How rude some people can be.....the organisation for the Castle was so much better this year than previous years. I think they worked on it a lot.
That is so nice to hear, glad to hear they got it right. It does take time. Some people have blinders on & are so touchy about pointing out things that need a bit of improvement. I deem it constructive criticism that usually does pay off in the end :)
The NY Yankees hat were given to us when we stayed at the Lotte NY Palace.....they have an affiliation with the Yankees, so the hats are genuine merchandise and not the $5 ones you can buy in the street. So, Kyle and Tom have them and I have a UO no, not a fan as we know nothing about the
I figured your NY connection but thought you may have experienced a MLB game. PS it can be akin to watching paint dry, but therein is the beauty of being there vs watching on the tube. If you have a great stadium, it’s a wonderful way to slow down & enjoy some ballpark grub and the company of others while you while away a perfect summer night.
I think they have improved a lot......certainly we skipped them for several years, but everything we’ve had has been so good. He did say one of the pieces of fish was a little greasy at the end, but for the most part it was lovely, crisp and fresh.
Could’ve been just from sitting a bit, fried fish is truly a tricky critter to prepare properly. Not sure if it’s the humidity in FL or other prep method that messes up the battering process but most of it we’ve tried in Orlando has an odd thing happen. The breading just slides right off the fish, often in one piece, leaving a slimy odd textured mess.

Another night had passed and we had all enjoyed a much better sleep this morning when we woke up.

We do love the beds here and always find we sleep well usually, Tom would prefer different pillows, but I like them. I can really sleep with any kind of pillow though. I know for some people though a good firm pillow is a necessity.

I pulled back the drapes and could hear Kyle up and around next door so I went through and he was laughing again at the ads on was one of those you really would put up with the disease rather than face the meds!!

It looked lovely outside, but a lovely weatherman was telling us different on was to be cold. Well, cold for us......but we still had the idea we`d do the park today.

We always have a look at what the lifeguards are wearing to get an idea of temps too......if they`re all wrapped`s usually cold.


We all showered and headed up to the lounge for breakfast which was fairly quiet today. Our Aussie friends had already left this morning so we missed seeing them, we ate, chatted and left.....quick visit this morning.

Back in our room, we picked up our jackets and headed out for the boat as we were going to the Studios.....I did wince as we walked out the door as I felt the was chilly to say the least.

Yes, I am a wimp!!!!

Kyle decided to walk so Tom and I went down and had just missed a boat, but they are very regular, especially this time of day as it`s one of the peak times for guests. But, as we got to the boat dock I shivered and said to Tom.....nope too cold for me! The security officers were wrapped up like it was the arctic......gloves, hats and thick jackets was cold.

Tom said yes, I should just go back and he`d go meet Kyle and they`d spend the morning in the park then come back and we`d head out for lunch. I said I`d be around....not sure where, but I`d be here. He laughed as he knows what I`m like.......

I passed my morning easily…..I did some laundry which didn't take long, after a confusing start, but that`s another story!! Then I went down to the lobby, saw our friend and chatted to him, then chatted to some folks there I know well, and a few other folks too, and the morning had disappeared before I knew where I was. My mother always said I could talk for Scotland!!!

Tom and Kyle found me in the Club Lounge chatting of course. They said it was cold, in the sunshine it was a bit better, but I`d have found it too cold. Another family we knew came in at that point and said they were done for the day, they found it too cold to do the rides and said The Hulk had been horrendous with the cold...…lol....I could imagine.....

Back down Tom suggested we try the Celebration Cheesecake before we headed out.......


It was a strange discernible flavour, just sweet on top of sweet......I had one bite and that was enough. I thought it would be nicer to be honest. Tom ate the rest, but I don`t think he finished it as he said it was sweet too. Kyle still had his other slice of fudge cake in the fridge, he was keeping that till tomorrow I thought.

