Aw, my Frose went back to being Rose - 2019 Food and Wine Adventure! RL Update 4/22!

Nice job getting the fastpass for Pirates.

Thanks! I was shocked how many extra FP+ I was able to get this trip. Later in the trip I even snagged a morning FoP on the same day!

DAH looks like fun! I'm surprised at the amount of times you rode Splash. I got stuck on that the last time I rode it so once is enough for me! But Thunder Mountain and Space multiple times are fun to do! It's awesome you got to choose which side.

DAH is amazing, I would do it every night of the trip if they offered it! HA! Yeah, we love splash (obviously) so can ride it over and over many times! Although yeah, getting stuck on it would be annoying. Sorry that happened to you!

The photos make it look so empty!

It really is pretty empty, almost all the rides are total walk-ons (besides 7DMT and PPF), and I love when the CMs let us just stay in the ride vehicle at the end so we don't have to re-walk the queue. This is such a great event, I definitely recommend it!
Glad you enjoyed your night at After Hours! Lots of rides on Splash! But that is sooo annoying about the large group cutting the line!!

It was so awesome! I just wish we didn't have such a hectic day so we would have been more awake, ha!

Yeah, the large group cutting the line was kind of ridiculous. I just don't see how people think that's something that is ok to do!
That is very rude! And a really large group of people to be traveling together.

So rude! It looked like it was a school field trip or something, so yeah, pretty large group!

It still looks so much better than MNSSHP! I really need to try an after hours' event next time we go if they still have them. You got a lot done!

YES! SO much better than MNSSHP! I would love if they got rid of some of the Halloween parties during the fall and replaced them with the after hours. It's so much nicer touring the park with such low crowds. The Halloween party this year was definitely better and seemed less crowded than last year, but still it was packed and we didn't feel like we got nearly enough done compared to years prior to 2018.
Your dinner at Jiko looked delicious. I've only eaten at Boma and Sanaa at AK, so I need to give that a try.

25 people cutting the line! That is ridiculous! I seem to run into that at HM and Soarin' most often. That wide line just invites that kind of behavior.

Staying on a ride for two in a row? That's my idea of heaven. After the last oversold party I attended, I think the AH events are a much better value.
I attended DAH MK In May and loved it . It was my first time so didn’t have anything to compare it to though . I also did DAH HS the same trip . At HS , I focused on riding my favorites multiple times but at MK tried to ride as many different rides as I could.
Your dinner at Jiko looked delicious. I've only eaten at Boma and Sanaa at AK, so I need to give that a try.

It is so good, I highly recommend it!

25 people cutting the line! That is ridiculous! I seem to run into that at HM and Soarin' most often. That wide line just invites that kind of behavior.

I know, right? I was so annoyed! I've seen a lot of line cutting on Soarin' as well. Although this year I was pretty impressed with people, we were walking up the line painfully slow because of my moms foot, and not one person behind us tried to sneak by. I totally thought with how slow we were moving that people would! (Honestly I wouldn't really blame them....they would be off the ride before we even got there!)

Staying on a ride for two in a row? That's my idea of heaven. After the last oversold party I attended, I think the AH events are a much better value.

YES! I get so giddy when I ask and the CM lets us stay on! I absolutely love DAH at MK, I think it is such a better use of time and money than MNSSHP. While I love the parade at MNSSHP and the trick-or-treating, I love low crowds even more!
I attended DAH MK In May and loved it . It was my first time so didn’t have anything to compare it to though . I also did DAH HS the same trip . At HS , I focused on riding my favorites multiple times but at MK tried to ride as many different rides as I could.

Isn't it awesome? I only wish it were a bit longer, 3 hours goes by so fast! I've never done DAH at HS, maybe next year...hopefully they offer it!
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Day 3, Part 1: EEMH at MK – Will We Make It?

Well, no suspense here. The answer is no, no we did not make it in time for EEMH. We wanted to take advantage of it, but were really tired from the previous day, so decided to sleep in a bit this morning.

We ended up waking up around 7:00, and were out the door a bit after 8:00. We had a bit of a wait for the bus, about 15 minutes, so we didn’t make it to MK until around 8:35.

There was no line at security this morning, so we made it into the park really fast! Not very surprising, we stopped for pictures on the way in.

While we were waiting in line for this picture, the citizens of main street were doing the performance at the train station, so it was cool to watch while we waited for our turn!

Wow….we stopped for a lot of pictures!

We then made our way to our first FP+ of the day, Buzz! We ended up riding Buzz a lot this trip…

Once we got off Buzz I checked MDE and saw that Space only had a 10 minute wait, so we headed over there. It was amazing how low the wait times were at that point considering the park had been open for hours already!

Once we got done at Space I checked MDE again and saw that Buzz still had no wait, so we headed over there again.

I don’t think we’ve ever rode Buzz so many times in one trip!

After Buzz we still had some time before our next FP+, so headed back to Main St to do some shopping. While in the Emporium, I asked a CM there if I could purchase the Halloween party merchandise at that point, and she said I could if I showed her my ticket! Sweet! I pulled up our tickets on MDE to show her and she ran back to grab the list of merchandise that was available. I ended up picking up a pin and an ornament. This was awesome, usually the crowds in the stores are ridiculous during the party, so to get the merchandise this morning was awesome!

