The Running Thread - 2018

No Halloween plans here. We do not have kids yet so no trick or treating for us. We also live at the end of a very busy neighborhood so the kids never make it to our house so we won't hand out any candy either. I am curious to see how busy it is since most of the homes around us still hae no heat/hot water etc so people may have headed elsewhere. We will probably go to the gym and then watch It's the Great Pumpkin.
@LSUlakes.. please add me to this weekend's list

04 - @Kerry1957 - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (NG / NA)

Still recovering a bit from my M 2 weeks ago so I'm not sure yet if I'm going to push a bit or just take it easy and enjoy the ride. My usual is to say I'm going to take it easy but when the gun sounds I tend to forget.

Holloween plans? Pack for Disney! Then hand out candy. Used to go trick or beering but the good neighbors have moved.
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ATTQOTD: tentative plans are to take my little unicorn trick or treating in our neighborhood. However, my BIL is a tenant in a for real, notoriously haunted house in Cleveland. My husband is handing out candy there since my BIL is giving a talk about the house tonight. Unicorn and I may end up there instead tonight.

I still have to finish packing for W&D. I think I have everything together which means I will do something stupid like forget my suitcase.

Also, @LSUlakes you have me listed twice for the 10k this weekend. I am in for the 5k and 10k. If I was able to run the 10k twice I'd do the half.... Thank you!!
ATTQOTD: Let's see... work is having a Halloween potluck with costume contest. I made Pumpkin Pasties and Pumpkin Baked Ziti. And I thought my costume was pretty good and fitting for me. Then tonight we are taking Bay trick or treating on our city's main street. The city just isn't laid out well enough to go door to door so they put together this event for a place that everyone can go and businesses can hand out candy. We shall see how it is...


October Totals:
Miles Ran - 70.3 mi
Total Time - 12:29:59
Average Pace - 10:40

Low mileage this month due to a race and some recovery. I am okay with that because Marathon training is a beast!
ATTQOTD: We are escorting Mario, Luigi, and a pretty cute cow around the neighborhood trick or treating and then probably gonna attempt to eat their candy!

I think there was a discussion about podcasts not too long ago. I listened to the 30for30 episode “Six who sat” yesterday. It talks about the history of women running in marathons. I knew the story about Katherine Switzer and her running the Boston Marathon but wasn’t familiar with the story of the women running the 1972 New York marathon. It’s worth a listen if you have the time.

October miles: 81

Just felt like running huh @jennamfeo! Great costume!
ATTQOTD: We lived in an isolated rural neighborhood, so no trick or treaters here.

Our nephew's birthday was yesterday, so we're having him over for dinner tonight. Steaks on the grill and our only nod to Day of the Dead, pan de muerto, fresh from the bakery. I tried to find some sugar skulls but couldn't.

Of course having no will power, I had a churro while at the bakery. I did manage to avoid the filling. Seems like simple pastries should be simple.
In the minority re: MCM mock-T. I got one for the 10k that I wear in the winter. It's great. It's brushed on the inside, so warm. The mock T keeps the wind off my neck. It has become a go-to shirt for runs in the 20's.

I love my 2013 MCM mock turtleneck. We might have been the first group to be "mocked." But it's toasty and warm to wear on cold and windy days.

ATTQOTD: Taking the kids to my brother's house for a halloween party and trick or treating in his neighborhood (big and houses close together). My neighborhood is quite small with much bigger lots, and I usually just sit a bowl on the front porch for anyone who stops by while we are gone. My oldest (11) has decided he is too old for costumes and trick or treating, but the two youngest are in those huge inflatable dinosaur costumes. They are hilarious.

Love those dinosaur costumes. Were you able to rent them or did you purchase?
Race Report - Auckland Marathon

Executive Summary (for those who don't want to read my waffle)
  • A goal 3:40:00
  • B goal 3:30:00 (should have changed my A goal to this in hindsight. Trust the Training)
  • Net time 3:30:09

This is my first marathon in 10 years, after 3 consecutive years of the AKL Marathon ('06, '07 & '08). PB came in 2007 with a 3:20:54. Secon kiddo arrived in 2009 ending my marathon running for a few years. Cue forward to 2006 and I had my worst running year for a long time with only 385km under the belt. The start of 2017 I decided to get serious again and this coincided with me discovering this awesome community of people who are as nutty about running as they are about Disney! 2017 saw me run 1760km incuding a half marathon. 2018 goal became 2018km in 2018, I did a half in May and had been contemplating another full, when a work colleague said he had entered. I completed my registration that nught.

