"When I went it was all lights, and music, and Mickey doin' his magic." — Aug. '18 Disneyversary TR — Completed (Finally!!) August 20, 2021

As we walked through Adventureland toward the Jungle Cruise ride, we were fighting our way through the crowds...
So did the tour get underway before rope drop? I noticed people in the background on Main Street, but I guess that doesn't mean the park is open with all the preopening stuff they have going on these days.
After going through all these rules, she told us that she trusted us to all follow them because she was responsible for us, and we were all friends now, and "friends don't get friends fired."
I like that! :rotfl2:
Aside from the fact that it wasn't very tasty, there were a couple of obvious problems that I noticed: there was no bacon on my "bacon cheeseburger," and they left the chips.
You just can't seem to catch a break with these allergy meals. That's really disappointing!
But all in all, N and I were both pleased with the Keys to the Kingdom tour and were glad to have checked it off our Disney To-Do list!
I'm glad you were able to cross that one off the bucket list! I'd love to go on this tour some day if I have the time for it!
I'm getting closer to caught up...page 21 and just before August trip.

I've still got a bit of last-minute packing to do, and then in the morning we hit the road bright and early!
Usually early in the morning, isn't bright.

Unfortunately, N has managed to catch a cold right before leaving, so those of you who read the eventual TR will have to wait and see whether I manage to stay healthy sharing a car with him for 2-3 days
Oh no!

as you'll recall from my last update, this time last year, and if N gets me sick again, that'll make two years running on our anniversary trip!
I haven't gotten to that/those post(s) yet, but I'm hoping no...two years in a row would stink even more.
Getting closer to being caught up. Knowing me, I'll probably make it right as you're saying "well, that's a wrap for this TR"

For those of you who may have been wondering, yes, N and I did make it home from our trip!
Well, that's good, because otherwise someone cracked your account and is posting as you.

I attended my first class approximately 7.5 hours after arriving home in Nova Scotia, to be exact.
Excuse me, but you really are a glutten for punishment, aren't you?

while below the waterline my feet are paddling furiously to keep up!
Yeah, I'd be paddling furiously also. Wow!
Kudos to you for even daring to do it.

We had an absolutely wonderful trip, managed to just dodge Hurricane Dorian a couple of times and race it up East Coast, only to have it make landfall in Nova Scotia and batter us here at home instead.
We dodged it here also, thankfully. Sorry you got it up there.

I'm mostly here because it sounded like much more fun than writing a couple of papers.
Well, duh.

We don't post her on traditional social media platforms like FB, etc., but I think I can make an exception to share a few of her adorable 2nd birthday photos with my favourite Dis-friends!
Similar to me with my daughter...I don't do social media (unless the dis counts). There were other reasons I didn't want to post her information until after she turned 18.

She is, indeed, adorable as you said.

I Don't Want To Go Anywhere With Snow, Or Anywhere Where I Don't Know What I'm Eating!
Wait...when did you hear me say that and steal my line?

I don't want to go anywhere with snow, or anywhere where I don't know what I'm eating!
Okay, there you go again, but supposedly someone else, eh? Okay fine, mostly it's just the snow thing for me. I will confess I'm a pretty picky eater and not very adventurous, but I will at least try something before I turn my nose up at it.

Talk about a love of adventure!
I love adventure...just not as much with food.

I mused that perhaps they should just continue to visit WDW to be on the safe side.
Okay, fine...I will.

Oh yeah, you're not talking about me. Forgot.

GF Cafe also serves allergy-friendly pancakes! Sign me up!
But, was it real maple syrup?

Never mind, answered later.

N's breakfast of french toast, topped with strawberries, whipped cream, and sugar cookie crumbles, was decidedly less allergy-friendly. :laughing:
So, how do you know it's not allergy friendly? The lack of a wooden stick in it? :laughing:

We continued our tradition of taking below-average quality selfies in front of the train station:
Your below average is way above my standards. I don't take a lot of selfies, so mine are usually horrible and I either look like I'm looking up or looking at somebody else's feet.

tasted like average decent quick service meals.
As mentioned, I don't have the most refined palate, but average, I can agree with. Decent? Maybe just barely...I consider QS as just sustenance, not qualifying as food much. I guess there are a few exceptions, notably Flame tree and even that is great barbeque, but better than most QS. I just don't expect much from QS.

