Canadian Buffoon's Exhausted Vacation - Update 09/01 - New TR link!

You. Are. Nuts.
Wait... You've met me.
You're only figuring this out now????

Well at least it wasn't plastic cutlery, then you would have been in for a treat.
And Forky would be in deep, deep trouble.
It is perfectly valid for them to confiscate those things. Now if people weren't blatantly stupid, they would be OK, but they don't know better than to try and take selfies on roller coasters and other such contraptions. Cell phones go flying, the sticks hit other passengers in the cars or worse yet it gets lodged in the tracks causing a car to malfunction. There's a whole lot of stupidity out there and they need to keep a lid on it.
Very good point.
And as I was just saying
to Meghan, I hate when
a bunch are using them for
fireworks videos (that no one
will ever, ever look at) and leaves
you looking through a forest of

selfie sticks. Grrr...
Did you see the video about the guy who jumped out of BTMRR because he dropped his cell phone?
But I have now. Thanks Google!
And... what an idiot!

How did he even manage to do that???
I was caught in a similar situation on NYE in Lake Tahoe a long time ago and another lifetime away, my feet were swept up off the pavement. I purposely avoid crowds like that now.
Whoa! You must've been scared!
Nice shot! I've never seen a park at sunrise! :laughing:
And yet you're up early enough!
Whoa! Now that's some expert photoshopping! Did you actually ride it three times and get three shots of yourself in different seats or did you drop in three different random pkondz photos? Inquiring minds want to know!
I rode the ride one time.
But I had known for months that
I wanted to get that shot.
I got back in line (by now
it was a walk on)
and just took my time in the queue
(letting people pass me).
When I got to that room,
I told the CM I wasn't going
to ride and set up my tripod.
I would wait until no one was
using the table, (Took a while,
several minutes.) and then
as quickly as I could, with the
camera on self-timer, took
4-5 photos. First one didn't
turn out as I was too slow,

one I didn't care for, I think.
Try pilot. If you're crazy enough to get up at 4AM when you haven't slept in however many days, you'd probably be crazy enough to actually enjoy the pilot seat!
I think I'll be less stressed
than you were.
If I mess up, I'll just laugh.
Were people actually drinking alcohol in there at that hour? It's barely legal to serve alcohol at that hour in California!
I think so?
I didn't ask anyone if their
drink was alcoholic or not!
You know that was one of the neat comparisons I was making when I was there. The plants that they have in Batuu West and Batuu East are similar looking, but if you know anything about plants, you'll realize that in Batuu East they specifically chose exoticish looking plants that can take a lot of water, while on Batuu West they have chosen very deserty (not desserty) plants. It was kind of cool to compare the two.
Really! That's so cool!
And makes total sense.
I'm not plant savvy enough
to know the difference.
I'm more... "I know that plant type...

It's a pretty one."
I wonder what the breakfast rontos are like?
No idea!
Well what that sentence tells me is that if I want to do better at these contests I need to pick the MOST INSANE answers and go with that.
You could pick a worse strategy!
See there I am rockin' the bottom tier!
That's really early! But I would do it too if it meant getting in early.

and... :faint:
Once again your bus pass is rocking it.
But of course it is!
Cute! Glad it wasn't taken.
I wasn't worried.
I read the rules very carefully.
I've taken into the parks before.
I'm also prepared in case I get
an over-zealous security guard.
I've had one once, but he asked

his supervisor who okayed it.
Nicely themed crowd control.
Actually... it was!
Kinda scary.
Yeah... it wasn't pleasant.
I love this photo!
Thanks!!! :goodvibes
I think you're the only one
who mentioned it.
I spent quite a bit of time

on that one.
Very cool! I really wondered how you do this but read further down for your explanation.
Glad you liked it. :)
Now I'm hungry too.
Not bad. I'll most likely tank on the next one.
You'll see...
Or stupidity.
One or the other.
I am just returning from a hiatus from the trip report boards.
Dee!! :wave:

I'd noticed you were missing,
and thought of you every time
I saw a post on FB.

