Dis Dining show minor complaint/suggestion

Please. You’re taking it to a level it doesn’t need to be. Offending the culture..?? Who gets offended by the mispronunciations of food....??? Wow.

Anyway my only criticism is the .05 seconds of food then 10 minutes of Fiasco talking about it.

You don't think they have Hispanic or Latino viewers? Or French viewers? Wow. Narrow point of view...

As a Hispanic person, I find it incredibly tragic that these people, who live in ORLANDO, FLORIDA, of all places, cannot even attempt to learn how to pronounce some Spanish words when they do a food review of a restaurant serving that type of cuisine. It's embarrassing for them and shows a complete lack of regard for any ethnicity different from their own. It also points to the larger issue of a complete lack of diversity among the team, but that's another discussion that they obviously don't want to have.

For the record, I am not offended, and honestly am about the least "PC" person ever, but this just makes them look really ignorant. I'm surprised they don't care about that.
Butchering the pronunciations of some exotic dishes doesn't really bother me. What does, for some reason, is the use of the phrase "price per value". Charles used it all the time and now it seems Fiasco has taken up that mantle.
This. Drives. Me. CRAZY!

Apparently its a term used in some industry (can't think which right now), but as someone who works in financial analytics, the phrase drives me nuts. Grammatically it doesn't make sense
To avoid making a new thread for one small thing, @Teleclashter the current audio that is playing for episode 92 which is supposed to be Oga's is playing Boma again.
This. Drives. Me. CRAZY!

Apparently its a term used in some industry (can't think which right now), but as someone who works in financial analytics, the phrase drives me nuts. Grammatically it doesn't make sense

It's backwards. It should he some form of "value for the price paid".
I have had a hard time with Fiasco, the Le Cellier thing was too much. I know how to say it and i have never been to WDW. Even in the Toledo review he was doing the intro and had to ask Deni how to say it. Please at least learn the names of the places.
I am trying to overlook it but he had a rocky start. When Pete first introduced him on the DL show he played him up too much as a DL local going all the time, and I was like oh, wow, yay, more locals! And then as weeks went on there was too much he didn’t know, hadn’t done. Finally, before GE they admitted he hadn’t step foot in a DL park in over 5 years. Yeah sorry, that would never happen on the Tuesday show. He did go this spring when Pete footed the bill, but he lost a ton of credibility for me. I also lost any sense that Disneyland is important to him, if he hadn’t gone on his own nickel in years.
Now when he tries to say he goes somewhere all the time ....I’m like do you? Or did you go one time two years ago?
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You don't think they have Hispanic or Latino viewers? Or French viewers? Wow. Narrow point of view...

As a Hispanic person, I find it incredibly tragic that these people, who live in ORLANDO, FLORIDA, of all places, cannot even attempt to learn how to pronounce some Spanish words when they do a food review of a restaurant serving that type of cuisine. It's embarrassing for them and shows a complete lack of regard for any ethnicity different from their own. It also points to the larger issue of a complete lack of diversity among the team, but that's another discussion that they obviously don't want to have.

For the record, I am not offended, and honestly am about the least "PC" person ever, but this just makes them look really ignorant. I'm surprised they don't care about that.

This. Thank you thank you thank you.

The assumption that everyone in this community is white is so prevalent. This goes for the Disney fan community at large as well. And of course most people don't even realize they're making that assumption, or that it manifests itself in a thousand ways.
Please. You’re taking it to a level it doesn’t need to be. Offending the culture..?? Who gets offended by the mispronunciations of food....??? Wow.

Anyway my only criticism is the .05 seconds of food then 10 minutes of Fiasco talking about it.

Uh...I do. Or at least, I get offended by the idea that there's no care given to other cultures and the acknowledgment that maybe butchering the names gives the impression (to me, at least, and I think to others here) of "I can't be bothered to find a way to say it with even a modicum of attempt to do it correctly."

If you aren't offended by it, you've probably never had to deal with racial discrimination. And if you have experienced it and aren't bothered by it, then good for you - I just don't think I should accept that type of ignorance in this day and age any longer.

You don't think they have Hispanic or Latino viewers? Or French viewers? Wow. Narrow point of view...

