A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

Their race outfits were awesome! We signed up for the Wine and Dine 5k in November and I’m still questioning why since I don’t run at all :confused3

Lunch at the Plaza looked good. The fried green tomato sandwich is on my must eat list :love:
Casey and Jason were up at 3:00 the next morning night to get ready for the race

And for reasons I just cannot comprehend King Triton was apparently quite the spectacle.

(not that the Styrofoam from the night prior wasn’t tremendously filling).
And don't forget satisfying!

I elected not to ask her what she thought of it as I was already the weirdo photographing her food, but she ate it all so we’ll say its good.
Honestly, some people will just never understand the need for a well-documented dining report :rotfl2:

But they did at least come into use for Jason.
Always an adventure with that one, huh? :laughing: Meanwhile, kudos to him for knowing where the ride photo is... I still haven't mastered that one :laughing: (although, given what I know about him, it might be possible he assumed that expression/pose the entire ride? :rotfl2:)
Ooof on that early wake up. But they looked great!! Glad you got to go back to sleep...at least until the turkeys arrived, LOL. I’m a big fan of The Plaza too. I love fries but never really liked the Figaro Fries when they were at Pinocchio Village Haus. Not a fan of the fake cheese. What a great bday present for Casey! And bravo to her for knowing when and how to make a second request. If you’re that “easy” after a Dole Whip, I can’t wait to see what she gets after a trip around World Showcase. :rotfl: Just kidding, of course - she’s so cute, I’d be buying her all the things.
The fried green tomato sandwich was one of the best things I've ever had at Disney. I love it so.

Those ears were my kid's choice for her birthday trip, too. How funny.
It's one of those fancy artistic photos. Seriously can you believe I had one beer and that is still what I took!

I think I'll hold the camera next week :P

Before you proceed this is an overindulgent Casey race post. Food is in the following one for those who wanna skip ahead.

You're crazy…I'm here for Casey and would rather skip the food ::yes::

the “amazing” hair and make-up skills that yours truly has were necessary to help.

Casey very much wanted to be Ariel, for no reason other than she’d coaxed me into making her hair red, and what does any good mermaid need? Her Dad and Nemesis of course.

They all look awesome!

Casey did great and ran most of the race

Good for her!

I ended up waking up around 6 because this guy was gobbling outside our room.

For about .2 seconds, I looked at this and thought…"Where is she staying again? Animal Kingdom with a Savanna View?" Because you know, they have lots of wild turkeys on the savanna :rotfl:

Where R2D2 (their new name, thank you Kelly)

did their best impersonation of our family

You guys always look great! You'll have to teach me how to do that!

From there it was mine train and some thunder

SO fun!

Lunch was at The Plaza, which is one of our favorite places in Magic Kingdom. It is clearly nothing fancy but the food is always good, beer flowing (or technically canning), and better yet the price is just what my wallet ordered.

Always one of my favorites!

We started with the Plaza Loaded Fries, which are French Fries topped with Melted Cheese, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes, and Ranch Dressing.

As I understand something similar was once sold in MK and had a bit of a cult following, but we were not drinking the kool-aid on this one. I know there are yellow cheese lovers out there but this was so yellow and tasteless we actually weren’t sure if it was cheese or mustard. And unfortunately the mustard cheese dominated the other ingredients which were way off balance. The fires were good though, and hot, but for $9 I think we’ll hold off on getting this one again.

That's too bad, they look so good and I've always wanted to try them. I'll save my money.

R2 (formerly known as D) ordered what I wanted the Fried Green Tomato Sandwich with Deep-fried Green Tomato served with Bacon, Arugula, Tomato, and Pepper Jack Cheese topped with Alabama White Barbecue Sauce on a toasted Brioche Bun


While that was what I wanted, I was outvoted (if that is even possible with 2 of us) and Casey got her @buzzrelly on and suckered me into ordering Chicken Strawberry Salad with Fresh Garden Greens, Grilled Chicken Breast, Cucumbers, fresh Strawberries, and Gorgonzola tossed in a White Zinfandel Vinaigrette Dressing

Oddly, I love my salads but I never get this one because I don't like fruit in my salad…unless it's apple…or a fruit salad. Rules. Learn them.You have one week :bitelip:

As we were finishing our meal up, Casey managed to knock her entire milkshake over which is a travesty in and of itself but she also got it all over the legs of the lady sitting next to us.

