May W.I.S.H. Goals-A Little Bit of Mayhem

First off where did the last 5 day go :confused3 I feel like I was in the Quantum Realm! We had a long weekend here and now I can't believe its Wednesday night and I haven't checked in with you guys. I suspect it is also because I was reading a book over the weekend ... and the further I got into it they more I wanted to see how it ended ... it has been ages since I got lost in a story like that.

(I don't know what it means, but it must be important, because they typed it in when I was upstairs making breakfast for DD12, and when I came back down, Loki was sitting in front of the computer, staring at it intently...)

I shared your post about the Avenger kitties with my kids - they loved it - so cute!

Well, another rainy Sunday in central PA. I’m off to the grocery store in a few minutes-hope everyone is having better weather and enjoying their weekend!

Haha to that picture - hope the weather improved - I must say I was totally relating to that pic in the past month - but Woohoo we have had sun since the weekend! They days are gorgeous this week blue skies, cooler in the mornings and evenings but warm (not hot) during the middle of the day.

I ran 2 miles fairly easily! I started out with a goal of just running 1 mile. But I felt pretty good and wanted to keep going. First I thought maybe I could get to 1.5 miles. But once I was there, I just wanted to keep going to get to 2 miles.

Good for you - that is great :thumbsup2

Do you weigh yourself every day? Once a week? Does that number have the power to make or break your day?

I also have scales that sync to an app on my phone - Weighing also fluctuates with me - I am going to try and do daily again at the moment - as when I am really trying to lose it helps keep me focused on making appropriate choices to help the scale move. I have a sneaky habit of not syncing with my phone if it isn't; a loss lol - which means that there is about a 5-6 week period on my app at the moment. It doesn't mean I am not accountable to myself about that - as I know what it means regardless :rotfl: Interestingly in that 5-6 weeks I knew that my eating had slipped a little and stopped weighing daily - as I knew it was going to fluctuate - I did get on at least weekly though. I loved my scales yesterday as they told me I had dipped below that 90kg barrier I had been hitting - so I had a little :cheer2: but then this morning there I was at 90.1kg again :eek: but I just reminded myself to make good choices and hopefully I will see that dip again and stay below that number - while I tackle the next 10kg.

A small glimmer of hope - thanks! I've been reading up and a lot of things I've been struggling with like runny nose, stomach aches, light eczema could all be tomatoes and not gluten or dairy as I had thought, so I'm rather excited. I'll go tomato free for a week then test some that are cooked.

So glad you may be onto something with the tomatoes - you have been trying to work this out for ages!

WOOHOO Wednesday:

I already mentioned a weather woohoo
I died my grey regrowth this afternoon
Finishing my presentation ready for next week
My kids - just because I am feeling woohoo about them at the moment :thumbsup2
It's barely Wednesday morning here, but my (sort of) woohoo actually comes from yesterday - DH and I finally got the cover off the pool! It's a woohoo because we've been trying to pump off enough rainwater to do it for a while, but the weather kept conspiring against us. It's only a "sort of" because the reason we were trying to do it early is that we know we have a leak in the liner someplace, but it was not obvious when we took off the cover, so we will probably have to have someone from the pool place come out. DH is calling today.
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Another Woohoo Wednesday!

Hope your week is off to a good start and that you can share something positive with us!

We’re going to the beach this weekend to celebrate a family birthday. My daughter and her family will join us-so looking forward to getting away.
For Woohoo Wednesday, I ran 2 miles on Monday, which I already shared...but my legs are still feeling it. Also, my sister might be buying a new house with more room for my little nephew to learn to crawl around in and a lot more land for her German Shepard to run! So we are rushing to fix up her house to list by next Wednesday. So woohoo that I'm in shape to help with yard work, packing and moving :D And this Friday, we are having a special day at school called Leadership Day. This is the day my kiddos will be presenting the hospital with a check for $900 to purchase a full-loaded Nintendo Switch for their Children's Cancer Center. It's also a day where the students basically run the show and the administration, school board and families are invited in to see how they grown as leaders. It's always exciting to see my former students taking the lead during assemblies and presentations.
I suspect it is also because I was reading a book over the weekend ... and the further I got into it they more I wanted to see how it ended ... it has been ages since I got lost in a story like that.