We headed out to the car, jackets on and drove down to NYPD pizza on Universal Blvd.......Kyle had never been here either but had heard us mention how much we loved their pizzas, so he was looking forward to this place.

As we passed the Orlando I asked Kyle if he wanted to go on it again this year, but he said he wasn`t bothered, so we said we wouldn`t bother. We had been on it several times anyway.

NYPD is in a nice little area which has a very nice Publix and a few other eating places too and we like this one as it has a real busy atmosphere about it. It`s always busy and lots of emergency services people are in and out....always a good sign!!!


It was a different lady who was welcoming everyone today....much friendlier than the previous one who always just looked a little.....well, unhappy. But this lady was nice and we got a table and our menu`s straight away. She was also our waitress today which surprised us.

The aroma as you come in are so warming and welcoming, you see everyone who comes through the door take an extra long breath in as it is so delicious......


I think Kyle just had water, Tom and I had fanta and we had a look at the menu, although we knew what we were having. Kyle I knew would have a cheese pizza with bbq sauce base.......

And Mindy did a double take when he did indeed order that.....she did say it sounded so nice, she had asked the kitchen to make another one so she coud try it......Kyle assured her she`d like it. She later said she did indeed enjoy it and had never considered a plain cheese pizza with that base.


I think Kyle was surprised how decent a size the personal pizza was....and his looked so good!!!


I got my usual......bbq chicken with added pineapple and jalapeno minus the red onion.....and it was delicious as always......


Tom got the meat lovers pizza and added jalapeno too.....I have to say the jalapeno today was incredibly hot!!! I think we both picked some off which was unusual for us......but still delicious!!!


I was pleased again that Kyle loved his pizza...…he said it was up there with the best of them......excellent!!!

Kyle had noticed there was a chocolate cake on the dessert he ordered it and I did wonder where he was going to put it!!!


He loved it!!! And demolished every last piece...…..we do like to see him enjoy his cakes as he doesn't eat them the same back home. Apart from my flourless chocolate cake which he does think is on par with Linda`s fudge Cake.....praise indeed!!

We paid the check and back in the car we decided to go to The Florida Mall.

Not really our favourite place, but it was a little better than it used to be a few years back. There`s not a lot of stores we go into there, but they still had the Tesla store for Kyle to have a wander around and I wanted to go to Dillards as our friend had told us they had a collection of Vintage Louis Vuitton bags in there.......I had to go look!!!!

As it was mid afternoon, it was busy and we were parked about as far away as we could be......we kept our jackets on till we got to the doors, then just carried them......but photo op first.......


You go through their rather nice food court which is so much better than it used to be......there are a few places we could find to eat in here now.

They have a lovely Yankee Candle store that I do avoid going into as my luggage allowance wouldn`t stand for that!!!! I cannot control my spending urges in there at all...….so I decide to just give it a miss.....think it might have been a good decision.

They had a lovely little area where Father Christmas visits, but empty right now.



We had a good wander round and popped into a few stores before I was drawn to Dillards.


They did have some beautiful vintage bags, and some were a very good price for what they were......but I didn't need another bag right now...Tom did say to get one I was keen on, but no, I was very good and said I`d wait and see what I felt like next year. Tom said I was definitely due a treat........

I will say, the sales lady did nothing to encourage me to buy one anyway. I just didn`t like her way, and she was incredibly pushy, even to the point of asking how I`d be paying!!!!! Are you serious was my response to her.......Tom smiled to himself as he knew now I`d never have bought one from her however much they appealed. I hate pushy sales folks.....there`s a fine line and most people manage it, but this one was distinctly over the top.

The Tesla store was next up for my brood......I do like these, kind of.....but electric cars just aren`t for us...…some are nicer than others, and the ones they had today weren`t the nicest. I don`t like the inside of these cars at all, but they are certainly nice to have a seat in and a look round about.

Give me a good old high powered gas guzzler anyday!!!!


