Something About Nothing ... #12

Welcome to the SAN thread Jimmy Mouse........

Nice to have you join us...........mac will be along to give the official welcome..........but welcome all the same......
Looks like another Georgian has come home here....

Thank goodness Michael Myers wasn’t a Georgian...........

More of the night “he” came home.......

Ok I’m a little obsessed here with Halloween..........

Although Poletrgeist is about to start.........

They’re here................:scared1:
I really liked that movie

I know you’ve seen it before but it is a good warm up before you do hhn
I really liked that movie

I know you’ve seen it before but it is a good warm up before you do hhn


It’s spookier than I remember.......Tom is going to have lots of cuddles

New avatar pic!!! Cute......and not a cat fan here........:D

When movie finishes bed for us............

Hope you’re doing better now :hug:
Quiet night here! Chinese food and some tv! Catching up with my daytime dramas on my DVR. The wash and cleaning can wait until tomorrow!:thumbsup2
Rain and more rain. Little one did very good driving in a rain so hard even fastest wipers were not good making it easy to see. Highway too, down large hills. Told her to slow down, about halfway, she said, yeah slower is better, safer. Ah, sometimes mom is smart.

All school stuff is bought. Little one is ready. Wants the school year to go fast, get it over. I think she is ready for college, and done with our senior high.

Just relaxing. Phone says periods of rain throughout the night. Fine with me. Means cooler temperature overnight, and AC not running. Damp all over. Ah, may put on a pot of tea. It feels like a nice night.

Have a peaceful and restful night.

Mac, take your time, no rushing healing. I hope you are feeling better every day.

Mouse, welcome. Always nice to meet another homie.
I just turned the tv on
I’ll give you 3 guesses what I am watching and your first two guesses don’t count

Law and order SUV tonight

Good evening. boring day here today. I went grocery shopping and then spend most of the day cleaning. Still have laundry to do.

Charade- You are rockin' the Back to School to do list
Thankfully it was a very short list.

I took a 3hour nap yesterday. I thought I was being unproductive, but I guess I was celebrating.

Might make a "last-minute", quick trip to Orlando Sunday or Monday...I've got a "plan" up my sleeve... :magnify:
Sounds like a great idea.

Six Flags was fun but very hot! I won't complain since I hate winter. Yesterday was drive the teens around day then supper. We also played card games.
I’m not a fan of either summer or winter. In my dream world the temperature is always between 65 and 80.

Thank you homies for the kind thoughts for me

I’m out of bed today and trying to move around some

I’ll try to return when I can think of something useful to say
Glad you are feeling better. Take it easy for awhile.

Heading out to do some errands and continue on with my pet sitting duties! My sister has a pool so why not enjoy that while I'm keeping the cats company!! We should all relax on a Saturday!!
You get to play with cats and use a pool? Awesome.

Rain and more rain.
Ugh. I think we are due for more tomorrow.

All school stuff is bought. Little one is ready. Wants the school year to go fast, get it over. I think she is ready for college, and done with our senior high.
B is the opposite. She wants to take time and enjoy her last year. I think she is a little nervous about starting college.

Do any of you ever read the threads that are linked at the bottom of the page? I read one today (from 2014) from a woman complaining about a Disney trip. I read 2dozen pages of responses to her post. It was like a train wreck. I just couldn’t stop reading.
Oh yea I read them but always check the date of the thread so I won’t be the one that brings life to a 5 yo thread

Totally agree great train wreck reading
Rain and more rain. Little one did very good driving in a rain so hard even fastest wipers were not good making it easy to see. Highway too, down large hills. Told her to slow down, about halfway, she said, yeah slower is better, safer. Ah, sometimes mom is smart.

Yep-Mom knows best!:thumbsup2 I'm getting old- I get nervous driving with both kids! I'm always saying slow down and don't get so close to the other car!!

I just turned the tv on
I’ll give you 3 guesses what I am watching and your first two guesses don’t count

Law and order SUV tonight


Good evening. boring day here today. I went grocery shopping and then spend most of the day cleaning. Still have laundry to do.

Boring is good, Charade! And you did all the chores I needed to do but slacked off on today!

Ok- off to open that bottle of white wine I put in the freezer to quick chill. Left one in and forgot about it once - made a mess!
Did the annual back to Skool clothes shopping for GD yesterday. Let’s just say i went a bit over budget, as in double haha. Justified it by calling half of it early BD present. Hey, i waited a looong to buy cute girl’s clothing. Need to make up for lost time :).

Janet that was for you for free pie nights at Charlie’s

You re thinking O’Charleys me thinks. Charley’s in Orlando is white tablecloth type place, old Skool steakhouse where they roll the cart out & edumacate u on meat.

Feeling up to snuff yet today?

Ooh, do tell Buckeev. Stinks that still had to pay tax. Need to go to Delaware. No sales tax there.

One of the few tax breaks we get lol

Oh how hard is it to watch poor Snape die again...........:sad:

Can’t do it........have to keep busy at that bit..........

Poltergeist coming up........

My fav HP character! I stopped reading the books for years until the movies were ready to catch up. thought he went bad and couldn’t bear the thought. Duh. Cannot believe my family didn’t divulge that spoiler.
Lynne sounds like we have similar weather right now.......although it’s supposed to be raining right now, but it isn’’s creepily silent........weird, not a breath........

Charade, I love both summer and winter........but hate the a crisp cold........hate the dampness......

Yes some of those older threads that pop up are real doozies...........

Keisha.......either I’m up really early or you’re up really late!!!! I think it’s me...........nearly 4am and I’m wide awake, came downstairs for a sitting in darkness and thinking I should go back to bed!!!
Snape is my favourite character too..........just adored Alan Rickman!!! Still do..........

Watched Poltergeist.........loved it! Hadn’t seen it for years, then watched first episode of Stranger Things........last couple of minutes hooked me!!!

Yes, think I arrive first this year again out of the usual Keisha and Mac.......will check dates of meets and see if we are free...........can’t make plans this early........don’t know what I’m doing for lunch tomorrow.........

31 sleeps till we leave for overnight at airport hotel...........:D
Hoot! This early bird is settling down for the night. Hopefully, not like Schumi and up way too early tomorrow. I think the rain is falling again. Nighty Night.
Rain just started here too........

Think I’m off back up to bed now.........try and get some sleep before it’s time to get up around 2 to 3 hours!
Being a night owl again!! DVR is in high gear tonight! Now I'm watching Mysteries at the Museum!! Love that show and all the interesting stories they tell about history! Time for another glass of wine!

Have a peaceful night my friends!:)
Stopping by to tuck all homies to bed

Was falling asleep but it dawned on me to drop in as I forgot to turn off the porch light here

Turn phone on and now will turn tv off

Schumi don’t forget to make the coffee in the morning for us and the bacon

Second thought you don’t make coffee so give that morning task out to Lynne as she is our early bird for those of us in the States
Please don’t let her spit in it
I’m giving the job of cat herding to pattyw as she knows how to handle fur babies

I believe she has said she birthed 8 of them and all are trained to us the toilet which is the loo

I’m the translator tonight
No job for Monyk since I no longer eat
:chicken after we attacjed cuties

And the job for charade will be to slop something together for eats

Janet is broke now from
her shopping fling now over for lily


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