Ah! I totally can relate to that! It feels like such a treasure when I can really get into a book now. I used to be such a bookworm as a kid. What did you read?

Ok, I will try for the woohoo, feeling a bit less tired and more energetic about the day now, so it's easier to come up with a whoohoo! My first one is that I went to the gym yesterday despite leaving the office late. I also had a successful outcome to something at work this morning! And I set a date with my girlfriends to see the Avengers movie on Sunday finally!

Not so woohoo: I ended up eating a bad lunch at the work cafeteria because when I got there, the dish that I had planned had already sold out. At least it was something that I enjoyed (including fries) and I tried to take my time to savor it. I need to have a healthy dinner now today. I also am feeling like I am getting another cold just after the first one is over. Not happy about this at all.
I'm still woohooing all over this tomato thing and feeling positively giddy at figuring it out. I'm going to go thru my vacation ADR's and see if I need to add "no tomatoes" to any of them. I'm thinking just Hoop de Do where I can totally do without the ribs, which I think would have BBQ sauce on them. Actually the thing I thought I would miss the most would be BBQ sauce, which I love, but I was looking at ingredients while at the grocery store and it looks like the golden BBQs sauces are mustard based, so I am saved.

I did get the front lawn mowed last night... I'm so proud of my grass which is looking really good right now. There are just a few naked spots, that I will try to get filled in. I'm going to water it this summer instead of just letting it die off which is how it got to be in such a crappy state.

Woohoo today I have a hair color appointment! After a lot of thought and searching on Pinterest, I've decided to go to a cool blonde as I think that's the only way I can get what I want without too much up-keep.

And lastly we're having summer-like weather this week, Friday is expected to be in the 80's. And I have Friday off, so I need to think of something fun and outdoorsy to do.
I enjoyed catching up with everyone’s responses!

I would also like to know what you’re reading, Sam! I have a couple favorite authors that are Australian-Thomas Keneally
and Lianne Moriarity.

@Zhoen, between the bees and the glitter-oh my!

@Flossbolna, we loved Avengers! Hope you are not getting a cold. Maybe allergies?

@MickeyMom76, I remember your wonderful story about the kids raising all that money for the Nintendo Switch for the children with cancer. What a wonderful thing!

Oneanne, I hope cutting out tomatoes turns out to be the answer. It’s something you can easily control. And as someone mentioned, cooked tomatoes might not be a problem.
Thankful Thursday

So many things to be thankful for, but I have been emailing with friends over the last couple days about various things and I am just so thankful for their friendship. They are just so dear to me and I can’t imagine not having them in my life.
Today I'm thankful that my car is finally fixed! I took it in last Friday, described what I thought was wrong, they fixed something, it drove better... and then made the same noise yesterday. So DH took it in, they put it back up on the lift, and it turns out they had stopped when they found the the obvious big thing (that did actually need to be done due to age and wear) and not realized it was smaller thing making the noise.
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Thankful Thursday

So many things to be thankful for, but I have been emailing with friends over the last couple days about various things and I am just so thankful for their friendship. They are just so dear to me and I can’t imagine not having them in my life.
Friends are wonderful! And I agree, so many things to be thankful for. Today I am thankful for my family living so close. I got married and got a job 2 hours from where I grew up. We had kids when no family members lived in the area. My brother moved to the area first with his family. Then my sister. And this past summer, my parents sold our childhood home and moved closer. So now we are all within 10 miles of each other. I am also thankful that I have a job where I can take an occasional day off. Yesterday, my sister and her husband came to an agreement with the seller on their new house. So today I am off to help my sister pack/declutter so she can get her house ready to sell. I love spending time with my family!
Today I am thankful for the lovely warm sunny weather we are having. And the days are longer now with sunset currently at 8:30pm, so we're really getting a full dose of it. My batteries are getting recharged. I'm also grateful to have tomorrow off with nothing specific planned, except to get outside somewhere and enjoy the sunshine... possibly just in the front yard working on the garden.

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Wahoo Wednesday: DS2 is coming home Friday. He had a successful term at school (he's taken medical leaves from previous terms so this is a major wahoo)!

Thankful Thursday: Our niece got her master's degree today and we took the afternoon off to share that with her. A nephew, who lives an hour away, and her parents, who live in Kansas, were there along with her hubby and kids. So proud of her!!!

