The Running Thread - 2019

I usually build training plans out for them that build from where they are to the distance they are racing. In both cases for their first non XC races they skipped a lot of the training runs, and as a result the races were much harder than it should have been. I think it's been a learning experience for them. Just because the workouts are only 1 or 2 miles and that seems easy it doesn't mean you can skip them.

I also struggle with training plans. When we're travelling or vacationing the people around me are usually like "why are you running". My problem is if I miss one workout it becomes much easier to miss the next. So I have to be really diligent with and stick with a plan.
I always struggle with finding my running groove when I first start training. It's too easy to make excuses early under the guise of I have plenty of time until my race. Before my first two half marathons I did this until I had slacked off so much that the only way I could all the weekend long runs in was to skip the remaining weekend short runs. I found that the more diligent I am about sticking to the plan at the beginning, the more I enjoy the training overall and the less worried I am if illness strikes late in a training plan.
So I really like to buy the run Disney shirts that aren't race specific, but have not seen much lately on the shop Disney site. I really liked the I am line, I'm sad I missed the Tinkerbell legging outfit. Did they have much merch at star wars?
Hi, all! Finally getting caught up...

Haven't done any races/walking for a bit, as I managed to come down with a gnarly respiratory infection when I went home for Easter that has completely knocked me out for a while (and forced me to drop out of a race I had been looking forward to :( ). But I've got a couple of things coming up, so that should be nice...also, hopefully, getting back into the pool again.

Bigger news was some weight loss and my doc being very pleased with that, so that's got me on a bit of a high.

Also, got an offer for a full-time job that I've been dreaming about for a start in August. This has me happy to the point of tears -- the potential for stability, not having to juggle so many different gigs, actual decent the benefits are insane. Since I had signed the contract for the other job that'll take me to Hong Kong in July, they were ok waiting for that, so this is looking to be quite a summer.

Questions that I remember:
- Easter candy: cadbury mini eggs all the way. Extra bonus, since greek easter is usually a week after "normal" easter (greek orthodox church follows a lunar calendar/easter is always the Sunday following Passover), can stock up on the candy at sale prices. Woo-hoo!
- Wrong way on course: happened during a race since they (1) started opening up the roads way earlier than they said (2) stopped course support WAY earlier than they said and (3) deviated from the course they posted online. Easily the worst race experience. (And to the person who said they were talking to someone who does their half marathons based on time of course: YES. #1 the first thing I check when looking at a race...knowing that I'm a slow-ish walker, making sure there's still that support makes such a difference).
- Finish placement: I'm usually at the very back (if not dead f-ing last, then pretty close to it) so I don't pay too much attention to that (except to check that I wasn't actually the last finisher)
- Shoes: love me my New Balances...I've got wide feet, so they're wonderful. Although I'm not a fan of how the companies are constantly tweaking their designs...I got a pair in around 2011 that were a total Cinderella moment -- easily the most comfortable I've ever been in a shoe. So of course, they discontinued them.
- Socks: I don't know what brand they are...but they're "athletic" socks. Eh, as long as I cover my feet in Vaseline, I've been doing all right the last few long distance races.
- Cinco de Mayo: Was not feeling well. Also, am not Mexican, so to do something feels like cultural appropriation somehow. However, did manage to get out to the baseball game on May the 4th, since the O's were giving out BB8 beanies. Sweet.

Best wishes for speedy recoveries to all who are injured, and good luck to everyone in training/finishing school year/just dealing with life. :)
Quick race report....which I only signed up for this week and wasn’t on the schedule!

It was a trail 5k to support a local organization the provides home furnishings to homeless families getting back on their feet.

Held on the grounds of an old state hospital in our town - gorgeous property filled with buildings boarded up. Fun fact - site of films like Shutter Island and the upcoming movie The New Mutants.

The grounds extend down to the Charles River, which eventually runs into boston, and has a series of wooded trails that are popular for walkers, runners, and dog walkers.

Our running club had a booth and a friend and I ran with our daughters (ages 6 and 7). We ran most of the way, there was copious complaining, one large snake, and it was capped off with a fabulous finish for the girls (they ran it in to a lot of cheers, and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever). And they tied for 3rd place in the under 12y age group.

All in all a great day - and a fun way to kick off Mother’s Day weekend. ❤️


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Hi, all! Finally getting caught up...

