Something About Nothing............ #14

So nice you were able to exchange your HR sling bag.

Sounds like your vacation was fabulous!

Time to start planning another one......:idea:
Disxuni......Classic Monsters is one of the best houses this year.

Cam........glad your boy is doing better.........anniversary cruise sounds lovely.......hope you enjoy Saturday night, sounds lovely.
I’m not fond of Italian restaurants in general, but Vivo is very good. Tom had the meatballs last night, slightly under seasoned for us......but still good. I’d recommend it for dinner to anyone.

Robo, nice pics.........I wish I liked SW.....but nothing in it interests me at all.......and seems this one isn’t impressing folks overall.......they should have focused on the original movies.

Had a lovely day today......lazy morning, did some shopping for gifts for a few folks here, then into the park, did a few rides, then met Janet and her mister for lunch in Confisco Grill. The afternoon flew past.........we chatted the day away! And food was good too.

It was hot and humid again today......little cooler tonight some food to takeout of Strong Water and watched a movie in our suite.........we were whooped........will be in bed soon.....

Again, not sure of plans tomorrow......

Speaking of
got 5 houses done in front yesterday, bsck in room by 9 am

today did 7 houses, have seen all at least once. Did thewater show (grrreat!) and bopped round Diagon alley at bit.returned to from before 10:30 pm

it’s hot & humid, crowds are lower than what Ive seen in past a week later.

haven’t ridden a single attraction, just head to one of the scare zones as they’ve been releasing guests early this year, both nights between 5 :10 & 5:20.

43603028-719C-40DB-9813-6307FF3EACA9.jpegFun playing in the scarezones which were much improved tonight
Yay........our lunch picture.....I like the second picture have a couple of Tom there too.......I really like that scare zone. Yes, catching up for lunch and chatting was just lovely.......glad you got to do so many houses last night, didn’t seem to be too busy. Yes, the water show is good.

My least favourites are Stranger Things and Depths of Fear......Killer Klowns has gone from second bottom!

Friday idea if we’re going in the parks today, think we might..........

Have a good one.........
Ooh so many awesome pictures from Patty, Robo and now Keisha. Thank you all for posting.

We have the best thread on the Dis! The SANS rocks!

Grr, those coughing around the office, now I have a tickle in throat and runny nose. You can bet, drugs taken since early yesterday. No way do I need any sickness now.

Yay, that Robo got a new bag without issue, and are having fun at all the parks.

Cam, glad to hear DS is feeling better, and a very happy anniversary. Great way to celebrate with a weekend dinner and a coming up cruise.

Schumi,your day sounds perfect. Nice you were able to shop and get some park time in, including a nice lunch with Keisha.

Me, soon to take a hot shower, a good long one. Hoping that steamy air will feel as good as the hot water. Then off to pick up little one. Seems that largest mall has got her attention again, as has stores that are only found there, and not in any of the other area malls. She has an eye on a watch that she has wanted, and when I caught her wearing my watch the other weekend, and demanded she get her own one, so I guess a new watch will be one of our purchases.

So, as I need that shower now, and a holler to see if older one is up, as I think he is leaving for his one morning class, that I am pretty sure has not been cancelled, Happy Friday!

and yep,


oh yes, we get two more lazy mornings. (Well, many more for me, after that very early morning wake up. 😊)

And hope every homie has a fantastic Friday.

👋 Bye.
Lynne don’t breathe, deeply!

up to head to the ahem dark side. Star Wars is calling a bit too loudly to the mr lol

not sure we will have enough steam left for HHN tonight tho at this point

ps the pizza fries are all that nom!
@Robo56 Amazing photos!

I love seeing posts with photos from all of you. It helps with living vicariously through you guys, especially when it's things I haven't gotten to see yet, or won't be able to see.

@Sue M your comments about the weather are scaring me off. :laughing:

However, I think I might go to Disney still tomorrow, but at least get PPF, HM, and Pirates out of my system before leaving the park. I think the weather will not be too hot by the time I'm done conquering those three.

Happy Friday. I got to sleep in this morning which was so nice. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon and then tonight dh and I are going out to celebrate our anniversary. It's not actually until Monday, but tonight was the best night for us to go out. I'm a little concerned. Dh got us reservations at what used to be the best restaurant in town. The problem is that the last 2 times we went there the service was super slow and the food wasn't as good as it used to be. Dh wants to give them one more chance. I wanted to go to a different restaurant. Maybe it will be better tonight. We'll see.