While in the Emporium, we also picked up some socks for my mom, and I think I got something else as well, I just can’t remember what it was! Ha!

After shopping we were well into our next FP+ time, so we made our way over to Thunder!

On the way over we stopped in the hub a bit to take some pictures of all the cute statues, and while posing by the Dumbo one for a picture, I noticed a couple getting the super zoom picture right next to us! I totally forgot about that picture and had no idea where it was, so after my mom took her picture, we headed over to the CM for the super zoom one and got that!

So glad I saw that, I really wanted this one!

We then continued on our way to Thunder. On the way we encountered the BEST photopass photographer ever. He was in Frontierland over by the bridge and one of the cart shops. We saw him, and decided to stop for pictures. So we approached him and asked if he could take our picture. Instead of answering, he gives us a once over, then finally responds with “It depends. Let’s play a game, if you win, you get pictures, if you don’t, you get nothing.” Um, ok….

So he proceeds to pull out a stack of I think they were photopass cards? We haven’t used one of those for years now with the magic bands, but I think that’s what they were. Anyways, he pulls out a stack of these cards, and a marker. He tells me to draw Mickey on the back of one of the cards, which I do. He then shuffles the cards while putting on quite the show! Eventually he tells my mom to draw an “M” on the front of a card, so she does. After she does, he tells her to take that card and flip it over…so she does, and it’s the card I had drawn the Mickey on! It was so much fun, we couldn’t stop laughing throughout the entire interaction! Once he finished his magic trick, he took some pictures!

Once we wrapped up there, we only had about 5 minutes left in our FP+ window for Thunder so made it over that way.

It was a fun ride on Thunder as always. And I will once again comment, I wish they had a picture on this ride!

Once we were got done with Thunder we were already into our window for the next FP+, Splash, so we headed that way. When we got there they assigned us the last row, but I asked if we could wait for the first row and the CM happily obliged. Yay!

Love that ride!

After Splash there wasn’t anything else we felt like riding, so we made our way out of the park, of course taking pictures on the way out!

Next up: A Trip to the Grand Floridian….and then some!
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I love that cast member interaction! Also great picture on splash! Looks like it was a productive morning!.
Sounds like a fun morning! Love all the PP pics and the interaction with the photographer sounds so unique and enjoyable!!
I love that cast member interaction! Also great picture on splash! Looks like it was a productive morning!.

It was such a fun interaction! He really went above and beyond. It was a great morning and super productive even though we missed the first 1.5 hours the park was open!
Sounds like a fun morning! Love all the PP pics and the interaction with the photographer sounds so unique and enjoyable!!

It was such a fun morning, loved how uncrowded it was! That photographer was awesome, it was so unexpected but so much fun!
Sometimes you just need to sleep in. Even in Disney. It still sounds like you got a lot done.

What a great photographer! I love when you can tell someone enjoys their job!

This may sound silly, but do you have any idea why MK was so uncrowded? I'm trying to plan a trip with my daughter and granddaughter for 2020 and there no longer seems to be any time of year that is light on crowds.
Sometimes you just need to sleep in. Even in Disney. It still sounds like you got a lot done.

Seriously! Disney can be exhausting. I was surprised how much we got done even though we got there so long after opening!

What a great photographer! I love when you can tell someone enjoys their job!

He was so awesome! I'm so glad we ran into him.

This may sound silly, but do you have any idea why MK was so uncrowded? I'm trying to plan a trip with my daughter and granddaughter for 2020 and there no longer seems to be any time of year that is light on crowds.

Well it was a MNSSHP day, so I've seen that crowds in MK are usually lower on those days since the park closes early to day guests. I'm also guessing the EEMH in 3 of the 4 parks probably helped spread out the crowds. We've found Septembers to be pretty decent crowd-wise, not super low crowds, but not horribly packed (except for at MNSSHP!). The worst crowds we've ever seen was in early May, which was supposedly the "low crowd" time of year, so yeah, not sure there really is a low crowd period anymore! :confused3
We ended up waking up around 7:00, and were out the door a bit after 8:00. We had a bit of a wait for the bus, about 15 minutes, so we didn’t make it to MK until around 8:35.
That is still not too bad!

comment, I wish they had a picture on this ride!
Maybe they will when they do this new refurb! I am always surprised it doesn't. And a photo opt somewhere in the area ala Haunted Mansion as well.
That is still not too bad!

Haha, true, during normal years we would have been there for park opening! The daily EEMH this year were so tempting, but so was sleep!

Maybe they will when they do this new refurb! I am always surprised it doesn't. And a photo opt somewhere in the area ala Haunted Mansion as well.

I really hope so! It is so weird they added pictures to HM and Pirates yet BTMM still doesn't have one!
Day 3, Part 2: A Trip to the Grand Floridian…and then some!

After wrapping up with our pictures in MK, we made our way over to the boat dock to head over to the GF.

