If you had to pick a time in the past


14001, 60056, 224
Apr 8, 2011
to live your life, what time would that be ?

I think I would thrive as a caveman
I keep telling my husband I would love to go back to the kids been 3 and 5 . No diapers etc. We would be so into Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Guess I miss being need everyday even just to get them to school or some sport. Or just taking them on vacation and seeing it though their eyes.

Now they are 19 and 22 . Both out of town for school and work.

I could be Joan Cleaver without the heels and pearls...lol
For the personal, to sit at the feet of my maternal family's first "Joyce" who has been honored in 5-7 subsequent generations. She was the first known family member who was enslaved and freed in the West Indies.

For the .......monetary, the 1980's, to buy all that gold people were selling then.
I need modern plumbing and conveniences. It would be wonderful to relive the 80s.

I couldn't even go back as far as the 60s. I've been watching Mad Men and the women were treated so poorly. I'd have to hurt someone if I was treated like that.
I'd like to live in the period also, but not in a rural area.

I prefer the Gilded Age where I'd have a mansion on Fifth Avenue in New York and a 40 room summer cottage in Newport, RI.
I think city folk would be pretty surprised to find how little life has really changed in rural areas over the years. Sure, they now have indoor plumbing and wifi and get deliveries from Amazon but the basic mentality is still very similar to Walnut Grove. :upsidedow Wild horses couldn’t drag me back to rural life.

If this could be my house, I'd love to go back to the 1900s
Unfortunately for the vast majority of the population, uh no. I wouldn't want to go back and be one of them.
Yes. We have many problems these days, but all in all, there are far worse times to be a commoner.
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