"Five Mickey bars hit you like two glasses of wine!" a Jan 2019 adults-only TR *COMPLETED* 6/25


Counting days until my next Dole Whip
Feb 24, 2017
Hello and welcome to Whose TR Is It Anyway? The TR where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter. That’s right, the points are like waiting an hour before rope drop for Flight of Passage to avoid waiting an hour in line.

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I’m your host, Ann.

By day I’m a chemical engineer and by night I’m… still a chemical engineer, just usually sitting on my couch watching Netflix (with my cat and a cuppa tea). I use a lot of gifs (and parentheses) and love to have my picture taken.

Joining me on stage is my husband, Jon:

He can eat a surprising amount for a skinny dude and is a crazy good musician. He likes card tricks and making people laugh.

Also joining me are our friends Philip and Aurora (names changed to add an aura of mystique).

We met them in college (rock chalk Jayhawk) and still like them enough to spend time together. They were both CMs at the Magic Kingdom for a summer (which is where they fell in love- cue the awwwws). They’re both super silly and appreciate a good snack. I’ll probably just refer to them as PA for simplicity.

Our trip was from Jan 11-20, 2019 and we stayed at Copper Creek. On this trip we got to experience: our first welcome home as DVC members, Disney After Hours at the Magic Kingdom, a day at Universal, Epcot International Festival of the Arts, Toy Story Land for the first time, and a rousing round of the stomach flu.

This trip was PA’s first time back to WDW, which made it extra special. It also added a little bit of pressure on the vacation planner (me) to make sure we got to experience all of their must-dos in a super magical way. We started planning for it over a year and a half before it happened so to say that the anticipation was high would be an understatement.

So if I’ve sucked you in (or at least tickled your fancy), give us a shout and tune in for the first installment of “5 Mickey bars hit you like two glasses of wine,” a January 2019 adults-only TR.

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How not to start a Disney trip

So after a year and a half of planning, the day was finally here and we could get the show on the road! We booked an evening flight out so that we could both work that whole Friday and save the PTO. That’s becoming my preferred way to travel, even though it means being a little sleepy that first full day.


Unfortunately, at about noon that day it started to snow (snow in January? In the MIDWEST? I know what you’re thinking- and yes, we were just surprised as you are). By the time we left for the airport it started to pick up a little but nothing was sticking to the ground yet (thanks to it being like 55 degrees the day before #missouri). I kept an eye on flight updates but everything was still on time!

We got checked in and through security in about 15 minutes and had plenty of time for everyone’s favorite travel activity- wasting time in an airport terminal. I got my traditional airport drink - a London Fog - and we sat down to wait out the time before takeoff.

Something I figured out that works for us when we take evening flights- shower before you leave. That way when you get to your hotel all you have to do is change clothes and go to sleep (and brush your teeth. Please brush your teeth)! If you want to be super prepared I guess you could also just wear your pajamas on the plane. I won’t judge.

[I wanted it to look like I was taking a picture of my drink but really I was taking a photo of the tiny dog in a tiny sweater with a tiny water bowl right across from us]

Before we knew it we were on our plane and taking off!

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We watched Toy Story 3 on the way to Atlanta to get us excited to visit Toy Story Land. It was the first time I had watched it since it came out in theaters and I forgot how much it made me ugly cry. There aren’t quite words to describe the flight attendant’s look when she saw my blotchy red face as she handed me my complimentary in-flight beverage and pretzels.

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Anyway, we had a short layover in Atlanta so we got some sandwiches and scarfed them down before boarding our next flight. On this flight we watched the Taylor Swift Reputation Tour on Netflix and it blew my mind.

When we landed at MCO and our plane got to the gate, the captain came on to say that they were waiting on airport staff to get us parked and made it very clear that this was typical of MCO. It’s like he was anticipating frustration and wanted to make sure we aimed it at airport personnel and not him. Relax dude.

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We got our luggage and ordered a Lyft to whisk us away to our hotel for the night- the Wyndham Garden Inn at Disney Springs. I booked this with credit card points just as a cheap place to stay before we would check into Copper Creek the next day. I stayed in the tower section of this hotel on my birthday trip a few months previous (check out the TR here) and it’s actually a great place to stay.

We got settled for the night and prepared to get a good night’s rest so we could go out an explore Copper Creek the next day!

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Or so I thought.

I woke up at about 4am with the unfortunate and completely undeniable knowledge that I was about to get very, very sick.

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My instincts were correct and I ended up spending the rest of that night in the bath tub so I wouldn’t disturb Jon. I’ll spare you the details but rest assured that it was not a pleasant time.

[I would like to point out that I am indeed wearing shorts in this photo. I know it appears otherwise.]

Jon was able to sleep until about 9am and I gave him the bad news when he woke up. I also let him know that there was a very good chance that he would end up like me, since we shared food all night.

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[Pretty much sums up my night]

By about 10am I was able to shower and move around enough to pack and check out. We let the front desk know to send housekeeping to our room in a full body suit, then we got a Lyft over to Wilderness Lodge. I tried very, very hard not to touch anything.

Thankfully when we arrived at WL our room was ready and we were able to check in right away. I felt bad to rush Jon through the lobby because I had this image in my head of the grand reveal of the lobby area (this was our first time at WL) but all I could think of was getting horizontal ASAP.

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We got settled into our room (I took over the couch), and I sent Jon out to get supplies (disinfectant, crackers, Gatorade, you know the drill). This is where Jon did something absolutely amazing. He had thought to pack our Apple TV, which meant we could hook it up to the TV and I could watch Netflix/Hulu/you name it right on the big screen. This made my day so much better!

