Do You Consider Yourself a Feminist?

Do You Consider Yourself a Feminist?

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There is free and open access to birth control. Go down to the health department and they will give you all you want. All of those things--medical care, education and child care are given to women below a certain income level. The only thing on your list is maybe sex education.

I have read the articles about the proposed law in Ohio. First off, the representative that proposed this bill is an idiot and is wanting things that aren't possible like re-implanting the embryo from an ectopic pregnancy. And he clearly doesn't understand how birth control works. Like at all. And I hope the voters remember all this when he is up for reelection. BUT, he isn't trying to ban birth control. He is trying to make it so insurance won't pay for it. Still stupid but not the same as banning it.

I would guess you would be in for a shock if you ever tried to access all of these "free" resources that are provided to women below a certain income level and discovered that in fact Ole Mother Hubbard's cupboard is so bare that you wind up with a fistful of cobwebs in response to your request.
I don't like abortion. I like to think I'd never have one myself. However, banning abortion doesn't actually do much to stop abortions, it just makes them less safe. The best way to reduce abortions is to have free and open access to birth control, comprehensive sex education, and social supports in place that make it easier for a woman to raise a child (free/inexpensive medical care/education/child care/etc.).
Instead we have Ohio trying to ban birth control along with abortion, which would also harm women who aren't even using birth control for contraception (like myself).
Banning birth control is outrageous. I cannot imagine what they think this will accomplish...many many more unwanted pregnancies....many many more unwanted children in the foster care system. Oh yeah, that's just brilliant.
There is free and open access to birth control. Go down to the health department and they will give you all you want. All of those things--medical care, education and child care are given to women below a certain income level. The only thing on your list is maybe sex education.

I have read the articles about the proposed law in Ohio. First off, the representative that proposed this bill is an idiot and is wanting things that aren't possible like re-implanting the embryo from an ectopic pregnancy. And he clearly doesn't understand how birth control works. Like at all. And I hope the voters remember all this when he is up for reelection. BUT, he isn't trying to ban birth control. He is trying to make it so insurance won't pay for it. Still stupid but not the same as banning it.

If insurance won't pay for it, it's an effective ban. And, NO not every health department hands out birth control for "free" to just anyone. Nice in theory. Not true in practice.

How about legislators just stay the heck out of women's reproductive rights, period? Why can't we leave it to them and their doctors to figure out? Wouldn't that be nice? Most male legislators are idiots when it comes to how women's bodies ACTUALLY work. Witness all the (stupid) comments about "women can't become pregnant from rape." Right. Yup. That makes sense.

And, I completely respect other people's decisions about what to do with their pregnancies. Maybe, just maybe, other people should respect other people's decisions too. I'd NEVER force someone to have an abortion. Why are pregnant, raped teens being "forced" to carry pregnancies they do not want and did not ask for in any way?

Finally, I'll just note that what really, really irritates me is that this will become an economic issue. Wealthy and upper middle class women will STILL be able to get all the abortions they want because they will be able to travel to states where abortion will still be legal, safe and available. So, despite any Supreme Court decision or any specific state's decision, abortions are going to happen. It's just that poor women and younger teenagers without the means to travel independently will not have that choice. (Just in case people don't know, the ONLY thing the Supreme Court can do, assuming it strikes down Roe v. Wade at some point is to declare that there is no FEDERAL right to reproductive freedom....and states will be able to make the decision for what happens in THEIR southern, conservative states may effectively prohibit abortion to poor women in their states, but their wealthy residents will only need to hop on a plane to California, Washington, New York, or at least 17 other states).
Many have asked on this thread why a woman wouldn't consider themselves a feminist. If you really want to know-from my experiences, truthfully-I don't feel welcome. I absolutely agree that women and men should both be treated with respect and have equal rights. My issue with "modern day" feminism is that I have been insulted and told what to do more by self proclaimed feminists than I ever have by any man. I have been told (to my face) that I "wasted my life and my education," and "that I set women back" by choosing to be a stay at home mom. In addition, I get the general feeling from the media (not the most reliable source, I know) that a woman must vote a certain way and have certain views on abortion to be a "real feminist." If I am being perfectly honest, it doesn't feel like the modern day definition of feminist welcomes each woman's choice but rather only certain choices.

I hope I haven't offended anyone. Just my thoughts. I do know that those views whom I have negatively personally experienced are more of the "radical" versions. But those "radical" views are amongst the most loudly and proudly expressed. It is hard to hear the less vocal.

I think this is exactly WHY I proudly express my own viewpoints of feminism. The same thing happens to those of us who are politically moderate, religious but less conservative or liberal, etc. We can't allow the definitions of basic terms become associated only with extreme viewpoints.