So you may understand my frustration when we run into situations like this where I feel as if someone is questioning the validity of my illness, or making me feel as if I am not entitled to the supports that are provided especially for individuals like me.
I totally understand and agree. I have a bad back (broken in 3 places years ago). While I look normal on the outside (okay, debatable), if I stand for long periods of time, it hurts. If I'm walking, I'm fine. Sitting (most of the time) fine, but standing, not so much. I actually had to miss fireworks with my family once because I just couldn't stand still any longer and it had been a long day and had to leave.

saying that they made it extra big for my birthday:

I'd say so! Dole whip score!

Okay, we'll just leave you to the gators and the snakes then." :rotfl: Nothing like a parent's love!
Funny. This sounds like something I might say. I know you're kinda joking, but to me, this in no way indicates love or lack thereof, but rather, as the parent, not going to let the child call the shots. When my kids would try to start a tantrum or scene in a store, I would say...either you stop or I'm leaving. Would I ever actually abandon my children, no, but the threat of leaving them there was enough to get them to stop the undesirable behavior. I've re-read that a couple times...not sure I did a great job explaining that, but not sure how else to phrase it, so hope it makes sense.

I like when butter has fancy salt on it. It seems a little inefficient to use unsalted butter just to then go and put salt on it, but it's super fancy-shmancy, as obviously am I, so I'm down with it.
This might have another purpose...if someone is on a low sodium diet, they can bring it out without the salt on it. Probably just a fancy schmancy thing, but it might have a practical reason.

While I had told the server I could eat butter with my lobster, this was yet another instance of a restaurant refusing to give me any kind of dairy product because they must have felt they knew my sensitivities better than I did.
You should have been a bit more insistent...clarified butter (like used for seafood) has all the lactose scraped off. Chances are you have a problem with lactose and not necessarily dairy.

My pin collection is getting pretty ridiculous. I just love pins, always have. My grandmother and I used to pick up pins whenever we travelled somewhere when I was little to remember our trips by, or people would always bring a pin back for me when they went away somewhere. I love that they're detailed and pretty, but don't take up a lot of space in your home. This is my bulletin board with most of my Disney pin collection on it:

Whoa!!! That's a lot o' pins!

Oh wow! I'm actually caught up. I chose not to read your post about Keys to the kingdom tour....I still may do this and tried avoiding spoilers.
Rob and I did the Keys to the Kingdom tour when we were there freezing to death in January 2018! Other than being so cold (and having to eat outdoors at Tomorrowland Terrace!) we really enjoyed it, but I agree there was just something a bit more special/magical about Marceline to the Magic Kingdom. I wonder if we had done KTTK first if our opinions would be different? Either way, SO enjoyed the tidbits you shared here.

Next year, in April, my Mom, aunt and I will be doing the 7 hr Backstage Magic tour. I have been dying to do that one forever!!
once I was up and around I was actually feeling pretty human!
I've mentioned previously on the DIS that we've done the Marceline to the Magic Kingdom tour before,
What I didn't mention over on my TR... when I went to the Indy race in Ohio last summer, I was only a few hours drive from Marceline and almost went there.
But after doing the driving time math, I just couldn't make it work. But now I know where it is and... some day.
There were many parts of our tour that took place "backstage," and photography is strictly prohibited there.
She also explained how the Magic Kingdom is designed to block out reality at every turn.
you're immersed in the...well...adventure-y-land-ness?
Sure! It's a word.
we were fighting our way through the crowds...
(For instance, if you haven't before, see if you notice the faces of Mickey/Donald/Goofy in the canoes on the shore!)
I did not know that!!
they use water-soluble dye that gets mixed into the water through the famous "backside-of-water" waterfall.
Interesting. Didn't know that either.
The skippers also have no control over where the boats go
the drop in Pirates is so the boat can get down into a lower building to pass below the train tunnel.
we would be going to another backstage area after lunch where cast members were sometimes seen getting ready in various stages of dress/undress,
I didn't know nudity was part of this tour. So... how much is it again?
we were all friends now, and "friends don't get friends fired."
My only notes reviewing our lunch say: "worst allergy meal ever."
Well... that's not so great. :(
She talked to us about the Liberty Tree, and how the 13 lanterns in it are supposed to represent the 13 original US colonies.
Lindsey also showed us how forced perspective was used in the construction of Cinderella castle, and how the "bricks" on the exterior get smaller and smaller as they go up.
(e.g. the voice of Madame Leota is also the voice of Lady Tremaine in Cinderella.)
Oh! I think I may have heard that, but forgot? It sorta rings a bell... Now I know for sure, though. :)
The main thing I noticed down there was that there were golf-cart-like vehicles everywhere that the cast members called "Pargos."
I wonder where that name came from?
We also were lucky enough to encounter royalty during our visit! Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were just on their way up to the castle stage as we were passing through.
So... since they were ready to go "onstage", were they already in character? Or not yet? Or you couldn't tell?
Lindsey talked a lot about the Four Keys: Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. They're listed in that order due to level of importance, (i.e. safety always comes first, etc.) Knowing that these are the values and standards that cast members abide by, and hearing some examples of how they come into play over the course of the tour, I find myself noticing these qualities in cast members now all the time.
Interesting. And... I can see from thinking about it how they're used, and in that order.
As we ended the tour, Lindsey talked to us about Roy Disney, and how he ensured that Walt Disney World was completed after Walt died. She told us that he had said that he needed to make Walt's vision a reality so he wouldn't have to explain to Walt why he didn't complete it when he was reunited with him again.
Awwww... :)
You should have been a bit more insistent...clarified butter (like used for seafood) has all the lactose scraped off. Chances are you have a problem with lactose and not necessarily dairy.

