“Please Don’t Pop My Disney Bubble!” TR 8/11-8/20 *New 1/1, It’s a wrap!!

How sad about your TA!

Your upcoming trip plans must be exciting! I am jealous you get to go back so soon and so often! I am excited for my Japan trip but it is hard to accept it means no WDW for a few years. :sad1:

I can feel your pain waiting for your slow waitress after such an early morning and just wanting to get food in your belly! :laughing:
I know, he was an awesome TA!
I am excited for the winter trip and love planning for it. Japan sounds so exciting! Are you going solo or with someone? I hope you do a TR.
Our service was really substandard at MM, the pasta was good, at least.
My AP expires November 1st, and at first I was not planning on renewing and thought I'd just get a 3-day ticket for our April trip. But now with the May trip, I think I may be better off renewing the darn thing even though I will literally only need it for 3 days in April and 4 days in May. I really haven't decided yet what to do :confused3
We have such a dilemma :rotfl:
I haven’t decided yet either and October 16th is looming with all the price changes, ugh!
I haven’t decided yet either and October 16th is looming with all the price changes, ugh!

I know! That's what is stressing me out! And honestly, Mike and I leave in 5 days so I just don't have it in me to purchase April tickets for 4 people right now just to beat this ticket craziness!
Hey Everyone! I have a day off before my weekend to work and the weather here is yuck!:sad1: It is actually snowing this morning:stitch2: Not a joke! Perfect day to do laundry, plan a WDW trip and add a couple updates to my TR. First of all, I did get vacation time in January and flights are about 1/2 the price of March, so I think we will be going 1/23 to 1/30:mickeyjum

Back to hot August, do you all get why I love hot August now! We get snow in October so yes love Florida heat. Andi and I had a nice little siesta at GF before we headed to MK.
Skies looked like a storm was possible as we hopped on the monorail.

We arrived at MK around 5pm and headed to Princess Fairytale Hall. We went in the FP line and there was only one family in front of us. The dad was hot, tired, and cranky! He kept saying “what are we doing here, is this a ride or an encounter?” It sounded so funny to me, I had to hide my snickers. He had a really whiny voice. His teen daughters were really embarrassed. We got in the “encounter” :rotfl:pretty quick. This was a nice meet with Rapunzel and Tiana. The whiny dad even enjoyed it:bitelip:

Our next stop was CoP, such a fun “encounter”, this never gets old! We enjoyed going through time and singing A great big beautiful tomorrow! The AC was also a plus.

We stopped for a picture at one of the Incredible back drops after CoP

We had an additional FP for WtP and it was time to head over there.
It looked like it was going to rain at anytime as we headed into WtP. We had fun visiting with Pooh and bouncing with Tigger.
It was raining lightly, after the ride, so we put on our rain gear in the gift shop and headed out to HM.

We got another FP for HM.
Once we were in the FP line, the skies opened up and it rained hard!:umbrella:
Typical Florida summer storm, we could also hear big booms of thunder. The people in the stand-by line were getting soaked because the rain was sideways, yikes! Once we were done in the shrinking room and sent to the doom buggy area, it was a true nightmare! The ride was stopped and they just kept adding people to this area, ugh! We were literally on top of each other, not fun! It was so stuffy in there, like a mob scene. This was the scariest part of the ride:laughing:

Finally, we started to move and eventually got on our doom buggy and had a fun ride. I do look for hidden Mickey’s and new items each ride. I see something new almost every trip, especially in the ballroom!

One good thing about the long wait time was the storm was pretty much over! I decided to head out because the radar showed a lull in the rain. Andi went back to Fairytale Hall because the pictures with Rapunzel were black! Literally just black! Here are pictures of her second round!
IMG_Oct112018at74129AM.jpg IMG_Oct112018at74030AM.jpg

I stopped at Basin to wash my hands with a lovely lemon scrub! I bought a few soaps and a perfume balm. You do get an AP discount here so that is a plus. I just love the GF lobby! Always fun to look around here!
Cont in the next post..........A walk over to my favorite resort for one of my favorite meals!!