The only place I've actually ever been scolded for my version of feminism (I was a SAHM) was here on the DIS. We can't let vocal opinions on social media or regular media change definitions. They are still just opinions and should be recognized as such.
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at this time, so-called FEMINISM is all about teling woman what they should be, think, believe, fight for.
Just like the term reverse prejudice, so called progressive can be the opposite, anything but.

So when a group has extremist factions that claim the same label -- the extremist viewpoint is the responsibility of all in the group, even if they don't share the beliefs or the practices of the extremists?

What happens when you apply that same principle to Christians, Jews and Muslims for example?
If insurance won't pay for it, it's an effective ban. And, NO not every health department hands out birth control for "free" to just anyone. Nice in theory. Not true in practice.

How about legislators just stay the heck out of women's reproductive rights, period? Why can't we leave it to them and their doctors to figure out? Wouldn't that be nice? Most male legislators are idiots when it comes to how women's bodies ACTUALLY work. Witness all the (stupid) comments about "women can't become pregnant from rape." Right. Yup. That makes sense.

And, I completely respect other people's decisions about what to do with their pregnancies. Maybe, just maybe, other people should respect other people's decisions too. I'd NEVER force someone to have an abortion. Why are pregnant, raped teens being "forced" to carry pregnancies they do not want and did not ask for in any way?

Finally, I'll just note that what really, really irritates me is that this will become an economic issue. Wealthy and upper middle class women will STILL be able to get all the abortions they want because they will be able to travel to states where abortion will still be legal, safe and available. So, despite any Supreme Court decision or any specific state's decision, abortions are going to happen. It's just that poor women and younger teenagers without the means to travel independently will not have that choice. (Just in case people don't know, the ONLY thing the Supreme Court can do, assuming it strikes down Roe v. Wade at some point is to declare that there is no FEDERAL right to reproductive freedom....and states will be able to make the decision for what happens in THEIR southern, conservative states may effectively prohibit abortion to poor women in their states, but their wealthy residents will only need to hop on a plane to California, Washington, New York, or at least 17 other states).

Except, as I understand it, the Georgia law will allow for the prosecution of anyone who travels out of state to receive that type of care, as well as any “accomplice” who assists in getting her there.

I’m in the process of relocating to Georgia. I can’t wait to get down there and start voting.
Except, as I understand it, the Georgia law will allow for the prosecution of anyone who travels out of state to receive that type of care, as well as any “accomplice” who assists in getting her there.

I’m in the process of relocating to Georgia. I can’t wait to get down there and start voting.
That portion of the Georgia law is CLEARLY unconstitutional. This has been tested before. One state CANNOT dictate what it's residents can do in another state. For example, marijuana is illegal in Minnesota. But, I can go to Colorado and smoke it nonstop for as long as I'm there as long as I do not bring any back. I can then return to Minnesota, walk up to the nearest police officer, tell him I was smoking marijuana for the last week in Colorado and s/he can do absolutely nothing. Nada. Zip.

It's the dumbest thing ever. No state wants another state to dictate what is legal/not legal in their state. If this is the "best" Georgia has in terms of legislators, that's pretty damn sad. It's a bad law and I predict will be struck down within a matter of days of it becoming effective (which I believe is January 1, 2020....I give it till noon on January 2 before it's stayed), and not even the most conservative Supreme Court justice will resurrect that portion of the law.
I'm an "equalist" if that is such a term. Equal opportunity based on the content of your character, not anything else, gender, race, sexual preference, religion, favorite kind of music, etc.

I've been lucky to meet amazing people from all walks of life.
WOW, I could not question or DISLIKE post #181 above any more strongly.

I can never get onboard with any VICTIM mentality.

I am a woman.
I am a small and very personally limited woman.
I have, more than not, been on the short end of the stick.
Do I think that just because I, personally, am not able to achieve everything that any other person can achieve, that this is inherently evil, or that I am, and will forever be a victim.
The feeling that one should always be 'entitled' or one is a victim, is problematic.
This is nothing less than reverse prejudice.
I, personally, will not go there.

What in the blue blazes are you talking about? Post #181 doesn't say any of those things.
Oops, sorry! It's totally worth bringing up time and again.

Feminism isn't limited to the US. Feminists are also working to get/keep girls in school throughout the world, improve period related health and access to products (as well as trying to remove the stigma associated with periods in some areas), and any number of other things to improve women's lives throughout the world. But there is still work that needs to be done here, too.

In B.C (Canadian province), the government announced about a week ago, that by the end of the year all schools must provide free period products for the students. I hope Manitoba, and all of Canada will follow suit.

at this time, so-called FEMINISM is all about teling woman what they should be, think, believe, fight for.
Just like the term reverse prejudice, so called progressive can be the opposite, anything but.