Haven't done any races/walking for a bit, as I managed to come down with a gnarly respiratory infection when I went home for Easter that has completely knocked me out for a while (and forced me to drop out of a race I had been looking forward to :( ). But I've got a couple of things coming up, so that should be nice...also, hopefully, getting back into the pool again.

Bigger news was some weight loss and my doc being very pleased with that, so that's got me on a bit of a high.

Also, got an offer for a full-time job that I've been dreaming about for a start in August. This has me happy to the point of tears -- the potential for stability, not having to juggle so many different gigs, actual decent the benefits are insane. Since I had signed the contract for the other job that'll take me to Hong Kong in July, they were ok waiting for that, so this is looking to be quite a summer.

Questions that I remember:
- Easter candy: cadbury mini eggs all the way. Extra bonus, since greek easter is usually a week after "normal" easter (greek orthodox church follows a lunar calendar/easter is always the Sunday following Passover), can stock up on the candy at sale prices. Woo-hoo!
- Wrong way on course: happened during a race since they (1) started opening up the roads way earlier than they said (2) stopped course support WAY earlier than they said and (3) deviated from the course they posted online. Easily the worst race experience. (And to the person who said they were talking to someone who does their half marathons based on time of course: YES. #1 the first thing I check when looking at a race...knowing that I'm a slow-ish walker, making sure there's still that support makes such a difference).
- Finish placement: I'm usually at the very back (if not dead f-ing last, then pretty close to it) so I don't pay too much attention to that (except to check that I wasn't actually the last finisher)
- Shoes: love me my New Balances...I've got wide feet, so they're wonderful. Although I'm not a fan of how the companies are constantly tweaking their designs...I got a pair in around 2011 that were a total Cinderella moment -- easily the most comfortable I've ever been in a shoe. So of course, they discontinued them.
- Socks: I don't know what brand they are...but they're "athletic" socks. Eh, as long as I cover my feet in Vaseline, I've been doing all right the last few long distance races.
- Cinco de Mayo: Was not feeling well. Also, am not Mexican, so to do something feels like cultural appropriation somehow. However, did manage to get out to the baseball game on May the 4th, since the O's were giving out BB8 beanies. Sweet.

Best wishes for speedy recoveries to all who are injured, and good luck to everyone in training/finishing school year/just dealing with life. :)
If it makes you feel better, Cinco is a pretty minor holiday in Mexico(kicking out the French), and from what I’ve gathered the big one Americans use offensive, out of place symbolism from is Day of the Dead.
A day late, but to all the moms in the thread, I hope you had a wonderful mothers day.

QOTD: Have you ever celebrated a birthday or anniversary of some sorts by running the number of miles the event is you are celebrating? For example, you turn 25 and run 25 miles?

ATTQOTD: I haven't done it but the idea has been in my head. I'll turn 36 this November, and well that would be 10 mile more than a marathon... so not looking likely, but maybe one day I'll go crazy and go for it lol! This June is our 10 year anniversary, so maybe I could do that one.
QOTD: Have you ever celebrated a birthday or anniversary of some sorts by running the number of miles the event is you are celebrating? For example, you turn 25 and run 25 miles?

I have not yet done this, but... Next year is my 50th birthday and I am strongly leaning towards trying to run a 100 miler prior to my birthday, so 2 miles/year.
QOTD: Have you ever celebrated a birthday or anniversary of some sorts by running the number of miles the event is you are celebrating? For example, you turn 25 and run 25 miles?
ATTQOTD: I am 50, so a single event is not happening. But I am doing Dopey in 2020. I'll be 51. 48.6 miles? I'm gonna go ahead and call that "close enough."
I haven't done it for my birthday. That's an awful lot of miles for one day (well, not terrible, but I will be 34 this year). Maybe over the course of a weekend or something.

I hit Day 10 of my run streak last weekend and did 10 miles that day. That's about the only thing that has matched. haha
I just booked a fairly last minute trip to DisneyLAND. Needed to travel out there for work, so my wife and I are flying out a few days early and spending this Friday-Sunday there. We have 3-day park hoppers. We should be able to get to DL by noon on Friday and will be able to spend as much time as we want in the parks from then until Sunday night. We are staying right across the street. I'm looking for any tips from those that go frequently or have been there recently. We went to DL in 2007 for 2-3 days, but otherwise just go to WDW fairly frequently. Interested in can't miss food/snack items, any of the onsite hotels we should stop in to see for any reason, park touring tips, etc. Thanks in advance.


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