Racial profiling? At Disney???

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How much the security guards go through my stuff often depends on the security guard. I have had many that have gone through it with a fine tooth comb, while a couple others have glanced down in it and jostled it around a bit. My husband almost always get picked to go through the scanner. We are white, even though I could also pass as a minority.
So many issues around this it is hard to make any determination based on a small sample size. That being said do people sometimes suffer undue amounts of attention based on their "look"? Sure they do. Is this a systemic issue due to unseen policies put in place by Disney? I don't believe that at all. The reality of the world we live in is that every person on the planet comes with a history and that history prompts a set of thoughts and beliefs that turn into actions. So when I go through the security line at WDW I am excited to be there, anxious to get in the park and have fun. Based on that I try really hard to not let anything that happens going through security ruin my day, and generally I don't. However I do observe certain things. Upon entering Epcot one day during or trip last week we do what we always do and looked for the shortest line. My wife found it and we then proceeded to watch lines twice as long get into the park before us. The line was multi aged, multi raced and so I do not think there was profiling going on. When we got close enough to see who was checking bags, I saw a young male, Hispanic security person checking bags. In all the years we have been going to Disney since the implementation of bag checks I had never seen a more complete search. Every zipper no matter how small, opened every sunglass case, every bag, I even saw him a clear ziplock bag and sniff the contents. Was he profiling? When I got close enough I looked at his name tag and forget the name but do remember he had a language tag for Spanish and a home listed as Bogata, Columbia. Now I don't want to profile in reverse but my mind immediately thinks, oh that's why, he comes from a place where violence has been previlent and he understands the importance of what he is doing.

On another occasion entering MK wife and I clear bag check and go to the metal detector where there is a big backup. Security starts picking people to bypass the metal detector, he tells my wife to go on through and I start to follow her, he grabs my arm and says "not you!". So I wait and as I put my bag down to go through I also put my phone on the table and the security person says "you keep your phone, the machines have been adjusted!" Now mind you everything I have on me is in the bag, so I have nothing in my pockets, only a Magic band on my wrist, and the phone in my pocket. I go through and the alarm goes off. Enter security who told me "not you!" with a metal detector. He says empty your pockets which I do and it is only my phone. He then says ,"No take everything out of your pockets!". I tell him I don't have anything else. He then proceeds to grab at my pockets and feels nothing. I get the wand and it shows nothing, never goes off. He then looks at me like he wants to proceed to a full body cavity search. He finally says, okay and waves me off. The worse incident I have ever had getting through security but I shook it off and enjoyed my day.

By the way I am a 60 year old white man that is 6'1" and weigh 275 lbs. Was this guy profiling me or just pissed because I tried to follow my wife and by pass the metal detector?
Knowing what you saw and your gut feeling are 2 very different things. You saw someone get closely scrutinized in security. What you may not know is, maybe that person is known to Disney, maybe security has had a problem with her before, maybe they have been told that someone that looks like XYZ or is carrying a bag like she was may be trying to do something that they need to stop. It is easy to say that someone is racist based on their actions, it is impossible to know what is in someone's heart and that is the only way that you can ever know if someone is racist.
I know directly from a cast member that until they have the capacity to put everyone through the metal detectors, they have a random system of some sort that they wouldn't share to determine who goes through. As far as the thoroughness of any one security guard... people are people. What you saw could easily have been one person or one team or even just a misperception on your part. I'd wager that it is not a systemic Disney policy. If that sort of thing came to light they'd be sued into oblivion and they wouldn't take that chance.
My husband gets scrutinized and pulled for extra security at every single Disney gate. Every.Single.One. He is a 6'3", bald, white, early 50s, built, male. This has been going on for years. What the OP witnessed is not racial profiling anymore than my husband getting pulled for screening is racial profiling. There is profiling going on (and there should be), but it certainly seems based on things other than race.
So me being white and "privileged" gets checked EVERY time through the line and sent to metal detectors probably 85% of the time, should I look around and compare who else is getting checked so closely? NO do what they ask and move on! Im quite sure the OP would say NOTHING if it happened to be a white person getting screened and a black person getting waved through, which im sure happens all the time as well. Like it or not Race is not the main thing driving people all the time, like it must with the OP.
So me being white and "privileged" gets checked EVERY time through the line and sent to metal detectors probably 85% of the time, should I look around and compare who else is getting checked so closely? NO do what they ask and move on! Im quite sure the OP would say NOTHING if it happened to be a white person getting screened and a black person getting waved through, which im sure happens all the time as well. Like it or not Race is not the main thing driving people all the time, like it must with the OP.
Well-it’s not just race. Many people in various groups want on the victim bandwagon these days. I am a Caucasian married male so unfortunately there is never enough room for me. Darn it.
Well-it’s not just race. Many people in various groups want on the victim bandwagon these days. I am a Caucasian married male so unfortunately there is never enough room for me. Darn it.
If you want a group it would probably be the "person who the sales guy will speak to for car purchases even if the wife is standing next to you and she requested to test drive a car" actually had that happen to DH and me 🤣
Nope! Unequivocally nope! I am white and VERY Mom-looking and I get chosen every time for complete bag check and Metal detector. There's a great saying, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail!" I am so thankful that...whatever the reason....people are screened well so that my family and I can feel safe. Blessings on those who keep us safe!
Um, no. I couldn't possibly look more white, am a 40 year old mom with kids, and my bag with 6 zippers was fully searched at every WDW checkpoint earlier this month.
I'm a white, middle-aged, mom-lady and my bag is thoroughly checked every time. I'm so used to it now I make sure absolutely everything is unzipped and open before I plop my bag on the table. That being said, OP, if you truly think you witnessed racial profiling, e-mail Disney guest services regarding your experience. Coming and ranting on these boards does not move the needle forward.
While I’m sure some may profile, others may not . it’s their job. Most people go with their gut, or whether or not they feel you are suspect as with everything else in life. My husband gets picked on at Disney, he thinks it’s because he is male. Who knows. Me and the kids are normally left alone.
If you want a group it would probably be the "person who the sales guy will speak to for car purchases even if the wife is standing next to you and she requested to test drive a car" actually had that happen to DH and me 🤣
Actually I live outside the US. My first language is Texan. I am fluent in the local language but do have an accent and the people here are not used to accents. No problem when I am by myself but when I am with my wife (who’s first language is the local language) clerks, sales people, waitresses, waiters, etc prefer to speak with my wife who is accent free. It happens to me in restaurants stores etc.

