Experts say face masks can help slow COVID-19, despite previous claims

HAHA last week it was Don't trust anything out of China. This week it's look what China says everyone!!!

The experts have said face masks don't stop YOU from getting it. And this article says the same thing.

"KK Cheng, a public health expert at the University of Birmingham in the UK, put it bluntly:
“It’s not to protect yourself."

What this article says is if it is the right kind of mask and used correctly, it might help to stop YOU from spreading it. Of course if you have it, you shouldn't be going around anywhere face mask or not and even in China those that knowingly had it weren't allowed out and about. Some of em they even welded the doors shut.
You still need to go out from time to time for med refills, doctor visits, and food.
Not going to the doctor unless it cant be handled over the phone or via telemedicine. Medications are picked up at the drive thru or mailed. The couple of times I've shopped for food (don't just do a run for a couple of items)..washed my hands, didn't touch my face, sanitized my cart and stayed away from others. I use gloves when pumping gas. Maybe not perfect but I'm trying.
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The N95 masks only works if it is worn properly, which most lay people will not do, but having said that I think if everyone covered their face with something it would help. The N95 masks should be left for healthcare workers, everyone else when you go grocery shopping can wear a bandana, a scarf, even a long sleeve t-shirt tied around your face. We don't need to be hoarding N95 masks, there are other things we can wear that will help especially if everyone covers their face with these things. Remember if you get this virus and the hospital runs out of the N95 masks, you won't get treated. So if you have N95 masks, donate them to your local hospital, because in the long run that might be what really saves your life or someone you love.
The couple of times I've shopped for food (don't just do a run for a couple of items)..washed my hands, didn't touch my face, sanitized my cart and stayed away from others. I use gloves when pumping gas. Maybe not perfect but I'm trying.
I did a weekly shop yesterday. I washed my hands and carried a hand sanitizer in my pocket. I wiped my cart down when I entered and used hand sanitizer regularly while there. I waited for people to get done with their selection and then moved in to take their place. I quickly passed people in the aisles. I thanked every employee sincerely. I gave my hands one final sanitizer when I got in the car and washed my hands when I came home.

I think many people are trying to stay at home and avoid social grocery shopping. The place was a ghost town for a Saturday afternoon. I know that deliveries are running into late next week.
I didn't read the whole thread. But i never heard anyone say they were not useful if used corectly. If you look at all the wording i only saw it was not efective for the general public. This is probably because people dont use them corectly. I see people with them on and then they pull them up and down to talk, so they spread whatever is on the outside of the mask negating its protective properties. N 95 masks block 95 percent of airborne particals up to a certian spec. If on a patient they work well to contain the contagion. If you have one on it will also work if used properly.
I wore a mask (have a few from my cleaning days with my lung disease) to my Infusion this past Wednesday. I don't wear it because of the air around me, I wear it now because I don't want to dare accidentally touch my face.
Not going to the doctor unless it cant be handled over the phone or via telemedicine. Medications are picked up at the drive thru or mailed. The couple of times I've shopped for food (don't just do a run for a couple of items)..washed my hands, didn't touch my face, sanitized my cart and stayed away from others. I use gloves when pumping gas. Maybe not perfect but I'm trying.
Good that you are trying and doing the right thing. On this end all of the man's prescriptions are on a 90 day refill except one that requires him to visit the doctor once a month. The medico is monitoring his care and cannot/will not issue more than a month's worth of the prescription.

The N95 masks only works if it is worn properly, which most lay people will not do, but having said that I think if everyone covered their face with something it would help. The N95 masks should be left for healthcare workers, everyone else when you go grocery shopping can wear a bandana, a scarf, even a long sleeve t-shirt tied around your face. We don't need to be hoarding N95 masks, there are other things we can wear that will help especially if everyone covers their face with these things. Remember if you get this virus and the hospital runs out of the N95 masks, you won't get treated. So if you have N95 masks, donate them to your local hospital, because in the long run that might be what really saves your life or someone you love.
You could not donate masks in the recent past (or meds for that matter) per local health regulations. YMMV.
Your idea is quite noble but not feasible in all cases. And just a heads up-N95 masks used to be readily available at Home Depot/Lowe's for use by shop (cabinet workers, painters, wood strippers, etc) and construction workers; you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to wear them correctly.

Small correction: when the hospital workers run out you'll still be treated.
Hopefully, the government's slo mo response will pick up the slack on providing adequate protective equipment to health care workers. And by that I also mean protective clothing. Various doctors and scientists are looking/providing ways to clean existing units. Small industry is ramping up production of face masks for different needs both medical and non.
Of course. If you're coughing, a face mask will reduce the likelihood that you get someone else sick. The problem, however, is that our healthcare providers don't have an adequate supply. This really shows us that JIT should not be used in healthcare.
Just curious, how did you get your N95 masks?