We pass a few hours here today which is the longest I`ve ever spent here ever. We head out and pop into ABC Wines & Spirits to get a gift for someone, we always enjoy a wander round here. They do have some unusual products we just don`t get in the UK.

Back home we sort out a few things before heading up to the lounge again......

Tonight is American night and they`ve changed it slightly.




The mac n cheese used to come with chicken and some peppers through it, but now it`s just plain old mac n cheese and it has a chicken stew on the side. It`s better for allergy/vegetarian folks served this way.


The stew was very red tonight, and over several nights it changed as the chefs played with the recipe until it was just as everyone liked it......I did prefer it the other way, but as we don`t use the lounge for dinner it won`t affect us much. I know some people do use the lounge for dinner instead of appetisers, and it seemed to go down well. I did like the way Kayla was changing things slowly but surely in the lounge. She really tries her best to do the best for all guests.


I had some red wine in the lounge and a small sample of the chicken stew, this one wasn`t for me, but it did get better next time.........Tom was driving so he had sprite and we had a good old chatter with the Aussie families when they came in. We really got on well with them. But, it was so easy as they are just the nicest people and we had a good old giggle with them every night and chatted about many things.

I was now around 6.45 we left the lounge, collected Kyle and headed off for dinner.

And tonight, Kyle had asked to go to Red Lobster...….one of his favourite places. We always go to the one down by the Convention Centre at the very bottom end of I Drive....there`s not much beyond it to be honest although the road carries on for a while.


It was busy tonight......but we got a booth immediately and I was pleased to see we had Hans looking after us tonight. he has worked here in this RL for years......he is Dutch and very nice. He may not remember us, but we certainly remembered him. I think waiters and waitresses can stick in your mind for many reasons, some good and some bad of course......Kyle will never forget the rude waiter from the other Red Lobster which is why we stopped going to it altogether. But, this guy was very professional and I wondered if he had a silver service background.

I ordered a Blackberry Amaretto Sour, which had a souvenir glass......I didn`t realise this till he brought a clean one for me at the end of the meal. It was a beautiful drink.....and as previously in the lounge I`d had red wine, I stuck to one.


And of course the beautiful cheddar biscuits. So hard to resist, especially when you are so hungry you could devour the whole lot!!!



Kyle of course got his strawberry smoothy and Tom a raspberry lemonade......they are so easy to please!!


It`s a nice table we have tonight and people around us are very nice too, asking about where we are from when they hear the accent. It`s often a talking point. I can pick up accents usually quite easily, and tonight was easy as they were from Boston....quite a distinctive accent for sure. I asked how the lobster compared to Boston area......they laughed.....yep, I was sure I`d agree. I would like to visit Boston one day and Maine too, and I was sure we`d love the fresh seafood there. But, this was decent enough tonight.

I should remind everyone......I was starving ::yes:: I opted for the Create Your Own Ultimate Feast.....and I did choose four items...…classic Maine tail, coconut shrimp, garlic shrimp scampi and their wood grilled filet cooked medium came with fries too but they weren't even touched!!!


Kyle who had heard me tell of the fabulously cooked steak I`d had here years ago, also ordered the filet to be served medium with fries and brocolli.....


Tom opted for the Wednesday special of 1lb of snow and Dungeness crab.....he had fries too and coleslaw which was beautiful.....America really does do the best coleslaws ever!!!!


Everything was beautiful......Kyle`s steak was one of his favourites he said, cooked beautifully and had good flavour......Tom`s two types of crab were lovely, and he did help me with mine too as it was a lot of food!!

The coconut shrimp wasn`t too heavy with being fried and the dipping sauce was a delight. My steak had been cooked as I asked, and the shrimp was lovely too, so it was a success. I don`t think we have ever had a bad meal in here. And we`ve eaten here a lot.

Now of course was another of Kyle`s favourite desserts.......

The Chocolate wave........

Oh my goodness is this surprisingly rich!!! He orders this and again Hans brings three spoons.......well, as there`s ice cream I`m sure I`ll help a little there.......


