Over 3,500 people quarantined on Diamond Princess cruise

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What's concerning abou the Italian situation is that atm, the patient they think might have started the infection the one that came back from china, has resulted negative to the virus. So he has either overcome it by never being symptomatic (meaning infectious without symptoms) or he is not the one which it's not good new either.
Another option is that he had mild symptoms that were treated by something else (like how taking Tylenol for a headache would mask a fever) without him realizing or that he is lying about mild symptoms for whatever reason.

But I do agree that overall we really dont have a good sense of it asymptomatic people can transmit.
Yes, here's a good English language article that has the details. Seems like a significant local outbreak: https://www.ansa.it/english/newswir...y-4_4d8c8975-04ba-422d-976a-e397861f3792.html
BTW, I love Italy, I went two years ago and plan to go back :love:

And this article reminds me that, worldwide, they have got to really think hard about shutting down Mardi-gras and Carnival type pre-Lenten festivities. That is a recipe for disaster.
Thanks if you need tips for an Italian holiday I'm here to help. 😊

A new press conference is starting now with more information I will keep you posted.
Also first case in Lebanon coming from Iran.
I really wonder whats the situation there I reckon the virus got undetected for quite a while.
Ok. Cases are actually 14. 6 patients and 8 between nurses and doctors. They will let us know later if the patient zero actually has antibodies for the coronavirus or not. There are also two suspected cases in the Veneto region, where Venice is.
It's important to know that one of the cases was in hospital for two days and doctors couldn't understand what ws doing on and neither did the wife, being Italian and without a travel history to China no one suspected anything. Until the wife, after two days, remembered that he had gone out for dinner at the beginning of February with a friend who had been in China...
So if this is a community outbreak in Italy (and it looks like it might be), the epidemic has definitely moved off the Asian continent. So I expect an announcement of a global pandemic forthcoming from WHO, and then hopefully a press conference by the CDC and the POTUS as it's about darn time they did that.

What are you hoping to get out of a press conference? I don't think it matters at all if there is a press conference or not.
What are you hoping to get out of a press conference? I don't think it matters at all if there is a press conference or not.
I, personally, do not expect to get anything out of a press conference. I do think it would help alert the general public that things could go south in a hurry. On the CDC press call today, there is definitely concern that community transmission in the US is a possibility in the future. I still think a lot of people believe this is a virus far away that can't hurt us in any significant way. They are mistaken.

POTUS has already claimed it will be gone in April, when it gets warm.

The CDC just requested their organization not be referenced in the press release regarding the evacuation of the cruise ship passengers as the State Department expressly went against CDC recommendations by placing the 14 infected individuals on the plane with the other passengers.

Doubt a press conference will be useful. At all.
I think you should listen to the CDC Telebriefing today. Dr. Messonier of the CDC bristled at the suggestion that any improper decisions had been made regarding the transport of those Diamond Princess passengers. She could have left it to the State Department spokesman to answer the question about that (which he did) but she went out of her way to set the reporter straight.

I think the only people crabbing about it now are those with political points to score. Sounds like our government has moved on past it, and so should we.
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A couple more evacuees had tests done in Japan turn + by the time they got here.
An article on BBC today reported that two of the diamond princess passengers evacuated back to Australia have now tested positive despite having had a negative test before they were allowed to leave Japan.

the risk of this is presumably part of why many countries repatriating their citizens from the ship are imposing the additional 14 dayquarantine.
An article on BBC today reported that two of the diamond princess passengers evacuated back to Australia have now tested positive despite having had a negative test before they were allowed to leave Japan.

the risk of this is presumably part of why many countries repatriating their citizens from the ship are imposing the additional 14 dayquarantine.
I think Israel has also had someone that tested negative and then positive once in the country.... A funny virus this one. The is also the case in China of a man who got it, then he became negative, and then he got the virus again!
An article on BBC today reported that two of the diamond princess passengers evacuated back to Australia have now tested positive despite having had a negative test before they were allowed to leave Japan.

the risk of this is presumably part of why many countries repatriating their citizens from the ship are imposing the additional 14 dayquarantine.
Those passengers were exposed to the virus every day until the left. It was not a real quarantine.
An article on BBC today reported that two of the diamond princess passengers evacuated back to Australia have now tested positive despite having had a negative test before they were allowed to leave Japan.

