Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker discussion thread (*** now contains spoilers ***)

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I liked the movie, it was a good popcorn flick and I was entertained. It will have no lasting emotional affect on me. I'm a huge star wars nerd (or I was). But this latest trilogy is not one that would inspire as many kids as the OT or even the prequels to become future star wars nerds.

Not sure I fully agree - I know my oldest is way more invested in Rey than any of the OT characters (though my son is still more into Luke than any of the new trilogy characters)

I mean, the OT was a phenemenon and really changed movies and the concept of a summer blockbuster so no way the new trilogy will have that scale of impact, but I do think a lot of young people connect with characters from the new trilogy
Not sure I fully agree - I know my oldest is way more invested in Rey than any of the OT characters (though my son is still more into Luke than any of the new trilogy characters)

I mean, the OT was a phenemenon and really changed movies and the concept of a summer blockbuster so no way the new trilogy will have that scale of impact, but I do think a lot of young people connect with characters from the new trilogy

My point is that of all three trilogies this last one probably inspires the least amount of new star wars fans.
My point is that of all three trilogies this last one probably inspires the least amount of new star wars fans.
I'm not sure there is any way to know. However, it is certainly possible. The OT came out in a time of limited choice. A New Hope played in theaters for more than a year. It was groundbreaking in ways and fascinating. The fans it spanned are probably not replicable.

The prequels will be the most likely comparison. They spawned a lot of fans and, I think, had much more to offer younger viewers. While Young Annakin may have been irritating to adults, kids relate to him. Same with Jar-Jar. There was a lot of kid friendly comedy in the first 2 movies. So it would not surprise me if they generated more fans. There also was a longer gap between the OT and the prequels than the prequels and the sequels. And the Clone Wars cartoons, which are tied to the prequels, were and remain immensely popular and continue to spawn fans.

So it is an uphill climb for the sequels. I think they offer less for kids. Granted the OT didn't offer much to kids until you hit the Ewoks, but they generated adult fans and just the introduction of the Force and lightsabers was enough to fire up kids. It's likely adults are either already fans or not, and this sequel trilogy wasn't going to convert too many new ones. I just don't see it being as kid friendly either, though my kids do like Rey and Finn and Poe.
I'm not sure there is any way to know. However, it is certainly possible. The OT came out in a time of limited choice. A New Hope played in theaters for more than a year. It was groundbreaking in ways and fascinating. The fans it spanned are probably not replicable.

The prequels will be the most likely comparison. They spawned a lot of fans and, I think, had much more to offer younger viewers. While Young Annakin may have been irritating to adults, kids relate to him. Same with Jar-Jar. There was a lot of kid friendly comedy in the first 2 movies. So it would not surprise me if they generated more fans. There also was a longer gap between the OT and the prequels than the prequels and the sequels. And the Clone Wars cartoons, which are tied to the prequels, were and remain immensely popular and continue to spawn fans.

So it is an uphill climb for the sequels. I think they offer less for kids. Granted the OT didn't offer much to kids until you hit the Ewoks, but they generated adult fans and just the introduction of the Force and lightsabers was enough to fire up kids. It's likely adults are either already fans or not, and this sequel trilogy wasn't going to convert too many new ones. I just don't see it being as kid friendly either, though my kids do like Rey and Finn and Poe.

I do think the new trilogy does have the inclusion element to bring in new fans (be it Rey, Finn, Rose, etc.) - and maybe just because I see it first hand but my daughter has seen all the other Star Wars stuff and never gravitated to any character like she has with Rey

But it is also hard to measure how much of the new fans are brought in specifically by the new trilogy vs that just being a component of what is making them fans along with Rebels and Mandelorian and all the other stuff that is out there. If I was weighing what it getting my daughter most excited about getting to visit Galaxy's Edge is it her connection to Rey and the new trilogy but that isn't 100% of what made her a fan
The more people I talk to the more people say they liked TROS but as time passes having watched it, the less they like it.

If you think about the plot details very much, it starts to fall apart in several areas or you think back to a scene and go "what the heck was that about?"

