New York.

We made a stop with Michael Jackson. I used to be a huge fan when I was in highschool…a LONG time ago….back when he was semi normal.

I used to be a huge fan, too. He does look really fake though.

Jennifer Aniston….looked fake and though it looked like her somewhat…it didn’t totally look like her.

If you had not said who this was, I would never have guessed.

I loved all the photos at Madame Tussaud's. All the themed areas are amazing. Maybe I need to schedule another visit to the one in London. It is years since I last went and it was nothing like this.

They tell her the appointment is to get in line….that’s it! The line we found out was going to be over 2 hours.

That is ridiculous. I would have been so mad.

Loving all your pics! We just saw Alladin last month in Cleveland. Dh was expecting more, and was dissappointed that there eas no Abu the monkey. Our genie was fabulous.

I cant believe the line for Santa was that long! Thats longer than the lines for the coasters at Cedar Point! Lol

Madame Tussauds looks like fun, but some of those folks definitely loooked too plastic...
I have been away on vacation, but I am all caught up again.

That's ok...I have been so slow to update. I have been so busy with work and life in general. It seems like I don't get much time to get on the computer lately and when I do it's to do work.

Oh, I had not realized that there was one in New York.

Yep! It wasn't too far from our hotel either.

I used to be a huge fan, too. He does look really fake though.

It wasn't the best look for him. hahaha

If you had not said who this was, I would never have guessed.

Yeah, I wouldn't have either without her sign.

I loved all the photos at Madame Tussaud's. All the themed areas are amazing. Maybe I need to schedule another visit to the one in London. It is years since I last went and it was nothing like this.

I had always heard from people how fun this place is and I could a bunch of wax statues be fun? Now we know!

That is ridiculous. I would have been so mad.

Yes, so many people were upset with how they did this.

Loving all your pics! We just saw Alladin last month in Cleveland. Dh was expecting more, and was dissappointed that there eas no Abu the monkey. Our genie was fabulous.

The first time I saw it at Disneyland (a little different version but similar) I thought it was odd they totally left him out. Then DCL's version is pretty close to what DL had so I got used to it.

I cant believe the line for Santa was that long! Thats longer than the lines for the coasters at Cedar Point! Lol

I know!!!

Madame Tussauds looks like fun, but some of those folks definitely loooked too plastic...

But then again...some folks look plastic alive! hahaha
So sorry I am only posting sporadically. It's been a busy few weeks. I have been helping watch the grandkids a bit as well....and they are a full time job!
The girls still wanted to ice skate, as did Gail, but I had no desire. Just thinking about it made my feet hurt. Aunt Mary scheduled a time slot at Bryant Park, so we all parted ways as Gail, Alexis, Abby, Claire and Geoff went that way and I headed back to the hotel.

As I was walking I saw Guy’s restaurant. Cool! I took a picture for Skip since I think he has a man crush on him.

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I then stopped in a deli and got a sandwich. That was one thing I wanted to do this trip. Last time we were here it seemed like our meals were mostly scheduled…mainly because Amanda has food allergies and freaks out before traveling as she is worried about what and where she can eat. As we planned this trip, I stated not to include me in all the meals they were reserving because I wanted to try some other foods and places.

I wasn’t super hungry right now, but it seemed like a good time to pick up a sandwich and I took it back to the room and ate half and ate the other half later.

While we relaxed back at the hotel, Geoff sent pictures of the girls skating.

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They said Claire was a natural and picked it up immediately. She was that way with roller skating and roller blading too.

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Back at the hotel the girls all gathered in one room and chilled and snacked and laughed.

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So tonight was one of those nights where they had a reservation for dinner. I believe at a steak house, but I don’t remember now. I decided early on that I wanted to go to a New York Pizza place. My friend Nikki suggested Johns, so I researched it and it looked great. Claire and I were going to go there. Gail and Rob decided to have a date night, and made a reservation somewhere else. I said the girls could go with us since they seemed to want pizza over the other place.