In your case maybe he was just scared of your husband and so scared to speak to his charming wife.
1. I am a white male. Last week I went into AK, it was the only day that week I carried a backpack. Security searched every inch of every pocket of that bag. They opened any/all contaners inside.
2. My adult daughters are white. They carried purses into the parks each day. Each day they were searched.

Before you make an allegation that a corporation is profiling based on race, you should have a little more than casual observations. Profiling based on race, religion, or anything else is appalling, disgusting and likley illegal. It's for that very reason that we must be very careful to ensure that credible accustations aren't watered down by wide sweeping characterizations. Disney employs over 200,000 people directly, plus many more contractors. Accusing the entire corporation of racial profiling and criminal behaviour because of how you witnessed a handful of security guards treat a small group of people is irresponsible and wreckless. On the particular days you observed, it's certainly possible more non-white guests were searched than white guests. It's also possible that an hour, day, or week later, the opposite was true. Anecdotal stories are rarely good grounds for characterizing large processes. Disney has parks in the United States, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, and China. They also manage many properties through the DVC around the country. Additionally, through their other holdings such as ESPN and ABC, they control even more properties. To undertake a study of the security practices of Disney would require a massive effort requiring many people and thousands of hours.

I can tell you from professional experience that security checkpoints can be far more complicated than they appear.
How much the security guards go through my stuff often depends on the security guard. I have had many that have gone through it with a fine tooth comb, while a couple others have glanced down in it and jostled it around a bit.

This is exactly my experience also. I'm a 60+ yo white grandma, but sometimes they check every corner of every little pocket, sometimes they just do a quick glance.
This topic is much ado about nothing. There's no racial profiling that I've ever seen or heard in any of the parks, anywhere. I don't think there's even time in the bag check lines to do that, with how quickly they try to move people through. There's nothing to see here...
Actually I live outside the US. My first language is Texan. I am fluent in the local language but do have an accent and the people here are not used to accents. No problem when I am by myself but when I am with my wife (who’s first language is the local language) clerks, sales people, waitresses, waiters, etc prefer to speak with my wife who is accent free. It happens to me in restaurants stores etc.

In your case maybe he was just scared of your husband and so scared to speak to his charming wife.
Lol I understand completely, I work with people with accents that aren't local it takes a bit more concentration to catch what some are saying.
Hahaha, OP... you can't possibly think that the people on these boards would ever agree that there's a possibility of racial profiling at Disney. I don't know if it's happening or not, but these boards would be quicker to call out reverse-racial profiling!
It must be heartbreaking to even think that the Disney you so love could possibly ever do something so terrible, but its true.

Just going to comment on this part of your response to Tiggerlover.

One person who works for Disney doing something does not equal DISNEY doing something.

All Disney CMs are humans, so I am sure every day a few are doing something they shouldn't. That doesn't mean DISNEY is doing that thing.
I have white skin and they check every last compartment of my backpack.

From what I have studied on security and profiling, they profile more on a certain set of behaviors than they do race. Also, women aren't largely the problem, although they do get checked since they could be accomplices.
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