the risk of this is presumably part of why many countries repatriating their citizens from the ship are imposing the additional 14 dayquarantine.
Well, according to the CDC, the tests took 2-3 days to get back. So the patients would've been on the ship for that many more days, waiting and being exposed. Plus, early in an incubation period the test might not show anything anyway. SO yes, that 14 day quarantine was definitely needed!
I think Israel has also had someone that tested negative and then positive once in the country.... A funny virus this one. The is also the case in China of a man who got it, then he became negative, and then he got the virus again!
I'm not a virologist but a negative test early in the disease would not surprise me one bit.The on-off-on is a puzzle for sure, though.
An article on BBC today reported that two of the diamond princess passengers evacuated back to Australia have now tested positive despite having had a negative test before they were allowed to leave Japan.

the risk of this is presumably part of why many countries repatriating their citizens from the ship are imposing the additional 14 dayquarantine.
So they tested positive. Are they actually having symptoms?
Minor respiratory symptoms and/or fever. See https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...from-diamond-princess-test-positive-in-darwin

Also, there have been 4 additional positive tests among the returnees. See Australian government official press release: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...from-diamond-princess-test-positive-in-darwin
There's a bit of a dust-up in Costa Mesa, CA because they want to use a building there to house up to 70 SARS-CoV2 + patients from Travis AFB. This is in preparation for more cases from the Diamond Princess. In the CDC call yesterday they said they expected many more. Of course, these would be people with mild to no symptoms.

The folks in Costa Mesa are not too keen on this plan.

However, they can't keep sending all + patients to hospitals, we may need those beds for actual sick people. Several + cases in CA were just sent home on strict home quarantine. We have to get used to that, there's no way (nor do we want to) toss everyone in virus jail like they are doing in China.

If we do that, people will stop coming in for care, and that will be a recipe for disaster.
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Also, thank you @Starwind for all the updates. 👍🏻

It makes me wonder about how accurate the test is. I've read about a lot of false negatives when the person is tested soon after infection. But in the case you reference, I can't help but think the negative test was incorrect.
This is why the CDC is having such a hard time getting test kits distributed. They want accuracy. I hope they are balancing that against missed cases but definitely there is something about this virus that makes testing problematic.
The situation in Italy is getting worse by the hour we have 60 cases now. And the one they thought was patient 0, has actually never had the virus after they did the antibodies test. So they don't have a patient 0 anymore which makes it really hard to track the virus it's probably everywhere already! It's important to notice that alot of the cases they discovered were of people already in the hospital, that they didn't suspect had the virus at first.
There's a bit of a dust-up in Costa Mesa, CA because they want to use a building there to house up to 70 SARS-CoV2 + patients from Travis AFB. This is in preparation for more cases from the Diamond Princess. In the CDC call yesterday they said they expected many more. Of course, these would be people with mild to no symptoms.

The folks in Costa Mesa are not too keen on this plan.

However, they can't keep sending all + patients to hospitals, we may need those beds for actual sick people. Several + cases in CA were just sent home on strict home quarantine. We have to get used to that, there's no way (nor do we want to) toss everyone in virus jail like they are doing in China.

If we do that, people will stop coming in for care, and that will be a recipe for disaster.
Typical NIMBY. Not in my back yard. I agree that quarantines need to happen in places that can be better secured. A random building in the OC doesn’t really sound like it will fit the bill from my experience, but I also haven’t seen the building. The problem with sight selection is the proximity to appropriate higher levels of care, should the individual become severe, while balancing community needs (not their wants). At least at this stage. We are walking a tightrope.

Going back to the Dept of State transporting sick people against CDC medical advice. All of the people on the plane had been exposed right up until they got on the plane anyway. CDC’s beef was that State made a public declaration that they wouldn’t transport positive cases which had the potential effect of undermining trust. Trust is pretty much all CDC has right now in terms of community cooperation, they are loathe to exercise the alternatives. State’s issue is getting Americans home. Once they start, they won't stop with a particular group until they cannot. Remember, two seemingly well passengers who tested negative and were not isolated became “symptomatic” in transit and were moved to isolation. The alternative really was jacking someones 90year old grandma out of her seat and leaving her on the tarmac while the rest of her family flew away. These are human beings. I’ve read some pretty surly shiznit about old people dying and the response being "oh well." Honestly, I thought I was a cold and detached woman when it came to death, so for someone to say something so frigid that even I pearl clutched, I figured they must be super pleasant IRL. Then I realized that the tough guy approach comes from not having ever had to make those hard choices and from the fear they are trying to talk themselves out of, rather than rationale of a hard-ice who has been there done that and got the t shirt.