Oh no! :scared1:

Casey also somehow rationalized that it was my fault that she ordered a milkshake in the first place therefore I'd caused the spill.

Of COURSE it's your fault…jeez! You're so annoying :sad2:

While I wished I’d ordered the Fried Green tomato sandwich, we did enjoy our meal at the Plaza. I mean what can be better than being right in the middle of Magic Kingdom and enjoying table service but essentially paying quick service prices.

Maybe you can try again if we can work this in on 5/6…lunch maybe??

Being the amazing Mom I am to bribe her out of a birthday party and buying her presents we told her she could buy one thing per day in Disney.

Smart. Great idea ::yes::

Day 1 saw the very utilitarian Minnie gloves. I can just see her wearing these out to play in the snow now

Or shoved in a closet like ours are somewhere.

But they did at least come into use for Jason.

That's a very expensive ride photo prop.

On the way out, defenses weekend by dole whip, Casey also convinced me to get her this.

I think we’re gonna need a bigger suitcase.

Ha! Cute!
First, I love the race outfits!!!!
Second, LOVE The Plaza! That fried green tomato sammie is delicious!
Finally, sounds like you handled the milkshake spill with grace. If I had done it, I would have blamed someone else too. LOL!
Their costumes were awesome, great job! Jason is seriously such a good sport. We still haven't been to the Plaza but their food always looks good!
Their costumes were amazing, and Jason as Triton is something I didn't know I needed to see this morning. What a champ! I went to the Plaza for brunch while I was there, and the food was surprisingly good! A nice way to start a day in the park.
LOVE their race outfits! I also love that you traded gifts and a party for Disney spending... a woman after my own heart!
Casey very much wanted to be Ariel, for no reason other than she’d coaxed me into making her hair red, and what does any good mermaid need? Her Dad and Nemesis of course.
These costumes are perfection!

Casey did great and ran most of the race

And for reasons I just cannot comprehend King Triton was apparently quite the spectacle.
Yay for Casey! I think I may have just stopped and stared if I saw King Triton running along!

Lunch was at The Plaza, which is one of our favorite places in Magic Kingdom. It is clearly nothing fancy but the food is always good, beer flowing (or technically canning), and better yet the price is just what my wallet ordered.
I need to check out the plaza one trip!

While this was no fried green tomato sandwich and is as close as white zinfandel will ever get to gracing these lips it was a nice salad and the strawberry and gorgonzola combo was surprisingly good.
The salad looks great although I do admit that fried green tomato sandwich has been on my list for a while!

But they did at least come into use for Jason.
That's just the best!

I think we’re gonna need a bigger suitcase.
Just maybe a little bigger!
Your Plaza review made me have to go get an ADR for my Sept. trip. I love the lunch menu!!! And Casey looked great running that race - Casey - we are SO on for the Princess 10k in 2021!
Being the amazing Mom I am to bribe her out of a birthday party and buying her presents we told her she could buy one thing per day in Disney.

I'll take a page out of your book, because OMG I would do about anything to get out of hosting a birthday party. Asher hasn't asked for one yet, but thus far he hasn't really known it was his birthday until the day of or the day before. LOL! We'll go on a trip every year if necessary.

Before heading out we mobile ordered some dole whip given these lines

The lines were INSANE on our MK day, even the mobile order was backed up. Crazy.
Casey looks adorable in her costume. Jason was a really good sport to wear the wig and beard. Although, come to think of it, maybe he wanted to be unrecognizable. ;)

He looked like he had a lot of fun with it.
I love how they were all themed together for their race! Adorable! I also like how he has a naked man shirt rather than just running shirtless.

Very productive morning at the Magic Kingdom! Lunch looks nice at the Plaza. The addition about booze has made the restaurants at the MK a better option than they used to be! I am shocked that you went with a salad - but what’s a mother to do?
I love the race outfits, so cute and Jason how funny is that picture, he was really hamming it up!
In case it isn't totally evident Jason loves ham. Lots and lots of ham!

Andi loves that stuffed dole whip and it smells so good, she wants one and she is 19 so I can see why Casey wanted it haha!
So you're telling me this is not going to get better? :P I fully expect to have to purchase the macaroon and ice cream bar and everything else she wants on our next trip!

