I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Oof. Amex kicks me when I’m already down. I could totally use that offer, what with the current Safeway deal on MCGCs; but Amex knows I already spend heavily on my Gold at supermarkets. Neither offer is on my Gold card.

I didn’t call in for a retention offer on my Gold card this year (accepted one last year), but I’m totally going to play like I want to cancel the Gold (never gonna happen) when the AF goes up (paid the grandfathered $195 this year) to force Amex to give me a useful spending (or better yet, no spend) offer.

Speaking of calling in, who do I call to see if I can get an offer on my Platinum card? I'll try with the Gold when that one comes up, but yeah I'm not going to part with that one.
Thank you for your suggestions re: SW Plus upgrade.

Sadly we don’t plan to fly SW in the near future so the upgraded boarding etc. won’t be taken advantage of. If I planned to keep the card I would definitely take the offer, but I want to be sure I can cancel it next year at this time so I can reapply and go for a CP 2021/2022.

So the question is if I upgrade today can I cancel next October? Or does it reset when my new AF hits? And will we be eligible for SUB next year?
If you're going to do a lot, I'd recommend a heatpress over the Cricut Easypress. I've never used the Easypress since I have a heatpress, but the HP is so much faster/easier. I have a fellow softball mom coming over to use my heatpress instead of her Easypress.
Yeah, if I upped my shirt volume/had more room I'd get a real easypress. But just doing them for me/DH currently the Easypress is ok. I was just talking to a friend about it the other night. She and her mom went in on a cricut and have been ironing, which was ok because they were doing mostly baby clothing but now are moving on to toddler shirts and were like wow, an iron is kind of a pain! lol
All of your shirts and projects are awesome! I've really wanted a Cricut for years and years but can't justify the price. I could probably figure out how to justify it, though :laughing:
I probably woulnd' thave justified it for myself until about now because I'm cheap lol. Good thing it was a Christmas gift from DH! Actually this year will mark 5 years since he gave it to me! Now I ask for craft things for Christmas a lot... MIL got me a nice paper cutter the Christmas before our wedding because I'd wanted one and she knew I'd be wanting/needing it for wedding stuff too.
It hurts my shoulder and arms because I’m constantly pulling back on the little string thing

Our last trip we were able to ride it like 4-5 times in a row one night. We finally had to stop because we were getting sore. lol TSMM and Men in Black are favorites of ours. We are all super competitive, but I lose every time. I have super bad vision, so I blame it on that. lol But really, I just have terrible eye/hand coordination. I suck at video games too.
I guess I don't really do many TS meals at MK. I tried the new BOG dinner menu this past December. I really don't remember it, so not bad but it didn't stand out.
I probably do 1 or 2 at most in MK per trip. I try to supplement with the neighboring resorts if I can by doing a TS breakfast before entering MK or a TS lunch after leaving MK. I am doing Artist Point before MNSSHP while staying at CR and have 0 TS in MK this October. LOL
I have an Air, not even an Air 2. It works just fine, but I do only do vinyl and paper. The Maker can cut a lot more like basswood and cloth, it has a rotary blade so can do a little more. I'm just not that crafty, I prefer the term "crafty wannabe". If I ever upgrade (due to something happening to my machine) I'd go for the Maker just because it's newer and the difference between my Air and the Air2 is only the speed at which it cuts.

If you're going to do a lot, I'd recommend a heatpress over the Cricut Easypress. I've never used the Easypress since I have a heatpress, but the HP is so much faster/easier. I have a fellow softball mom coming over to use my heatpress instead of her Easypress.
Thanks for the information! I think it sounds like a good deal on a Maker combo would be ideal if I could find one this holiday season.

I will look into an actual heat press. I don't plan on a lot of volume right now, but if it is actually something I want to pursue in the future, it would definitely be beneficial. Maybe my eyes are a little too big right now 🤣

Yeah, if I upped my shirt volume/had more room I'd get a real easypress. But just doing them for me/DH currently the Easypress is ok. I was just talking to a friend about it the other night. She and her mom went in on a cricut and have been ironing, which was ok because they were doing mostly baby clothing but now are moving on to toddler shirts and were like wow, an iron is kind of a pain! lol

I probably woulnd' thave justified it for myself until about now because I'm cheap lol. Good thing it was a Christmas gift from DH! Actually this year will mark 5 years since he gave it to me! Now I ask for craft things for Christmas a lot... MIL got me a nice paper cutter the Christmas before our wedding because I'd wanted one and she knew I'd be wanting/needing it for wedding stuff too.
HAHA I used an iron to make 30 adult shirts once back in college with regular transfer sheets. That was a special night :oops:
We always eat at Skipper Canteen in MK - we like having a sit-down lunch when the parks are crazy, and we like the food. In fact, we like it so much, we've never really eaten anywhere else at MK! Other than BOG, which was fine, but kind of cafeteria-like.
I need to work this place into my next ADR plan! I could always replace LTT lunch this spring. It is just around the corner in MK. :scratchin
So with the discussion of TSM love... which track does everyone prefer in WDW? I am partial to the original ONLY because the load time is so much faster HAHA. I haven't really noticed the newer cars being in much better shape for scoring more points on the third track. I did have a car off alignment once and that was a sad day... 🙁 BUT they let me re-ride so it was all ok!

Does everyone know about the special bonuses in each round? You can do different things to unlock higher points earning potential!
What has churning done to my credit scores?!

Here's a first world problem from the hypocrite who told @wendow it's nobody's business how you spend your own money... 😉

How do you not feel pretentious travelling well/often?

My family does not do as well financially as DH and I to begin with (life choices in most cases), so even an annual Disney trip seems excessive to them. I am looking at 9 days Hawaii, 2+ weeks WA State/Alaska and a week at Disney next year. Those are 3 bucket list trips for most people. I'm maximizing discounts and points to make it happen, but I'm still embarrassed to tell friends (let alone family!) we are looking at WA/AK next summer. It feels pretentious to talk about it, and I never want to be "that person".
Hmm.. so you know your audience, right? I have a close friend who is suffering financially and whenever I talk about trips, I see that she feels bad. So, I don't talk about it around her anymore. Other people make comments like "I wish I could afford your trips", yet they could if they made better financial choices. It's not my fault that you have a $2,000 Louis Vuitton purse but can't afford to fly to Florida...

Bottom line is, we all have choices in life. I shouldn't feel guilty because I made the choice to make travel a priority and I won't be ashamed of my choice. If you don't like it, tough. I don't mean to sound flippant but we only have ONE life. When your time is up, it's up. It's up to us to make it COUNT. I won't take ownership of someone else's hurt feelings because I am CHOOSING to prioritize travel.
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