Glad you're back. :)
I saw that I am only 6 pages/2 chapters behind on this report instead of the usual 1,352 pages of past reports.


So I'm in!
And :welcome: to the TR, Dee!

I play this game every single time!

Hate it!
I sometimes wonder if it would
be worth my sanity to just
drive myself and pay the
exorbitant parking fee...

Then I remember that I lost

my sanity long ago...
I guess the titles of the books available for purchase was a foreshadow of your travel day.
I was caught with a selfie stick I had forgotten was in my camera bag on one trip, early morning at Animal Kingdom. The person checking my bag told me to bring it to guest services for the duration of my time at the theme park. I dutifully headed in that direction and did a hard nope!
So did you... what? Just walk into the park?
I managed to repack it in an undetectable manner for my visit to EPCOT later that day, and then removed it from my park bag for the rest of the trip.
How did you hide it??

This is a spectacular shot!
Thank you!!!
I worked quite a bit on
that photo.
You're the second person to

comment on it. :goodvibes
Awesome, clever chapter of your visit to Batuu!

Thanks, Dee! :)
First of all, bravo, bravissimo on that incredibly gripping and thrilling report. I laughed, I cried, I shook my fist in anger at the tales of woe caused by the thrice-cursed First Order.

I spotted
Solo's Millennium Falcon, docked
in front of me.
Did you take/make this? It's amazing

*A space bridge (also termed spaceway, spacegate, gangway, zerobridge, space jetty, portal, skybridge, finger, spacetube (tube), or its official industry name Pure Boarding System (Pure BS)) is an enclosed, movable connector which most commonly extends from a spaceport terminal gate to a spaceship. (space-wiki)

That Hondo will stop at
nothing to achieve his aims!
I had to do a triple take, well done

Don't ask me if the scenery
was beautiful or compelling
or intense or blasé.
I really have no idea.
You need to work on your multitasking.

DonnaBeeGood: 42
Captain_Oblivious: 35
vamassey1: 35
buzzrelly: 30
Jules76126: 30
Steppesister: 30
Kiotzu: 27
Terra Nova guy: 27
SimplyGoofy: 24
MinnieWebster: 22
juniorbugman: 21
mustinjourney: 18
docsoliday1: 13
dolewhipdreams: 12
franandaj: 11
SnowWhiteOz: 10
tundra1: 10
Oh yikes I gotta get my head in the game
First of all, bravo, bravissimo on that incredibly gripping and thrilling report. I laughed, I cried, I shook my fist in anger at the tales of woe caused by the thrice-cursed First Order.
:goodvibes Thank you!!
Did you take/make this? It's amazing
I both took the photo
and altered it in Photoshop.

Thanks for commenting!
I took some time on that one

and was hoping people would like it. :goodvibes
I had to do a triple take, well done
:) Thanks again!
You need to work on your multitasking.
I need to work on my assertiveness.
"Solo? You can be an eng..."
"...ineer… what?"
"I said NO.... Pilot."
"Well, I only have..."
"er… I really don't think..."

"Umm... how about pilot?"
Oh yikes I gotta get my head in the game
Plenty of time left.

But yes.
I both took the photo
and altered it in Photoshop.

Thanks for commenting!
I took some time on that one

and was hoping people would like it. :goodvibes
It looks like it could be a promo for something and it's giving me very strong original trilogy vibes.

I need to work on my assertiveness.
"Solo? You can be an eng..."
"...ineer… what?"
"I said NO.... Pilot."
"Well, I only have..."
"er… I really don't think..."

"Umm... how about pilot?"
So funny story but I did single rider at DL and got engineer a couple times (SRs usually do since they take the last open spot). One time I went up and asked if there was any way I could have something else and the CM said it just kind of depends. Well...No one showed up from the standby queue for a few minutes to the CM gave me and the other single rider both pilot cards and we had the whole cockpit to ourselves.

We did horribly but at least I wasn't an engineer.

Plenty of time left.