Foodie Friday!

I can’t say I tried any new recipes this week, but I found this in the organic aisle in my local Giant. It has a cauliflower crust and I couldn’t tell the difference. It’s small, a little bigger than a dinner plate, but it’s only 310 calories for half. I would definitely get it again when I’m feeling like pizza.

Anyone tried something new this week?
Well, I also tried a new pizza, but it definitely wasn’t healthy!

We picked up “bar pizzas” from a local pub on the way to my in-law’s last Sunday, and I splurged on the BLT one. It was delicious! ...and I guess at least it had lettuce. :rotfl:

(If those aren’t a thing where some of you are - they are small thin crust pizzas designed for individual orders. This one was bacon, lettuce, and tomato - just like the sandwich.)
Well, I also tried a new pizza, but it definitely wasn’t healthy!

We picked up “bar pizzas” from a local pub on the way to my in-law’s last Sunday, and I splurged on the BLT one. It was delicious! ...and I guess at least it had lettuce. :rotfl:

(If those aren’t a thing where some of you are - they are small thin crust pizzas designed for individual orders. This one was bacon, lettuce, and tomato - just like the sandwich.)
Yes, our local pizza/bar has something that sounds similar-an open faced grilled cheese and an open face meatball individual pizza. Technically, I guess you could share (there about two servings) but I manage to eat all of mine!
This week has flown by. It has been so crazy. I missed yesterday afternoon to take DD to the doctor for the second opinion so I have been working at night to make up the time. Her appointment went great. She confirmed that DD does indeed need the surgery. She also said that the doctor that we go to is the one that she refers her patients to if they need surgery and that he is not a doctor that rushes into surgery. He tries everything first before go to surgery.

I so have a late woohoo. We are finally at our desks at work. We have all been working in a conference room for about a week or more. it was rough. I am all unpacked and ready to get some tasks done.
What did you read?
I would also like to know what you’re reading, Sam! I have a couple favorite authors that are Australian-Thomas Keneally
and Lianne Moriarty.

I was wandering around the shops filling time with DS 18 the other week whilst we were waiting for our session for Avengers - there was a book sale stand in the middle of the mall - so I grabbed a couple of books quite spontaneously - drawn to them as they were set in the South. I got 2 - which I later realised are part of a 3 book series and of course I got the first and the last! So now will have to order the middle one. Author is Greg Iles - "Natchez Burning".

I haven't read Thomas Keneally yet, but I have read a couple of Lianne Moriarty's. Looks like I need to put some of Thomas' on a to do list.

She confirmed that DD does indeed need the surgery. She also said that the doctor that we go to is the one that she refers her patients to if they need surgery and that he is not a doctor that rushes into surgery. He tries everything first before go to surgery.

That's great - now you can go into it knowing you have the right doctor and the right decision. Surgery is always an anxious time though isn't it?

Thankful Thursday - It was a glorious Brisbane autumn day - clear blue skies with a just right temperature. Had lunch with my parents, sister, brother in law and brother outside at a bar with a nice view and great food. Just before we had to attend to sad but amazing funeral of a family friend. My parents are in their 80s and the funeral was for the son of one of their friends. I did mention his death on here a couple of weeks ago. He was a musician - in a punk rock band (not my typical music taste) the funeral was held at a music venue in Brisbane, he had the most wonderfully brightly painted coffin, the venue was almost overflowing with family, friends and fans - once the service was over about 1000 people lined both sides of the street whilst he took a lap of honour in a vintage holden hearse- cheered off to his gig in heaven. What I learned of this man - who I had not seen for some time was that - he was loved by many, whilst he may have had a rougher exterior - he was kind, caring, supportive of others - nurturing other Brisbane talent as they started their music journey no matter the genre of their music, and worked hard at local council manual job through the day and played hard with his band when ever he could. He did what many of us hope to do - he got to do what he loved - lived his dream life and died doing it, as he was about to take the stage when it happened - that's pretty rock and roll.

It was a very sad reminder though - that I need to take care of myself and keep on this healthy journey. He was quite overweight, trying to fit too much into life and sadly paid a high price. Watching his kids in their early 20s struggle - one particularly so at that funeral was hard - I don't want that to be my kids at that age - so I have to keep that motivation to make changes high.

