The Running Thread - 2020


2020 Goals: Have a successful (healthy) return to running postpartum. Train for/complete a half marathon.
Running Time: I generally run in the evenings after work. I used to be an early morning runner, but was consistently falling asleep on the couch way too early in the evenings.
Were these all trail races? I have only had one road race in 15 years moved or cancelled but have had a few trail races and one that was run on an APT that crossed trails. All the cancellations were due to weather washing out the trail or the permitting authority pulling the permit due to weather related problems.

It’s been a variety of reasons. Of all five of our moved/cancelled races, only the Disney 2017? half was weather-related.
While the other four were considered trail races, the last one is really on a paved and boardwalk greenway - and it was due to work being done on the greenway.
The others were because of changes in sponsor, embezzling of race registration money by someone in the race management, and the last one most likely a mistake in the originally posted date (The race is usually the third week in December, but when registration opened, it was posted as December 14 instead of December 21. They changed it after DH had already registered.)
ATTQOTD: The time(s) that I ran at are all over the place. My typical week:

Monday -Rest day
Tuesday - I work from home, so typically get a lunch time run in. Then run with a run club in the evening.
Wednesday- Cross Training day. If I also do a run it’s in the evening.
Thirsday - Run in the evening.
Friday - Cross Training day. If I get a fun in it’s generally later morning/early afternoon. In the summer time a club I run with has a 5:30 AM run that I’ll do.
Saturday - Generally early morning.
Sunday - Generally early morning with a run club.
Attqotd: steady mid day runner, regardless of weather. I do mornings if have some challenge or reason to do so(like running in sub-0 to check that off), and I do evenings/nights if I commute to work.

I generally get up, take daughter to day care, check in at the restaurants, see if there are any surprise errands I need to run for specialty product we can’t get from purveyors, then go home, run/lift, then back to work.
QOTD: What time of the day do you run and why?

After some trial and error, the sweet spot for me is 7am. There aren't too many people out, so I can run on the sidewalks with minimal weaving, but there are enough people that I feel safe. It's not super early, but I still usually get done in time to get to work at a decent hour. And I get the run out of the way before work and I don't have to worry about getting out of the office early enough to get my run in (I work a flexible schedule, but many of my teammates are not morning people, so I tend to have more afternoon meetings come up than morning meetings).
These days I'm going out a drop later because the sun is not yet up at 7, but if I'm on a super tight schedule, I'm willing to try 7 because there are some lights where I run and some commuters up and about.
While I sit on hold with Disney for new discounts released this morning... even though I was up at 4 to try to get them but the computer system at Disney stinks... lets have a QOTD: What time of the day do you run and why?

ATTQOTD: Starting this year it's my goal to start runs before 5AM. Depending on distance that could be anywhere from 4-5... that crazy early but afternoon runs just dont work for me currently. Day 1 was a success! Lets keep it going strong in 2020!

I prefer my runs in the morning. That is not possible during the week with 7 kids to get to school. I will start my runs anywhere from 5:30 pm to 9pm depending on the kid’s schedules during the week. I like my runs during the day on weekends so I don’t need my headlamp for at least one run a week but that is also determined by the kid’s schedules. I recently put in for a promotion and have been accidentally informed I have gotten it by another manager who congratulated me on the new position thinking I already knew. While it comes with a significant pay raise and a company car I may be most excited by 100% working from home and making my own schedule, which means I may be able to get my runs done earlier again!!! Just need to get the official word before I can start planning stuff.
ATTQOTD: Training time
Typically, I run twice a week at lunchtime (11:45AM) during work and my weekend/vacation runs (including the long run) are often in the morning (circa 9AM). Weekdays catchup runs (no lunchtime) or after school runs with DD can be anywhere from 5PM to 8PM.

In summer, with the light, I will sometimes go at 5AM.
In winter, I adjust the days, hours, pace and length of runs based on the outdoor conditions.
ATTQOTD: During the week, it's after work, somewhere between 5PM and 5:30PM usually. On the weekend, it's always the morning. In the winter it will be slightly later, between 8-8:30 start. In the summer, I'll start anywhere between 6-7:30, just to try and beat the heat.
ATTQOTD: Training time

99% morning. If I don't do it first thing, it seems not to happen. Sometimes in the winter, I'll do an easy run in the afternoon.

