The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: 4 miles on Friday & 7.6563 miles on Saturday. I have 7 miles & 150m repeats and that’s the mileage that’s calculated on my plan. I have Sundays off!
ATTQOTD: Supposed to be 10 mile tempo tonight, 4 miles easy tomorrow, 7 miles easy Saturday and 15 mile progression run on Sunday. The remnants of Hurricane Willa may be impacting my run today though...
ATTQOTD: 6 miles Friday, 11 miles Saturday. We are expecting the remnants of Willa ~11AM tomorrow, so I'll be taking an early lunch to run before the storm. Trying a new trail on Saturday, hopefully there won't be too much storm damage.
If we lived closer, I would let you borrow our dog, who has made it her life's mission to find and dispose of all furry little critters, especially chipmunks. She's flushed several Chip & Dales out of our garage this summer!

Can I borrow your dog too? We have a critter I've nicknamed "trashsquirrel" because he's chomped a hole in our plastic garbage bin and is now taking treats up onto our garage roof. I now watch him snacking on old bread and pizza etc and leaving the remnants up there. He's also ate 4 of our pumpkins now.

QOTD: Taking the easy way out for todays question. What is everyones running plans this weekend?

ATTQOTD: I need to run today and tomorrow at a min of 3 miles each. Saturday I am helping a friend put on a 5k and I've been told I am going to be front bike guy. Looks like I need to learn the course. Since I am doing that Saturday my long run will be on Sunday and I am somehow supposed to get 16-17 miles in. Prayers would be appreciated!

I've officially ended my race recovery and started training again for my Jan race. So this week has only been 3 mile runs and sunday is 5 miles. Very much looking forward to fall weather running. And will have to remind my body to take it easy and not get too speedy because it likes the cool air :)
3 miles tonight and 12 miles sometime this weekend.

I have to work like 1-2 Saturdays per year and I have to work this Saturday... so I am not sure when that 12 miler will be, which I hate. Do I get up at 3:30am on Saturday and run before I go into work? Run after I get done? Try to run tomorrow night? I don't really want to run on Sunday, but that might happen too... But nevertheless, it WILL happen.

I also have to work Saturday (I work maybe 7 a year) and I am so tired after so I feel your pain.

ATTQOTD: I plan to run 4 on Saturday and 3 Sunday. I most likely will do Saturdays at the gym since we are predicted to get rain (100% Chance) and it is getting too cold to run in the rain by choice. Sunday looks really nice though so outside I go.
Can I borrow your dog too? We have a critter I've nicknamed "trashsquirrel" because he's chomped a hole in our plastic garbage bin and is now taking treats up onto our garage roof. I now watch him snacking on old bread and pizza etc and leaving the remnants up there. He's also ate 4 of our pumpkins now.

Squirrels are tough for her to catch - I'm not sure if that's because they're too fast for her or if it's because she's a little overweight (pretty sure my boys were over feeding her all summer). That stinks "trashsquirrel" ate your pumpkins!!

ATTQOTD: I am still in recovery mode after my marathon and have vowed to take some time off (at least a week or two) to let my body heal, so I've been doing lots of gentle yoga and dog-walking this week. I also need to give my house a deep clean because that always seems to fall by the wayside when I'm marathon training.
ATTQOTD: No running for me until next week. I had planned to be running this week, but after racing Chicago and only taking a week off before having to get ready for Tuna Run and then racing it much harder than intended, I decided my legs needed a break before starting the run up to my next race in 7-8 weeks.
ATTQOTD: 6@EA on Friday and 10@LR on Saturday. This is a recovery week in my plan.

I 'banked' 1.5 miles earlier in the week due to 'new shoe day' and glorious fall weather. It's possible I may shorten one of the runs by that.
My long run is Friday of 12-14 and I'll try to get in around 6 on Saturday. Sunday is off. My weekends are super busy with Fall Photos so I'll be cross training with a million and one squats during them ;)
QOTD: Does your job require you to stay on your feet all day, sit behind a desk, work indoors, or outside? How does your job effect your training and recovery?

My job goes in spurts. I may have two weeks straight of being glued to a desk making fancy graphs, or spend a week standing for 9 hours a day. Both are pretty crumby and not great for any part of life. On the desk weeks I can take an hour at lunch and run outside, which is fantastic. I take work trips to large measuring instruments about once a month, which tend to be loooooong shifts of sitting, but occasionally if things go right I get 2-5 hours mid day to do with what I please, and this is my favorite part! Sadly, I do not see that being running for the next few trips.

Also ... for those of you who run during lunch ... do you have showers at work? Or do you just do a quick cleanup in the bathroom?
I'm very curious about how this works.
I have showers at work. On work trips I sit by myself for hours at a time, so I do not shower before going back to a lonely existence.

I was thinking about you and this question while I was struggling through an easy 4 mile run this morning. Literally having to pep talk myself from mile 1.5 to 3 until I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. No idea why, just wasn't feeling it.
:hug: Feels here.

QOTD: Taking the easy way out for todays question. What is everyones running plans this weekend?
The same plan as last weekend, 10 miles, but actually do it?

My plan for the week was to run yesterday- I did but it took much more effort than it should have. Have experiments run smoothly and run 5k today, not going to happen. Get in the car and drive home tomorrow to deal with cranky kids and all the laundry and stuff Friday evening and then wake up well rested and run 10 Saturday. If I do not run today my leggings will still be clean on Saturday (the other pair of pants are stinky from before I left), so I can skip laundry until Saturday, and this is enticing as I hate laundry. Also under consideration is one store led group run at 7am, and with the turning off of public water fountains for the season I think this is an option to join because they put out water stations. Terrified of 10.0 miles and intimidated by people seems like a lot to tackle in a morning, but it is bouncing around in my head.
Or I carry my own water and run 9.8. But I've never successfully carried water so I wonder if that is a poor idea on a run distance that already has be on edge.
QOTD: Taking the easy way out for todays question. What is everyones running plans this weekend?

I was going to go for six miles with the VSNO group this weekend, but I think I'll just run the Jazz 5K instead if I can get registered tomorrow at packet pickup. And if it doesn't rain.
QOTD: Taking the easy way out for todays question. What is everyones running plans this weekend?

ATTQOTD: I need to run today and tomorrow at a min of 3 miles each. Saturday I am helping a friend put on a 5k and I've been told I am going to be front bike guy. Looks like I need to learn the course. Since I am doing that Saturday my long run will be on Sunday and I am somehow supposed to get 16-17 miles in. Prayers would be appreciated!

Thank You for helping with the 5k. I appreciate everyone who takes the time help with races.

I have a 4.5 mile run around Disney Springs / Saratoga Springs on Saturday morning and a 2/3 mile run around Seven Seas Lagoon on Tuesday (not technically the weekend though)


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