Just back, DAS return time

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Ok so you are saying that a person should be able to go to a kiosk in that land to set up a DAS instead of going to an individual ride. In theory, to save walking. But that only works if you are by the kiosk. If they do that and a person has to walk past the ride to the kiosk to set up the DAS, then they will be mad that they had to "walk so far" when they could have just got it at the ride. There is NO way that Disney can make everybody happy. And what works at DL will not always work at WDW. If you only have 4-5 kiosks for everyone to make their DAS, plus all of the people who will stop and ask the cast member questions, you will get large backups. Going to the rides spreads the people out more. I can just see it now, people complaining how looong they had to wait at the kiosk just to set up their DAS and start complaining how they want more kiosks, etc.

isn't this how life works too Disney does a great job for the most part but if you can not walk to the ride to get a return time then you need a mobility device just like the DAS is not for mobility problems

but yes you can not please everyone because as soon as you please one you will displease another.

but I think for some there should be an option to get it at a kiosk like those with ASD and at the rides for those that can
you can have a FP for space from 1-2 pm and during your FP window you could get in line for buzz just like I can have a FP for space from 1-2 but get a return time for buzz

In the end I knw for my self I do not do more rides then the normal guest in the park

If you don't do more while having a DAS then a person that does not, then that is from your lack of planning. These people are actually IN the line while you can go and do anything. You can see a show, or go on a ride with a short wait like Philharmagic or people mover, you can go and eat or watch the stage show, etc. What are you actually doing while everyone is in the line? I doubt you are just sitting there by the entrance waiting.
I feel bad for those that do have anxiety, my mom has it and she no longer goes to Disney. It's sad but she just can't do it, however they are DVCM and we have gone to the the DVCM night events and she enjoyed it because they had less crowds to deal with.
I feel bad for those with all issues. But mental issues are just like physical ones, you need to get medical help.
If you don't do more while having a DAS then a person that does not, then that is from your lack of planning.

PP indicated she doesn’t do more rides by having DAS. Maybe she needs to take breaks, use the restroom frequently, or grab a snack. Please don’t project your planning and your needs on others. Each one’s circumstances may be very different from the next.

FOLKS - lets keep the conversation cordial. There are many different disABILITIES and needs which may be utilizing a DAS. Everybody’s way of “doing Disney” may be different.
If you don't do more while having a DAS then a person that does not, then that is from your lack of planning. These people are actually IN the line while you can go and do anything. You can see a show, or go on a ride with a short wait like Philharmagic or people mover, you can go and eat or watch the stage show, etc. What are you actually doing while everyone is in the line? I doubt you are just sitting there by the entrance waiting.

yep this is what I am doing about 75% of the time I find somewhere close by sit down but my ear protectors on put a cooling towel over my head ( if it is cold out I will and I have my hoodie I put this over my head)and play a game on my phone check facebook or the DIS

about 10% I will walk around ( if it is not too crowded) very really I do another ride the people move when I have a return time for space is one I will do.

I do not do that many shows. since they are more relaxed things any normally at Disney my brain is going 100 miles a minute my brain can not slow down enough for me to see it ( This is hard for me to understand let alone explain it,). in the end some times I can do more some times I do less in the end for me it is even with a guest that does not have a disability.

I think how the DAS is set up now works for most people a few it does not but I do not by the I need kiosk because I do not want to walk to the ride to get a return time this to me is a mobility problem I do get the child (or adult) that if they see there favorite ride and they do not go on it then this can cause a meltdown ( and there are other disabilities) and for them having a place where they can go to get a return time could help

but there is something we must all remember probable none of use works for Disney and if we do I dought any of use have the authority to make changes to what is where right now so we can just go in circles if you want something changed stop by GR or email Disney about what works and what does not.
yep this is what I am doing about 75% of the time I find somewhere close by sit down but my ear protectors on put a cooling towel over my head ( if it is cold out I will and I have my hoodie I put this over my head)and play a game on my phone check facebook or the DIS

about 10% I will walk around ( if it is not too crowded) very really I do another ride the people move when I have a return time for space is one I will do.