:welcome:Yay! Happy to have you joining in! Our start to the trip was a bummer, especially when we were so tired! The GF was a really nice change. :PinkbouncHow exciting having an August trip planned. Ours is from 8/17 to 8/26/19. I am thinking the Poly for our resort!
WE will overlap by 2 days, we will be at the Contemporary for my husband’s birthday. But we are starting our trip at ASMo for 2 nights, then switching to CBR (hoping gondolas are running by then) and ending at the contemporary until the 19th.
the weather here is yuck!:sad1: It is actually snowing this morning

Omg…that's crazy! It'll be here in CT soon enough and I'm already dreading it…I can't imagine having snow in October :sad2:

First of all, I did get vacation time in January and flights are about 1/2 the price of March, so I think we will be going 1/23 to 1/30:mickeyjum


The ride was stopped and they just kept adding people to this area, ugh! We were literally on top of each other,

Why do they do that? It's really a horrible way to get on a ride :scared1:
Andi and I met up at the room and checked the weather app. It looked like we would be okay walking over to the Polynesian Resort.
Picture from the deck area off the GF lobby.
There is a lovely path to walk on, along the lake shore, between the two resorts. We had a nice walk over to the Poly.

We decided to take a look around the lobby and the gift shop. There is always so many things to check out in this lobby and it smells so good in there! I bought the Poly resort scentsy wax and it is lovely, takes me back to the Poly whenever I want.
IMG_Oct112018at83237AM.jpg IMG_Oct112018at83258AM.jpg IMG_Oct112018at83351AM.jpg

It was time for the delicious Pulled Pork Nachos found at Captain Cooks. These nachos are so yummy, I love them. Andi likes them but not as much as I do. She wasn’t to hungry so we shared these. I ate most! They are addicting. I highly recommend trying this if you have a chance. These are topped with onions, cheese, spicy mayo, tomatoes, and pineapple salsa. The toppings are on a fried wonton chip, so good!

We sat outside, it had cooled a little after the storm. We people watched and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the Poly. Andi was ready for a Dole Whip after the Nachos. I was roll me down the path full, so I passed on a dessert.

The weather was holding out, so we walked back to the GF. We stopped at the Wedding Center and looked in the windows at the beautiful cakes on display in there. I couldn’t get a decent picture of the cakes, they were awesome. There was a Cinderella castle cake, oh my, I am betting it cost a pretty penny. Very ornate!

We hung out at the GF and were able to see the HEA show and the Electric water parade! There is great viewing outside of the Gasparilla Grill for HEA and down by the boat launch and walking path for the parade. The parade is one of my favorites, it is unique to Disney and truly makes you feel like a kid again!
Picture from google, mine never look good!


We headed back to the room and Day 3 was now in the books.

Food costs for today
Starbucks= $12.00 I load up my Starbucks card with GC’s before the trip and use that
Mama Melrose= $39.00
Lunching Pad= $6.06 Andi had a pretzel
Captain Cooks= $9.90
Pineapple Lanai= $5.50
Total= $72.46
Stay tuned for Day 4, AK morning................coming soon!
January :banana:

Getting onto HM is always such a nightmare to me...after the stretching room everyone squishes in and then has to go single file before gettng on the buggy. Such chaos!

Pretty pics from the GF and Poly! Sounds like a nice night at the resorts!
Japan sounds so exciting! Are you going solo or with someone? I hope you do a TR.

I am going with my brother. I will definitely do a TR as we will be going to Tokyo Disney. :thumbsup2

First of all, I did get vacation time in January and flights are about 1/2 the price of March, so I think we will be going 1/23 to 1/30:mickeyjum

Glad you got your vacation dates sorted!

What is it with the Princess Hall and the photopass photos coming back black? Happened to me too! I hope they didn't make Andi wait in a long line again when it was their camera at fault.
It is actually snowing this morning:stitch2: Not a joke!

I grew up in Pennsylvania and while I miss my family who still live there, I definitely don't miss the snow! We do get a little here in Georgia but then it's fun because they close everything including my work.

He kept saying “what are we doing here, is this a ride or an encounter?”

:rotfl:I love listening in on conversations around me at Disney!

