February 2019 - Love, Love Love ... A month of loving Disney, Healthy Living, Yourself

Ugh .... its Sunday night here and I am exhausted ... Yesterday my twins turned 15 so celebrations included 6 girl sleep over Friday night, 3 boy sleep over Saturday night and lunch with my parents Saturday. This is on top of finishing off the landscaping and cleaning the house! I still have quite a bit to get done to be ready for the week ahead. BUT I love how my back courtyard is shaping up - we had a BBQ dinner outside tonight :-) Okay now to go back and leisurely read the chat from the weekend so far :P
I thought I noticed you checking in, with a few likes the other day @Flossbolna .... hope you are doing ok :-)

I seem to read the DIS too much on my phone, so tend to comment less. I am finally starting to get back into a healthy routine. I stepped on the scale and was shocked how much I gained while I did not step on the scale. So, I have had 4 days of daily weigh ins and calorie counting on myfitnesspal. Next steps: getting back into an exercise routine and getting back into these threads as they do help me stay focussed!
Thank you! I'll dive in and see how well I do, then.

My overall health goals are to lose at least 20 pounds (more concerned about inches than weight, though), continue developing better eating habits, drink more water, and exercise regularly. In the interests of full disclosure, I guess I should mention that I have a disability that causes me pain and makes exercise pretty dreadful sometimes. Still, I'm old enough that if I don't fight it now I'm afraid I won't be able to fight it later. So, some goals for the rest of February:

  • Continue exercising at least twice a week
  • Incorporate healthier foods into my daily eating habits
  • Drink less soda and more water
  • Keep a health and fitness journal
Spring will be here soon-although 4Mickeys, are you starting to get colder weather?

Not quite yet ... a couple of nights I haven't had the fan on - but only a week ago there was a couple of nights I just had to put the air-con on in my room or I just could not get to sleep - and I really try not to use it - so I have to feel really bothered by it to do so. Days are still pretty sticky/humid. We can get a last burst of heat through February - When my twins were born (15 years ago this past weekend!) it was a heat wave with over 40C degrees or 104F for your language - the doctor kept us in hospital an extra day so my Dad could put a window Air-Con in my bedroom for the babies - I have a photo of giant me in a kiddies blow up wading pool with my then 3 year old DS leaning against me asleep in the water. Where I am our Winters are mild too - especially compared to that snowy weather many of you experience.

I seem to read the DIS too much on my phone, so tend to comment less.

I also comment less on the phone - I prefer the computer for a good read and posting :-)

more concerned about inches than weight, though

That is a good measure as weight can be somewhat deceiving especially as we start to gain muscle.

drink more water

You are definitely not alone with that goal this month - a few of us are focused on improving our water intake :-)
The weather is motivating me this week! Spring has arrived here early and with full force. We just had coffee after lunch sitting outside in the sun. It was utter bliss! This and the days getting longer definitely has given me some more energy to move around. It even motivates me at work to be more efficient so I can go earlier to enjoy the weather!

I am a bit disappointed in myself as my weight was horrible when I stepped on the scale and then I was really good at watching calories and moving over the last five days. Of course this has not translated into any movement on the scale. The good news is that I am back to calory counting. And I have signed up for a new gym that focuses on weight training for health. They started out as a place to help people avoid back pain and have grown into a substantive chain here in Germany. I have had some back issues over the last year and feel that this would help with that. But I also feel that since I have been struggling with my weight so long that I might have lost some muscle mass and working on that might help me with losing weight as well.
Morning all! Time to get your motivation on .... share with us what is motivating you this week...
I’m finding motivation this week by staying mindful of taking care of myself. I’m trying my best to be more loving to myself instead of being so critical of even a minor misstep. I went food shopping so I’m prepared to make nourishing food which will make me feel physically & mentally strong.
Have a great Monday all.
Motivation... depends on what we're talking about... :)

-- Motivation to get up and get out of the house today? Everyone else being home for President's day!!! (I have discovered that my stats class at the college is "hybrid," meaning that attendance is not graded and pretty much everything but tests can be done from home...) BUT it's hard getting a quiet moment at home on the best of days, and with DD15 home off-and-on for the last week-and-a-half, and DD11 trying to fake sick as well... I'm losing going crazy!!!! (Short trip!!!) So yeah, I went in today and just relished the silence of the computer lab!

-- Fitness motivation... I found a new project/obsession!!! I've mentioned before that I like to volksmarch (which is really just walking with little trophies every so often...) Well, I discovered that they have a new (ish) program, they are piggie-backing on the Appalachian trail!!! So awesome! For those not familiar, the AT follows the mountains about 2100 miles between Maine and Georgia, passing through 14 states. Some people hike it a section at a time, some people just visit it for the day, but the most avid hikers try to go the whole length in a year. While most don't succeed, the ones that do take an average of 5-7 months. So it's not something that is feasible for most people, it's a lot of time off work, and an insane amount of stamina... so while it's an absolute dream, it's not something I'd expect to ever be able to do. Not the thru-hike, and not even doing the whole length in chunks over time...
… BUT... the volksmarch club has come up with a new challenge for us less-athletically-inclined... just doing a part of the trail in each of the 14 states, at least 5k in most places, 10k in others. So I've been wayyyy down the rabbit-hole researching different parts of the trail that would count and I'm hoping to get away to do the southern states in a few weeks during spring break.