Between the two of them, they cleared the plate......I ate about half of the ice cream, but I was genuinely too full to finish it.

They enjoyed it though.

Hans brought the check and handed me a clean souvenir glass which did make it home safely....not sure why I took it home, but it looks a little cute hiding away among all my tall glasses.

All paid up we headed home...….we planned just to go sit and watch some tv. Not the most glamorous of ways to finish the evening, but we were too full to go to Citywalk and too tired as well. I`m not sure why as we hadn`t done much today at all.

I don`t mind spending a little time in the room, an hour or so at night is enough, we much prefer to be out and about. So, we watched something for an hour or so then we said our goodnights and headed to our beds. It had been a quiet day for me, but I had still enjoyed it a lot.

Tomorrrow we are in the parks.
That is so nice to hear, glad to hear they got it right. It does take time. Some people have blinders on & are so touchy about pointing out things that need a bit of improvement. I deem it constructive criticism that usually does pay off in the end :)

I figured your NY connection but thought you may have experienced a MLB game. PS it can be akin to watching paint dry, but therein is the beauty of being there vs watching on the tube. If you have a great stadium, it’s a wonderful way to slow down & enjoy some ballpark grub and the company of others while you while away a perfect summer night.

Could’ve been just from sitting a bit, fried fish is truly a tricky critter to prepare properly. Not sure if it’s the humidity in FL or other prep method that messes up the battering process but most of it we’ve tried in Orlando has an odd thing happen. The breading just slides right off the fish, often in one piece, leaving a slimy odd textured mess.

I agree with you on the fish. there`s something rather odd about it when it`s deep fried over favourite one is when we go back to Scotland....they do know how to deep fry't believe the hype that haggis is our national dish......Fish and Chips are hard to beat!!!

Yes, I think they listened to guest surveys and worked a way for the crowds to disperse easier......yes, constructive criticism is always good!!

I have never watched much of American sports......but what I have watched of baseball doesn't inspire much excitement. It`s like a game we play over here called rounders.....well, it`s a kids game really. I think you`re right though about watching it live vs on tv....and I do like the sound of the me a spicy wing and I`ll watch paint dry!!!!

But, I`m getting better at appreciating American Football...…. ::yes:: I`ll never be an expert though!!!
That's too bad that it was so cold when you were there... 🥶 The rides aren't as fun when you're teeth are chattering... I hope it warms up for you!!!

I'm counting the fudgey brownie thingy as "chocolate cake" since it was so big that Tom and Kyle couldn't finish it...

Not counting the piece of Linda's Fudge cake in the fridge, Kyle's cake count is now at 12... I would give anything to have his metabolism...

LOL we went to our favorite Red Lobster here, none of them close but the one we like is furthest from us of course. :)
Mom nearly had the same drink as you, but settled on the white sangria and said it was very good. I had the usual peach tea, extra peachy. 💜
The food you all had looked lovely. Dessert? Chocolate cake, imagine my surprise.:rotfl2:

Wow that dessert Kyle had at the Pizza place should count as 2, maybe 3 chocolate cakes!

Grrr Dillard's here is the WORST for snobby sales people.

p.s. Kyle looked perfect in that Tesla, but as handsome as he is he'd look suave and debonair in a beater car. :rotfl:
The celebration cheesecake was very sweet Raeven…..I only had one bite and to be honest, didn't taste as nice as I thought it would. So, Tom ate the rest of it, and he said he wouldn't get it again.

I agree it was way too sweet, and I'd never get it again.

Yes, we love the CF but I guess if it`s not great for being allergy friendly Josh wouldn't be a fan.....but the menu is amazing and so many choices!

We could honestly take forever trying to make up our mind what we want..... ::yes::

There are so many choices! I used to get the pasta often, but then I tried the Huevos Rancheros, and now I get that every time. The appetizers all sound delicious. I like the potato tots a lot too.