We stopped for a picture at one of the Incredible back drops after CoP

I never did stop at any of these while I was there in August. They were always crowded and as you've mentioned a few times, it was hot!

Once we were done in the shrinking room and sent to the doom buggy area, it was a true nightmare! The ride was stopped and they just kept adding people to this area, ugh!

Yikes! :scared1: This area is a nightmare with the bottleneck merge without a ride stoppage.

I stopped at Basin to wash my hands with a lovely lemon scrub! I bought a few soaps and a perfume balm.

I'm one of the few weird people that do not like Basin. Way too many smells in there to set off my allergies.
Wow I can't even imagine snow in October. :cold: I live in the south so we don't even get snow in the winter.

I've heard good things about those pulled pork nachos on several trip reports. They are on my list of must tries.
We did the Muppets show before lunch. It was so wonderful to get in the AC and I love this out dated and corny show! We always check for the key under the mat, and sometimes there are stickers under there as a little prize. We sat by some people who loved this corny show as much as we do, such fun!
Love the Muppet show!

We were ready for the bill and our scattered waitress was no where to be found, it took over 20 minutes to find her and get the bill squared away. I do like this place and will give it another try but this visit was not the best.
Mmmm, not the greatest experience for sure!

Hey Everyone! I have a day off before my weekend to work and the weather here is yuck!:sad1: It is actually snowing this morning:stitch2: Not a joke! Perfect day to do laundry, plan a WDW trip and add a couple updates to my TR. First of all, I did get vacation time in January and flights are about 1/2 the price of March, so I think we will be going 1/23 to 1/30:mickeyjum
No way!! Snow in October feels wrong to me.... we actually had freakishly hot weather this week and it was up to 80 and very humid. Then tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid forties for the high!!

Our next stop was CoP, such a fun “encounter”, this never gets old! We enjoyed going through time and singing A great big beautiful tomorrow! The AC was also a plus.
This is my absolute favourite!

Finally, we started to move and eventually got on our doom buggy and had a fun ride. I do look for hidden Mickey’s and new items each ride. I see something new almost every trip, especially in the ballroom!
I am still looking for the second Hidden Donald but have found almost everything else.

I stopped at Basin to wash my hands with a lovely lemon scrub! I bought a few soaps and a perfume balm. You do get an AP discount here so that is a plus. I just love the GF lobby! Always fun to look around here!
I love it too! I never got over there to just sit and enjoy it this summer but am definitely going to go listen to the Orchestra in December and take in all the Christmas decor!

We decided to take a look around the lobby and the gift shop. There is always so many things to check out in this lobby and it smells so good in there! I bought the Poly resort scentsy wax and it is lovely, takes me back to the Poly whenever I want.
Love that smell too....it is just delicious!

It was time for the delicious Pulled Pork Nachos found at Captain Cooks. These nachos are so yummy, I love them. Andi likes them but not as much as I do. She wasn’t to hungry so we shared these. I ate most! They are addicting. I highly recommend trying this if you have a chance. These are topped with onions, cheese, spicy mayo, tomatoes, and pineapple salsa. The toppings are on a fried wonton chip, so good!
I meant to try those in August but was obsessed with the Ploynesian Chicken salad!

We hung out at the GF and were able to see the HEA show and the Electric water parade! There is great viewing outside of the Gasparilla Grill for HEA and down by the boat launch and walking path for the parade. The parade is one of my favorites, it is unique to Disney and truly makes you feel like a kid again!
Oh I love EWP so much!!! Many great memories with my boys when they were little. :)

It’s stinks, here is what I am seeing outside my window:sad:
:( :( :( :(
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Oh, gross! I'm crossing my fingers that we manage to go without snow for a while here yet. Sweating in Florida in the summer sounds pretty good once winter hits here.

The dad was hot, tired, and cranky! He kept saying “what are we doing here, is this a ride or an encounter?” It sounded so funny to me, I had to hide my snickers.