As a Hispanic person, I find it incredibly tragic that these people, who live in ORLANDO, FLORIDA, of all places, cannot even attempt to learn how to pronounce some Spanish words when they do a food review of a restaurant serving that type of cuisine. It's embarrassing for them and shows a complete lack of regard for any ethnicity different from their own. It also points to the larger issue of a complete lack of diversity among the team, but that's another discussion that they obviously don't want to have.

For the record, I am not offended, and honestly am about the least "PC" person ever, but this just makes them look really ignorant. I'm surprised they don't care about that.
Totally agree. Their listeners are diverse. Would help to have some other perspectives in there. Wish I could offer my services as I do love the show - but, alas, I am not local....
I have had a hard time with Fiasco.

Now when he tries to say he goes somewhere all the time ....I’m like do you? Or did you go one time two years ago?

I've been struggling with "Fiasco" as well. It's too forced with him. Also, I've been a little bummed with Patreon lately as it's basically turned into "Fiasco" filler lately with a paragraph emailed out every couple days about whatever lunch he's eating. While I do enjoy the Ryno podcast (we all love Ryno!), the filler is getting a little over the top. Hoping things get better!!

Love to the rest of the staff, everyone is great. And Deni is a great addition to the staff!!

Hey, you can't like everything in life right?
Uh...I do. Or at least, I get offended by the idea that there's no care given to other cultures and the acknowledgment that maybe butchering the names gives the impression (to me, at least, and I think to others here) of "I can't be bothered to find a way to say it with even a modicum of attempt to do it correctly."

If you aren't offended by it, you've probably never had to deal with racial discrimination. And if you have experienced it and aren't bothered by it, then good for you - I just don't think I should accept that type of ignorance in this day and age any longer.

Totally agree. Their listeners are diverse. Would help to have some other perspectives in there. Wish I could offer my services as I do love the show - but, alas, I am not local....

I guess I have bigger things to worry about “racial discrimination” then the mispronunciation of food, please.
What is so funny? That poster made a legitimate point.

If you are eating another culture's food, and doing a video review of it, it is disrespectful to purposely mispronounce the words and joke about it. Making an effort shows respect for the language and culture.

I think the poster was laughing at the fact someone actually brought race into this discussion for some reason. I will not continue the convo, just clarifying why there may have been some laughter.
This. Drives. Me. CRAZY!

Apparently its a term used in some industry (can't think which right now), but as someone who works in financial analytics, the phrase drives me nuts. Grammatically it doesn't make sense

Price per value makes no sense. I work in “the industry” and it’s not a thing. Price per dish, price per item, even price per unit... but price per value? No.
I guess I have bigger things to worry about “racial discrimination” then the mispronunciation of food, please.
Again, less about the mispronunciation of the foods and more about the impression of feeling that they don't care to try. A nuance that may not be noticeable to those that haven't had a lifetime of dealing with it. And this is not to say that Pete and his crew *don't* actually care. From what I can tell, they are very nice people.
In the United States, most public school systems require 2 years of a foreign language to graduate high school, Spanish and French being the most common. I don't know anyone who didn't take one of those languages at some point.

My wife also tells me where stuff is in the pantry and within 3 minutes I've already forgotten what she said. So, I'm not sure I would draw such a stern conclusion regarding one's ability to pronounce foods based on a class they *should* have taken some years ago. ;)
Also, my suggestion is that they edit it out all of the chewing. Like, someone takes a bite and then chews for a while and then starts talking with their mouth half full because they are in a rush. Instead, they could just edit out the chewing. That would give the person more time to chew and compose themselves before speaking.
Okay, I had to add to this. People used to suggest this and I thought, eh I don't care, it's no big deal, then someone suggested I try "Magic Journey" vlogs who do edit out chewing in food reviews. And holy bananas, it does make a big difference. Yes, I am sure it's time consuming to edit but they regularly get 100k views on their vlogs and the chewing editing is a positive feed back they get regularly. They are one of the few channels that their views vs. their subscribers are almost identical which is rare on youtube.
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At this point they need to realize out of Steve/Fiasco/Sean only one of them should show up on a dining review, since the three pretty much have identical palates.