And, since I have to get ready for my Monday plane ride, decided to take off tomorrow, and start my holiday early.
Good plan.

Yay!!! I leave tomorrow!!!!!
Safe travels.

Had to get up early for tests done
I'm not the type to be somewhere at 7 am........
Ugh, neither am I. Hope all goes well with the tests.

Thanks! Galaxy Edge was awesome!!
Glad you enjoyed it. Great pictures. We didn't go into Oga's when we were at DL. Maybe when we go back to WDW.

DS is feeling better today,
Great news,

Our 17th wedding anniversary is on Saturday so we will probably go out for a nice dinner, maybe a movie.
Happy anniversary. Our 24th is Monday.

Decided not to do Smuggler’s Run.....will wait and enjoy that with the family....looks awesome though.
We enjoyed it even though were so terrible at it.

Then my new string bag backpack from Hard Rock broke.
So continued on to Hard Rick store in City Walk to see about exchanging bag. All went well.
Good that you were able to exchange it with no problems.

Some last thoughts, I enjoyed HRH. Room was very comfy, and our view was great of the pool and Rip Rocket. Could even see Hogsmeade Castle in the distance.
Nice food options with 2 restaurants plus Beachclub and a quick service place downstairs.
Pool area is nice and has a great slide. And location, location, location! Steps away from the Studios.
This is good to hear. Dh wants to stay there the next time we have a Universal trip.

Grr, those coughing around the office, now I have a tickle in throat and runny nose. You can bet, drugs taken since early yesterday. No way do I need any sickness now.
Oh no. Sending extra well wishes to you.

Guess I should start doing something productive for today. There's always laundry.
I have my own little countdown now. B will be home in 5 days for fall break. We are all looking forward to our little Williamsburg trip next weekend.
Good Friday afternoon everyone.



Robo, nice pics.........I wish I liked SW.....but nothing in it interests me at all.......and seems this one isn’t impressing folks overall.......they should have focused on the original movies.

My son is a big Star Wars fan......I get lost in all the prequels etc. I liked the first 3 which if I remember correctly are actually now considered 4,5,6. After some research on youtube did a bit of Christmas shopping while I was at Batuu. Was nice to see.

Speaking of

Great picture of the happy couples.

Yay, that Robo got a new bag without issue, and are having fun at all the parks.

That was Sue who was able to get her bag replaced. Universal is very good about replacing their products. I will admit to a little purse shopping while I have been here though :ssst:

Ooh so many awesome pictures from Patty, Robo and now Keisha. Thank you all for posting.

Your welcome Lynne.

Grr, those coughing around the office, now I have a tickle in throat and runny nose. You can bet, drugs taken since early yesterday. No way do I need any sickness now.
Amazing photos!

I love seeing posts with photos from all of you. It helps with living vicariously through you guys, especially when it's things I haven't gotten to see yet, or won't be able to see.

I remember you saying you were enjoying HHN pics. Will post more with my report on houses after the event.

Have great news to share....I’am a great aunt again today. My niece had a beautiful baby boy this morning. He is so pretty and tiny.




Had dinner at Finnegan’s last night. Was sitting by window and zombie came up and was knocking on window, was hilarious 😂.

Lounged by pool today.

Going to take quick nap then try and catch dark Arts show in Hogsmeade this evening.

Have a great evening everyone.
94F here in Orlando.......

Didn’t go to the parks after all.....went to Cocoa Village (beautiful) and then onto Cocoa Beach.......lovely little breeze there.

May do a little HHN tonight after wherever we decide to go for dinner......up to Club Lounge first to enjoy a glass of wine and chill out....

Have a great Friday........

Congrats on the news Robo........ :wave2:
@Robo56 Congratulations on being a great aunt again!


Also, sounds like you had fun. That happened to me at HHN once. Only it wasn't a knock at the window, it was a "vampire" licking the glass door. A little too extra for me. I laughed, because it looked so ridiculous.
:wave2: Doing a quick Friday Afternoon stop in.

Hoping to get some thing done around the house this weekend. It's the perfect weekend to just stay inside and putz in the house.