But yes.
Jasmine side eye.gif
It looks like it could be a promo for something and it's giving me very strong original trilogy vibes.
So funny story but I did single rider at DL and got engineer a couple times (SRs usually do since they take the last open spot). One time I went up and asked if there was any way I could have something else and the CM said it just kind of depends. Well...No one showed up from the standby queue for a few minutes to the CM gave me and the other single rider both pilot cards and we had the whole cockpit to ourselves.

We did horribly but at least I wasn't an engineer.
Who cares how you did!
That's awesome!

I want the ship all to myself.

I'll suck at it... but who cares!
Jasmine side eye.gif
Batuu: The Clown Wars
First off, and most importantly...


That was a fun chapter.
I'll rank it among the favorites I've encountered (or written) amongst the various TR's out there.

Now then...
If you don't mind the degradation that it will ultimately cause to what meager shreds of your reputation still remain, I'd like to follow along on this adventure. Can't guarantee that I'll make all the way through (I ain’t that reliable as you well know) but I'll give it a shot.

So here goes…

My holo-clock woke me at 4:15am,
Good thing it was "Holo"...
Had it been something with an actual physical form,
I - for one - would have chucked it across the room

and was through the closing
iris of my room portal just before 5am.
"Close the Blast Doors!! Close the Blast Doors!!"

Getting that early a start is likely one of the things that kept any of the areas Stormtroopers from taking you out before the mission even started.

(Well, that and the fact that when it comes to aiming a blaster - to a man – Stormtroopers couldn't hit the broadside of a Bantha’s butt with an Astromech Droid.)

logged onto the First Order's
MDE site. (Mission Digital Emulator)
Is that who actually wrote that app?

Explains much, it does….

They advertise a shuttle
every 20 minutes, but zero is better.
Your mileage is still better that mine ever has been while on site.
20 minutes for us has always been the exceedingly rare instance of promptness in relation to Dis-Trans
I’ll be driving again the next time we’re On-World.

I found myself, along with other
miscreants and ne'er-do-wells
Miscreants and ne'er-do-wells?
Batuu seems to have an upgraded collection of rabble.
All the Scum and Villainy must still be over on Tatooine bring down the property values at Mos Eisley

(And why would they? Who
doesn't carry a blaster in
Black Spire?
Dead people. That's who.)
I see dead people…

No, wait…
Wrong meme genre

(<wave> "This is not the
selfie-stick you're looking for.")
Week-minded fools…

they let me through.
It only cost me a few credits
and it was worth it to not have
to surrender my droid.
Does the first Order actually charge a fee for bringing in a tripod droid?

Asking for a friend…

Tell me if it's unreasonable
of them to confiscate selfie-sticks.
Or do you agree with the First
Order upholding this rule?
I’m for it.
The things are just as deadly and probably even more of a scourge than a poorly wielded lightsaber…


I mean “scrap metal” (there’s no contraband allowed in Blackspire ya’ know)

CMs (Crowd-control Machines)
A true Freudian slip if ever I’ve read one.
(and if that’s not the actual definition of the acronym, then it bloody ought’a be.)

The crowd jostled and heaved
as the swifter moved to the front
and the slow-moving fell behind.
Taking lessons from Pirates, I see…
Those that fall behind… are left behind.

Wrong meme again.

The path we were following
narrowed and I felt myself
pushed up against the person
in front of me, while the entity
behind me was similarly pressed
up against me from the rear.
It was not a pleasant feeling
Good warning and I’ll keep in mind.

It reminds me of the crowd experience I encountered once while attending a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Right disheveling, that was.

We funneled ourselves down two by two
and at last entered the Ark... er... Outpost.
I take it no unicorns made it onto that ship either.

I doubled back numerous times
in an effort to throw off any tails.
So that’s the purpose of the queue serpentines.
The First Order is simply trying to give us the opportunity of not being tracked by their sensors.
Right sporting of them to offer their prey such a level playing field.

People who ask too many
questions tend to find themselves
kicked out of airlocks without
Was about to ask you another question, but now I’m starting to reconsider.

He called it a legitimate cargo
run, but... I'm nobody's fool.
You’re our fool and you know it.

Or so I thought...
The truth will set you free.