The docks have completely changed since last year, so we followed the signs for the GF, only to get to a split in the path to find a sign for Wilderness Lodge, and one for I think the Poly, but no more signs for the GF. We stood there apparently looking rather confused for a moment, until I heard someone yell “where are you trying to go?”

I look over and see it’s a boat captain! So I yell over that we’re trying to go to the GF, and lucky day, he said “that’s where I’m going! Come on over!” So we made our way through the queue and over to the boat. We went by a handful of people waiting for a different boat and one of the guys shouts as we walk by “you guys are so lucky!”

Haha, today sir, we were. Sadly it is not normal.

We hopped on the boat and in a moment were off to the GF! The boat ride over is so nice, and goes pretty fast, so we were pulling into the GF in no time.

After getting off the boat we slowly made our way over towards the main building, taking some pictures along the way.

Once inside we headed upstairs to what I’m pretty sure is my mom’s favorite store, Basin. Stopping here each trip is becoming a tradition.

This trip my mom picked up some soaps, and I got a bath soak.

After we paid for our goodies we made our way over to the monorail. We got outside just as one was arriving, so I thought we were in luck.

I was wrong.

Security took FOREVER…and it was only my mom and I there! Since we had our purchases from Basin, they went through each bag meticulously, and by the time they finally let us through, the monorail was leaving. Ugh.

At least we were first in line for the next one?

The next one took a really long time to show up, like 20 minutes. It got to the point we were considering heading back to the boat to get to the MK to catch the express monorail to the TTC.

We decided to stick it out though, and finally a monorail came. We hopped on, and soon were on our way back to the MK!

We didn’t get off there though, we were on our way back to Epcot.

So we stayed on through the loop. We ended up stopping at the Contemporary for what felt like forever, but eventually we were on our way to TTC.

When we arrived we quickly headed over to the Epcot monorail to once again get there just as it was pulling away. Seems our luck with transportation ended after the boat ride.

Fortunately, the wait for the next monorail was a lot faster this time…which seems odd…I would figure the Epcot line would have a longer wait between monorails, but nope, it was only about a 7 minute wait.

We hopped on and were on our way to Epcot! I don’t know why, but for some reason I thought they fixed the exit from the monorail at Epcot so it would be inside the security bubble so we wouldn’t have to go through again, but I was wrong. I have no idea why I thought it had changed.

Anyways, security was pretty quick and easy this time, so not a big deal.

We made our way into the park and over to our first food booth of the day, Flavors from Fire.

Here I picked up the Charred Chimichurri Skirt Steak and the Zinfandel. While I got the food my mom went and found a bench to sit at, but as I was walking over to where she was sitting, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a “hidden” area behind the food booth with picnic tables and umbrellas, and there was only one family back there. So I grabbed my mom and we headed back there to eat.

(Go Big Ten!)

It was so nice to sit and eat in the shade. I wish they would add more areas like this during food and wine!

And as for the food? I loved the steak, I liked it a lot better than the corned beef there which I had last year. The zinfandel was also really nice, not too heavy for such a hot day.

After wrapping up with the food there, we made our way over to Active Eats where my mom wanted to try the salmon. So she found us a table while I ran up to get that for her as well as the hard water for myself. I dropped those off at the table, then ran over to Coastal Eats to get the crab cakes for myself. Well, that was a mistake.

The line there was massive, and it took over 25 minutes to get my food. I have never seen anything like this on a weekday at food and wine!

By the time I got back my mom had not only finished her food, but had shared the table with several others who had since moved on.

Oh well. I enjoyed the crab cakes! The hard water was...well...weird. Definitely not my favorite.

While eating I perused MDE for FP+, and snagged one in about 5 minutes for LWTL. So we headed over there once I finished the crab cakes, only to find that it had just gone down. Oh well, at least we get an anytime FP+! Well, that was more exciting until I remembered we’re in Epcot and getting an anytime tier 2 isn’t exactly like winning the lottery. Oh well!

We decided at that point to head over to the store to pick up our cups from the hide and squeak. We both ended up picking the Remy ones this year!

At that point I realized we were pretty close to Mexico, and the margarita bar, so decided I needed a margarita stat!

This was a fantastic idea, it was so stinking hot out, getting a frozen margarita was an excellent choice! I got the fiesta, which is the mix of the three available. This was delicious!

It was getting close to 2:00 at this point, and we had somewhere to be at 2:30, so we slowly started making our way that direction. Of course on the way we found a photopass photographer to take pictures showing off my delicious drink!

Next up: Food and Spirits Pairing with Robert Irvine!
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So was it about an hour from stopping at Basin to getting into Epcot? That is crazy!

I hear those crab cakes are delicious and you can never go wrong with a margarita!
Sounds like a fun day so far! I really love the boat from MK to the Grand! I only took it for the first time this year but it is so convenient!! Sucks about the rest of your transportation luck lol that seems about par for the course in Disney though 😂😂
So was it about an hour from stopping at Basin to getting into Epcot? That is crazy!

About that yeah, we left the GF around noon, and the timestamp on our first picture in Epcot is 1:07. At least we weren't in a rush!

I hear those crab cakes are delicious and you can never go wrong with a margarita!

They were really good, and I 100% recommend the fiesta margarita! I couldn't believe how good it was!


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