Six hour wait for flights of passage?

Even if this was the only thing I planned to do in the park - I don't think I could wait in line for 6 hours for an attraction that isn't over 5 minutes.
yes, I do believe it. I was in the park yesterday when it first opened and the crowds increase a lot...I'm not sure how far the crowd goes into the park, because it snakes around once near Festival of the Lion King, then goes back through Pandora, up near the entrance and in front of Tiffin's...that's like a 3 hour line...not sure where the guests go beyond that as I was already in Epcot by that time :p

I mean I LOOOOOVE this attraction and it is worth a 2 hour wait for me, but not a 6 hour wait
I think people are nuts. I thought the same thing years ago when they were waiting 6 hours to meet Anna and Elsa. Even if you have an annual pass, why does anyone want to spend their entire day standing in a line waiting for a single attraction or meet and greet? And if you don't have an annual pass, you're spending a fortune just for that one experience. FOP is a great ride but no way.
Definitely seems nuts to wait that long for any one thing - but I guess if that is you number 1 thing you want to do on your trip you just suck it up
I saw those wait times, and I have to be honest - I cannot think of one single thing, or even person, for that matter, that I would wait that kind of time for. None one thing. Or person. ESPECIALLY when there's so MUCH more around to do, as others have said. And it being so daggone expensive just to BE there. But - if that's how others choose to spend their vacations - spending HOURS in line for MINUTES of an attraction - have at it! Guess this sums up how I feel about all of WDW for the last 6 years, eh?
I cannot think of one single thing, or even person, for that matter, that I would wait that kind of time for.
I've done it once, but not at Disney. In 2011 I attended a convention and the featured speaker was President Obama. I was in line at 9:30am for a 2:00 (or 2:30 I forget) start time. But we were indoors in a hotel convention center. We could sit down. I was with a group of friends and we were able to take turns walking around, going to get food, using the bathroom, etc. The line wasn't moving until they actually opened the security checkpoints which wasn't until about an hour or so before the event. And we ended up with really good seats. I'm totally glad I waited.
Geez . Disney is ruining the experience trying to squeeze every possible penny off each guest. I wouldn't wait 6 hours to see Walt Disney's head in a jar inside Cinderella's Royal Suite.
How is the wait time that long in the middle of February? Was the ride down?

Far as I know, it's just President's Week crowds.

Yeah - lines were long everywhere - all the big rides seem to be over 100mins with FOP much longer

FOP is probably the ride I would wait the longest for (partially because the queue is so great) but to me that is like an hour or so - 6 just seems crazy but I guess is that is a super high priority for your trip and that is the time in your schedule to do it, you just do it ... thankful we have been able to go twice already since it has been open and been on it a few times already (longest wait was ~50 mins)
No way for 6 hours and the many steps I would need to take for restroom breaks.

Most my wife and I ever waited for any attraction was 2 hours when Millennium Force first opened.
I wouldn't wait that long to ride anything or meet anyone so they are better people than me.

Do we know if this was the posted wait time or actual wait time because on occasion the two are not in the same time-constant.
Definitely not "in the know" but there is a thread over at TouringPlans about the crowd levels and predictions. It has been noted over the last week or two that Disney seems to be inflating the AK wait times they are showing far beyond what they really are. The TouringPlans folks, in order to try and get some accurate numbers, hired people to wait in lines at AK and were finding some major discrepancies.

Here are some samples that Len posted about a week ago:

Flight of Passage:
  • Posted 190 at 4:45, actual 81
  • Posted 110 at 6:05, actual 78
Na’Vi River Journey:
  • Posted 45 at 8:26, actual 21
  • Posted 50 at 9:00, actual 28
  • Posted 90 at 2:28, actual 66
  • Posted 60 at 6:25, actual 47
  • Posted 45 at 7:25, actual 20
I have no idea if Disney was still doing this over the holiday weekend, but it would be interesting to know if the line was ever truly 6 hours.


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