Better to know thyself and admit it
than to continue living on The Nile
(besides, you’re no queen either)

*A space bridge (also termed spaceway, spacegate, gangway, zerobridge, space jetty, portal, skybridge, finger, spacetube (tube), or its official industry name Pure Boarding System (Pure BS)) is an enclosed, movable connector which most commonly extends from a spaceport terminal gate to a spaceship. (space-wiki)
I see what you did there.

And I approve.

OK, that’s a really nice bit of photographic work there.
I know everyone else has pointed this out as well, but you done good on that one
(and for bonus points, you pulled it off while at one of the most crowded Disney locations)

I started to whistle "Send in
the Clones" under my breath.
Never mind…
They’re here.

I had a sneaking suspicion,
based on Hondo's reputation,
that the action would be fast
and furious and a skilled
engineer would be most needed.
Especially given the level of competence displayed by the pilots he chooses.
Pretty sure some of them are actually aiming the ship directly into the canyon walls

If one can say they
"enjoyed" a smuggler's run.
Well, did you?

Oh, wait, that’s a question.
Where’s my spacesuit?
(dang.. that’s another question, isn’t it?)

(there’s always room for that meme)

And ducked inside Oga's Cantina.
Even for this time of the morning,
the Cantina was bustling
I’ll say.
Were they serving Bloody Oga’s or was that collection of ne'er-do-wells already knocking ‘em back that early in the twin-stared AM?

(Another question, but I found my spacesuit, so I’m not afraid of your air lock threats)

(I think…)

I sidled up to a droid-kiosk and ordered
a libation.

And just why should we have to pay so much for these libations?

Because he’s holding a thermal detonator!

looked for opportunities to earn more
credits or cause a disturbance
Your mere presence on Batuu should be disturbing enough to earn you mounds of credits

Pretty sure I’m seeing those same Fangsnarth blood stained shorts.
You’re in danger of being outclassed again
I suggest you high-tail it out of there, cause that Hornsplitter bounty hunter seems to be tracking you.

Time to make my get-away.
Oh good, you heard me.

Why is it that you get to ask questions without worrying about air-locks?
(or should I ask?)


On that note…
I think I’ll even go so far as to actually send you some useless answers to those questions.
I’ll not likely be winning any prizes, but it can’t hurt, now can it?

(Crap… that was another question, wasn’t it?)
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Good to be back!

So did you... what? Just walk into the park?


I left bag check, headed in the direction of guest services to turn it in and then just reversed course, joined my friends and continued to the tapstiles. Quickly.

How did you hide it??

I can't remember exactly, but I think I wrapped it in a couple of ponchos I had and placed it at the bottom of my backpack.

I don't have any guilt- I never intended to use the selfie stick (I don't think I ever have) and I had forgotten it was in my camera bag.

Thank you!!!
I worked quite a bit on
that photo.
You're the second person to

comment on it. :goodvibes

Worth saying again- Awesome picture!

First off, and most importantly...


That was a fun chapter.
I'll rank it among the favorites I've encountered (or written) amongst the various TR's out there.
Wow! Thanks!
That's very high praise indeed!!

Now then...
If you don't mind the degradation that it will ultimately cause to what meager shreds of your reputation still remain, I'd like to follow along on this adventure.
Absolutely! Really glad
you decided to come along!

:welcome: to the TR, Rob!
Can't guarantee that I'll make all the way through (I ain’t that reliable as you well know) but I'll give it a shot.
Stay as long as you'd like
(or, given my writing... as little.)

Good thing it was "Holo"...
Had it been something with an actual physical form,
I - for one - would have chucked it across the room
I tried. Hand went right
through the dumb thing.

"Close the Blast Doors!! Close the Blast Doors!!"
"Open the Blast Doors!! Open the Blast Doors!!"
Getting that early a start is likely one of the things that kept any of the areas Stormtroopers from taking you out before the mission even started.

(Well, that and the fact that when it comes to aiming a blaster - to a man – Stormtroopers couldn't hit the broadside of a Bantha’s butt with an Astromech Droid.)
I don't understand how they
miss so much.
I mean... the things have the
equivalent of tracer bullets
to make things even easier...