So while he was out eating, shopping, and avoiding my germs, I settled down to a couple episodes of Game of Thrones and a nice nap. Once we left the Wyndham I didn’t get sick again, which was a relief. Jon came back and we relaxed and watched the Chiefs game together. Jon mentioned that even though me being sick was a bummer, he liked that we were getting to relax on vacation for once.

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[Apparently someone doesn’t appreciate my touring style]

Looking back on the day I decided that if I was going to get sick, that was the day to do it. We missed a couple things I was looking forward to (all food related) like lunch at D-Luxe and some Disney Springs time, and our first Hoop Dee Doo show. Since I got sick less than 24 hours before the show, I missed the cancellation window. Thankfully when Jon explained what happened to the concierge at the hotel, they said they could get us the full refund. Thanks Disney!

By about 5pm I felt much, much better and knew that all I needed was a good night’s sleep and I’d be back at it.

Was I correct? Tune in next time to find out.
[I wanted it to look like I was taking a picture of my drink but really I was taking a photo of the tiny dog in a tiny sweater with a tiny water bowl right across from us]
Good :) Because that's what I was looking at!!

So sorry you got sick to start off your trip, but glad that it didn't ruin everything!! Looking forward to reading more :)

What a terrible way to start, but you’re right...at least you got it over with at the beginning! I hope Jon didn’t get sick!
Joining in! (I quoted but its coming up weird so this is what I ended up with lol)

"So after a year and a half of planning, the day was finally here and we could get the show on the road! We booked an evening flight out so that we could both work that whole Friday and save the PTO. That’s becoming my preferred way to travel, even though it means being a little sleepy that first full day."

Ditto! I find it SO much better to fly in the night before too. No one that I ever travel with (including me) is a morning person so if we can all avoid those 3-4AM wake up calls I am all for it lol

"[I wanted it to look like I was taking a picture of my drink but really I was taking a photo of the tiny dog in a tiny sweater with a tiny water bowl right across from us]"
Omg adorable!

"We watched Toy Story 3 on the way to Atlanta to get us excited to visit Toy Story Land. It was the first time I had watched it since it came out in theaters and I forgot how much it made me ugly cry."

Haha I'm glad I am not the only one! And even though I always remember it will make me sad I try to convince myself I wont cry because I know it all works out and yet I still drown myself in tears!

"He had thought to pack our Apple TV, which meant we could hook it up to the TV and I could watch Netflix/Hulu/you name it right on the big screen. This made my day so much better!"

I need to remember to do this. We don't have cable at home so in Disney Im always at a loss as to what to watch and just want to be able to watch netflix and hulu and such!
I'M HERE AND SO EXCITED!!!! I think I may have mentioned this once or twice or forty-five times before but your IG coverage was seriously perfect so I can't wait to see how the rest of this TR goes! But I'm also going to pretend I didn't see any of it because I want to pretend to be surprised at every update.

I am so sorry you got sick that first day :( that is always such a bummer! I hope it was nothing serious and that it didn't affect the rest of your vacation too much!
Good :) Because that's what I was looking at!!

So sorry you got sick to start off your trip, but glad that it didn't ruin everything!! Looking forward to reading more :)
Thank you for reading along!


What a terrible way to start, but you’re right...at least you got it over with at the beginning! I hope Jon didn’t get sick!
Spoiler alert: he miraculously did not. We were very pleasantly surprised that he remained healthy the whole trip!

And thanks for joining!

I need to remember to do this. We don't have cable at home so in Disney Im always at a loss as to what to watch and just want to be able to watch netflix and hulu and such!
Life changing. Seriously. I doubt we will travel without it now, especially within the US!

I'M HERE AND SO EXCITED!!!! I think I may have mentioned this once or twice or forty-five times before but your IG coverage was seriously perfect so I can't wait to see how the rest of this TR goes! But I'm also going to pretend I didn't see any of it because I want to pretend to be surprised at every update.

I am so sorry you got sick that first day :( that is always such a bummer! I hope it was nothing serious and that it didn't affect the rest of your vacation too much!
We'll just pretend IG didn't happen ;)

Joining in! :wave2:

So sorry you got sick on the first day, what a bummer!!

That dog is super cute in his little sweater lol.
Thank you for joining in! Yes I was sooo obsessed with that little doggo :dog2:
Joining in!!!

The intro to this trip report was awesome! I love Whose Line Is It Anyway!

Sorry that you got sick! It sounds like you tried to make the best of it.

D-Luxe Burger is one of my favorite places to eat on Disney property. You should try to eat there on a future trip (or maybe you got the chance to eat there later in your trip. Not sure yet. :D )

Also, Go Chiefs!!! :)
Oh wow, I would be distraught to get sick on vacation! :( I hope it was just a 24 hr bug
It was definitely upsetting but Jon helped make me as comfy as possible and we were thankful that it was just us (no little ones to worry about)!

Joining in! So sorry to hear you got sick! What a great way to start off the vacation :laughing:

Can't wait to hear more!
Thanks for joining in! It was definitely a less-than-magical beginning :P

Following along. Hope you were able to rebound quickly! Looking forward to reading more
Thanks for joining!

Joining in!!!

The intro to this trip report was awesome! I love Whose Line Is It Anyway!

Sorry that you got sick! It sounds like you tried to make the best of it.

D-Luxe Burger is one of my favorite places to eat on Disney property. You should try to eat there on a future trip (or maybe you got the chance to eat there later in your trip. Not sure yet. :D )

Also, Go Chiefs!!! :)
We didn't get to eat there on this trip, but it's definitely at the top of my list for next time (with Hoop Dee Doo!).

Yeah, that game was really fun to watch. The next one, not so much :P


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