Anyone stockpiling food?

Well, my mom has decided to “stockpile”. It’s not so much buying random stuff, she’s checking and buying stuff we already use so we have it in case we should have to quarantine. We went through meds and cleaning supplies and she looked at what there was and decided if that was enough or more was wanted. With food items she was looking at beans, pastas, bouillon that she could use with the meat we have to make different things. After we made the list, she went through and starred the items she felt most important and we are planning on buying that today. The items without stars she will leave and see how things are in the next few days. My parents live next door and I’m single/no kids. So if it came to it, we’d quarantine together.

I have a Disney trip with a student group that leaves next week. I bought a few extra “room snacks” than i normally take (because I am always buying Disney/Universal snacks). And I’m going to pack some Uno cards, playing cards, coloring books/pencils, and books. She’s concerned about my trip, but I didn’t plan it or have any control over it, so I’m not about to lose $1500 backing out. (Plus I WANT to go lol)

My mom is 59 years old and has been a nurse for 21 of those years. She’s the level headed, logical, planner of the family. She’s not a worrier or hypochondriac, doesn’t act like news/social media is the gospel. In all she’s read from all sources available, including personal, and using her knowledge, she just feels something isn’t right and ok with what’s going on.
I bought a few extra staples, but the only thing I really stocked up on was OTC meds. We have meds we use a lot because my son gets sick all the time, and most of it comes from China. Since there will probably be a disruption in the supply chain, I bought enough to get us through an illness or two. We will use them before they expire, or I will donate them to a food pantry if they are unopened and getting close to the expiration date.
I've been working on earthquake preparedness because my mom kept bugging me about it. We definitely have at least a couple weeks worth of food and supplies.
I don't understand the math of only needing 14 days of a Coronavirus stockpile. :confused: Say your area gets hit with an actual diagnosed case. So everyone bunkers down for 14 days, eating though their 14 day stockpile. But, it can take 14 days for symptoms to show up. On Day 13, your neighbor across the street and one down the block are diagnosed with Coronavirus.

Why were we told to only stockpile for 2 weeks? :confused:

And I don't get telling us to stockpile water. If we don't normally buy bottled water, tap water is not going to get infected. :rolleyes:

I think it is just the standard preparedness advice that hasn't been tailored for this specific concern, hence the advice about stockpiling water. It does make sense that if there are quarantines, they'll be longer, potentially much longer, than two weeks... but unless it reaches a point of significant supply chain and service disruptions, there's always Amazon Pantry and the like to reinforce the stockpile of nonperishables without any actual human contact.

No doomsday prepping here. We sold Girl Scout cookies at Walmart this afternoon and all was normal. People in Louisiana can’t ever be bothered. :rotfl2:

Now that's something I might need to think about stockpiling... we're down to our last box of Thin Mints!
I'm not stockpiling. Paying attention to the news and reported cases but not overly worried about needing extra food/water at his point. I should probably stockpile more hand soap.

IF things got much worse I suppose I would use my hurricane prep list. I have a list that is full of basics that I get by the end of May every year. And then a more detailed list I would buy if a hurricane was actually forecast for our area. It is possible that I would consider the basic hurricane list early, but it doesn't seem necessary yet.
Well I am a college student and I have been doing this with Ramen Noodles even before this whole coronavirus started. As a college student you never know when you are going to have to cram. :)
We did our usual weekly shopping last night and the only thing gone from the shelf was water.
Well...poo. Amazon is unable to deliver my usual subscribe and save supply of water this month...two cases.
So you have a regular subscription for water delivery and Amazon doesn't have it available? Did they say when the order would go out?
So you have a regular subscription for water delivery and Amazon doesn't have it available? Did they say when the order would go out?
Yes, I have a monthly subscription and I am getting...

"Temporarily Unavailable
We are working to get this item for your delivery."

I noticed the price has increased online approximately 50% with no discount. Guess the supplier is ditching regular customers for supply in demand? I don't know.
I don't understand. Why are people stockpiling water? Enlighten me if I'm missing something please, but why would our water supply be in jeopardy from a circulating virus?
We always have bottles of water on hand. Keep a supply of can goods and toilet paper along with wooden matches. If supply chains get interrupted best to have something. Always keep can goods on hand.


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