Will come back for full replies later to catch the other stuff!! But this was an easy one for a reply to clarify. I don't usually go into detail because most people don't care to know the difference, but since you bring it up: I'm not lactose intolerant, or at least not exclusively lactose intolerant, and my issue is typically with dairy in its entirety. (That said, I have developed a tolerance over the last few years to particular dairy products.) It's a pretty common issue for people with gluten problems, though certainly not everyone who has celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity has problems with dairy. Lactose free milk makes me just as sick as lactose-filled regular milk. Parmesan cheese, which is a hard cheese and has little to no lactose absolutely kills me. At one time I experimented to try to tease out whether it's a problem with casein, since butter doesn't bother me much, but there are dairy items with a fair amount of casein that are also okay, like greek yogurt. Often folks try to get a good handle on what exactly I can and can't eat, but it's complicated, and there aren't really a lot of patterns. As someone who's been doing it for about 6-7 years now, I've gotten very good at predicting what I can eat that will just make me a little bloated, versus what will have me out of commission for hours.
I can't wait until Casey is old enough to do these tours or we find a way to get down there without her. So cool.

Such a neat experience! As a Disney kid, Casey would probably really enjoy this when she's old enough, too.

This made me laugh as no chance I could ever remember anything :P

:rotfl: I mean, I feel you there. The only things I really remember from the tour were the things I wrote down, and I was actually there experiencing it in real life.

Ugh this does not look good. Maybe you were meant to put the tortilla chips on the burger and pretend it was crunchy bacon??

:laughing: I like your creativity! It couldn't have made it worse, I'm sure.

No way I had no idea!

Pretty neat!

Great run down of the tour. Though 5 hours does seem like a lot. I'll remember none of what you shared so I'll be ready in 8 years when we can finally go

Thanks! Yeah, 5 hours is certainly enough. I didn't find it dragging much, but I think any longer would have possibly been too long. Maybe another reason why I slightly preferred the Marceline tour, which is only 3 hours.
So did the tour get underway before rope drop? I noticed people in the background on Main Street, but I guess that doesn't mean the park is open with all the preopening stuff they have going on these days.

If memory serves, I believe we were on the 8am tour, and the park opened at 9am. We spent some time on Main Street first though, so I think that the park hadn't opened when we entered Adventureland, but by the time we got off Jungle Cruise it was open. And yes, you're right that there were still lots of folks on Main Street before official park open that day.

You just can't seem to catch a break with these allergy meals. That's really disappointing!


I mean, in all seriousness, I did have some great meals during our trip. Even some really good quick service meals (at least " really good" in relation to my quick service standards.) But I think the negative ones are the ones I tended to take more notes about, so they probably stand out more. And I did notice a few more mediocre-to-bad allergy experiences on this trip compared to others. But I'd still rather dine with allergies at Disney than almost anywhere else, so overall could be much worse.

