Another money grab...

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Because Disney wanted to further monetize the area by renting out the space to third parties (most of whom sell alcohol).
While that is the eventuality of what happened the real reason was because of too many problems at the clubs as a result at least partly due to bad behavior resulting from people who had too much to drink .
While that is the eventuality of what happened the real reason was because of too many problems at the clubs as a result at least partly due to bad behavior resulting from people who had too much to drink .

Which is not true. Not that there weren't people drinking too much at times, but that is not the reason it was closed. If it were, they would have replaced it with all family attractions, not third party bars and restaurants. Its positioning, with a group of admission-requiring attractions amid a shopping mall venue, also became awkward.
Right and you made the same argument a year ago when a new place opened in Hollywood Studios (which now you seem to think is a fine place for alcohol) and nothing has changed.
sorry if I gave you the wrong point last year was that HE needed many other things attractions before they needed a bad . I still don't think this is a good fit there and not really a proponent of alcohol at Hs at all ...however I think it is a slightly better fit there than at AK
Alcohol isn't a problem. People can be a problem. Some can be irresponsible.

Disney makes MAJOR DOLLARS on their alcohol markup so it is here to stay.

No kiosks at MK. Only at restaurants, with meals. But what's special about AK? they've always been pretty big on wine.

PS. Disney is not just for children. Also, many parents drink alcohol (responsibly).

My take is this is one of those wedged into a space bars that are there to take care of anticipated spreading out of crowds and monetize mostly empty floor space, but the drinks look gross (bourbon, strawberry, sweet and sour and sprite? yuck) so I'll stay camped out at Nomad Lounge.

I totally agree with you. I am NOT in anyway a fan of increasing alcohol availability in WDW, but pretty much realize its the wave of the future. But if there going to do it, they need to do it right. That drink you mentioned above sounds disgusting.

A lot of these drinks are things it sounds like I would have mixed in college in an ill-fated attempt to feel sophisticated.

But, anything which spreads out crowds is a plus in my book!
Well aware of all the places alcohol is being served and is now available . That is kind of the point . More places to buy alcohol is not better for any one .Having it available at select , limited locations is my point . Especially at, but not limited to, MK & AK .
Opinion noted.
How about you do what’s best for you and your family and allow everyone else the same courtesy.
More places to buy alcohol is not better for any one

It's also not worse for anyone. That's the lovely thing about free will -- if you want something, you can get it. If you don't, you don't. I don't like the smell of certain foods, but I don't bemoan when new restaurants open that serve it. Getting drunk at Disney doesn't happen very often because, A) Adults are adults and can moderate themselves. And B) Drinking at Disney is more expensive than the real world, so drinking enough to get drunk costs a great deal.

I'm sure you've rolled your eyes at "drunk" people with a drink in their hand. They were probably just laughing and having a good time because they were (wait for it)... on vacation.
I understand your point and agree with a lot of what you're saying , however more , more , more is not going to be good for anyone .
The customer base isn't expanding. More bars won't increase the number of drinkers. You make it sound like people who had no intention of imbibing, now will because there's one additional bar.

Heck, there are trash receptacles every 20 feet of so, but people don't use them. What makes you think more people will drink more liquor?
(edited) Animal Kingdom is almost 20 years old. Why do you think adding a spot to sit and drink is going to suddenly turn the park into a disaster?
my point last year was that HE needed many other things attractions before they needed a bad
You make it sound like Disney sat on its hands untI'm April when poof! all of a sudden they Imagineered, constucted, and opened a brand new land!
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People considering AK a 1/2 day park is as mind-blowingly confusing as this thread

Well, it shouldn't be. It's never been a full day park for me, ever. Animals aren't my thing, and neither are shows. My kids, until last trip, wouldn't ride Everest. They still won't ride Dinosaur or FoP or watch any of the shows. I've done everything at AK over the years but more than 50% of it was once and done. We spent 4 hours there last trip and that was plenty to ride FoP, Everest x2, the Dinosaur coaster and spinner ride, eat at Yak & Yet I (which I also won't be repeating because it was average at best), and ride Kali x2. Never felt the need to return to AK with our 8 day park hoppers. It's just not our favorite, by a long shot. In fact, , I've skipped AK altogether several trips.
Alcohol isn't a problem. People can be a problem. Some can be irresponsible.

Disney makes MAJOR DOLLARS on their alcohol markup so it is here to stay.
At least until it becomes (more of) a problem.

For what it is worth to step into this debate at all....

Once upon a time Universal sold alcohol all over their parks. Not only did they sell it, but they had prominent ads for things like "beer bucket" deals all over their parks.

Those are long gone.

US still sells plenty of alcohol, just not the way they used to do it. These days, H Potter beers are $8.49 a pop. They make money off the folks who want to drink, but they don't flood parks with invitations to get highly intoxicated.

US cleaned up.

Remember when spring break in Fort Lauderdale was a thing? It also got too trashy, so the city cleaned up.

The club part of Downtown Disney was once popular, now it is gone.

Disney is vulnerable to the same effect as everyone else. If WDW gets too much alcohol, there will be a tipping point when folks will reject it.
I guess it should come as no surprise at this point that Disney has added yet another lounge . This time at Restaurantasaurus at AK . It has become ridiculous how many places alcohol is available in the parks . This is a blatant attempt yet again by Disney to take advantage of almost any revenue generating stream regardless of its potential consequences . Look , I know the arguments on Disney's side , "they're a business , they need to keep profits up"..."alcohol isn't a problem at Disney"...why shouldn't I be able to enjoy an adult beverage if I want to as long as I'm responsible about it ?" These are all valid arguments to a point . There is a time and place for almost everything and I believe that EP is the perfect place for an abundance of bars,lounges,beer and wine stands . I also believe that HS is also another place this fits though on a much smaller scale . Hey,I even believe that AK & MK can and should serve alcohol at all of their TS restaurants . DS another perfect fit for as many bars ,lounges,and stands as they want . I just feel that as Disney continues to make alcohol more easily accessible in their parks more and more problems will inevitably follow and eventually make the parks less and less family friendly .
You're assuming that family friendly means only families with minor children. Plenty of us are families with adult kids or no kids at all. I rarely drink (unsweetened ice tea with lemon is my go to beverage) but I have no objections to expanding availability as long as people drink responsibly.
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