The Running Thread - 2018

Wait until next year when Stan brings "puffy sleeves" to the table!

Okay I would probably wear a pirate-ish puffy sleeved shirt.

I don't check a bag and opt for the super cool poncho. I don't know where bag check is, but remember it being a ridiculous hike to get out of Central Park and then dumped onto the road. If I see it on my way out and have any wits about me, I will look for you! My mind is crazy foggy after a race.
Those poncho's are outstanding.
In the minority re: MCM mock-T. I got one for the 10k that I wear in the winter. It's great. It's brushed on the inside, so warm. The mock T keeps the wind off my neck. It has become a go-to shirt for runs in the 20's.

I like the mock-T style too. :o
Just not the ones the MCM has given out the past few years!
I’ve done a few open road races, but they were not too busy traffic-wise and had cones where cars were more common. Actually - in my 10miler last spring on an open road, my husband was supposed to drive by me at one point around mile I was distracted looking for him. Unfortunately he got lost and didn’t drive by!

On a whim, I entered the NYC half marathon lottery. @SarahDisney - I am guessing chances are slim via lottery??
on open roads: when you're as slow as I am, almost every race around here ends up being an "open" course as the cops start letting traffic through. Definitely felt safer on *actually open* courses in Lancaster county, PA, as there was no real traffic to speak of (unless you count Amish buggies..)
QOTD: Good morning folks! How often do you run a race on a "open" course? If you have, do you find traffic to be a issue?

ATTQOTD: We used to have a local half that was somewhat open. Certain parts of the course would be open to traffic, but the roads were rarely traveled except for locals so not much of a problem. Saturday I was on my bike leading the race kinda like a pace car deal. Well the course had a lot of u-turns and on one of them I was paying attention to a road that turns onto the road we were on before the turn since its a highway. Well as I start to turn the 1st place runner yells "CAR CAR CAR!!!". Slammed on my brakes right as the car cruises on by. That was a close one! I think if he did not warn me it would have been way to close, either a ditch the bike or hit the car type deal. I suggested to my buddy that next year we look into having volunteers at the major roads to direct traffic to avoid this situation. Also a little my fault for not making sure a car was not coming from behind. Lesson learned.

In other news, I am finally starting to get over my cold. Thought I could get a good run in this weekend and it was going well until mile 8. I suddenly felt really weak and sat for a minute or two. Tried to run a few times and it was a no go. Very long walk back to my truck. It was a fail of a long run for me.

Last announcement: It's Bama week!! Top 5 match up at night in Baton Rouge! The cajun microwave is pulled out of storage, the hype has been building for a week already! Its going to be a wild day Saturday. Looks like I will need to arrive on campus around 4 or 5 AM to secure my tailgate spot. I will discuss more as part of the Friday Fun Day question. Bama fans, lets have fun this week. I know its unlikely we will win, but I would have lost a lot of money so far if you would have told me we would be at the spot we are at now lol. GEAUX TIGERS!

I have done quite a few open races, at least 5-6. My first full marathon was open except for the start/finish area, everything else was open. Even the Disney full marathon has traffic driving next to you at some point. It doesn't bother me.
QOTD: Good morning folks and happy Halloween! I tried to post a question yesterday morning but the site or my computer was not having it :(. For todays question I wanted to ask what are you doing for Halloween? If you have kids do you take them to trick or treat or stay home and hand out candy? For those without kids, I think there should be adult neighborhoods that hand out tacos and margaritas! Anyone have and fun traditions? Hope everyone has a great day!

ATTQOTD: Weather pending, we will leave a bucket out with candy and we will stroll through the neighborhood with the kiddos. Going to reuse our costumes from MNSSHP. We did a trick or treat at LSU on Sunday, and DD decided she wanted to dress as Fancy Nancy lol.
Attqotd: Work is all decorated for it. Employee’s children will be trick or treating around here at 3pm. Then I’ll go home and we’ll do nothing
This week we have the following folks with races:

02 - @rteetz - Disney Wine & Dine 5K (TBD / N/A)
02 - @TinkerBellLiz - Fall Feast 5k (NG / N/A)
02 - @Disney at Heart - Disney Wine & Dine 5K (TBD / N/A)
02 - @PkbaughAR - Wine & Dine 5K (NG / NA)
03 - PkbaughAR - Wine & Dine 10K (NG / NA)
03 - Disney at Heart - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (TBD / N/A)
03 - rteetz - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (TBD / N/A)
03 - @Capang - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (NG / N/A)
03 - Capang - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (NG / N/A)
03 - @MickeyMomma - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (TBD / N/A)
03 - @KSellers88 - Disney Wine & Dine 10K (NG / N/A)
03 - @BikeFan - Disney Wine and Dine 10K (NG / N/A)
03 - @AntimonyER - RNR Savannah Half Marathon (1:57:00 / N/A)
04 - Bikefan - Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
04 - KSellers88 - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (NG / NA)
04 - MickeyMomma - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (TBD / N/A)
04 - @JohnFilipoff - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (1:39:00 / N/A)
04 - rteetz - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (TBD / N/A)
04 - @IamTrike & Son - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
04 - @AFwifelife - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
04 - Disney at Heart - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (TBD / N/A)
04 - @Bree - Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (NG / N/A)
04 - @cburnett11 - NYC Marathon (NG / N/A)
04 - @Wendy98 - NYC Marathon (3:07:32 / N/A)
04 - @whaler8 - NYC Marathon (5:15:00 / N/A)
04 - @gjramsey - Katy Texas 10 (NG / N/A)
04 - @Slogger - Across the Bay 10k (NG / N/A)
04 - @baxter24 - City of Oaks 10k (59:59 / N/A)
04 - @roxymama - Hot Chocolate Chicago 15k - (NG / N/A)

Best of luck to yall this weekend! Safe travels to everyone and hope yall have a great race!! Looks like the majority is either running W&D or NYC. I look forward to hearing how your races go. If you need to revise a goal or have a change to make, let me know.

If you have submitted a race or finish time lately, please see the OP and let me know if yours has been posted. If not, please let me know which one needs to be corrected or added and I will address is ASAP. Thank you!
ATTQOTD: Taking the kids to my brother's house for a halloween party and trick or treating in his neighborhood (big and houses close together). My neighborhood is quite small with much bigger lots, and I usually just sit a bowl on the front porch for anyone who stops by while we are gone. My oldest (11) has decided he is too old for costumes and trick or treating, but the two youngest are in those huge inflatable dinosaur costumes. They are hilarious.

October update: 89.23 miles, average pace: 8:32. That is almost 25 miles more than I have ever done before, and that was with taking 9 days off for vacation, and missing two days this week due to tapering for my HM saturday.

Head cold still here, but I feel a little better today, and considering I was still able to run yesterday with only a minor impact on pace, I am cautiously optimistic I will be good to go on Saturday. Good luck to all those running Disney and NYC!
QOTD: Good morning folks and happy Halloween! I tried to post a question yesterday morning but the site or my computer was not having it :(. For todays question I wanted to ask what are you doing for Halloween? If you have kids do you take them to trick or treat or stay home and hand out candy? For those without kids, I think there should be adult neighborhoods that hand out tacos and margaritas! Anyone have and fun traditions? Hope everyone has a great day!
The site was down yesterday morning.

We are going to a family friends house where they hold trick or treat on Halloween night. This is a wealthier neighborhood so kids will get full sized candy bars and such. We also have lots of food and excellent hot chocolate.
We don't have kids yet, so we will be home passing out candy to trick-or-treaters! I have a big bowl of Reese's pumpkins, Twix, Snickers and KitKats ready to go. I have sufficiently tested all of the candy for quality control purposes and find it satisfactory to pass out ;)
It's always fun to see our friends' kids dressed up and seems like a social night. I usually make soup, but am thinking about picking up a pumpkin-shaped pizza.
ATTQOTD: I'm going to my dog agility class tonight, same as every other Wednesday. :) We have no kids and not many trick or treaters anyways so we do not give out candy. It doesn't matter right now anyway because our porch light has been broken for like a year so they wouldn't know to come here anyways. :D

BUT... trick or treat is not tonight anyways... it was last night! I think it's a NH thing? Oct 30 is Beggar's Night, that is the night we always go trick or treating. It's been that way for much longer than I've been alive... my parents are in their 60's and it was a thing when they were kids too.


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