REMINDER: Keep your stuff close

I feel badly but I never leave anything of importance. I even carry my new pink minnie ears with me instead of leaving in my mom's scooter.
Sorry, that's just not something that really worries us. If you're worried about that, there could be a crazy person putting something in the food you buy too.

That's a totally different situation than leaving your food and/or drink unattended in a public place and then coming back later and consuming it. It's just something I wouldn't do. To each his own I guess.
I hesitate to mention brand names (I hate when people advertise and disguise it as a post), but there are pretty neat zippered and locked bags which attach to your beach chair or stroller via a chain....they are not impervious to chain-cutters but are meant to hinder your run-of-the mill petty thief.
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I hesitate to mention brand names (I hate when people advertise and disguise it as a post), but there are pretty neat zippered and locked bags which attach to your beach chair or stroller via a chain....they are not impervious to chain-cutters but are meant to hinder you run-of-the mill petty thief.
Except that then they'll just take the whole stroller.
Not really comparable. Strollers get stolen in the parks. I'm pretty sure carjackings are a lot more rare.
I think it's that some comments seem to escalate it to different level. Someone mentions a stolen item from a stroller, someone replies they could just steal the whole stroller. Someone mentions someone can do something to food you leave in your stroller, someone replies they can do something to your food where you order it... lol.
I think it's that some comments seem to escalate it to different level. Someone mentions a stolen item from a stroller, someone replies they could just steal the whole stroller. Someone mentions someone can do something to food you leave in your stroller, someone replies they can do something to your food where you order it... lol.
Escalate what? It's a discussion. We all have different opinions. I don't think locking your bag to the stroller is a good fix. It can just be wheeled out in total. I have a friend who had her entire stroller stolen in the MK, along with everything in the diaper bag she had underneath. It was a substantial interruption to their trip.
Escalate what? It's a discussion. We all have different opinions. I don't think locking your bag to the stroller is a good fix. It can just be wheeled out in total. I have a friend who had her entire stroller stolen in the MK, along with everything in the diaper bag she had underneath. It was a substantial interruption to their trip.
No offense. I didn't mean "escalate the discussion" or the "comments." I meant escalate the circumstances in the situation being discussed.

To me having the entire stroller stolen is an "escalation" from having an item in your stroller swiped and makes it a different situation than what is being discussed. Now it's switched from not leaving items in your stroller and ways to prevent them from being swiped to maybe not bringing a stroller at all because that could be stolen. It's all true, it's just a different situation and doesn't really pertain to just leaving items unattended in your stroller.

Having someone lick your straw as a joke or doing something to your food you left in your stroller is a totally different situation than someone preparing your food spitting in it. (As someone replied above.) So you don't take precautions to not drink or eat something you left unattended because elsewhere people may spit in your food? That's a different situation.

So I'm just commenting on why they possibly mentioned the next step of "carjacking."
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Would you leave a stroller full of valuables unattended at the bus stop in Manhattan or outside of a grocery store in L.A.?
I cannot believe the number of women who leave their purse in the grocery cart while they shop - often going several feet or even yards away from the cart and leaving it unattended. A friend had her purse stolen at a Costco in a very upscale and low crime rate area in California because she did that. That's why I use small crossbody bags that I do not take off.

At Disney I pretty much always went bagless. Now I am in a wheelchair (haven't been back to Disney since I got it 3 months ago). But I will probably not leave my chair at all on my next trip - except maybe for Soaring.
Have to be smart about things. No, being inside the Disney bubble doesn't mean bad things don't happen and people won't do illegal things. Would you leave a stroller full of valuables unattended at the bus stop in Manhattan or outside of a grocery store in L.A.?
Definitely not. I agree with not leaving valuables in a stroller for sure. But I also wouldn’t leave a stroller NOT full of valuables unattended at any of those places either. But I have at Disney. (It wasn’t a super expensive one, but it was an Ultralite tandem Joovy.)
We've had an empty popcorn bucket stolen from our stroller. We don't keep anything but jackets and water in it so the pickings were slim. My son also had a toy sword taken. He accidentally dropped it from the train platform above splash. Even though he bolted down the stairs in a panic, by the time we got there it was gone. Someone must have picked it up and walked away with it. So even in a very brief time, things can walk away at Disney.
Did you check the lost and found?

We once bought a brand new pair of sunglasses and misplaced them that same day and they were turned into the lost and found.

My daughter once lost her brand new panda she bought in China in Epcot pretty much ten minutes after she bought it. I retraced our steps and went to the lost and found also. We never found it. She was devastated, because she gets attached to her toys IMMEDIATELY, the moment she decides which one she is “adopting” before we even pay for it.

I told her I’m sure it went home with a child whose parents couldn’t afford to buy her a toy no matter how badly she wanted one. (Not that I believe that for a second.) She felt better about a poor child getting it.
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This situation brings up an issue which I've thought about often. It seems like so many visitors to WDW feel *too* safe. Folks seem to forget that they're still in the real world & take things for granted such as their personal safety at resorts, the safety of leaving belongings & valuables while in parks or restaurants, etc.
This situation brings up an issue which I've thought about often. It seems like so many visitors to WDW feel *too* safe. Folks seem to forget that they're still in the real world & take things for granted such as their personal safety at resorts, the safety of leaving belongings & valuables while in parks or restaurants, etc.
So true. suppose you wrap the chain through the spokes in the stroller wheels and around the frame? Does that make anybody happy?

Look, theft is a real thing and you can't prevent all of it. All u can do is encourage the bad guys to try somewhere having the alarm system signs on your lawn. The casual crook will try next door....maybe.
America's pastime isn't baseball, but rather trying to make us fear each other as much as possible. I don't encourage people to put their purses on top of their strollers and get into the 120 minute queue for FOP, but some things I will just take the chance on.
Sounds like a whole lotta folks need to look at Cosco Umbrellas or Kolcraft Cloud's... That, and keep your purse (man or otherwise...)on your person.
There will always be bad people, if your stuff walks, well it walks.
Just because you're in the Disney bubble doesn't mean you're exempt from crappy people...I put nothing past anyone. It's unfortunate that that happened but dishonesty happens everywhere, not just outside of the disney gates.
Sounds like a whole lotta folks need to look at Cosco Umbrellas or Kolcraft Cloud's... That, and keep your purse (man or otherwise...)on your person.
There will always be bad people, if your stuff walks, well it walks.
I guess it depends on your stroller needs. Some kids can't take a nap in a stroller that doesn't recline enough.

Do people really leave their purses in their strollers? That's crazy. I thought people were referring to souvenirs, kids' stuff, and diaper bags.
I guess it depends on your stroller needs. Some kids can't take a nap in a stroller that doesn't recline enough.

Do people really leave their purses in their strollers? That's crazy. I thought people were referring to souvenirs, kids' stuff, and diaper bags.

I mean we use a "well customized for easy identification" Mountain Buggy Nano that lays flat...(massive recommend, btw. Been all over the World) And if it goes, well hopefully the boy isn't strapped in it a tthe time.

I just chose those two options b/c they both cost less then a new set of ears at the park and do the job, so folks could join the "nobody wants this (stroller/bag/stuff) crew"

And yes, people do leave purses unattended. Admittedly, I bought the wife a new travel purse so she wouldn't be tempted...


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