I do not do that many shows. since they are more relaxed things any normally at Disney my brain is going 100 miles a minute my brain can not slow down enough for me to see it ( This is hard for me to understand let alone explain it,). in the end some times I can do more some times I do less in the end for me it is even with a guest that does not have a disability.

I think how the DAS is set up now works for most people a few it does not but I do not by the I need kiosk because I do not want to walk to the ride to get a return time this to me is a mobility problem I do get the child (or adult) that if they see there favorite ride and they do not go on it then this can cause a meltdown ( and there are other disabilities) and for them having a place where they can go to get a return time could help

but there is something we must all remember probable none of use works for Disney and if we do I dought any of use have the authority to make changes to what is where right now so we can just go in circles if you want something changed stop by GR or email Disney about what works and what does not.

I really do not think that kiosks would help you. And DAS is not for mobility issues. Maybe you should rent an ECV for your mobility issues that way you can get around easier and have your own space.
What stinks is being in Epcot, in future world, and wanting a return time for Frozen Ever After. You have to walk ALL the way over there just to get the return time, only to have to walk all the way back there when it is time to use it. It's a pain. Same thing when you are in MK in Tomorrowland, for instance and want a Big Thunder return time. It is a huge waste of time walking all over creation at WDW to get return times. You really have plan ahead very carefully. That isn't required at Disneyland. You can do things in a much more organic way over there.

That’s my point though - you don’t have to leave Frozen Ever After once you get your return time, go back to Future World, then back to Frozen when it’s time to ride - you choose to do that because you want to do other things while you wait for your return time. As the DAS system allows that, no problem. But you could just as easily stay near Frozen until your return time, and voila! Less walking.

If DAS users want less walking, all they have to do is stay near the ride for which they’re waiting - no change in the system required .
I really do not think that kiosks would help you. And DAS is not for mobility issues. Maybe you should rent an ECV for your mobility issues that way you can get around easier and have your own space.
where id I say I have mobility problems I did say the DAS is not for mobility problem ever said I do. and trust me you do not want me driving an ECV I can not even walk around Disney word without bumping into someone or something and do not get me started at walking around my house I have lived in all my life. please reread my post before you replay you are missing what I am saying by a lot
where id I say I have mobility problems I did say the DAS is not for mobility problem ever said I do. and trust me you do not want me driving an ECV I can not even walk around Disney word without bumping into someone or something and do not get me started at walking around my house I have lived in all my life. please reread my post before you replay you are missing what I am saying by a lot
I think how the DAS is set up now works for most people a few it does not but I do not by the I need kiosk because I do not want to walk to the ride to get a return time this to me is a mobility problem I do get the child (or adult) that if they see there favorite ride and they do not go on it then this can cause a meltdown ( and there are other disabilities) and for them having a place where they can go to get a return time could help