It was a strange discernible flavour, just sweet on top of sweet......I had one bite and that was enough. I thought it would be nicer to be honest. Tom ate the rest, but I don`t think he finished it as he said it was sweet too. Kyle still had his other slice of fudge cake in the fridge, he was keeping that till tomorrow I thought.

That's what I thought too! I think it was supposed to be vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry but I didn't get much of any of those. It was just really sweet but not in a good way.

Kyle had noticed there was a chocolate cake on the dessert he ordered it and I did wonder where he was going to put it!!!

That one looks delicious too!
I agree it was way too sweet, and I'd never get it again.

There are so many choices! I used to get the pasta often, but then I tried the Huevos Rancheros, and now I get that every time. The appetizers all sound delicious. I like the potato tots a lot too.

That's what I thought too! I think it was supposed to be vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry but I didn't get much of any of those. It was just really sweet but not in a good way.

That one looks delicious too!

Yes, I don`t eat a lot of "sweet" but that one was definitely sweet overload!

Never tried the tots......might try them next time!
That's too bad that it was so cold when you were there... 🥶 The rides aren't as fun when you're teeth are chattering... I hope it warms up for you!!!

I'm counting the fudgey brownie thingy as "chocolate cake" since it was so big that Tom and Kyle couldn't finish it...

Not counting the piece of Linda's Fudge cake in the fridge, Kyle's cake count is now at 12... I would give anything to have his metabolism...


Oh My!!!! 12!!!! I have to admit to not keeping yes, he`s young....that was my reasoning in his miniscule weight gain!!! Yes, the brownie dessert was for one although the waitress said it`s usually shared.....I doubt many people could finish it on their own...….

Oh yes, it did warm up thankfully.......
LOL we went to our favorite Red Lobster here, none of them close but the one we like is furthest from us of course. :)
Mom nearly had the same drink as you, but settled on the white sangria and said it was very good. I had the usual peach tea, extra peachy. 💜
The food you all had looked lovely. Dessert? Chocolate cake, imagine my surprise.:rotfl2:

Wow that dessert Kyle had at the Pizza place should count as 2, maybe 3 chocolate cakes!

Grrr Dillard's here is the WORST for snobby sales people.

p.s. Kyle looked perfect in that Tesla, but as handsome as he is he'd look suave and debonair in a beater car. :rotfl:

:rotfl:yes, they are rather predictable when it comes to desserts!!!

I`ve never had the white sangria in there.....I think I had the regular sangria once and it was nice! I think we may be lucky we don`t have them in the UK.......we`d be there far too often!!!

She was so pushy......I think I`m destined not to be lucky in this Mall with sales folk as we met one in Macy`s a few years ago who was dreadful!

Oh yes, he`s very much a car person......::yes::
Those pizzas look good! I can't believe the jalapenos were too hot for you! I wouldn't stand a chance. I am the "adventurous" one in my family who uses the red pepper flakes on pizza.
(I was putting some fresh jalapenos on nachos last night, and my 7 year old daughter wanted to try, she took a lick of one slice and about died. Then my teenage son was taunting her saying it was no big deal; classic teenage know-it-all. He put a whole slice in his mouth and about died. It was so funny!)

I guess Kyle is just so into chocolate cake that he doesn't try the cheesecake, but we just love the Ghirardelli cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! Our favorite chocolate cake to make at home is a version of the Cracker Barrel Double Fudge Coca Cola Cake. Cracker Barrel is hit or miss for us. We have one close, but we don't eat there often (my in-laws LOVE it). Our last visit had terrible service, missing food, but my steak with my steak and eggs was actually really good (probably better than the last Longhorn or Outback steaks I had at half the price).

We were all up early this morning, and we were excited to get back in to do some park time......the weather was forecast to warm up nicely today so although we may have started out with hoodies on, they didn`t last long.