I'm absolutely not the type to pick a movie apart, let alone one I wanted desperately to love, so this has been rather disheartening for me.
The plot for TROS had so much rich potential, tbh, and I don't feel like it was fully executed, even within the story we were given.
I can't wait to see it again... unfortunately I'll have to wait til it's released on blu-ray. The more I dig into things the more I like it (such as the Japanese concept of Kintsugi/wabi-sabi and how that applies to Kylo's mask), and I hope the extras they will surely release on blu-ray will only add enjoyment to it. As for future fans, I know my niece really enjoyed it and has watched it repeatedly at the theaters. I think only time will tell, and then listening to their stories of their memories of the movies.
Well growing up with the original trio, nothing will replace the cinema magic that they instilled in my boyhood heart. While the prequel trio wasn't nearly as good, in my opinion, I did really enjoy one thing about them. Fully trained and experienced Jedi running around, showing off their stuff and fighting really kicks a$$!
Even the OT didn't capture the full essence of this awesomeness but at least painted the picture of its possibility with Obi One, Yoda and Luke's constant training (I guess Darth Vader too).
This newest Trio completely blew it, I think, regarding this "vibe". Rey is always "winging" it or just magically somehow learns her powers. She gets a whole minutes worth of training in the last movie from Leia. Even when "masters" are involved (Luke/Snope), they die or disappear. In this last movie with "officially trained" Rey and Kylo, it still feels like they're winging it and have no discipline or not have been trained. Well, Kylo seems less angry and the scene where Ren cuts the wing off the Tie fighter was awesome...
I'm not sure there is any way to know. However, it is certainly possible. The OT came out in a time of limited choice. A New Hope played in theaters for more than a year. It was groundbreaking in ways and fascinating. The fans it spanned are probably not replicable.

The prequels will be the most likely comparison. They spawned a lot of fans and, I think, had much more to offer younger viewers. While Young Annakin may have been irritating to adults, kids relate to him. Same with Jar-Jar. There was a lot of kid friendly comedy in the first 2 movies. So it would not surprise me if they generated more fans. There also was a longer gap between the OT and the prequels than the prequels and the sequels. And the Clone Wars cartoons, which are tied to the prequels, were and remain immensely popular and continue to spawn fans.

So it is an uphill climb for the sequels. I think they offer less for kids. Granted the OT didn't offer much to kids until you hit the Ewoks, but they generated adult fans and just the introduction of the Force and lightsabers was enough to fire up kids. It's likely adults are either already fans or not, and this sequel trilogy wasn't going to convert too many new ones. I just don't see it being as kid friendly either, though my kids do like Rey and Finn and Poe.

The prequels also had the Clone Wars cartoon show that many kids and younger adults "group up" on. I don't see anything like that supporting the latest three movies.
My point is that of all three trilogies this last one probably inspires the least amount of new star wars fans.
I'd give you that .. my son is into Star Wars new trilogy stuff because of well .. me. I bought figures, gave him my old figures, and he has dressed up as some sort of First Order Stormtrooper (Sith Trooper this last year) the last few Halloweens without EVER having seen the new trilogies .. he got his Star Wars content from Lego video games, cartoons, or just the toys themselves. He likes the First Order Stormtroopers over the old school ones.

After the Force Awakens Star Wars seemed to be everywhere on kids clothing and toy shelves. I think the Last Jedi and the quick release of Solo killed it for kids and the toy market. Last Jedi wasn't a very exciting movie (for kids) and after that it seems Star Wars slowly died out the next few years (in the "elementary age" culture until today .. where you can't even find Rise of Skywalker toys/figures unless you look in the Lego section.

But frankly, Disney has let it slide. Star Wars Resistance is meh . .it hasn't held my or my son's attention.

But he likes Star Wars and we had an awesome time at SWGE (and can't wait to see Rise of Resistance). He (and I) are playing Star Wars BattleFront 2 (which has had a great Rise of Skywalker update) so he is totally into Star Wars right now, even though other kids his age barely know it exists anymore.

They are (were) more into Avengers.
I think you also need to consider the world we live in now vs the 70/80's. Those movies had cutting edge effects that other movies of the time couldn't really match.
The movie industry is very different now, and there is so much competition for young adult eyes from all types of media.