I'm glad you were able to cross that one off the bucket list! I'd love to go on this tour some day if I have the time for it!

It was really neat! I hope you can work it into your plans someday! Maybe as a special day for you and your wife, or a solo thing.
While you were feeling bougie (new word for me), did you remember to say I wonder what the poor people are doing?

Shoot, I knew I forgot something!

Usually early in the morning, isn't bright.

Not as bright in the mornings these days, but it was bright reasonably early in August :) I guess it depends on how early we're talking here...

Getting closer to being caught up. Knowing me, I'll probably make it right as you're saying "well, that's a wrap for this TR"

Oh I've definitely been there! I've still got a few days left to write about, so you dodged that this time!

Yeah, I'd be paddling furiously also. Wow!
Kudos to you for even daring to do it.

Thanks, Doc! Sometimes it's tricky and tiring, but mostly worth it...I hope! 😆

We dodged it here also, thankfully. Sorry you got it up there.

We really can't complain, since it lost a lot of steam by the time it got here. But some people here were still out of power for the better part of the week. Lots of trees down, too, sometimes on people's homes or cars, etc. My family was very very fortunate not to have any real damage or major issues. (Just a little inconvenient to be without power and out of school/work for a day.) Could have been much worse!

She is, indeed, adorable as you said.

She's such a ham. We're pretty smitten with her! My mom wants to take her to Disney in a couple of years when she's four, which I think will be a lot of fun.

but I will at least try something before I turn my nose up at it.

That's all any reasonable person can expect! I don't mind if people are picky eaters, as long as they're willing to give something a shot before they make up their mind about it. I can be picky about certain things, myself. Give me anything with raw onions in it, for example, and I'll be making yucky faces.

But, was it real maple syrup?

Never mind, answered later.

Only the best maple syrup for Mickey's Canadian friends!! ...kidding. Not totally certain, but pretty sure I had to request it.

So, how do you know it's not allergy friendly? The lack of a wooden stick in it? :laughing:

Haha! Yes, that. And the fact that the sugar cookies didn't look gross. And the whipped cream was fluffy and didn't smell like coconut.

I guess there are a few exceptions, notably Flame tree and even that is great barbeque, but better than most QS. I just don't expect much from QS.

I know you said you can be picky about food things, so this might not be something that's up your alley, but my favourite quick service has become Satu'li Canteen. I've pleasantly surprised at how much I've enjoyed it whenever we've eaten there.

I totally understand and agree. I have a bad back (broken in 3 places years ago). While I look normal on the outside (okay, debatable), if I stand for long periods of time, it hurts. If I'm walking, I'm fine. Sitting (most of the time) fine, but standing, not so much. I actually had to miss fireworks with my family once because I just couldn't stand still any longer and it had been a long day and had to leave.

I think I remember reading a bit about this in one of your reports. So you can definitely understand the frustration around this! Look normal on the outside? ...Yeah, I think you look reasonably normal!

I'd say so! Dole whip score!

Best birthday present ever.

Funny. This sounds like something I might say. I know you're kinda joking, but to me, this in no way indicates love or lack thereof, but rather, as the parent, not going to let the child call the shots. When my kids would try to start a tantrum or scene in a store, I would say...either you stop or I'm leaving. Would I ever actually abandon my children, no, but the threat of leaving them there was enough to get them to stop the undesirable behavior. I've re-read that a couple times...not sure I did a great job explaining that, but not sure how else to phrase it, so hope it makes sense.

Yes, in my masters this is what we call "behaviour management," but it all boils down to the same thing. Throwing a tantrum, or any other kind of behaviour that you might not want your child to engage in, is something they're doing for one of usually only a few different reasons. Often that reason can be to get attention, or to get something they want, or avoid something they don't want. If you don't give them the attention, or if it doesn't work in getting whatever it was they wanted, then the behaviour will usually stop. At least, eventually. Teaching a child that misbehaving isn't the way to get what they want is something that I think parents do out of love, not a lack thereof. And if you can do it in a funny way, then even better!

But yes, I was definitely joking. I thought it was hilarious. :laughing:

This might have another purpose...if someone is on a low sodium diet, they can bring it out without the salt on it. Probably just a fancy schmancy thing, but it might have a practical reason.