This was always a favourite time of day, first thing in the morning the day all ahead of us......our family is definitely a morning family and much as though we always think we may sleep late, it never really appeals to us at all. Even at home, we are exactly the same...….I never sleep much after 6am, even on a weekend. Kyle is exactly the same, even on his days off he`s up with the larks...….I have to admit Tom would probably prefer to sleep a little later at home. But, we don't want to miss the day by sleeping.

The lounge was lovely and quiet this morning, our Aussie friends were already gone for EE I believe. So we had our usual catch up with a few of the staff and enjoyed our breakfast.

The view over to the new hotels shows just how large they are, and the first image is the yet unopened Dockside, the first phase.....the second phase is behind it....massive!!!


And the already opened Endless Summer Resort. We have never gone to visit these hotel, we wouldn't stay in them, but maybe we should go have a look around to see for ourselves how it is.......seems to get very mixed reviews.


We go back down to the room and Tom pops down to the front desk and comes back with a story I`ll keep for Monday coming up ::yes::`s nice though!

Kyle and I are at the minute plotting our day around lunchtime!!

There is a rocket launch today at 12.29pm.....yes, not 12.30.....12.29 we are working out where to watch it. You do see them from almost anywhere if you look in the right direction, so as we weren`t coming back to the hotel for lunchtime, we decided we`d stand on the lagoon side of Mythos as we`d be in IOA at that time. We have to get our priorities in order!!! It had supposed to have happened yesterday, but upper winds weren't suitable, so we hoped it would be today as we planned to go to KSC tomorrow.....but if this launch was postponed again, we wouldn't be visiting on a launch day.

Once we were ready we headed off for the boat, although Kyle again decided to walk and we went down to the boat dock where we got a boat straight away.

Our boat arrived at the dock the same time as Kyle....I think he`d have preferred to beat us....but we set off to go into the Studios.....

It seemed a little quiet this morning...….the sun was beautiful and it wasn't too cold this morning, I`d soon be ditching the hoodie. Kyle kept his on as he hadn`t put any sunscreen on except for the back of his neck......I had put sunscreen on as I hate wearing jackets over here.

The sun was blinding I have to say at this point......



I had decided today I would do the Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt, so I picked up one of the cards and planned to take my time and do it.....


I said I`d wander down the opposite way today, they were going on Minions and RRR, so I said I`d give it a miss and grab some pictures. We arranged to meet outside The Mummy where we`d ride that together.

It was lovely and quiet down here today, most folks automatically go past the Minions and Shrek, it`s a natural way to go for most......but this street is so lovely with some very festive decorations.


We`re not sure what we think of the Bourne Stuntacular. I`m not a fan of the movies, although Tom likes them, also not fond of that type of show, but I think it`ll do well here and from what we had heard it was going to be a little different from T2. Well, it couldn't be much worse!

I used to enjoy the T2 show as a nap time...….yep, I could sleep right through it. Way back when we did used to spend all day in the parks.....this was a nice respite from the heat and a little nap always did me the world of good.


I think this area looks even better at night that during the day with the decorations.....they are so pretty.




There is a store that sells all sorts of memorabilia and has some lovely little unusual displays...… can buy everything in here including some rather unique pieces that were part of HHN and things that were once used around the parks.




Some were quite creepy and I couldn't possibly imagine having them around my home in any way.....but again, each to their own......

I did like this sign from the Viking scare zone.


I did have a vision of this picture on our wall part of the way up our think Tom would veto that....Kyle too!!! Yes, maybe they`re right!!!


The stars along the path are always fun to look at....some of them we never really notice anymore, but I do love Bob Hope so got a snap of this one today......


I loved the story behind the name Esoteric Pictures......convoluted story of WC Fields and his disenchantment with the way Hollywood produced his movies, so Universal gave him carte blanche to do a movie with a script, production and even actors when they produced the 1941 Never Give A Sucker an Even Break. The movie is him pitching a “film-within-a-film” to the fictional Esoteric Pictures. There`s an image of him standing in front of the fictional company.

Sadly it more or less finished WC Fields.