What was the competition for Empire strikes back? Ms Pacman on Atari? Dukes of Hazard on TV? Call of the Wild on paperback?
It's a completely different world. All of the current Star Wars media is result of nostalgia by many. That was it's staying power. The new stuff might build on it, but it isn't nearly as likely to generate brand new fans to the brand.
The prequels also had the Clone Wars cartoon show that many kids and younger adults "group up" on. I don't see anything like that supporting the latest three movies.
Ya .. Star Wars Resistance is no "Clone Wars" .. it had a great premise to sorta show what happens outside the main events of Episode 7-9, but man .. that main character was annoying. Not sure who thought a bumbling (to the point of how is even trusted with ANY important task) teenage kid makes a good hero for a Star Wars show.
Ya .. Star Wars Resistance is no "Clone Wars" .. it had a great premise to sorta show what happens outside the main events of Episode 7-9, but man .. that main character was annoying. Not sure who thought a bumbling (to the point of how is even trusted with ANY important task) teenage kid makes a good hero for a Star Wars show.

Hah! Your description of Kaz seems awfully similar to one Luke Skywalker.

But I get what you're saying. The thing is, that the show could have grown a lot and Kaz would've too. Just think of Ahsoka or Ezra. It's actually had a few great episodes in a row now and seems to finally be hitting its stride, but unfortunately it's too late at this point.
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My point is that of all three trilogies this last one probably inspires the least amount of new star wars fans.
....And probably drove away the highest amount of people who were already fans.

Just a terrible missed opportunity. The whole team in charge of making decision on the direction of this mess should be cleaning bathrooms at Galaxy's Edge.
....And probably drove away the highest amount of people who were already fans.

Just a terrible missed opportunity. The whole team in charge of making decision on the direction of this mess should be cleaning bathrooms at Galaxy's Edge.
You mean Kathleen Kennedy?
Hah! Your description of Kaz seems awfully similar to one Luke Skywalker.

But I get what you're saying. The thing is, that the show could have grown a lot and Kaz would've too. Jsut think of Ahsoka or Ezra. It's actually had a few great episodes in a row now and seems to finally be hitting its stride, but unfortunately it's too late at this point.
True, those characters were young and immature and needed to grow (and that is what made their story arcs so appealing), but Ezra and Ahsoka or Luke weren't clumsy or incompetent.

To me he should have grown up after Season 1 .. but the first few episodes of Season 2 he was the same old "bumbling idiot". Why would Captain Doza or Yeager send him on ANY important mission. He's shown he is a competent pilot, but that is about it.

Kaz has his moments for sure, but then they make him run around wailing and flailing arms like Woody from Toy Story! It made me lose interest in Season 2 and I haven't watched beyond like episode 4-5 of Season 2. He doesn't add anything to the story because he just isn't an appealing hero. The other characters are way more interesting.

Anyway .. my point was. By making Star Wars Resistance just didn't seem to bring in the audience like Rebels or Clone Wars.
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True, those characters were young and immature and needed to grow (and that is what made their story arcs so appealing), but Ezra and Ahsoka or Luke weren't clumsy or incompetent.

To me he should have grown up after Season 1 .. but the first few episodes of Season 2 he was the same old "bumbling idiot". Why would Captain Doza or Yeager send him on ANY important mission. He's shown he is a competent pilot, but that is about it.

Kaz has his moments for sure, but then they make him run around wailing and flailing arms like Woody from Toy Story! It made me lose interest in Season 2 and I haven't watched beyond like episode 4-5 of Season 2. He doesn't add anything to the story because he just isn't an appealing hero. The other characters are way more interesting.

I agree that Kaz is more comfortable as a pilot - that is his strength and they should have leaned into that. The show was ostensibly about racing and the Aces, and they have barely been in the show. There should have been MORE of that, and more in Season 2 as well. I do feel that if the show continued we would see Kaz grow more. They really should have accelerated the first half of Season 2 as a lot of those episodes were pointless and did not grow the characters. The more recent ones are much better though. I've still enjoyed it okay, but it could have been so much more!
I agree that Kaz is more comfortable as a pilot - that is his strength and they should have leaned into that. The show was ostensibly about racing and the Aces, and they have barely been in the show. There should have been MORE of that, and more in Season 2 as well. I do feel that if the show continued we would see Kaz grow more. They really should have accelerated the first half of Season 2 as a lot of those episodes were pointless and did not grow the characters. The more recent ones are much better though. I've still enjoyed it okay, but it could have been so much more!
That's the main problem with it .. it was "just okay" and its weakness was not being very "star wars" with the show set on a giant space ship (sitting on a planet).

I'll have to zip through the episodes of Season 2 someday.. I have them recorded on my DVR, but just have better things to watch.
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