For training, I decided to try a Garmin training plan. The advantage of this is it was heart rate based (I live in a hilly area making pace based training challenging) and had the added benefit of being able to send the training plan automatically to my watch. This made it super easy to follow the plan without me having to remember and manage laps during the run, or manually create each workout. The plan was also a good mix of workouts and easy running, and importantly for me had the longer runs on the weekend.

Training went well and I felt good coming in to the weekend. I was pretty sure based on pacing during training 3:30 would be achievable, so that's what I targeted when planning my race execution. I had a "what if" scenario in my head as I knew I could run faster but simply didn't know for how long. The forecast was not looking good for the weekend with rain falling at various points, and rain is my kryptonite... Fortunately the worst of the rain had cleared come Sunday morning, with some light drizzle just before the start. Temps were good at around 15C/60F. Though the rain had stopped the roads were still wet, and in some parts annoyingly slippery. I swear each shoe had picked up 2 gallons of water by the time I got to the end (felt like it anyway...)

I managed a reasonable starting position in the corrals, and it only took 20 seconds to get across the timing mat. The first 5km were solid, taking 24:43 mins (4:57 pace). It was pretty crowded trough but starting to spread out. I wasn't far from the 3:30 pace group so had a bit of a push to catch up. I stayed with them for the next 25km, though should have used them more strategically than I did. First error was deciding they were a bit slow so I ran past them only to discover a bit of a headwind they were sheltering me from. I fell back in to the pack and took the wind shelter where I could. Drink stations were plentiful (about every 4km) and I was following my gel fuelling plan, taking one every 45 mins (where drink stations allowed).

Everything was going well up until the 34km mark. 5km splits were 24:43, 24:04, 24:53, 23:45, 23:57, 24:48. I started going slower than my planned 5 minute KM pace from 34 onwards, though managed to pull it back a bit for kms 36 & 37. I had forgotten how hard marathons were, and really struggled through 38, 39 & 40 with my slowest taking 5:21. There was an evil headwind at this point. There was a drink station around 39km that had flat Coke - I had been holding out for this one - and had a big gulp of that sugary caffeinated goodness. It did the trick an I was able to start pushing for the last 2km, with a 4:58 followed by a 4:24 heading home. I crossed the line relieved it was over.

The body held up well, I had prepared well for potential wet weather chafing but clearly not enough, as I found out in the shower!
The usual bits were well prepared but turns out I can get chafing in my butt crack!

I was really pleased with the result, I left nothing on the course, though I am now curious as to how I can get faster, as I know there is more pace in my legs just not sure how it will translate to endurance. Might need to do some reading or perhaps splash on a @DopeyBadger plan! His website had me coming in at 3:30 based on my May half at the lower end of his plan and a 3:20 for the higher end, so I know it's there somewhere!

No photos yet sorry, phone was double bagged for the run so didn't take any during, and haven't got the event ones yet.

Now to think of my next race!

For your consideration: TriSlide. Just be careful of overspray, or you'll turn your floor into a skating rink!
ATTQOTD: Since we live at the end of a dead end street with no sidewalks or street lights and we have a long driveway I fully expect us to have zero kids for the 3rd year in a row.

October Miles: 33.52
YTD Miles: 713.65

Lowest monthly mileage since January due to circumstances beyond my control. It feels good to finally be getting back to training.
I'm a basic witch this year. Gotta just add a thermos of PSLs and wear my uggs. Right now I'm drinking at the bar with parents across from school prior to school pickup and trick or treating. Having a crispin cider. That's normal for a Wed, right?
Oh, wow, it's that time, isn't it?

Okay. October totals:
Miles: 31.9*
Total time: 7:07
Average pace: 13:28
* Plus about 3/4 of a mile that I ran with my wife but didn't track in Strava.

Average pace is a bit low because there's a lot of training with my son, who's not especially fast yet. Solo totals:
Miles: 17.8
Total time: 3:26
Average pace: 11:34
I'm playing tennis tonight - no Halloween connection. My husband did get some candy in case we get kids coming by our house, but we never do, so he really got it for himself.

running: 56.7 mi
tennis: 28 hours

Less than half of the running miles from September, as I had time off recovering from Ragnar at the end of September and then got really busy with work.

On the other hand, the new tennis season has started, so tennis has gone way up - over 3x more hours on the courts than in September.
ATTQOTD: No big plans for tonight. No trick or treaters expected, everyone goes downtown to the historic main street and trunk or treats.
Daughter is in college, and our 16 year old is working tonight but Mrs. Slogger is trying to dress up the dogs and cat for Halloween. What could possibly go wrong?


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