Hadn't considered this before, but the multipurpose theory makes sense! And I'm sure it also gives the chef some control over the amount of salt and any particular flavour in a certain type of salt, etc.
Rob and I did the Keys to the Kingdom tour when we were there freezing to death in January 2018! Other than being so cold (and having to eat outdoors at Tomorrowland Terrace!) we really enjoyed it, but I agree there was just something a bit more special/magical about Marceline to the Magic Kingdom. I wonder if we had done KTTK first if our opinions would be different? Either way, SO enjoyed the tidbits you shared here.

Next year, in April, my Mom, aunt and I will be doing the 7 hr Backstage Magic tour. I have been dying to do that one forever!!

It's a great tour! (Even in that crazy cold!) I can imagine how cold you must have been though. That was the trip where we did the Marceline tour, and we were absolutely frozen after only 3 hours, so 5 would have been much worse! I kind of wondered the same thing about whether the order had anything to do with it. Maybe because it was our first time being backstage at MK and having that kind of VIP experience, it felt more special overall?

I'm really interested to hear what you think of the Backstage Magic tour!! That sounds amazing! And how fun to share it with your mom and aunt!
What I didn't mention over on my TR... when I went to the Indy race in Ohio last summer, I was only a few hours drive from Marceline and almost went there.
But after doing the driving time math, I just couldn't make it work. But now I know where it is and... some day.

How neat! Hopefully someday you'll have a reason to be back in the area and have time to check it out. I find Walt Disney's history very interesting...

Interesting. Didn't know that either.

Yeah, there were some neat tidbits that I didn't know! And some things where I'd heard them before, but still could use a refresher.

I didn't know nudity was part of this tour. So... how much is it again?

Hah! Yeah, nudity is in no way guaranteed. But perhaps characters who are less...composed....than you're used to seeing them. ;)

It sorta rings a bell...

Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!

I wonder where that name came from?

I believe that it's what the original company called them when they first started supplying them. I don't think that's what the current carts are actually called now, but it seems to be one of those names that just stuck.

So... since they were ready to go "onstage", were they already in character? Or not yet? Or you couldn't tell?

I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think so. We only glimpsed them for a minute, and we couldn't hear their conversation since they were a bit of a distance away a flight of stairs above us, but they weren't using especially "princessy" body language yet. A few times during the tour when we were in backstage areas, Lindsey pointed out to us where there were lines drawn on the ground where characters who were going onstage would be able to be seen by guests and should be in character. So perhaps they still had a little further to go before they hit that line?

Interesting. And... I can see from thinking about it how they're used, and in that order.

How neat! Hopefully someday you'll have a reason to be back in the area and have time to check it out. I find Walt Disney's history very interesting...
I really tried to make it work, but... just a little too far.
Next time!
Yeah, there were some neat tidbits that I didn't know! And some things where I'd heard them before, but still could use a refresher.
That's what I got from that whole chapter.
"Yep knew that... Oh right! I forgot... Huh! Didn't know that!"


Whole update was very entertaining and informative.

Hah! Yeah, nudity is in no way guaranteed.
Well, forget it then. Gonna keep my money. :snooty:
But perhaps characters who are less...composed....than you're used to seeing them. ;)
Kidding aside, that would be interesting to see, I think.
Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!
I believe that it's what the original company called them when they first started supplying them. I don't think that's what the current carts are actually called now, but it seems to be one of those names that just stuck.
Ah, okay. :)
I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think so. We only glimpsed them for a minute, and we couldn't hear their conversation since they were a bit of a distance away a flight of stairs above us, but they weren't using especially "princessy" body language yet. A few times during the tour when we were in backstage areas, Lindsey pointed out to us where there were lines drawn on the ground where characters who were going onstage would be able to be seen by guests and should be in character. So perhaps they still had a little further to go before they hit that line?

I really find that fascinating. While I don't do characters normally, I'm always very impressed when I interact with them.
Whole update was very entertaining and informative.

Thanks! Glad it was enjoyable to read! That's also how I'd describe the tour.

Kidding aside, that would be interesting to see, I think.

I think so too! I actually found the tour we did at EPCOT more interesting in this way, I think. They take you to the creative costuming department, so you see can all kinds of costumes hanging around, including some for animatronics (e.g. we saw the dog in Living with the Land when I did it the first time.) And you see the wig department, which I think is fascinating, and princesses in the process of gettin' their faces did!