Foodie Friday - I don't think I had anything new this week either! I did end up with non-healthy pizza on Thursday night as well - after the long drive back from Brisbane.
Thankful Thursday - It was a glorious Brisbane autumn day - clear blue skies with a just right temperature. Had lunch with my parents, sister, brother in law and brother outside at a bar with a nice view and great food. Just before we had to attend to sad but amazing funeral of a family friend. My parents are in their 80s and the funeral was for the son of one of their friends. I did mention his death on here a couple of weeks ago. He was a musician - in a punk rock band (not my typical music taste) the funeral was held at a music venue in Brisbane, he had the most wonderfully brightly painted coffin, the venue was almost overflowing with family, friends and fans - once the service was over about 1000 people lined both sides of the street whilst he took a lap of honour in a vintage holden hearse- cheered off to his gig in heaven. What I learned of this man - who I had not seen for some time was that - he was loved by many, whilst he may have had a rougher exterior - he was kind, caring, supportive of others - nurturing other Brisbane talent as they started their music journey no matter the genre of their music, and worked hard at local council manual job through the day and played hard with his band when ever he could. He did what many of us hope to do - he got to do what he loved - lived his dream life and died doing it, as he was about to take the stage when it happened - that's pretty rock and roll.

It was a very sad reminder though - that I need to take care of myself and keep on this healthy journey. He was quite overweight, trying to fit too much into life and sadly paid a high price. Watching his kids in their early 20s struggle - one particularly so at that funeral was hard - I don't want that to be my kids at that age - so I have to keep that motivation to make changes high.
He sounds like a great man who lived life to the fullest. And what a great way to honor him. But yes, a hard reminder and motivator for all of us to make sure we take care of ourselves...physically and mentally. It's easy to get wrapped up in a career or caring for kids or other family members and then forget to take care of ourselves. I don't think I actually realized it, but I think that has been the true motivator for me all along. The short term motivators are things like the Disney trips or clothing sizes. And they are important to keep us going. But the true reason for all of this healthy life-style stuff is to be there for my kids in the future. Unfortunately, I've watched my mom suffer as a result of being overweight. With a hip replacement and knee issues, she isn't able to do the things that I know deep down that she really wants to play with the grandkids or help my sister get her house ready for selling or volunteer in my classroom. Just walking to the bleachers at a baseball game is hard for her. So I want to make sure that I am able to be there for my kids as I get older. And I'm also trying to be a healthy role model for my mom to motivate her to try to lose some of the weight so she is able to do the things she really wants to do. It's never too late to make changes!
He sounds like a great man who lived life to the fullest. And what a great way to honor him. But yes, a hard reminder and motivator for all of us to make sure we take care of ourselves...physically and mentally. It's easy to get wrapped up in a career or caring for kids or other family members and then forget to take care of ourselves. I don't think I actually realized it, but I think that has been the true motivator for me all along. The short term motivators are things like the Disney trips or clothing sizes. And they are important to keep us going. But the true reason for all of this healthy life-style stuff is to be there for my kids in the future. Unfortunately, I've watched my mom suffer as a result of being overweight. With a hip replacement and knee issues, she isn't able to do the things that I know deep down that she really wants to play with the grandkids or help my sister get her house ready for selling or volunteer in my classroom. Just walking to the bleachers at a baseball game is hard for her. So I want to make sure that I am able to be there for my kids as I get older. And I'm also trying to be a healthy role model for my mom to motivate her to try to lose some of the weight so she is able to do the things she really wants to do. It's never too late to make changes!
This is so true! And it’s never to late to make some changes-several women at my WW meeting are at least as old as me (65) and several are older. Your mother is probably younger. And they’re doing great!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Can you believe we’re almost halfway through May??

Thought it might be a good time to reflect why we’re doing this-it’s certainly easier to not think about what we eat or watch tv instead of doing something active.

I didn’t walk today and probably won’t get a chance tomorrow. And my eating was all over the place this weekend. Time to remind myself how I felt 20lbs plus heavier and how sluggish I felt after eating too many high fat, higher calorie meals. And most important of all, I have that 8 year old grandson to stay active for!


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