This is just all kinds of amazing! Casey is lucky to have people who love her this much!
She certainly is. They definitely went all out for her.

See, THIS is how you do a Space Mountain Photo!
We try!!!! Or should I say they try and occasionally I come along for the ride :-)

I find it funny that she picked these. Love it.
It was certainly an odd selection for her!

I love the rationalization that it was your fault she knocked over the milkshake. I have an 8 year old too so I totally feel you on that one.

Also, we have Mickey Mouse gloves. My (then) 4 year old son saw them and HAD to have them. He has played with them a decent amount so I can't complain.
I'm pretty sure that Casey has already rationalized that everything that goes wrong in her life is just my fault :P

Glad to see I"m not the only one who came home with the gloves. Though I'm pretty sure ours haven't been touched since we got back.

Kari, I did see some CSR rooms in August with AP, I was just checking prices to compare for my August trip, I’m not sure of your dates but this was 8/17-8/26. There was a preferred room at CSR, just thought I would let you know.
Thanks Caroline! I had looked with the latest rates and still don't see anything for our dates (10-18)

Their race outfits were awesome! We signed up for the Wine and Dine 5k in November and I’m still questioning why since I don’t run at all :confused3

Lunch at the Plaza looked good. The fried green tomato sandwich is on my must eat list :love:
I'm totally in the non running camp with you, but at least you signed up! I just slept

I can't wait to get a fried green tomato sandwich of my own! Totally should have ignored the kiddo and just gotten it

Honestly, some people will just never understand the need for a well-documented dining report :rotfl2:
I know, right???

Always an adventure with that one, huh? :laughing: Meanwhile, kudos to him for knowing where the ride photo is... I still haven't mastered that one :laughing: (although, given what I know about him, it might be possible he assumed that expression/pose the entire ride? :rotfl2:)
I haven't mastered it either with the exception of space and dinosaur. But my husband fancies himself a ride photo connoisseur. I'm sure he's already planning his haunted mansion looks.

’m a big fan of The Plaza too. I love fries but never really liked the Figaro Fries when they were at Pinocchio Village Haus. Not a fan of the fake cheese.
That's what they were called!!!! I couldn't for the life of me remember what they were and where you could get them. I don't think I ever tried them.

What a great bday present for Casey! And bravo to her for knowing when and how to make a second request.
She knows a dole whip is the way to my heart!

If you’re that “easy” after a Dole Whip, I can’t wait to see what she gets after a trip around World Showcase. :rotfl: Just kidding, of course - she’s so cute, I’d be buying her all the things.
I know right? I still remember a few years back when slightly tipsy I thought buying a $50 monorail plate was a good idea. Thankfully for my wallet on a few days she forgot I was going to buy her something so it all worked out in the end.

The fried green tomato sandwich was one of the best things I've ever had at Disney. I love it so.

Those ears were my kid's choice for her birthday trip, too. How funny.
Now I'm really upset I didn't order it >:(

I got Casey the ears and shirt for Valentines day and she loves them. Donuts are her favorite food!
I think I'll hold the camera next week :P
I think that is a VERY good idea!

You're crazy…I'm here for Casey and would rather skip the food ::yes::

For about .2 seconds, I looked at this and thought…"Where is she staying again? Animal Kingdom with a Savanna View?" Because you know, they have lots of wild turkeys on the savanna :rotfl:
Maybe it wasn't like Wilderness Lodge and instead just Animal Kingdom light. With all the wild animals on the playground it was pretty much the same :P

Oddly, I love my salads but I never get this one because I don't like fruit in my salad…unless it's apple…or a fruit salad. Rules. Learn them.You have one week :bitelip:
I had no idea there were so many rules. If you can just write them down now I promise I'll commit them to memory

Of COURSE it's your fault…jeez! You're so annoying :sad2:
That's me! Wait till I get to annoy you!

Maybe you can try again if we can work this in on 5/6…lunch maybe??
That would be great! As long was I can get some :drinking1 with lunch I'll be happy.

His costume is awesome!
He was definitely proud of himself

She looks like she's having the time of her life! And did the chocolate shake miss her white shorts?
She most certainly was. She did get some on her shorts but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. If you look real close you can see some on the bottom of her shirt! Sadly the poor lady next to us took most of the chocolate damage.