I wandered over to the lagoon where they have the lovely light and water show and during the day at certain times you can see them go through the water routine to music...….when I walked in to the area I`d guessed I wouldn't see it........


When all of a sudden the water began whooshing up in the air and the music began as abruptly.......


Even without the lights and fireworks it`s still decent to watch...….and all of a sudden I notice the rainbow reflecting in the water and hoped the camera captured it...….

It really was pretty.


There was hardly anyone else around this area this morning, a little different from evenings when the show is on.

I wander round towards the Mummy area and tree, but capture some of the decorations on the way round......



Again, there was hardly anyone in this street but this one guy kept standing where I wanted to take a picture......I moved and he moved too.....he seemed to think it funny......he wasn`t a kid, maybe in his 40`s....but he got fed up eventually when he didn`t get a response.....aren`t some folks funny!




Peering through the window of Gertner`s Bakery is a cute little entrance to the fake coffee is very twee.


The locker area for The Mummy is so much better than the previous locker area, so much more spacious.





We hadn't arranged a time to meet, I just said I`d be at the tree at some point, so when I got there and they weren`t I guessed they were doing RRR over and over.......or they had arrived and had gone in to do the Mummy.

The tree is beautiful….but the whole park is just gorgeous, and extra special with all the decorations.



Tom and Kyle arrived the same time as Marilyn and her backing group.....they had done Minions and went on RRR three times, but they said the EP line was longer than usual today.




They are very good. And this little show is always worth watching even without the Christmas theme......they are here every day and I think the times are pretty much the same all the time.

Coming up.....more park time.
Those pizzas look good! I can't believe the jalapenos were too hot for you! I wouldn't stand a chance. I am the "adventurous" one in my family who uses the red pepper flakes on pizza.
(I was putting some fresh jalapenos on nachos last night, and my 7 year old daughter wanted to try, she took a lick of one slice and about died. Then my teenage son was taunting her saying it was no big deal; classic teenage know-it-all. He put a whole slice in his mouth and about died. It was so funny!)

I guess Kyle is just so into chocolate cake that he doesn't try the cheesecake, but we just love the Ghirardelli cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! Our favorite chocolate cake to make at home is a version of the Cracker Barrel Double Fudge Coca Cola Cake. Cracker Barrel is hit or miss for us. We have one close, but we don't eat there often (my in-laws LOVE it). Our last visit had terrible service, missing food, but my steak with my steak and eggs was actually really good (probably better than the last Longhorn or Outback steaks I had at half the price).

lol....yes they were exceptionally hot, and we never usually struggle with jalapenos! Oh bless your kids!!! I bet that hurt a lot, and bet they don't do that again in a hurry.....and I`ll bet your daughter laughed at your

Yes, Kyle doesn't like cheesecake, even a chocolate one he tried once wasn't his favourite.

We like CB and went recently for the first time in years for some reason....but we didn't have that dessert...Kyle would like that. I once made a chocolate cake with beetroot sounds gross, but it was so rich and you`d never guess it was beetroot!

The steak we have in the Ale House is like as chips but absolutely perfect....but I do think we`ll go back to Cracker Barrell one time. The one we went to was all locals and no tourists.....we stuck out like sore`d go back to that one again.
I must be very dense...I had no idea that there was a rocket launch that day???
Beautiful rainbow btw!

It was SpaceX Falcon 9 on a 3 day resupply flight to the ISS. It contained supplies for the astronauts, experiment equipment and of course Christmas gifts for them too...….we watched it live on the ipad and saw it rise above the parks aren't great as we only took two, but will post the ones we got.

We really just wanted to see it and not focus on pictures for that.

Yes, I was happy to have captured the rainbow......
We saw the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch last night! It was beautiful!

We watched it this morning…..well, on the was around 2.20am for us....although I have known Kyle set his alarm to get up to watch these launches.

They are stunning to watch and every one gives me goosebumps!!


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