Then again... I've played Buzz
and... aiming with a light

isn't as easy as it sounds!
Is that who actually wrote that app?

Explains much, it does….
Your mileage is still better that mine ever has been while on site.
20 minutes for us has always been the exceedingly rare instance of promptness in relation to Dis-Trans
I’ll be driving again the next time we’re On-World.
As for myself...
I've yet to find a reason
to not take the bus.
Miscreants and ne'er-do-wells?
Batuu seems to have an upgraded collection of rabble.
All the Scum and Villainy must still be over on Tatooine bring down the property values at Mos Eisley
They're all over at Universal.

I see dead people…

No, wait…
Wrong meme genre
Does the first Order actually charge a fee for bringing in a tripod droid?

Asking for a friend…
No, they don't.
I’m for it.
The things are just as deadly and probably even more of a scourge than a poorly wielded lightsaber…


I mean “scrap metal” (there’s no contraband allowed in Blackspire ya’ know)
Correct. Lightsaber play implies
children having fun
(and hopefully, parents watching.)

Selfies imply... something else.
A true Freudian slip if ever I’ve read one.
(and if that’s not the actual definition of the acronym, then it bloody ought’a be.)
Taking lessons from Pirates, I see…
Those that fall behind… are left behind.

Wrong meme again.
It reminds me of the crowd experience I encountered once while attending a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Right disheveling, that was.
Ugh. So... no control, right?
I take it no unicorns made it onto that ship either.
Oh, no. They did.
No lions though.
Well... two males.

That's why all the lions
you see at Disney are

So that’s the purpose of the queue serpentines.
The First Order is simply trying to give us the opportunity of not being tracked by their sensors.
Right sporting of them to offer their prey such a level playing field.
Was about to ask you another question, but now I’m starting to reconsider.
See? You're learning!
You’re our fool and you know it.

If I was giving out bonus points,
you would've earned some.

Better to know thyself and admit it
than to continue living on The Nile
(besides, you’re no queen either)
Are you sure?
We never did meet, you know...

I see what you did there.

And I approve.
:) Thanks!
OK, that’s a really nice bit of photographic work there.
I know everyone else has pointed this out as well, but you done good on that one
(and for bonus points, you pulled it off while at one of the most crowded Disney locations)
It was not an easy shot
(shots actually) to get.
Because I was alone,
I had to wait because people
would look at me and see the
empty seats and either wait
for me to take the photo
(which I wasn't doing... so I'd
tell them to go ahead)
or simply sit in, assuming

I was waiting for someone.
Especially given the level of competence displayed by the pilots he chooses.
Pretty sure some of them are actually aiming the ship directly into the canyon walls
And... I'm okay with that.
I think we're all there just
to have fun... aren't we????
Well, did you?

Oh, wait, that’s a question.
Where’s my spacesuit?
(dang.. that’s another question, isn’t it?)

(there’s always room for that meme)
See? Learning.

And yes... there's always room.
I’ll say.
Were they serving Bloody Oga’s or was that collection of ne'er-do-wells already knocking ‘em back that early in the twin-stared AM?

(Another question, but I found my spacesuit, so I’m not afraid of your air lock threats)

(I think…)
I really don't know.
I didn't ask anyone?
"Hey? Are you drinking
at this time of morning?

And just why should we have to pay so much for these libations?

Because he’s holding a thermal detonator!
Your mere presence on Batuu should be disturbing enough to earn you mounds of credits
That's what they're talking about
when they mention a great
disturbance in the Force.

That's me.
Pretty sure I’m seeing those same Fangsnarth blood stained shorts.
You’re in danger of being outclassed again
I suggest you high-tail it out of there, cause that Hornsplitter bounty hunter seems to be tracking you.
Good eyes! I never noticed!
Why is it that you get to ask questions without worrying about air-locks?
(or should I ask?)

Because I'm the one
with the airlock key.

On that note…
I think I’ll even go so far as to actually send you some useless answers to those questions.
I’ll not likely be winning any prizes, but it can’t hurt, now can it?