I read this as you saying you had a mobility problem. Sorry if I misunderstood.
I read this as you saying you had a mobility problem. Sorry if I misunderstood.
yes, you very much miss understood me. I was saying I do not think the people that were complaining about walking to the rides (somewhere in this thread) they should use some type of mobility device
If you don't do more while having a DAS then a person that does not, then that is from your lack of planning. These people are actually IN the line while you can go and do anything. You can see a show, or go on a ride with a short wait like Philharmagic or people mover, you can go and eat or watch the stage show, etc. What are you actually doing while everyone is in the line? I doubt you are just sitting there by the entrance waiting.
I have 2 special needs kids with a wide variety of medical issues. While we are waiting for our return times we rest in first aid, change leaking ostomy bags, give gtube boluses, give multiple meds, do breathing treatments, suction her trach, replace the battery on the oxygen concentrator and in general just try to keep the kids as cool as possible and allow them to conserve as much energy as possible. Even with DAS we get less done than the average guest, because even going in cooler off season times and using wheelchairs and very meticulous planning of das and fp, going to disney takes so much out of the kids we cant do more than a few hours a day. We accept that and still enjoy going, but we definitely dont get as much done as healthy guests.
I spend hours planning how best to use das times, fp, and dining reservations. I read all the touring plans and study wait times on the my disney experience app. I go into the parks with a well thought out plan of attack that tries to be flexible and also includes doing one area of the park at a time. But sometimes you cant get convenient fp or reservation times, or the wait time for an attraction is so long that we cant really hang around in that land for 3 or 4 hours (most times we cant even be in the park that long), or a ride is down, or we have to make an unexpected trip to first aid or even leave the park altogether, or one of the kids gets sick and we miss a fp time... More often than not all that careful planning goes out the window. We dont oftencross from one area of the park to the other another, but we do end up walking back and forth within a land multiple times. In the end even with all my planning I definitely walk more with DAS than without. Im happy to walk more if it means my kids can have a better time, but not everyone can do it as easily as i can. Its true that DAS isnt for mobility issues but many times mobility issues and other needs go hand in hand. I dont think adding DAS times to the mobile APP really would give us an unfair advantage. Able bodied people go to the ride one time in order to ride; making DAS mobile would do the same thing for disabled people. I dont see how that is unfair
I spend hours planning how best to use das times, fp, and dining reservations. I read all the touring plans and study wait times on the my disney experience app. I go into the parks with a well thought out plan of attack that tries to be flexible and also includes doing one area of the park at a time. But sometimes you cant get convenient fp or reservation times, or the wait time for an attraction is so long that we cant really hang around in that land for 3 or 4 hours (most times we cant even be in the park that long), or a ride is down, or we have to make an unexpected trip to first aid or even leave the park altogether, or one of the kids gets sick and we miss a fp time... More often than not all that careful planning goes out the window. We dont oftencross from one area of the park to the other another, but we do end up walking back and forth within a land multiple times. In the end even with all my planning I definitely walk more with DAS than without. Im happy to walk more if it means my kids can have a better time, but not everyone can do it as easily as i can. Its true that DAS isnt for mobility issues but many times mobility issues and other needs go hand in hand. I dont think adding DAS times to the mobile APP really would give us an unfair advantage. Able bodied people go to the ride one time in order to ride; making DAS mobile would do the same thing for disabled people. I dont see how that is unfair

Guests without a DAS have to go the ride, and then stand in the line for however long it takes to board the ride. Given the advantages the DAS affords, I don’t think it’s asking too much to require DAS users to at least show up at the ride for a return time before going off to spend the wait time doing something else.
Guests without a DAS have to go the ride, and then stand in the line for however long it takes to board the ride. Given the advantages the DAS affords, I don’t think it’s asking too much to require DAS users to at least show up at the ride for a return time before going off to spend the wait time doing something else.
Yeah, having the ability to attend to my kids medical needs while we wait for a ride gives me such a HUGE advantage over able bodied guests.
What I find most difficult is I have to be the one to go to the ride for our family's return time when I am the one with the walking/ standing difficulty and I can't be in the sun for long period of time and I use a wheelchair.So we all have to go to the ride because someone has to push me, I don't know if am missing something like maybe they could let my husband be the one to go to the ride to get the return time?
We are pass holders so I do the planing for our day and I make sure to just stay in one Area of the park, but for other's I know it's harder for them. I do wish Disney would give 2 or 3 access to fast-passes for hard to get fast passes for those with disabilities.
if I am reading right you are the one with the DAS anyone in your party can take your band and get the return time. then all of you go to the ride at your time with you being first in line. we have done this many times
Guests without a DAS have to go the ride, and then stand in the line for however long it takes to board the ride. Given the advantages the DAS affords, I don’t think it’s asking too much to require DAS users to at least show up at the ride for a return time before going off to spend the wait time doing something else.
what happens to your standing in line time when someone has waited in the area for their return time and now goes down while on the ride closing the ride to get them off because they should have taken a med or treatment but decided they could wait until after. do not think Disney wants that happening where they could have it reported that someone had tp be medically taken off a ride
if I am reading right you are the one with the DAS anyone in your party can take your band and get the return time. then all of you go to the ride at your time with you being first in line. we have done this many times
You do not even need the person with the DAS band anyone in the group can get the return time on their band the DAS holder must scan first
I had heard it had to be your band we never tried with other bands
that is incorrect information.

My husband or I get the DAS Return Times for our daughter, scanning our own bands.
We almost never have her with us when we get a Return Time and have never had an issue. We have been doing it that way on 2 long trips a year since they started using Magicbsnds or ticket cards for DAS.
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