I really find that fascinating. While I don't do characters normally, I'm always very impressed when I interact with them.

Me too! (The impressed part, not the not doing characters part.) Some seem to sometimes be more themselves than others, but they way the characters maintain character is super impressive to me. Even when grown-ups sometimes aren't the most magical, or when unexpected things happen.
I think so too! I actually found the tour we did at EPCOT more interesting in this way, I think. They take you to the creative costuming department, so you see can all kinds of costumes hanging around, including some for animatronics (e.g. we saw the dog in Living with the Land when I did it the first time.) And you see the wig department, which I think is fascinating, and princesses in the process of gettin' their faces did!
That's cool!
Me too! (The impressed part, not the not doing characters part.) Some seem to sometimes be more themselves than others, but they way the characters maintain character is super impressive to me. Even when grown-ups sometimes aren't the most magical, or when unexpected things happen.
Very much! I don't know if I'd have that much control when people are... how did you put it? Not the most magical.
We did the Marceline to Magic Kingdom tour and really enjoyed it. Going backstage at Haunted Mansion was so cool. I thought the Keys to the Kingdom tour sounded fun too but was concerned about the 5 hours. It sounds like it went by really quickly though. It may be something to consider someday. Im glad you enjoyed it.
Not as bright in the mornings these days, but it was bright reasonably early in August :) I guess it depends on how early we're talking here...
Well, for me, I am usually up before sunrise, so not bright. Even on the weekends when I don't have to get up, it's hard for me to sleep late.

Oh I've definitely been there! I've still got a few days left to write about, so you dodged that this time!
Whew. Dodged what? You're not shooting at me are you?

We really can't complain, since it lost a lot of steam by the time it got here. But some people here were still out of power for the better part of the week. Lots of trees down, too, sometimes on people's homes or cars, etc. My family was very very fortunate not to have any real damage or major issues. (Just a little inconvenient to be without power and out of school/work for a day.) Could have been much worse!
In my mind, the only ones who have a right to complain are the poor people in the Bahamas....it was horrible for them. Still, being without power for a week is far from fun. Sorry. Also, it's so rare y'all get hurricanes, it would be, I think, a bit more hair raising.

That's all any reasonable person can expect! I don't mind if people are picky eaters, as long as they're willing to give something a shot before they make up their mind about it. I can be picky about certain things, myself. Give me anything with raw onions in it, for example, and I'll be making yucky faces.
I'm that way with mushrooms...don't want fungus in my food. I'm much better than I once was, I can usually pick them out and/or eat around them, but yucky faces abound.

Only the best maple syrup for Mickey's Canadian friends!! ...kidding. Not totally certain, but pretty sure I had to request it.
Hey wait! I'm not Canadian, but I want the real stuff too! Yeah, it's more pricey than that stuff they call syrup --- yep, corn syrup.

And the whipped cream was fluffy and didn't smell like coconut.
Hadn't thought about this, but it makes sense. For keto, use coconut oil, milk, flour for several things, so for dairy allergy, seems like a logical go to.

I know you said you can be picky about food things, so this might not be something that's up your alley, but my favourite quick service has become Satu'li Canteen. I've pleasantly surprised at how much I've enjoyed it whenever we've eaten there.
Still haven't been there. DW and I both have allergy to green peppers. She has allergy to all, while for me, it's just green. So many foods add peppers to stuff and I think I'd have to be careful there...some of their sauces might be dangerous for us. I do want to try it though...I know there's at least one that should be safe.

I think I remember reading a bit about this in one of your reports. So you can definitely understand the frustration around this!
As I do with yours...appearances can be deceiving. Honestly, maybe because I'm older, I haven't had issues with cast members for a DAS return, but where I've had the problem is with FOP. Some of the CMs there seem to think they have to push the backrest into one with gusto. Last time I was on it, I should've gotten the CM's name. After explaining I had a bad back and asking her not to SLAM it into my back, she said she HAD to. Umm, no, you don't HAVE to...I've had other CMs not do that, so you don't HAVE to.

But yes, I was definitely joking. I thought it was hilarious. :laughing:
Whew!! I'm glad. Otherwise you would think I'm a horrible parent...my kids learned early tantrums or begging for things in line were not going to work with dad. I spoiled them in a sense with things I bought them, but start begging in the checkout line was known not to work.
before I begin, I wanted to share a couple of pictures of my precious little niece!