And where would you suggest others get them?
N95's are available for order online in small quantities, but the prices are high ($10-$20 each). I wouldn't buy them unless you have someone sick or in fragile health.

For just basic use like grocery shopping, surgical masks are available online and provide decent protection.

Maybe more important than masks, tho -- especially for grocery shopping -- are gloves. They provide WAY more protection than wiping a grocery card with a disinfectant wipe.

There are three types of exam gloves -- vinyl, latex, and nitrile. Vinyl gloves are super-cheap, latex are moderately priced, and nitrile gloves are the best and most expensive.

Here's a factual discussion of the differences. [NOTE: I have not purchased from this company, but the article itself is helpful.]

And...worst case scenario, ANY kind of glove (kitchen, yard, bike, winter) gives you some protection that you didn't have before. Anything that provides any barrier is better than nothing.
Not sure how sanitary this is...wearing bandanas, scarves, etc. for the general public. Also concerned this may give a false sense of security to some.

Well I say this with the provision that they are washed after you use it. All of those things are easily washed. The N95 mask is not, so that is more unsanitary. Healthcare workers have to change their masks consistently throughout the day, why there is such a shortage. I doubt people wearing an N95 mask are consistently changing it out. I'm sure they are wearing the same one to the grocery store every time they go, that's pretty unsanitary.

Anything over your face is going to help stop your germs from getting out if you sneeze or cough and then for those who are healthy are also wearing something over their face have some protection by wearing simple things like a scarf. It is 100%, no, but I think if everyone that went to a grocery store had their face covered , even if it's a scarf or bandana it would help. Of course that's with the provision people wash their hands and don't touch their face either and wipe everything they bring home from the store. There is a lot more to this than just keeping your face covered.
Good that you are trying and doing the right thing. On this end all of the man's prescriptions are on a 90 day refill except one that requires him to visit the doctor once a month. The medico is monitoring his care and cannot/will not issue more than a month's worth of the prescription.

You could not donate masks in the recent past (or meds for that matter) per local health regulations. YMMV.
Your idea is quite noble but not feasible in all cases. And just a heads up-N95 masks used to be readily available at Home Depot/Lowe's for use by shop (cabinet workers, painters, wood strippers, etc) and construction workers; you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to wear them correctly.

I'm talking about donating masks that haven't been worn. There are people hoarding masks still in containers. Those can be donated. Yes, you would think that it doesn't take rocket science to figure out how to wear the masks, but believe it of not, a lot of lay people do not wear them properly, go figure.
And...worst case scenario, ANY kind of glove (kitchen, yard, bike, winter) gives you some protection that you didn't have before. Anything that provides any barrier is better than nothing.
A barrier won't make a difference. They just give you another false sense of protection. It doesn't matter if the virus gets on your hands as long as you sanitize and wash your hands and don't touch your face between times.
I had all my supplies before this situation. No I am not clairvoyant, I just like to be prepared for anything. I’ve taken to distributing to family and neighbors. The shortages will soon dissipate as 3M and others are cranking out huge numbers of PPE as we speak.

Of paramount importance is to use basic common sense and not believe everything fake news tells us.
when you go grocery shopping can wear a bandana, a scarf, even a long sleeve t-shirt tied around your face.
Not sure how sanitary it is..wearing germ catchers I.e. bandana, scarf, etc.
Well I say this with the provision that they are washed after you use it. All of those things are easily washed. The N95 mask is not, so that is more unsanitary. Healthcare workers have to change their masks consistently throughout the day, why there is such a shortage. I doubt people wearing an N95 mask are consistently changing it out. I'm sure they are wearing the same one to the grocery store every time they go, that's pretty unsanitary.

Anything over your face is going to help stop your germs from getting out if you sneeze or cough and then for those who are healthy are also wearing something over their face have some protection by wearing simple things like a scarf. It is 100%, no, but I think if everyone that went to a grocery store had their face covered , even if it's a scarf or bandana it would help. Of course that's with the provision people wash their hands and don't touch their face either and wipe everything they bring home from the store. There is a lot more to this than just keeping your face covered.
I get it. It's why I stated "for the general public".
Mask do help slow the virus... For those who are sick, it doesn’t really help protect anyone against the virus, especially surgical masks,
Not to mention, I highly doubt most people wearing N95 masks have been fit tested, which makes them much less effective than they are meant to be.
Please watch this Interview with South Korean expert in the field. If only our fake media would give this basic lifesaving information.



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