The ride was stopped and they just kept adding people to this area, ugh! We were literally on top of each other, not fun! It was so stuffy in there, like a mob scene. This was the scariest part of the ride:laughing:

Oh man, that's a mess! I always feel like this area has the potential to be very unsafe whenever it gets backed up too much and people are pushing and shoving to try to get in some form of a line.

I stopped at Basin to wash my hands with a lovely lemon scrub! I bought a few soaps and a perfume balm.

Nice! I love Basin.

I just love the GF lobby! Always fun to look around here!

So do I! :lovestruc
I am all caught up! What a fun day you had! I feel like the monorail resorts are just so convenient!

Also your trip planning and my disney blues (my mom, sister and I just got back Wednesday night!) got me booking a tentative trip in March! hahaha

It would be a week before my AP expires so I am really tempted to do this. I booked it in the off chance we do decide to go since Pop books up SO ridiculously fast now and that tends to be our favorite (I mean favorite in the sense that we just can't justify deluxe - no matter how hard I try!). Plus, knowing my Mom she'll just casually mention a trip in a few months and then I can just tell her I already have something booked! haha

I'm glad to hear you can make January work for you guys!
I never get tired of this view

It was time for the delicious Pulled Pork Nachos found at Captain Cooks. These nachos are so yummy, I love them.
My mouth is watering, best Nacho's ever IMO

Picture from google, mine never look good!
HA HA Iwas going to ask how you got such a great pic.

It’s stinks, here is what I am seeing outside my window:sad:
YUCK feeling sorry for ya way up there
I emailed and was directed to a different TA, to later find out my TA died unexpectedly 2weeks ago! Yikes I feel so bad! The lady now assigned to me is not nearly as helpful and does not get back to me quick like J did. Okay this is sad so onto happy things!
Oh how sad. Sorry to hear that.

I am torn, January would be much less expensive, less crowded, and airfare is much less, so probably a better choice except I have to wait and see if my vacation will be approved! So this is my dilemma folks, what do you all think?
Well you know this crew is always going to tell you to do both!!!

I'm right there with ya Andi

Love these!!!

I think we have the stars of the next Twilight Zone movie :P

Update on the winter trip. I have a new TA and she is much better than the first one I was assigned to. The first one was adding 3 park hopper plus tickets to the price and adding to much for 3 adults. I knew something was off, there is no way this agency prices have ever been more than Disney. I am now booked for 7 nights in March at the BC, I really wanted YC because I will be at BC in May but YC was not available. Our March dates are 3/23-3/30.
Glad you got it worked out. If you have anymore trouble let me know. We usually use them for the labor day specials and have been happy with the service we get from ours.


This was me, Andi was scared, lol!
Heck, I'm scared :scared1:

Next up was the Calamari, this fell a little flat for me. It wasn’t as good as last time and only had one dipping sauce not the three like before.:confused3 I thought I had a picture from before and I can’t find it now. The sauce wasn’t as good and the calamari was almost a tad over cooked.
This certainly doesn't look great but I'm sure you were just thrilled to have food!

It is actually snowing this morning:stitch2:

First of all, I did get vacation time in January and flights are about 1/2 the price of March, so I think we will be going 1/23 to 1/30:mickeyjum
WOOHOO!!!!! Are you going in March too or just January?

Once we were done in the shrinking room and sent to the doom buggy area, it was a true nightmare! The ride was stopped and they just kept adding people to this area, ugh! We were literally on top of each other, not fun! It was so stuffy in there, like a mob scene. This was the scariest part of the ride:laughing:

Yikes!!! Why on earth did they keep loading more people in there?

It was time for the delicious Pulled Pork Nachos found at Captain Cooks. These nachos are so yummy, I love them. Andi likes them but not as much as I do. She wasn’t to hungry so we shared these. I ate most! They are addicting. I highly recommend trying this if you have a chance. These are topped with onions, cheese, spicy mayo, tomatoes, and pineapple salsa. The toppings are on a fried wonton chip, so good!
Oh these are some of my favorites. You totally have me wanting some of these on our February trip.

It’s stinks, here is what I am seeing outside my window:sad:
I a. cannot believe you have snow but b. there is a hot tub!!!! I'll be there in a few hours. Have some wine ready :-)


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