How do you deal with negative running thoughts when there's no rational reason you should have them?

I'm going through this right now. I feel mentally (maybe a little physically) burned out. I had 2 decent races and I was down on myself after both of them.

I saw several news stories about people who were hit with really bad situations (I won't bring you to tears by sharing) and stayed positive and made the best of it. It made me feel small for the carp I was complaining about. So just be thankful that you can do it and that will generates some positive vibes.

I'm also trying to mix things up. I've been following one plan or another (or the same plan over and over again) for 4 years or so. I watch my pace like a hawk, even on easy runs, and make sure and get my 40 hours (I mean miles) in. I basically turned running into a job.

Starting today, I'm trying to make running fun again. I turned off my auto-lap and am running every run blind. I'm trying to run like a dog, tongue hanging out, sniffing the air, zig-zagging back and forth, and not worrying about pace or distance, just happy that I'm running. To maintain some discipline, I'm setting a time goal, like run for 40 minutes, but no distance. I have the luxury of not running a marathon in a week. Obviously, this doesn't work for marathon training.

We all go through it and you can get the best of it or let it get the best of you.
I prefer my runs in the morning. That is not possible during the week with 7 kids to get to school. I will start my runs anywhere from 5:30 pm to 9pm depending on the kid’s schedules during the week. I like my runs during the day on weekends so I don’t need my headlamp for at least one run a week but that is also determined by the kid’s schedules. I recently put in for a promotion and have been accidentally informed I have gotten it by another manager who congratulated me on the new position thinking I already knew. While it comes with a significant pay raise and a company car I may be most excited by 100% working from home and making my own schedule, which means I may be able to get my runs done earlier again!!! Just need to get the official word before I can start planning stuff.
Starting today, I'm trying to make running fun again. I turned off my auto-lap and am running every run blind. I'm trying to run like a dog, tongue hanging out, sniffing the air, zig-zagging back and forth, and not worrying about pace or distance, just happy that I'm running. To maintain some discipline, I'm setting a time goal, like run for 40 minutes, but no distance. I have the luxury of not running a marathon in a week. Obviously, this doesn't work for marathon training.

We all go through it and you can get the best of it or let it get the best of you.

I can picture this and it is cracking me up. Thanks been a rough few weeks smiles are infrequent lately!
ATTQOTD: I run whenever I can fit it in. I usually work 60 - 80 hours/week, plus an admin role, and have young kids. Sometimes it's early in the morning, often around 4 pm on weekdays, occasionally after 10 pm. I try to run in the mornings on weekends. Running often involves the whole family going to our local Y so that hubby and I can run or workout while the kids do the kids programming.

I've been running 6 - 7 days/week for the last couple months, and it's been a challenge!
ATTQOTD: I run in the mornings, but only because my husband prefers to run in the evenings after work. With two young kids, we found the best routine for handling work/parenting/chores is to have us on opposite work out schedules. We sometimes dream about the day they'll be old enough to leave alone and my husband and I can go out for long runs together. (Without the massive double stroller in tow.)
ATTQOTD: Its either super early in the morning before my husband leaves for work (between 5 and 6AM) or around 9:00am after I've dropped my kids off at school (if they are tracked in and/or I'm not working that day). I've found over the years that if it doesn't happen before lunch time then it most likely won't happen that day.
I prefer my runs in the morning. That is not possible during the week with 7 kids to get to school. I will start my runs anywhere from 5:30 pm to 9pm depending on the kid’s schedules during the week. I like my runs during the day on weekends so I don’t need my headlamp for at least one run a week but that is also determined by the kid’s schedules. I recently put in for a promotion and have been accidentally informed I have gotten it by another manager who congratulated me on the new position thinking I already knew. While it comes with a significant pay raise and a company car I may be most excited by 100% working from home and making my own schedule, which means I may be able to get my runs done earlier again!!! Just need to get the official word before I can start planning stuff.

Congrats on the almost-but-not-quite-yet promotion! And did you say 7 kids? o_O I can not even......


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