The United States has zero obligation to rescue you from your own folly, but typically will if it can do so without causing a greater harm. For now, we can bring our people home without taxing the system beyond its ability (on the list of potential greater harms). For now, we can treat those patients and still have room in hospitals for elective surgeries and other non urgent issues. We do not have community transmission here. The places where you do see community acquired cases (those with no index patient) are those where they refused to limit travel from China early. I can tell you that the new hot protocol when someone is symptomatic and tests negative for influenza in the hospital setting (right now in larger cities) is to swab them for CV as well. Coming soon to a hospital near you, though.

For now, washy, washy.
I live very close to Costa Mesa and I have no issue with bringing patients here. It's fine. They are not going to be able to come and go as they please anyway. I think the political holdup (from what I have read in local reporting) is that the city was given absolutely NO information about how this whole thing was going to be handled and managed. They sought the injunction in order to get more information, that is all. I do believe if the government wants to move those people to a city, the city management has a right to be informed as to what the protocols are going to be. Costa Mesa is a good location, healthcare wise. There are a dozen or so large hospitals in close proximity that can likely handle the possibility of EVERY person needing to be hospitalized.
Typical NIMBY. Not in my back yard. I agree that quarantines need to happen in places that can be better secured. A random building in the OC doesn’t really sound like it will fit the bill from my experience, but I also haven’t seen the building. The problem with sight selection is the proximity to appropriate higher levels of care, should the individual become severe, while balancing community needs (not their wants). At least at this stage. We are walking a tightrope.

Going back to the Dept of State transporting sick people against CDC medical advice. All of the people on the plane had been exposed right up until they got on the plane anyway. CDC’s beef was that State made a public declaration that they wouldn’t transport positive cases which had the potential effect of undermining trust. Trust is pretty much all CDC has right now in terms of community cooperation, they are loathe to exercise the alternatives. State’s issue is getting Americans home. Once they start, they won't stop with a particular group until they cannot. Remember, two seemingly well passengers who tested negative and were not isolated became “symptomatic” in transit and were moved to isolation. The alternative really was jacking someones 90year old grandma out of her seat and leaving her on the tarmac while the rest of her family flew away. These are human beings. I’ve read some pretty surly shiznit about old people dying and the response being "oh well." Honestly, I thought I was a cold and detached woman when it came to death, so for someone to say something so frigid that even I pearl clutched, I figured they must be super pleasant IRL. Then I realized that the tough guy approach comes from not having ever had to make those hard choices and from the fear they are trying to talk themselves out of, rather than rationale of a hard-ice who has been there done that and got the t shirt.

The United States has zero obligation to rescue you from your own folly, but typically will if it can do so without causing a greater harm. For now, we can bring our people home without taxing the system beyond its ability (on the list of potential greater harms). For now, we can treat those patients and still have room in hospitals for elective surgeries and other non urgent issues. We do not have community transmission here. The places where you do see community acquired cases (those with no index patient) are those where they refused to limit travel from China early. I can tell you that the new hot protocol when someone is symptomatic and tests negative for influenza in the hospital setting (right now in larger cities) is to swab them for CV as well. Coming soon to a hospital near you, though.

For now, washy, washy.
Yes. My spouse is in internal medicine and he said that they can get a PCR test done if they think they a patient needs it. We live in the boonies. Funny how many people are suddenly going to have just gone out to dinner with someone who just got back from a trip to China. 😉

Since they picked up that lady in Canada who had only been to Iran, it's obvious docs are on high alert everywhere. Protocol wouldn't have picked her up, but an astute doc put two and two together. Or, it wouldn't suprise me if the patient knew something hinky was going on in Iran, or was keeping up on the news, and then went in and informed the doc. We all have to work together on this.
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