First, I love the race outfits!!!!
Second, LOVE The Plaza! That fried green tomato sammie is delicious!
Finally, sounds like you handled the milkshake spill with grace. If I had done it, I would have blamed someone else too. LOL!
Thanks Jenny. They had a blast at the race and I had a blast in my natural habitat :drinking1

Their costumes were awesome, great job! Jason is seriously such a good sport. We still haven't been to the Plaza but their food always looks good!
Oh there is no good sport about it. He loves doing this. In case it isn't evident he is just an overgrown child.

Their costumes were amazing, and Jason as Triton is something I didn't know I needed to see this morning. What a champ! I went to the Plaza for brunch while I was there, and the food was surprisingly good! A nice way to start a day in the park.
I'm not sure anyone ever "needs" Jason as anything but he certainly does enjoy himself.

We've never tried the plaza brunch but I certainly want to. We'll have to give it a whirl in August as Jason loves breakfast and I don't eat it so he rarely gets to have it on vacay.

LOVE their race outfits! I also love that you traded gifts and a party for Disney spending... a woman after my own heart!
Thanks so much! 8 years and 0 for 8 in the party department so far :-)

These costumes are perfection!
Thanks Susan! They certainly enjoyed putting them together.

Yay for Casey! I think I may have just stopped and stared if I saw King Triton running along!
OH and people did. Apparently he had to stop and pose for several photos with people!

The salad looks great although I do admit that fried green tomato sandwich has been on my list for a while!
Good choice :thumbsup2 Fried and green beats leafy and green almost every time.

Your Plaza review made me have to go get an ADR for my Sept. trip. I love the lunch menu!!! And Casey looked great running that race - Casey - we are SO on for the Princess 10k in 2021!
Awesome! Hope you enjoy the Plaza. I'll be sure to tell Casey to start training for the 10k now. She's be an "adult" for that race at the ripe old age of 10. I'm feeling a trip report title already, 10 for 10 (and her tipsy Mom) :-)

I'll take a page out of your book, because OMG I would do about anything to get out of hosting a birthday party. Asher hasn't asked for one yet, but thus far he hasn't really known it was his birthday until the day of or the day before. LOL! We'll go on a trip every year if necessary.
I don't know how but I've avoided it completely so far. We've just had family over and pizza and cake, but otherwise she hasn't asked for a party. I keep thinking my time is coming so when in doubt, go to Disney!

The lines were INSANE on our MK day, even the mobile order was backed up. Crazy.
Yeah we encountered it like this all week! A few days after the Hei Hei cone came out and you can only imagine that insanity.

Casey looks adorable in her costume. Jason was a really good sport to wear the wig and beard. Although, come to think of it, maybe he wanted to be unrecognizable. ;)

He looked like he had a lot of fun with it.
Oh there is no good sport about Jason, he loved every minute of it!!! If it were Halloween every day that man would be happy. And can you believe he ran with that beard on the whole time???? I have no idea how we did it.

I love how they were all themed together for their race! Adorable! I also like how he has a naked man shirt rather than just running shirtless.
I know right? He somehow thought Disney would't let him race shirtless. Though I would have loved to see him try and pin his race bib to his chest :P

Very productive morning at the Magic Kingdom! Lunch looks nice at the Plaza. The addition about booze has made the restaurants at the MK a better option than they used to be! I am shocked that you went with a salad - but what’s a mother to do?
Yes booze has definitely helped all things MK food! Even if you have to drink it with a salad
Oh my those race costumes are brilliant! How very kind of Casey to accompany her dad and allow him to strut his regal stuff in the 5k!:rotfl:
Good on ya for dodging the birthday party extravaganza by booking a trip :worship: We always managed to do that with our middle child but the eldest was all about a party! Usually with half the class and a few random people she “thought would enjoy it” :scared1: Kind and all as that was, it used to freak me out that she could never remember how many poor random souls she’d asked lol. Thankfully number 3 only ever wanted a football ( soccer) party which meant his dad and brother had the joy of refereeing the kids while I took the lazy way out and ran to Burger King for kids meals all round and threw a big enough chocolate cake on the table to satisfy the lot of them!
Disney tips are a much better idea!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2


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