She's adorable :love:

We were planning to spend this day at Sea World, which would be a first for N.

How fun! I've never been either. One of these days, I'll have to give up a couple days in WDW and see what else Orlando has to offer ::yes::

"I don't want to go anywhere with snow, or anywhere where I don't know what I'm eating!" :laughing:

She's not wrong.

In fact, if you hadn't said they were in their 30s, I would have thought you were describing Mike and I! :rotfl:

N's breakfast of french toast, topped with strawberries, whipped cream, and sugar cookie crumbles, was decidedly less allergy-friendly. :laughing:


That looks super yummy 😋

we had considered going there the year before on our wedding trip and then swapped it out for something else. This time we had to make it happen!! I discussed it with N, and he managed to convince me to stay in instead and try to rest up and feel better. He did, however, decide that we are cursed on the Sea World front, and that we would never end up actually making it there. (Will that continue to be the case for our 2019 trip?? Stay tuned!!)

Oh, bummer you don't make it, but that was probably for the best.

But my little take-away from this rant, if there even is one, is that I think it's super important for employees to be well-educated on supports available and what's cool/not cool to say to someone who uses those supports, and also that if someone has an invisible illness or disability, they may "look fine" or appear healthy on the outside,

So ignorant to say that to someone :sad2:

Two months after I had my son, I was shopping with him in his seat in the stroller and the cashier commented, "Oh, your baby is so cute…but are you already having another one?"

Ummmmm…no. I'm still just fat from him! Even if I was having another one, I wouldn't have been showing by then :sad2:

I'm sure there's a nice way to educate people when they say rude crap to you, but I was taken off-guard and kind of embarrassed about the fact that she thought I still looked pregnant.

In any case, you shouldn't have to defend yourself to anyone, let alone a Cast Member. She is definitely in need of some sensitivity training.

I can't remember whether N got his own dessert or shared mine, but I don't have any other photos. We paid our bill and headed back to our building to turn in for the night. All in all, our meal at Narcoossee's was reasonably enjoyable (specifically, N's far more than mine,) but other than the confetti on the table there just really wasn't anything special about it. For the price, I don't think we're inclined to go back any time soon. We'd much rather spend the same amount to eat at Citricos, which has been consistently excellent for us both. (Hopefully that still holds true after the changes that are coming there!) I won't say we wouldn't ever try Narcoossee's again someday, but there are many other places I'd rather go first.

That's disappointing, and honestly, your food did NOT look appetizing. The view is pretty though :goodvibes

My pin collection is getting pretty ridiculous. I just love pins, always have. My grandmother and I used to pick up pins whenever we travelled somewhere when I was little to remember our trips by, or people would always bring a pin back for me when they went away somewhere. I love that they're detailed and pretty, but don't take up a lot of space in your home. This is my bulletin board with most of my Disney pin collection on it:


I love that! I have so many pins but they are tucked away in bags and boxes. I should put them on display like that!

I've mentioned previously on the DIS that we've done the Marceline to the Magic Kingdom tour before, and that N and I both enjoyed it. This time we were going to take the Keys to the Kingdom tour instead! 5 glorious hours of WDW history and fun facts at the Magic Kingdom, with a lunch included at Peco's Bill, and some backstage area access unique to this particular tour.
We've done both too! Can't wait to see what you think!

We hopped the monorail and headed over to the MK, taking in the beautiful morning.





Early mornings in WDW are perfection.

As we ended the tour, Lindsey talked to us about Roy Disney, and how he ensured that Walt Disney World was completed after Walt died. She told us that he had said that he needed to make Walt's vision a reality so he wouldn't have to explain to Walt why he didn't complete it when he was reunited with him again. The group collectively got a bit misty at this point.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I loved that part and seeing all the photos down there :love:

I did find myself thinking, though, that I actually enjoyed the "Marceline" tour a bit more. It was a shorter tour, and less expensive, but I felt the information on it was more interesting to me, and I liked going backstage in the Haunted Mansion ride, and learning more about Walt's personal history.

I did KTTK first and I loved them both. I did like the behind the scenes in the HM that you get to do in MTTMK, but I loved the details and the utilidoors of the KTTK tour. I would do both again :thumbsup2


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