Steve has seniority of the child palate club.

Fiasco every single time talks about how he is lactose intolerant and then orders a dairy heavy dish. (Yes I know they make pills to counteract it, but it gets annoying after he states it every single food video.)

Sean always states how he has "never had x,y,z" but hates every new thing he tries.
I’m about to “fix” the Dining Show (If it were up to me):
  1. Pete is the moderator
  2. Panelist 1: PICK ONE - Craig or Ryno (this way you have one of the more senior producers present and they’ll speak to the “foodie-millennial” POV)
  3. Panelist 2: PICK ONE - Steve, Fiasco or Sean (believe it or not, their palates do have a place. But just pick one.)
  4. Panelists 3&4: PICK TWO - Corey, John, Kevin, Teresa, Deni or Jackie
And this can be rotated on a weekly basis. Per availability. Ex:
  • Week 1: Pete, Ryno, Fiasco, Deni, Corey
  • Week 2: Pete, Craig, Steve, John, Jackie
  • And so forth...
Not to tell anyone how to do their job, but as a “foodie” I really want to like the Dining Show, but for me it’s just hard to watch when it’s been taken over by the people with the seeming least-refined palates on the DIS on-camera staff. And no offense to Steve, Fiasco or Sean when I say that. They strike me as lovely gentlemen and do a great job discussing happenings around the parks on the Tuesday show. But let’s be real here. The three of them collectively just aren’t the best fit to host dining shows, in my opinion.
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I've been struggling with "Fiasco" as well. It's too forced with him. Also, I've been a little bummed with Patreon lately as it's basically turned into "Fiasco" filler lately with a paragraph emailed out every couple days about whatever lunch he's eating. While I do enjoy the Ryno podcast (we all love Ryno!), the filler is getting a little over the top. Hoping things get better!!

Love to the rest of the staff, everyone is great. And Deni is a great addition to the staff!!

Hey, you can't like everything in life right?

Glad to know I am not alone. The filler, the jumps to being in every show and then every shot of the dining reviews is focused on him, it is making the dining reviews less enjoyable.

I’m about to “fix” the Dining Show (If it were up to me):
  1. Pete is the moderator
  2. Panelist 1: PICK ONE - Craig or Ryno (this way you have one of the more senior producers present and they’ll speak to the “foodie-millennial” POV)
  3. Panelist 2: PICK ONE - Steve, Fiasco or Sean (believe it or not, their child-like palates do have a place. But just pick one.)
  4. Panelists 3&4: PICK TWO - Corey, John, Kevin, Teresa, Deni or Jackie
And this can be rotated on a weekly basis. Per availability. Ex:
  • Week 1: Pete, Ryno, Fiasco, Deni, Corey
  • Week 2: Pete, Craig, Steve, John, Jackie
  • And so forth...
Not to tell anyone how to do their job, but as a “foodie” I really want to like the Dining Show, but for me it’s just hard to watch when it’s been taken over by the people with the seeming least-refined palates on the DIS on-camera staff. And no offense to Steve, Fiasco or Sean when I say that. They strike me as lovely gentlemen and do a great job discussing happenings around the parks on the Tuesday show. But let’s be real here. The three of them collectively just aren’t the best fit to host dining shows, in my opinion.

I really like this suggestions, but I know Pete will probably say he knows what's up cause this is his staff. I also worry about upsetting Pete cause we don't like people on his staff. I do love the podcasts and the rest of the staff so much.
I really like this suggestions, but I know Pete will probably say he knows what's up cause this is his staff. I also worry about upsetting Pete cause we don't like people on his staff. I do love the podcasts and the rest of the staff so much.
Yup. I reiterate that is not my intention to say I “dislike” anyone on the team (and I don’t dislike anyone, by the way) or step on any toes here. Was just presenting an idea I think would make the Dining Show feel more balanced in its views and more broadly enjoyable.

I do fully acknowledge that I’m speaking as someone from the outside looking in and I have every confidence that there’s a rhyme and reason to the current arrangement for reasons that we the viewers aren’t privy to.
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