I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Is there such thing as too many Chase cards? In Chase perspective, not consumer, because that answer I think is no. DH has 8 Chase cards and would like to go for the CIP soon. Does it not matter the number of cards as long as the CLs are lower? I have considered dropping his CFU, not sure if it is necessary. I worry because both the Hyatt and SW Priority have had zero spend since MSR. Is it safe to get soon? Still have about $400 left on the SWBiz, but thinking about getting new sofa soon so would like a new card to go with it.

2005 Disney
2012 Freedom
2016 Freedom Unlimited
2016 Sapphire Reserved
05/17 Marriott
07/18 Hyatt
08/18 SPG Business
10/18 SW Priority
01/19 SW Business
I don't mind meeting the spend quick when there's reason to. BUT Specifically when I'm pre-paying 10 months of a cable bill or 6 months of a utility I've learned to just wait. I remember a year or so ago, I was working on an MSR and knew I would be partially meeting it by prepaying some utilities to the tune of $1,000+. I still had 6 weeks left to meet the MSR but I went ahead and made those prepayments early. I can't remember exactly what happened then (maybe it was an auto repair or something we needed at the house) but I had a $500 unexpected expense come up and I had no MSR to put it towards. I couldn't get a new card quick enough and in my mind I "wasted" that money. THUS, my policy now is when you are pre-paying something to hit the MSR, wait until it's necessary. You never know what might come up - but again, part of me is tempted and just wants to pay and be done, LOL! (I just know that there's no sense in that really).

I'm right there with you on that one. You're right, it doesn't really make sense, but I just like to have to done...BUT then I think, I don't have an MSR what can I get?! I'm still waiting for my CIC to come in the mail, just so I can prepay my utilities. Yeah, doesn't make much sense, but I know I'll do it. Prepay close to $1000 in utilities, $2000 PNC savings account and be done with it. I'd like to say I'd keep some left for our vacation coming up on Saturday, but that will be either dining or travel and go on the CSP. Hopefully I can at least get some restaurant gift cards with it to use on vacation.

My instinct is also to rush through the MSR, but I like having MSR for those non-bonus category expenses. I try to schedule out what we will be spending in the MSR period to determine whether we need to do any prepayment or whatever. Fortunately (unfortunately?), a $5k spend will likely get taken care of organically in any given 3 month period. Trying to be sure we maximize use of our CIC and CSR to get as many points as we can on every transaction. This almost bit me when life got crazy and I forgot I hadn't hit the spend on a new card - fortunately figured it out in time and was able to do a quick pre-payment to get me over the finish line!
With my cable bill, this is a 5x UR play. I know I'm going to pay $1,500 the rest of the year. Why not just earn 5x URs on my CIC now. Then I won't have that bill to deal with the rest of the year either.

The only issue with doing this is lost interest. For $1,500 in a high yield savings account, accounting for deducting $125/month, you'd have $15 in interest at the end of 12 months (at 2.2%). Obviously, this isn't much, but for large dollar amounts, it can add up. And it ties up cash that could be used for bank bonuses, etc.

I just prepaid a ton towards our electric bill which will cover us for the remainder of this year. It pained me to do it, but worth it for MSR purposes. Not sure I would do it if not meeting MSR though. I want my cash!
With utilities that charge a flat fee it makes sense to pay a large amount. I pay water, electric & gas in 1-2 payments each year, thus only paying the $4.50 or $1.95 CC charge once (vs. paying it monthly if I did it that way).

With my cable bill, this is a 5x UR play. I know I'm going to pay $1,500 the rest of the year. Why not just earn 5x URs on my CIC now. Then I won't have that bill to deal with the rest of the year either.

It is kind of funny to hear coworkers talk about bills though because I can't identify at all. They have like a dozen monthly bills and I'm thinking I pay maybe 20 bills a year, LOL!

I actually love it, haha. I just like not having to pay any bills monthly :)

That definitely makes sense when they charge a fee...I’m pretty lucky ours don’t
I don't mind meeting the spend quick when there's reason to. BUT Specifically when I'm pre-paying 10 months of a cable bill or 6 months of a utility I've learned to just wait. I remember a year or so ago, I was working on an MSR and knew I would be partially meeting it by prepaying some utilities to the tune of $1,000+. I still had 6 weeks left to meet the MSR but I went ahead and made those prepayments early. I can't remember exactly what happened then (maybe it was an auto repair or something we needed at the house) but I had a $500 unexpected expense come up and I had no MSR to put it towards. I couldn't get a new card quick enough and in my mind I "wasted" that money. THUS, my policy now is when you are pre-paying something to hit the MSR, wait until it's necessary. You never know what might come up - but again, part of me is tempted and just wants to pay and be done, LOL! (I just know that there's no sense in that really).

Yes - patience is key. The struggle is real! I hate having MSR's hanging over my head. I like to check off the box and move on.
No, we didn't. We've always done just regular mail and never had any issues. I'm wondering if maybe they're just backed up still from the shutdown? If my refund isn't here in another 3 weeks then I still have time to resend them before the deadline in case they got lost for some reason. I just find it hard to believe that BOTH of ours got lost yet both of our state showed up no problem when all were mailed at the same time.

Agree...they are probably still backed up from the shutdown....
Seriously they are the worst!! How can a business have such crappy customer service??!! Nothing angers me more than being hung up on!
Being put on hold indefinitely. I once waited 45 mins for the Arizona department of revenue rep to come back before I realized they never would. Next person put me on hold like 5 mins before they came back.
Is there such thing as too many Chase cards? In Chase perspective, not consumer, because that answer I think is no. DH has 8 Chase cards and would like to go for the CIP soon. Does it not matter the number of cards as long as the CLs are lower? I have considered dropping his CFU, not sure if it is necessary. I worry because both the Hyatt and SW Priority have had zero spend since MSR. Is it safe to get soon? Still have about $400 left on the SWBiz, but thinking about getting new sofa soon so would like a new card to go with it.