(Crap… that was another question, wasn’t it?)
Can't hurt.
Might earn you a prize. :)
Good to be back!

I left bag check, headed in the direction of guest services to turn it in and then just reversed course, joined my friends and continued to the tapstiles. Quickly.
What would you have said
if you were approached?

I can't remember exactly, but I think I wrapped it in a couple of ponchos I had and placed it at the bottom of my backpack.

I don't have any guilt- I never intended to use the selfie stick (I don't think I ever have) and I had forgotten it was in my camera bag.
I'm a little... disturbed
that they didn't find it.

I mean... if they can't find that...
Then how are they going
to find something they need

to find???
Worth saying again- Awesome picture!

Thanks! :goodvibes
What would you have said
if you were approached?

Good question!

Not sure, but probably something along the lines of "I'm just going to keep it in my bag".

But in reality, the bag checker was on to the next guests and had not communicated my contraband to anyone.

Which, probably does not alleviate the unease you mention below:

(although I hope that if I had tried to take in a more dangerous item than a selfie-stick, like a switchblade or something, that either it would have been confiscated or I would be personally escorted to guest services to turn it in for the duration of my stay)

I'm a little... disturbed
that they didn't find it.

You are not wrong.


I'm going to go back to my trip report from 2017 to check out what I wrote about those two bag check incidents at the parks.


"We arrived at Animal Kingdom right around park-opening time, but I suspect they had started letting people in much earlier than that due to Pandoramania. I encountered a problem at bag check. I had my DSLR with lenses and some other gear, including a selfie stick. I never use it, but keep it in the bag. The security person told me I would have to turn it in at guest services and then pick it up before leaving the park since selfie sticks are banned from the parks.

Ain’t nobody got time for that! I headed toward the direction of Guest Services. And then walked on by. I pinky-swear I won’t take it out in the park (and I didn’t)."

I just checked and I don't address the bag check later that afternoon at EPCOT.
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Not sure, but probably something along the lines of "I'm just going to keep it in my bag".
I was thinking more:
"I was just going to tell
my friends to go ahead
because I had to check
my selfie stick at guest

services. Now... go away."
(although I hope that if I had tried to take in a more dangerous item than a selfie-stick, like a switchblade or something, that either it would have been confiscated or I would be personally escorted to guest services to turn it in for the duration of my stay)
I would think so!
"Selfie stick? Glass container?
Go to guest services."
Pocket knife. Confiscated.
Gun. Possible police involvement
(or not.)
Bomb. Bomb squad and massive

I'm going to go back to my trip report from 2017 to check out what I wrote about those two bag check incidents at the parks.
So... maybe you just sprinted
through and they couldn't
catch you.

That's what I'm going with anyway.
Wait... You've met me.
You're only figuring this out now????

Well, I guess I forget that every so often.

And Forky would be in deep, deep trouble.

I still have yet to see that movie.

Very good point.
And as I was just saying
to Meghan, I hate when
a bunch are using them for
fireworks videos (that no one
will ever, ever look at) and leaves
you looking through a forest of

selfie sticks. Grrr...

That's why I'm glad those things are not allowed.

But I have now. Thanks Google!
And... what an idiot!

How did he even manage to do that???

I wondered the same thing. He must have been skinny to get out from under that bar.

Whoa! You must've been scared!

Yeah, and back then I was about 50 lbs lighter and much smaller.

And yet you're up early enough!

Up and out of bed are two different things! :laughing:

I rode the ride one time.
But I had known for months that
I wanted to get that shot.
I got back in line (by now
it was a walk on)
and just took my time in the queue
(letting people pass me).
When I got to that room,
I told the CM I wasn't going
to ride and set up my tripod.
I would wait until no one was
using the table, (Took a while,
several minutes.) and then
as quickly as I could, with the
camera on self-timer, took
4-5 photos. First one didn't
turn out as I was too slow,

one I didn't care for, I think.

That's dedication! How do you come up with this stuff?

I think I'll be less stressed
than you were.

Very likely. I always seem to be hard on myself. And I don't like crashing into things.