The downside is that all the information out there is geared towards serious hikers, the thru-hikers and the section-hikers, people who plan to sleep on the side of the trail, carry dehydrated foods, and cover 10-30 miles per day... translation, a LOT of recipes for trail mix and people telling you the most efficient way to eat 4500 calories per day. So now that I am through the initial research blitz, I have to pull myself back out of the rabbit hole and try to plan my road trip, reminding myself that the ultra-light tent and dehydrated trail foods aren't necessary for someone planning to camp in her van, do only a few miles in each state, etc. I have to plan this as a road trip, not a thru-hike... (I wish!!!)

So that is my goal, to get out and hit the local-ish Maryland and West Virginia parts of the trail in the next month or so, then Georgia, North Carolina and Tennesee on Spring Break. There's a close-ish walk in Virginia I'll do when the window opens in April, and we'll take a family weekend to the Poconos in Pennsylvania to pick up the trail into New Jersey. I don't know when I'll work in the Pennsylvania part of the trail, but not that weekend, apparently the PA section right there is a bit too intense for my level. So that's the goal-- eight states this year, but only a few miles in each one... physically very do-able, just a matter of making the time... No idea how I'll work out the Northern States, but not this year.

I'm totally chomping at the bit with this, but there is a special "passport" book to track the program, and I have to wait for my check to reach Texas, and then the book to reach me back up here... (It's an old-fashioned organization, what can I say?) But I noticed my last few walks that I'm needing to replace my shoes, so now I have to remind myself that ordinary walking shoes will be fine, I don't need the top-rated $150 trail-runners. :)

Planning this is **WAYYYYY** more fun than dealing with sick kids, college statistics class, or shopping for a couch! So it's been hard to tear myself away from the daydream! (Like planning a Disney trip, but way less expensive, and the food's not going to be as good...)
I'm struggling to find motivation today. I woke up with a bad sinus headache and just can't seem to shake it. I still got a good workout in. But then I went back to bed and took a little nap. Felt a little better when I woke up, but just having trouble getting the motivation to get up and move today. Maybe I'll just take a trip to Target later to walk around later and get some steps in. And still trying to drink plenty of water!

@Zhoen that sounds like a fun plan. I tend to be more motivated when I try something new. Good luck and have fun with all the research too! Sounds a lot like planning a Disney trip ;)
@Zhoen that sounds like a great project! I am a closet weekend hiker and my father, my sister and I did a long distance hiking path in England in the past. Not nearly as long as the Appalachian Trail, and it took us 10 years hiking a week each year. But it was an amazing experience!

There is a very fun book by Bill Bryson about the Appalachian Trail called A Walk in the Woods. It was made into a movie as well. However, the movie got not such good reviews, so I didn’t see it. The book is very funny!
@Zhoen, your plan sounds wonderful! A good friend’s husband has walked the entire trail (over many years) and we love hearing his stories!
Just got home from the beach today-very relaxing and got out for long walks on two of the days.
I just finished my grocery list-have several good meals planned-my husband wants to drop a few pounds, so I want to help him. The weather guys are calling for snow and ice again Wednesday so I want to have the right things in the house.
It's school vacation week here, so my motivation is not to waste it on the couch! Yesterday, I went for a walk with DS. :)

I know that feeling - enjoy your break and keep active :cheer2:

The weather is motivating me this week! Spring has arrived here early and with full force. We just had coffee after lunch sitting outside in the sun. It was utter bliss!

That sounds lovely - glad you are getting some nicer weather.

I am a bit disappointed in myself as my weight was horrible when I stepped on the scale and then I was really good at watching calories and moving over the last five days. Of course this has not translated into any movement on the scale. The good news is that I am back to calory counting. And I have signed up for a new gym that focuses on weight training for health.

That gym sounds great - it is disappointing when we work so hard and then regain - but this is month of loving yourself - be kind to yourself and have fun at your new gym :cheer2:

I’m finding motivation this week by staying mindful of taking care of myself. I’m trying my best to be more loving to myself instead of being so critical of even a minor misstep. I went food shopping so I’m prepared to make nourishing food which will make me feel physically & mentally strong.
Have a great Monday all.

Perfection all the time is hard - glad you are trying to keep perspective and remember our month of loving yourself :cheer2:

DD15 home off-and-on for the last week-and-a-half, and DD11 trying to fake sick as well... I'm losing going crazy!!!! (Short trip!!!) So yeah, I went in today and just relished the silence of the computer lab!

Aaahhh - yes my kids like to share sick days as well :rotfl: Glad you found some peaceful study time :D

Planning this is **WAYYYYY** more fun than dealing with sick kids, college statistics class, or shopping for a couch! So it's been hard to tear myself away from the daydream! (Like planning a Disney trip, but way less expensive, and the food's not going to be as good...)

Anticipation of a good thing is wonderful isn't it? That sounds great - I am not a hiker - but that does sound nice. Way to go finding a way to had some fun to a job that must be done ala Mary Poppins :cheer2:

I'm struggling to find motivation today. I woke up with a bad sinus headache and just can't seem to shake it. I still got a good workout in. But then I went back to bed and took a little nap. Felt a little better when I woke up, but just having trouble getting the motivation to get up and move today. Maybe I'll just take a trip to Target later to walk around later and get some steps in. And still trying to drink plenty of water!

Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell - hope it resolves quickly :-)

Just got home from the beach today-very relaxing and got out for long walks on two of the days.
I just finished my grocery list-have several good meals planned-my husband wants to drop a few pounds, so I want to help him. The weather guys are calling for snow and ice again Wednesday so I want to have the right things in the house.

Sounds like a wonderful weekend - Good luck with the weather and your healthy meals :-)

Topic Tuesday

I hope you are having a fabulous start to your Tuesday everybody!

I saw this pic this morning and thought it would make a good topic ...

What is something you would like to learn more about to help you with healthier living?


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