2005 Disney
2012 Freedom
2016 Freedom Unlimited
2016 Sapphire Reserved
05/17 Marriott
07/18 Hyatt
08/18 SPG Business
10/18 SW Priority
01/19 SW Business

I think your fine applying for the CIP with the cards listed...you’ve spaced them out well and looks like you’ve lowered CLs
I don't mind meeting the spend quick when there's reason to. BUT Specifically when I'm pre-paying 10 months of a cable bill or 6 months of a utility I've learned to just wait. I remember a year or so ago, I was working on an MSR and knew I would be partially meeting it by prepaying some utilities to the tune of $1,000+. I still had 6 weeks left to meet the MSR but I went ahead and made those prepayments early. I can't remember exactly what happened then (maybe it was an auto repair or something we needed at the house) but I had a $500 unexpected expense come up and I had no MSR to put it towards. I couldn't get a new card quick enough and in my mind I "wasted" that money. THUS, my policy now is when you are pre-paying something to hit the MSR, wait until it's necessary. You never know what might come up - but again, part of me is tempted and just wants to pay and be done, LOL! (I just know that there's no sense in that really).

Totally get this!! I'm working on a $3k MSR right now and though about prepaying our insurance, but last week we had a minor fender bender that is going to cost $1.5k. My first thought was now I could meet the MSR without prepaying! Of course, DH thinks I'm crazy with these "points stuff."
Congrats on your BC booking. We have a 3 night stay coming up and I was willing to try Priceline for that but not for our 7 night stay as I get nervous about where we could end up..Lol. Been reading up on tricks to know where your booking will be at before actually booking but not sure if they work. I just have to get over fear of the unknown.
The only thing I knew is it was a deluxe and I suspected it was BC, YC, BWI or AKL. I had decided any were better than what we had so I pulled the trigger. I would have been nervous to do it if it were our longer family trips because in truth we wouldn’t want to be at AKL for a week. AKL seems to be the deluxe that comes up the most on the express deals so make sure you are okay with that option.
The only issue with doing this is lost interest. For $1,500 in a high yield savings account, accounting for deducting $125/month, you'd have $15 in interest at the end of 12 months (at 2.2%). Obviously, this isn't much, but for large dollar amounts, it can add up. And it ties up cash that could be used for bank bonuses, etc.

I just prepaid a ton towards our electric bill which will cover us for the remainder of this year. It pained me to do it, but worth it for MSR purposes. Not sure I would do it if not meeting MSR though. I want my cash!
Agreed!! I definitely wouldn't do it on a non-MSR either. Utilities and cable allow me to put about $5k additional towards MSR and by doing a large prepay I can hit an MSR that typically is outside of my normal monthly parameters. So yeah, getting ~20% back on $5k greatly outweighs a 2% interest earning opportunity :)

I've stopped all bank bonus activity so money laying around would at best earn about 2% - perhaps I hit bank bonuses too hard back when I was doing them but the workload managing them wasn't fun and the tax complications wore on me too. For some reason, in this hobby credit cards = fun to me and bank bonuses = work. (Totally my perception though). I also did not enjoy the closing accounts and unwinding things part of bank bonuses.
Is there such thing as too many Chase cards? In Chase perspective, not consumer, because that answer I think is no. DH has 8 Chase cards and would like to go for the CIP soon. Does it not matter the number of cards as long as the CLs are lower? I have considered dropping his CFU, not sure if it is necessary. I worry because both the Hyatt and SW Priority have had zero spend since MSR. Is it safe to get soon? Still have about $400 left on the SWBiz, but thinking about getting new sofa soon so would like a new card to go with it.

2005 Disney
2012 Freedom
2016 Freedom Unlimited
2016 Sapphire Reserved
05/17 Marriott
07/18 Hyatt
08/18 SPG Business
10/18 SW Priority
01/19 SW Business
My wife has 10 Chase Cards - no issues! I don't think Chase has any limit to the number of card accounts you can have. As you indicated, they more look to limits in total credit limit that they will extend.
I’ve had a run of churning success in the last few days!
  1. Applied for my first CIP using DH’s link and was approved today.:dogdance: A relief, because we are currently MSR-less (hate that feeling now – look what you’ve all done to me, lol), and have summer camps to pay for soon. Another 100k UR’s, here we come!
  2. 50k point SUB finally posted for DH’s rose gold Amex card.
  3. All 60k Hyatt points posted from meeting entire tiered MSR in just the first month (Tagging @DisneyMandC).
  4. I think DH is starting to embrace churning! I was going over how many points we got just in the last year from churning, and he thanked me and said he appreciated how much free travel we’ve gotten. Then, as a cherry on top, when I wasn’t sure whether we should hit the CIP’s MSR right away (because I didn’t want to be MSR-less again), DH said “can’t we just get me another card then?”:lovestruc
  5. By far the biggest churning success I’ve had though is in not having a last minute hospital bill to churn. We had friends over yesterday, and my DS and their son were goofing off, walking around with a large blanket covering both of them. And all of us adults saw it last second like everything was in slow motion, but before any of us could stop it, both boys tumbled HEAD-FIRST down the HARDWOOD stairs. I’ve never ran down a flight of stairs that fast in my life. I am counting my blessings that both boys are alive, intact, and miraculously unscathed.
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