Can you please start quoting what post you are replying to? On the app, post number doesn’t show up so saying post #181 or whatever doesn’t do us any good. Thanks :)
If insurance won't pay for it, it's an effective ban. And, NO not every health department hands out birth control for "free" to just anyone. Nice in theory. Not true in practice.

How about legislators just stay the heck out of women's reproductive rights, period? Why can't we leave it to them and their doctors to figure out? Wouldn't that be nice? Most male legislators are idiots when it comes to how women's bodies ACTUALLY work. Witness all the (stupid) comments about "women can't become pregnant from rape." Right. Yup. That makes sense.

And, I completely respect other people's decisions about what to do with their pregnancies. Maybe, just maybe, other people should respect other people's decisions too. I'd NEVER force someone to have an abortion. Why are pregnant, raped teens being "forced" to carry pregnancies they do not want and did not ask for in any way?

Finally, I'll just note that what really, really irritates me is that this will become an economic issue. Wealthy and upper middle class women will STILL be able to get all the abortions they want because they will be able to travel to states where abortion will still be legal, safe and available. So, despite any Supreme Court decision or any specific state's decision, abortions are going to happen. It's just that poor women and younger teenagers without the means to travel independently will not have that choice. (Just in case people don't know, the ONLY thing the Supreme Court can do, assuming it strikes down Roe v. Wade at some point is to declare that there is no FEDERAL right to reproductive freedom....and states will be able to make the decision for what happens in THEIR southern, conservative states may effectively prohibit abortion to poor women in their states, but their wealthy residents will only need to hop on a plane to California, Washington, New York, or at least 17 other states).

Like I said the guy with the birth control bill is an idiot and it should be shot down and hopefully will.

Ok, every health dept HERE does. As do other semi-free clinics.

My honest belief is that rape should be an exception in every law. Sadly in some it’s not. That much I would speak up for. But I will also always speak up for the unborn. Always.
I always say I am pro choice BEFORE pregnancy. Flame away...
After 46 years, I’ve heard it all. But it’s funny, I don’t believe in legal restrictions except in the most extreme cases of infanticide being proposed lately in places like NY and VA. I believe in changing hearts.
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Like I said the guy with the birth control bill is an idiot and it should be shot down and hopefully will.

Ok, every health dept HERE does. As do other semi-free clinics.

My honest belief is that rape should be an exception in every law. Sadly in some it’s not. That much I would speak up for. But I will also always speak up for the unborn. Always.

What do you personally do to speak for the born? Are you in favor of providing these born babies and children medical care if their parents cannot afford it (government paid for with your taxes, of course)? Are you in favor of granting the pregnant woman sufficient paid leave from her job to care for the new infant? Are you in favor of providing/subsidizing day care so that the mother may return to work? What about SNAP benefits for the family to make sure the child gets nutritious and healthy meals? Because if you are not, you are not standing up for the unborn. Just insisting that they be born. I have a hard time keeping posters straight some times....
My honest belief is that rape should be an exception in every law. Sadly in some it’s not. That much I would speak up for. But I will also always speak up for the unborn. Always.

See, that's something that confuses me... the unborn baby conceived via rape is just as innocent as the one conceived via an irresponsible one night stand and the one conceived because the birth control failed. So if it is really about the sanctity of life, aren't they all equally worthy of protection?
See, that's something that confuses me... the unborn baby conceived via rape is just as innocent as the one conceived via an irresponsible one night stand and the one conceived because the birth control failed. So if it is really about the sanctity of life, aren't they all equally worthy of protection?

Don't go trying to find logic. There is none. For me, it's simple. I TRUST women to make the right decision. Their body. Their choice. Not for me to dictate. It's a heartbreaking choice for lots of women. Not something they take lightly. And, I'd never presume to understand their circumstances better than they to say "this is what you must do."

Fortunately, I have never personally had to make the choice, and I'm honestly not certain what I would do. My one and only pregnancy was very much wanted and planned. I hope the same for my daughter. But, I'd 100% support any decision she'd make if she found herself with an unplanned pregnancy.
See, that's something that confuses me... the unborn baby conceived via rape is just as innocent as the one conceived via an irresponsible one night stand and the one conceived because the birth control failed. So if it is really about the sanctity of life, aren't they all equally worthy of protection?

A woman who was raped had no choice in what happened. Yes the baby is innocent but so is she. The sanctity if life is equal across the board. Her life is important too.
And they make products to fix the problem with seat belts. Its not that big of a deal and just not discrimination. The problem isn't that you are a woman, its that you are smaller than the design. If they make them fit the smaller size of most women, how will the belt then fit a larger man?
How about creating adaptable seat belts, so that one version does fit all. Why should I - who on average earn $.80 for every dollar a man earns - have to pay extra to be safe and comfortable?
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