What I forget to pack, I can always buy in florida

We always say " as long as we have a passport and a credit card...we can get whatever we need once we are there. "

No gift exchange unless your count the warm water (hot water heater) and clean floors (vacuum) purchased last weekend.:rotfl2:Actually, we are going on a Caribbean cruise
with 3 other couples in December so that is our gift to each other. A week of grown-up fun!
hahahaha...I love that. What a great anniversary present!!!! My motto is...don't get me " things " to cook or clean for a present unless I ask for it!!!!! Like I want a present to cook or clean...seriously...that's NOT a gift. Here's a vacum so you can clean the house!!!!! NOPE!!!!! lol :rotfl2: :rotfl:
Had a lovely day today......lazy morning, did some shopping for gifts for a few folks here, then into the park, did a few rides, then met Janet and her mister for lunch in Confisco Grill. The afternoon flew past.........we chatted the day away! And food was good too.
Sounds like it was a wonderful day!!!!!

Friday idea if we’re going in the parks today, think we might..........
I love days like those. The choices are always harder when on holidays

Grr, those coughing around the office, now I have a tickle in throat and runny nose. You can bet, drugs taken since early yesterday. No way do I need any sickness now.

I sure hope you don't get too sick....Lots of vitamin C

However, I think I might go to Disney still tomorrow,

I wish I could just pick up at the last moment and make a quick day trip to see Disney. Have a great time!!!!!

dh and I are going out to celebrate our anniversary. It's not actually until Monday, but tonight was the best night for us to go out.
Happy Anniversary!!!! If the meal turns out to be a bust...just didn't have to plan, prep, cook or clean up from it.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!
@Robo56 Congratulations on being a great aunt again!

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Also, sounds like you had fun. That happened to me at HHN once. Only it wasn't a knock at the window, it was a "vampire" licking the glass door. A little too extra for me. I laughed, because it looked so ridiculous.

Yes, that would look a little ridiculous........but funny!

We always say " as long as we have a passport and a credit card...we can get whatever we need once we are there. "

Have a great day everyone!!!!!!

That’s our motto too....we’ve travelled to enough countries around the world to know we can get what we need when we’re there, we never worry about what we may have forgotten.............but without a passport and credit’re sunk!!! And going nowhere......yes, love the relaxation of choosing every day what we have a great day too.......

This lounge is too relaxing.........I’m so much at home here........and they pour me wine.......definitely home from home........ :wave2:
Happy Anniversary!!!! If the meal turns out to be a bust...just didn't have to plan, prep, cook or clean up from it.
A good way of looking at it.

Robo - I forgot to comment on your Star Wars Pictures earlier. Great photos. When I went we had night reservations. I would love to see it in the daylight too.

Passports.....sadly, I do not have one because I’ve never been out of the country. Maybe someday.........
Little one just wanted to shop, so dinner with older one. Pasta, salads. Easy, and filling. And yes, she got a watch, and loves it. And a few more things. Me, not much, a cute shirt and lounge pants.

Both kids asked if I was packed yet. Um, Sunday afternoon or evening activity. Though did promise the men I would do a large grocery shopping trip. That most likely will be Sunday morning’s activity.

Very nice it is a Friday.

Yep, lots of drugs, liquids and hope this is a very quick bug. Thanks for all the well wishes. Sleep early for me, I bet.

Have a nice Anniversary dinner, Charade, and Happy Anniversary!
Ah, and congratulations to Robo and her niece. Hope mother and son are well, and lots of happiness to the whole family.

Yay, RAPstar is here. Hope safe travels and park fun. Will try to say hello to ya on Monday.
Charade a very Happy anniversary!

Lynne I guess better sick now than on trip. I swear by mucinex.

I’m pretty sure be eating another helping of these before we leave

066DAAFF-382A-4427-8766-13244DFB6BAF.jpegSo much fun at mgm. Wound up staying all day & skipped HHN tonight


Charade, hope it was a great evening celebrating your anniversary!
And hope the food at the place was delicious

Lynne, get over being sick, you have a plane to catch on Monday.

Nice looking drink Keisha!
Are you tired of walking yet? You got all the houses done now and share tips on them to me.
Have fun at on your tour tomorrow.

Rapstar, red is your color
Simpsons rule!

And to all the homies hope all have a great weekend!!


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