I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I've got 5 houses saved to the left of Dr. Phillips Blvd. They're all right in the same area, right under Palm Lake. Then I've got some saved by Maguire Rd to the south of the Florida Turnpike. I'm just about to start looking at the Whispering Oak area. Looks like quite a few houses there. Thanks for all of your help by the way!

You're welcome! Sounds like a good start! My son's pediatrician is off Maguire, that's a nice area too.
For those who aren’t watching news this morning, another 737-MAX went down. Link. Ethiopian Airlines, 6 minutes after takeoff, no survivors. FlightRadar only has the first 3 mins of data and it showed unstable vertical ascent, pilots requested to turn around.
I haven’t seen any news today. Thanks for sharing this. How awful :(
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You're welcome! Sounds like a good start! My son's pediatrician is off Maguire, that's a nice area too.
What's with this style of house where the garage is out back instead of the yard? I see TONS of houses like that near the Independence school. I would hate that. Instead of a backyard there is a garage in the way and a road out back.
Needless to say...I will not be watching any newscasts anytime soon at our house. For those concerned, There is a very detailed post on the SW DIS thread discussing how this is pilot training error and likely not a concern for US airlines:


While I agree that was the case with the last one, they don't yet know what happened with today's crash. I'd like to think that's the case but I also don't want to judge before the black box is recovered and Boeing and the NTSB have looked into it all (Boeing as already sending people when I saw the store around 9 PST this morning). I grew up in the home of Boeing, my dad retired from there, the key chain for my gym padlock is a Boeing pull here tag they gave out for a new plane launch when my dad was still working. I prefer their planes to the noisy Airbus and if given a choice will pick the flight with a Boeing plane any day, but things can still fail. Though it does seem more often with plane crashes they are due to lack of maintenance, training, ETA bad weather or pilot error but just like the cars we drive, stuff can go wrong out of our control and cause a crash.
@Lain I did hear back from 7 customer service about the gift cards. They actually emailed me back Fri. evening but I kept forgetting to post about it. Here is what they said:

"Thanks for contacting us.

We are currently out of stock of physical gift cards. This item will be available March 22.

Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to help!

Thank you,
7FAM Support"

Sounds like it is going to be too late to use the Amex offer(s), but I figure I'll check a few times this week to see if maybe they return to stock earlier. It also seems weird that they are blaming it on lack of stock of physical gift cards when their website also sold electronic gift cards....
If I have a negative balance on a card, like from my CSR AF being refunded, can I SM Chase to move it to another card? I feel like someone told me this here at one time.

That's what I did a few months back with my SW card annual fee. They posted the refund to the closed card so I asked them to switch it to another card.
Decided to go ahead and downgrade DH's Amex Delta Plat. Went to the no AF blue. Decided to keep the line and just save the $195 AF for now.

Had his AF posted? Had the companion certificate issued? Did you do it by chat? I am thinking I will do that on DH’s personal Delta Plat. Trying to decide if should do it now or wait until closer to anniversary. He has had it several years. I would close out but don’t want to get on the pop up list (assuming he is maybe off).
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