I think so?
I didn't ask anyone if their
drink was alcoholic or not!

I know what most of the drinks look like. I've had just about every alcoholic drink there. They all come in different glasses, but I couldn't tell what they were when I looked at the pictures from my phone.

Really! That's so cool!
And makes total sense.
I'm not plant savvy enough
to know the difference.
I'm more... "I know that plant type...

It's a pretty one."

I'm not sure if it's the landscaping I've had to do as a landlord, or its drought related that I've had to learn what plants are water loving and which are drought tolerant.

Me neither! I'm never in the parks that early and if I am I've had breakfast on the way there not waiting to get some.

You could pick a worse strategy!

I'm hoping I did a little better this time!
Well, I guess I forget that every so often.
I guess another visit is
required to cement that in.

I still have yet to see that movie.
It's not bad!
I enjoyed it. :)

Wonder if it's available

on Disney+ yet?
I wondered the same thing. He must have been skinny to get out from under that bar.
Nooo… at least he looked
pretty average.
Maybe his seatmate was bigger
so the bar wasn't locking him

in as much?
Up and out of bed are two different things! :laughing:
:laughing: Agreed!
That's dedication! How do you come up with this stuff?
Got lucky on that one.
Saw the table... probably
on your TR...
And it just came to me
right away to have the chess
pieces on it... but who would

I play against? Well... me!
Very likely. I always seem to be hard on myself. And I don't like crashing into things.
I'm so not worried.
And if someone came up
to me all upset about it...
I strongly suspect I'd say
nothing and walk away, but...

"It must be difficult for you to

be angry all the time, even at Disney."
I know what most of the drinks look like. I've had just about every alcoholic drink there. They all come in different glasses, but I couldn't tell what they were when I looked at the pictures from my phone.
I'm not sure if it's the landscaping I've had to do as a landlord, or its drought related that I've had to learn what plants are water loving and which are drought tolerant.
Either way... you're way
ahead of me!

I'm hoping I did a little better this time!
You'll see. :)
(or, given my writing... as little.)
It won’t be the writing at fault if I drop off the map again.

I tried. Hand went right
through the dumb thing.
Kylo had the same problem when we was trying to blast his former teacher.

(there… that’s more than enough SW-geekieness to chase off a follower or three. But then again, who bothers to read what I’m writing. Err… I mean what sane person bothers to read what I’m writing.)

"Open the Blast Doors!! Open the Blast Doors!!"
See… indecisive and inaccurate…
Makes one question the threat level imposed.

I don't understand how they
miss so much.
I mean... the things have the
equivalent of tracer bullets
to make things even easier...
Well, “Old Ben” pretty much explained it right from the get-go when he described blasters as “bulky” and “random”. It’s never been discussed at length in the films, but I take it that they must be effective only at very close range. A bit like the Gladius use by Roman Legions (which to me are kind’a what the Troopers are meant to represent).

Then again... I've played Buzz
and... aiming with a light
isn't as easy as it sounds!
Good point.

As for myself...
I've yet to find a reason
to not take the bus.
Lucky you

They're all over at Universal.
And who knows, I may just have to go over there and join them for a spell.

Correct. Lightsaber play implies
children having fun

(and hopefully, parents watching.)
Like that’ll happen.

Selfies imply... something else.

Ugh. So... no control, right?
Reminded me of a scene from “Soylent Green”
Short version…
We were actually standing right on the curb and didn’t realize to what extent the throngs had amassed until we needed to get out of there before the parade had ended. Absolute insanity.

I wrote up a bit on it back in one of my older TRs (one I actually finished, that is)

Oh, no. They did.
No lions though.
Well... two males.
That must have made for a rather grumpy passage.

That's why all the lions
you see at Disney are
I would say that this checks out, but then where on the safari are the Unicorns hiding?

See? You're learning!
There you go again making assumptions.

If I was giving out bonus points,
you would've earned some.
I’ll just have to tally them for myself then.
(Including the recent PMs, I should have at least two sets)

Are you sure?
We never did meet, you know...
I’ve seen your clones…
I’m pretty sure

And... I'm okay with that.
I think we're all there just
to have fun... aren't we????
Ok, let’s go with that.