As the day went on, Amanda started feeling sick again and it was up in the air whether the rest would go there or not. Well she ended up not feeling well enough to go out and Aunt Mary, Geoff and Mom decided they would come with us as well.

Off to John’s we go!

The place was crowded and the line was out the door. Mom grumbled a bit…as she hates to wait for anything. She eats like a bird and then is to the point of starving when she does eat, so she is not patient when we have to wait. I knew going in this would have a wait and that is just how it is.

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We actually got seated fairly fast I thought…considering the line.

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John’s is in an old church and the building is really neat.

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johns2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

johns3 by Jenseib, on Flickr

They had these little pizza making stations all over.

johns4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Gail and Rob sent a date night picture.

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We got a couple of pizzas and I think some bread knots too and mozzarella triangles.

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It was really really good! We had a great time and enjoyed our meal! And for 7 of us, the price wasn’t bad.

johns1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

johns6 by Jenseib, on Flickr

We headed back to the hotel then.

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When we got back to the hotel, Amanda was feeling better again and she wanted to head out and do a little shopping…At the Kylie Jenner pop up store.

Amanda and the girls are obsessed with Kylie’s make up and they wanted to take a look, so we headed off to Rockefeller Center.

This store was within a store and we headed upstairs and got in line. We lucked out as the line had been out the door earlier in the day…now it was just a small line.

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They had to get their picture with the sign in the back ground.

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It was picked over, but there was still a lot left and the girls loaded up on what they wanted. I did get some lipsticks too and I will admit they are good.

Back outside we watched the lights on Saks for a bit.


I believe Gail met up with us there once her date night was over.

Geoff bought some chestnuts to try….we found out we do not like them….gross!


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Geoff wanted to go look at the Saks windows again, so we headed that way.

Love the Disney Music!


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Gail, Geoff and Alexis separated from us and I believe they headed back to the hotel.

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We headed back across the street to take some more pictures.

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Amanda, Claire and I.

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It’s just so pretty at night.

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We had to stop and check out the star.

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And then pictures

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We then we slowly made our way back to the Marriott.

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I took quick Times Square video

And we headed back to our rooms and finished up our packing since tomorrow we all would be leaving.
I'm enjoying your report SO much! Your pictures are beautiful. I live in Connecticut (about 2 hours away) and haven't been to NYC at Christmastime in many years, but your report is inspiring me to go again!
It seems like I don't get much time to get on the computer lately and when I do it's to do work.

That is how it seems to go with me at the moment. Still, I am not complaining.

The girls still wanted to ice skate, as did Gail, but I had no desire.

I am with you on this.

John’s is in an old church and the building is really neat.

This sounds really cool.

It was picked over, but there was still a lot left and the girls loaded up on what they wanted.

I am glad that they lucked out.

Geoff bought some chestnuts to try….we found out we do not like them….gross!

I love chestnuts.

That so reminds me of It's A Small World.

Joining in. Great report so far, luvin all the pics. The picture with Elmo with the bag on his back made me lol and that Olaf float in the macy's parade is a teeny tiny bit freaky


I'm enjoying your report SO much! Your pictures are beautiful. I live in Connecticut (about 2 hours away) and haven't been to NYC at Christmastime in many years, but your report is inspiring me to go again!

It really is so pretty at Christmas time

That is how it seems to go with me at the moment. Still, I am not complaining.

Yes, I am enjoying doing other things besides planting myself in front of the computer lately. I just try and keep up with my work

I am with you on this.

I have never been an ice skating fan...for myself that is. I enjoy watching it.

This sounds really cool.

John's was such a neat place and so yummy too

I am glad that they lucked out.

They were crazy going through all the stuff. LOL

I love chestnuts.

Are they supposed to be soft?

That so reminds me of It's A Small World.


Joining in. Great report so far, luvin all the pics. The picture with Elmo with the bag on his back made me lol and that Olaf float in the macy's parade is a teeny tiny bit freaky

Welcome! Glad to see you back!

The balloons are are really small compered to what I thought they would be on when you see them on TV.


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