I really don't know.
I didn't ask anyone?
"Hey? Are you drinking
at this time of morning?
Yep, that’s me. Mr Lush.
I’d certainly have been knocking back a few.

That's what they're talking about
when they mention a great
disturbance in the Force.
That's me.
As if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Good eyes! I never noticed!
Was searching for Martians and she kind’a stood out.

Because I'm the one
with the airlock key.
Yeah, but I changed the locks.
It won’t be the writing at fault if I drop off the map again.
But happy that you're here now
and hope you stick around for a spell. :)

Kylo had the same problem when we was trying to blast his former teacher.
That's such a great scene.
(there… that’s more than enough SW-geekieness to chase off a follower or three. But then again, who bothers to read what I’m writing. Err… I mean what sane person bothers to read what I’m writing.)
Well, me... so...

Guess I know what that

makes me!

See… indecisive and inaccurate…
Makes one question the threat level imposed.
Valid argument.
Well, “Old Ben” pretty much explained it right from the get-go when he described blasters as “bulky” and “random”. It’s never been discussed at length in the films, but I take it that they must be effective only at very close range. A bit like the Gladius use by Roman Legions (which to me are kind’a what the Troopers are meant to represent).
Then why do the Rebel
blasters always work?

And who knows, I may just have to go over there and join them for a spell.
I see what you did there. ::yes::
Like that’ll happen.
I was so glad when my kids outgrew
play areas and I didn't have to watch
my kids... and everyone else's kids
because their parents had their

noses buried in their phones.
That must have made for a rather grumpy passage.
This is back in the day.
Remember how the Flintstones

song ends??
I would say that this checks out, but then where on the safari are the Unicorns hiding?
That's just it.
Have you ever seen one?
No, of course not.

They excel at hiding.
There you go again making assumptions.
I’ve seen your clones…
I’m pretty sure
You did.
I heard that one spotted you
and was going to say "Hi", but
he discorporated before he
got the chance.
(They do that, ya know.

Helps stave off obsolescence.)
Yep, that’s me. Mr Lush.
I’d certainly have been knocking back a few.
As if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Yup. Me.
Yeah, but I changed the locks.
Uh... you didn't drill them out,
did you???
Batuu: The Clown Wars
I see what you did there. Clever.

My holo-clock woke me at 4:15am,
That's karking early! (I figured I would google some Star Wars expletives)
No wonder you called this your exhausted trip.

and was through the closing
iris of my room portal just before 5am.
So you get the express transportation pass and a secret preview of the new star Wars hotel? Nice! :p

Tell me if it's unreasonable
of them to confiscate selfie-sticks.
Or do you agree with the First
Order upholding this rule?
I'm not a fan of the selfie sticks, so I'm glad they banned them. There's the obvious safety issues, plus who wants a sea of sticks in the air while watching fireworks/shows, or even on rides.

The all-too-familiar holo-chess
board was being manned by
all-too-familiar faces.
Is this the scruffy looking nerf herders chess club? (I know, don't call you scruffy)
Nice job with the picture though.

I was too far back and too
distracted to really enjoy the
ride... If one can say they
"enjoyed" a smuggler's run.
Of course I have not been on the ride yet, but this seems to be a common complaint. Pushing the buttons may seem like fun, but it distracts from the enjoyment of the actual ride.

Credits earned, I set out
into the now twin-sun-lit
Black Spire Outpost.
Already seeing twin suns? Maybe you got into a Fuzzy Tauntan at Oga's sooner than we thought.

actually went back in the
queue and told the CM
that I wasn't going to ride.
That gave me plenty of time
to stage the shot.
I set up my camera on
my tripod and waited while
others took their photos.
When there was a window
of opportunity, I put my
camera on a timer (only
three seconds! So I really
had to hurry!), pushed
the shutter button and
quickly sat and posed.
Repeat two more times.
Then combined the resulting

photos in photoshop.
Thanks for sharing the story. It's an impressive photo.


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